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Norwegian man says Thai wife and policeman lover framed him and got him deported

Jonathan Fairfield

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10 minutes ago, IamNoone88 said:

A well respected Thai guy once told me he never gives a 'ride" to any-one, not even "friends", incase some-one planted something in his car. He said ... you never know.

if he's that paranoid maybe he took too many drugs in the past. what a sad life he must lead

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12 hours ago, darksidedog said:

All too common a story here and equally sad every time. Doesn't matter how much you love them, you are an utter idiot when you put your life's savings in their name. You are going to get fleeced, or stitched up more often than not, and yet, still it goes on. Sorry fellas, but when she is 30 years younger than you, she is marrying you for one reason only, and you really need to keep the wad tight, at least until you die.

What would our judges say if she should loose some of these proceeds to our scammers? ??

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13 hours ago, coulson said:

Hope she doesn't still get her Norwegian spouse pension.

I am sure she will as long as they are officially married,what a stupid rule and all the real Norwegian citizens are paying for it.... 

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1 hour ago, torrzent said:

False assumption...PD is as much about the naive foreign man with the beer goggles on, more than any purported cliches to which you refer.

You haven't read it then. It covers every Thai woman cliche in the book, literally. You can blame it on beer but the main issue at the center of every single one of these incidents is that the guy's ego won't let him see the true reality of things even when its right in his face and in bright neon pink no less. 

They say love is blind but I tend to find the saying 'if you play with it too much you'll go blind' to be more appropriate here. 

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4 hours ago, wakeupplease said:

As soon as it said Thai Lawyer I knew ever word he had said was true, not all are bad but most are when it comes to money, my experience. I am lucky I have a good one and even she says the same as I think. You know someone should do a website with all these stores on and shame the place and make it a no go area. The sooner the better that happens the better we will be. Oh then there is the Thai computer crimes act. they know where they can stuff that as far as I am concerned, its a lame duck outside the borders and will not work in any other country. LOS

Do you know of any sites that have such stories

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3 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

Words from a wise man.


Sure set them up in a nice house, car, life's comforts, that is, providing you have been with them for a good 5 years and see that nothing has changed in their character.


The philosophy's that I have taken from others who have been there, done that, are:


1) "Nothing is forever" (so enjoy it while it lasts)


2) "Only invest as much as your prepared to lose" (10% of your worth)


3) "Have a back up plan" (this is actually my own), if and when it goes bad, exit asap leaving no trace, kids and all, expect nothing, as cruel as it sounds, porn's will be used against you and will only hold you back from your future happiness in this one life, you can always come back to them when they are adults.


4) Never have joint bank accounts


5) Have a will entitling the children to your estate when they are 25, that way, she won't take you out earlier.


Apart from the above, keep enjoying the love that you experience everyday, nurture it, but remember, you have no control when the snake rears its head from behind you, if ever 555


10 years and going strong, looking forward to passing the X's bite mark of 12 years, which saw 50% of investments created by me go down the gurgla, once bitten twice shy, but then again, that was 12 years of hell 555

please share your story. what happened to you 12 yrs of hell?

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13 hours ago, rkidlad said:

Bad stuff can happen anywhere in the world. This level of corruption can only be allowed to happen in certain countries. 


I don’t know if he’s telling the truth or not. What I do know is that I wouldn’t trust the police with the keys to my toilet. You can go through life thinking you’re great and honorable, but at the end of the day, your reputation precedes you. This is a universal truth (that does happen everywhere in the world). 

You have keys to your toilet? Cool.

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So, having read this thread I surmise that the ratio, on here at least, between successful and unsuccessful marriages is 5 to 1 in favour of successful.


I suspect the true ratio across the country is a lot higher.


Any other countries with figures this high?

Edited by puchooay
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2 hours ago, quadperfect said:

I have no sympathy. This is daily news here.

If i was him i would just be thankfull i did not end up like so many others murdered here by there evil others.

exactly what I was thinking. if she was a real bad piece of work she would have had him disposed of

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27 minutes ago, thenoilif said:

You haven't read it then. It covers every Thai woman cliche in the book, literally. You can blame it on beer but the main issue at the center of every single one of these incidents is that the guy's ego won't let him see the true reality of things even when its right in his face and in bright neon pink no less. 

They say love is blind but I tend to find the saying 'if you play with it too much you'll go blind' to be more appropriate here. 

thanks but I'll form my own judgments....

