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Norwegian man says Thai wife and policeman lover framed him and got him deported

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1 hour ago, free123 said:

now they have a child together ...not a problem for a thai Lady to kick out the father and clear him out down to nothing...

Not a problem for any Lady, from what I've seen and experienced. 

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1 hour ago, Spaniel said:

What I meant by convenient is that when a falang purchases a vehicle  you have to get a letter from your embassy to complete the purchase whereas my wife just shows her ID card.      Plus whenever I pass away that will be one less item (car ownership) she will have to sort out.     Now if you are in a marriage with a Thai where their isn't much trust then registering the vehicle in your name would be the way to go.

My pickup was only 150k ..... she can keep it if she wants it.

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10 minutes ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

I have known personally two foreigners that were arranged to be murdered by their Thai wives.  

I lived with an attractive young Thai lady in CM for a year who openly admitted (to me) to having arranged the murder of her former Swedish husband (police recorded the death as a hit and run). And he had been a young guy her own age.

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Some guys will always be marks. They get eviscerated by Western women then come here, crowing about the sex on tap, the firm bodies.

Next thing you know, at best they're being cuckolded and at worst, they're losing everything the farang ex wife left them with...........like this poor sod.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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4 hours ago, smotherb said:

Why shouldn't she? If being his wife entitles her to his pensions, it is not her fault he was deported for reasons the Thai government felt worthwhile. It seems he would have to go to court in Norway to stop her from getting the pensions and even then, the impetus of proof would be on him.

Because she's a crook and I feel for the guy.

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Always two sides to relationship break down, 
but visitation or at least contact with his child is a right that should be granted,
really poor form, on his part to stay  with a lawyer who gave no results, just bills, 

That depends on whether or not he is the child's father in Thai law. If he was married to the mother when his kid was born then no worries.

If not and he didn't get his relationship with the child legitimized, all he can do is go through the process from abroad. Even then, at some point, he'd have to attend court. Difficult if he's been blacklisted.

The guy made some pretty idiotic (but surprisingly common among the dumber farangs out here) life decisions and now he's paying for them.........at nearly 70, just when he should be winding down

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1 hour ago, BEVUP said:

there is the Family somewhere in the middle trying to get whatever they can by absolute force of cycological pressure


Your post is mostly rubbish, but I think you are onto something important with this cycological pressure. Does this explain Thailand's traffic problems? I do see a lot of cyclogic on the roads. Maybe ir should be harder to get a cyclogist license? 

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He was deported on May 16th and now has no prospect of getting back to Thailand to sort out his life and has appealed to the media for help.


  Please donate 9 % of your salary, or 7 % of your pension to : Gofindmei'manidiot.com 




Khop Khun Khrap. :stoner:





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57 minutes ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

This guy is lucky he is still alive.


I have known personally two foreigners that were arranged to be murdered by their Thai wives.  


Toby Charnaud and Oswald Duval. 


My first lesson in Thailand is to never trust any one of them, as I believe Thais to be the most deceitful people on the planet (not a generalisation but an opinion formed and confirmed with over 30 years of experience). 

Well, father, could I recommend a change in your selection criteria for Thais.

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1 hour ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

This guy is lucky he is still alive.


I have known personally two foreigners that were arranged to be murdered by their Thai wives.  


Toby Charnaud and Oswald Duval. 


My first lesson in Thailand is to never trust any one of them, as I believe Thais to be the most deceitful people on the planet (not a generalisation but an opinion formed and confirmed with over 30 years of experience). 

Father, I've got a wonderful wife, I'm part of her Thai family and we help each other as much as we can. And I'm not the wandering ATM. Why so much hate, father? You better live, or holiday in Spain. 


    Your post that "you can't trust any of them" is absurd. Amen

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15 hours ago, ukrules said:

Usufruct on the land registered at the land office could have prevented this.


If I ever buy any land this is how I will do it. I'm not married though and I believe this might make a difference.


If he had had an usufruct on his wife’s land, he might have found himself dead instead of deported. 

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10 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

Don't hold your breath, they are pretty much untouchable.