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12 hours ago, NCC1701A said:


Rule #3: (the most important)

Look all four directions before crossing a one way street. :cheesy:


Beware!! A nasty Thai could be hovering above you to drop a big stone on your head....or pop up from under the ground to stab you. Just looking all 4 directions may not be enough.


OR. Dont use your wealth to buy a girlfriend half your age and with nothing in common except an exchange of money for lust. Choose a partner equal in age, economic, education and social status.

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1 minute ago, saakura said:

Beware!! A nasty Thai could be hovering above you to drop a big stone on your head....or pop up from under the ground to stab you. Just looking all 4 directions may not be enough.


OR. Dont use your wealth to buy a girlfriend half your age and with nothing in common except an exchange of money for lust. Choose a partner equal in age, economic, education and social status.

the last sentence is good advice and true

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2 minutes ago, saakura said:

Beware!! A nasty Thai could be hovering above you to drop a big stone on your head....or pop up from under the ground to stab you. Just looking all 4 directions may not be enough.


OR. Dont use your wealth to buy a girlfriend half your age and with nothing in common except an exchange of money for lust. Choose a partner equal in age, economic, education and social status.

Never wear a coyote outfit when crossing the road

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7 minutes ago, davidst01 said:

please share your story. what happened to you 12 yrs of hell?

Thanks for your interest, but not enough room here, but in short, was dating this 21 year old Greek girl, I was 26 at the time, she was different to the one night standers I was used too from young, i.e. she wouldn't let me in, suffice to say I though she would be the marrying material, remembering I was 26 at the time and had my fair share of one night stands, and you could say I might have been looking to settle down if the right girl came along.


Long of the short, I had no idea she would turn out to be a spoilt Greek Princes who still required mothers milk and daddy's approval for everything, I tried, I persevered, and had my dad in the background saying, son, we are all different, she will make you happy eventually, she needs a child, i.e. marrying your own, keeping the cultures going etc etc, maybe for his days it might have been, but then again I am not one to give in, she did eventually leave me, which made things much easier for me, e.g. I did not fail in my marriage which was not easy, she was physically abusive, and would throw tantrums constantly, was jealous, paranoid and possessive, although many would say, why the hell did you put up with her, and my reply would be, if I didn't, and took a different path, I would not have met the woman of my dreams who I met 11 years ago this month, I would use the words " I am happily married" but it doesn't really gel, I would therefore say I have been "ecstatically married" for the past 10 years, there is no paranoia, there is no jealousy, there is no physical abuse, we grow together in harmony, she is a great cook, spoils me rotten, and is a great mother, my only hope is that I depart this planet before she does, because being left behind without her would leave a huge whole in my H....555



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One of the best pieces of advice given regarding Thailand is 'Learn when to say no' (In my case my wife is better with money than me, so usually her suggestions are good and I go along with them anyway)

Interesting point of note was the response I heard from from a bar girl when been admonished for 'taking' money from an elderly Farang her response "I only ask"





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2 hours ago, petedk said:

I agree with you. I have also been in the same relationship for 20 years (not married though - she says she is too old). She also has a lot more money than I have.


In fact, I trusted her with a large amount of money which she invested for me and gave a very nice return.


We only hear of the failures in the news and not the success stories. I have 3 or 4 foreign friends who have been happily married to Thais for 30 years or more.

Your last paragraph says it all petedk ,  I have been married here for about 10 years , posting this on TV is not news worthy .  What we read every day are deaths by misadventure , mayhem and carnage on the roads.  Nothing good ever posted about Pattaya or Phuket .

If my TW left and went back to her family in Nan , the house is hers the car and bike are hers , but in town I can rent a house ( as we did when this one was being built ) for 5000 B per month , life here is good and at 70 I hope there is still more good for a few years yet.

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His first mistake was to pay the Police to make the charge relating to the gun go away.If it was not his why pay anyone.

Second mistake was not to get a 30 lease or equivalent on the land . Third mistake was that he trusted his wife 100% .

Sad but true .

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8 hours ago, ukrules said:

Usufruct on the land registered at the land office could have prevented this.


If I ever buy any land this is how I will do it. I'm not married though and I believe this might make a difference.


regarding post number 11, your way to handle things is breach of rule #2  which says:


Rule #2:

Never be worth more dead than alive.


an Usufruct makes you being dead worth more than being alive . . . so when in usufruct always look over your shoulders as killers are dirt cheap:smile:

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We can always say that it is like this all over the world where women are attracted with money and wealth but in Thailand its more common, i can myself relate my own history but i could be too long, i have lost some feathers anyway. When you break with her never return, love might become stronger, for forgiveness, you become so generous  this could be the end for you. 

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