 The Sad thing there are Honest Honorable Thai police. My son in law for one, He hates corruption , but like   many others has to keep Quiet because if they speak out they lose there jobs. Corruption starts at the very Top in Thai government , 

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When you flashes your assets or capabilities to these country folks, you are asking for trouble if you intend to take residence in that area. You would see "crocodiles" are swimming towards you in no time! Well, just go back and see if you the cash to come back again for another round.

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27 minutes ago, Puwa said:

Your post is mostly rubbish, but I think you are onto something important with this cycological pressure. Does this explain Thailand's traffic problems? I do see a lot of cyclogic on the roads. Maybe ir should be harder to get a cyclogist license? 

You might want to start living in the real world, I know of & have seen many things 

I definitely know of one thai wife leading a double life & heard of people committing suicide when they found out of the wifes affairs in my home country (blamed it on work for being on a month away roster )

& of cause the assets shall remain in Thailand if your beneficiaries are to inheret them


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5 hours ago, wabothai said:

Steer clear of thailand, too many reefs, sharks and snakes.

True. But it works the other way around.  I know a farang who created ugly messes everywhere he went in Thailand.  He and I were acquainted in the US, where we were both musicians, hanging with the same group of friends.  He got to Thailand a few years after me.  He got girlfriends. Ok, so far so good.  But every break-up with a girl was ugly, and included variations of visits to police stations, shouting across downtown streets at each other, him threatening any new boyfriend the girl got with - with bodily harm, etc, ad nauseum. 


He even kept boom booming without a condom after he knew he was HIV positive.  He got at least one girl pregnant, and joked about not paying her anything.  He would borrow money from Thai and farang, and avoid paying back.  He bought a big motobike, using one of the g.f's to sign for it, and then he ran off and didn't pay any payments.   


What can us decent guys do - to try and preclude bad farangs from muddying the waters?  I don't know, other than talk to potential victims, chastise wrong-doers, and try to do right in our own speech and actions.

Edited by boomerangutang
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1 hour ago, Happy enough said:

just reminds me of school. fricking watching full metal jacket and whenever we saw an asian looking girl, someone would come out with love you long time 555

You can't help the ignoramuses of this world, that and mud sticks.


I don't take offence to those that use the saying, or call Thai women prostitutes, it just goes to show how inept they are.

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It should be possible for him to trace his son if he is in a Thai school, the land, car and money he will never see again. There was a story a couple of years ago about an Australian who had his daughter kidnapped by the ex wife in Thailand. He got the girl out from Thailand with help from some very capable guys (not exactly in a legal way but his daughter is back with him in Australia now) , maybe he should plan something like that if he want to see his son gain.

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I got divorced, kept the house the car and everything


Did you now, is that a house or Condo I wonder? so that is why we get all the pro J Boy comments on here, connections then? bet it costs.


One thing that comes across on here in this story are those of you who think you are in Heaven and landed on your feet, lets face it you could not pull a bird back home so came here for a bar girl and are in love heaven until she wakes up and screws you like this guy was along with of course Ian Rance and Colin Vard plus many others. Sadly this is the new Thailand get used to it as you may be next.


Sooner or to your cost later you will realize it.


Its nice living in the sunshine, but so much nicer living where you cannot be ripped off by a law set to take as much Farang money as they can.


Blame the guy if you so wish, but don't come running for sympathy when it comes your way. The cop will get the car and land and dump her, she will go running back to him wait and see. Just hope he tells her to <deleted>. Once a Bar Girl always a lying cheating no good bar girl. As for the pension, not a chance after this just wait and see.

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5 hours ago, MUSICMAN16 said:

thai women are the worst oriental women of all

beautiful but evil???

Probably not.  It's where and how you meet them that frequently has a big bearing on it. It is hard for Farang men to meet decent Thai women.  If you met a girl in a brothel back home would you expect to marry her?  Yes I no have two friends with good marriages to heart-of-gold wives met under less than ideal circumstances.  But many/most fall for problem ones.  There is a lot of damaged women out there in barland.  But very few sweeties and I have met some of them. 

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My Thai wife  had her children given away by her Thai man , for having the ordasity to report him to the police for getting drunk and beating her up for the umpteenth time. It took her nearly 6 years to find them , So tracing the child or children is very hard to do. Typical Thai attitude, not my Businesses , up to them.

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