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Democrat Jones wins U.S. Senate seat in Alabama in blow to Trump

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Democrat Jones wins U.S. Senate seat in Alabama in blow to Trump

By Rich McKay




Democratic Alabama U.S. Senate candidate Doug Jones speaks with the media after casting his vote at Brookwood Baptist Church in Mountain Brook, Alabama, U.S. December 12, 2017. REUTERS/Marvin Gentry


BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (Reuters) - Democrat Doug Jones won a bitter fight for a U.S. Senate seat in deeply conservative Alabama on Tuesday, U.S. media projected, dealing a political blow to President Donald Trump in a race marked by accusations of sexual misconduct against Republican candidate Roy Moore.


The stunning by Jones makes him the first Democrat elected to the U.S. Senate from Alabama in a quarter-century and will trim the Republicans' already narrow Senate majority to 51-49, endangering Trump's agenda and opening the door for Democrats to possibly retake the chamber in next year's congressional elections.


The ugly campaign drew national attention and split the Republican Party over accusations from several women that Moore pursued them when they were teens and he was in his 30s.


Trump endorsed Moore even as other party leaders in Washington walked away from him, but Jones, 63, a former federal prosecutor, portrayed the campaign as a referendum on decency and promised the state's voters he would not embarrass them in Washington.


Moore, 70, a Christian conservative who was removed from the state Supreme Court in Alabama twice for ignoring federal law, denied the sexual allegations and said he did not know any of the women who made them. Reuters has not independently verified the allegations.


Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell had called on Moore to drop out of the race, and other Senate leaders had suggested he should eventually be expelled from the Senate if elected.


Trump had recorded robo-calls to voters to bolster turnout for Moore, and held a campaign rally across the border in Florida last week. Trump's former senior adviser, Steve Bannon, appeared at two rallies with Moore down the stretch.


"Roy Moore will always vote with us. VOTE ROY MOORE!" Trump said in a Twitter post in which he criticized Jones as a potential "puppet" of the Democratic congressional leadership.


Network exit polls, however, showed Trump was not a factor in the decision for about half of Alabama voters. A further 29 percent said they voted to express support for Trump, and 20 percent said they voted to oppose him.


In Gadsden, Alabama, Louis Loveman, 73, a retired librarian and self-described lifelong Republican, said he voted for Jones. "It's simple," he said. "I don't trust Roy Moore."


"There are too many allegations floating out there for there not to be fire behind all that smoke. I never voted for a Democrat before, but I did today," Loveman said.


(Additional reporting by Andy Sullivan in Mobile, Ala.; Writing by John Whitesides; Editing by Peter Cooney)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-12-13



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Trump has to be fuming!!!!!  This just made my day.  Trump and the Republicans are going down.  This goes to show the people do care about the issues and won't just vote a single party ballot. 


What a huge defeat, and huge loss of face for Trump.


Lovin it!

6 minutes ago, khwaibah said:

The RED tide maybe turning.

I could care less about red vs. blue.  I do care about right vs. wrong.  I think that's what was proven here.  My faith in American voters just went up a huge notch. 


Love this:


— Frida Ghitis (@FridaGhitis) December 13, 2017

Roy Moore lost.
Steve Bannon lost.
Donald Trump lost.
Pedophilia lost.
Bigotry lost.
Homophobia lost.
Racism lost.

Doug Jones won.
Mitch McConnell won.
African-Americans won.
Women won.
Victims won.
Justice won.
Morality won.
Values won.
Sanity won.
Decency won.
America won.


Brilliant news and  a sign that Americans have decided where the swamp truly is and are draining it themselves. I await the utter rubbish tweets bound to be forthcoming from the cesspit chief. The Trump world is collapsing and that is good news for the world, not just America.






Whahoooooo! Unbelievable! The Republicans lost a senate race in Alabama? ALABAMA?




There are many wonderful things to focus on, but let me begin with Steve Bannon.


Well done, Steve! You, almost single-handedly, have given the Dems a Senate seat in Alabama. Your endless wailing against decent people in favour of the accused child-molester was a truly disgusting act, and now I am so happy that you have to eat your own ****


Well done, people of Alabama 



Well, to give Trump credit, he did tweet graciously about the defeat of Moore. Of course, he could reverse himself at any moment.

Congratulations to Doug Jones on a hard fought victory. The write-in votes played a very big factor, but a win is a win. The people of Alabama are great, and the Republicans will have another shot at this seat in a very short period of time. It never ends!

35,355 replies8,953 retweets31,946 likes
42 minutes ago, simple1 said:

Moore currently unwilling to concede - demanding recount - "let's wait on God"

"let's wait on God"?


I think that God has made His point. To paraphrase... "Judge Roy Moore... Begone!" 


I am very pleased for many reasons; I hope now the Republican party can somehow return to a reasonable and decent center-right party; the US certainly needs that!


I hope that Senate Republicans will be even more careful with their legislation and remember that the US people aren't very happy with them at the moment. And that they start with that bloody "tax" bill. I am happy if the Republicans simplify the tax code (definitely needed), but I see no reason to have a giant give-away to rich people; rich people can and will take care of themselves.


I think the best news of the night is for those brave women who came forward to tell their story. That must have been an incredibly difficult thing to do under any circumstances, and an entire magnitude worse doing so under the glare of publicity.


I am glad that they were believed, I hope they inspire others and I am in awe of their courage.


Well done, USA!


Moore's defeat was one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. He is the last kind of man we need in a leadership role, in the US, right now. Trump has diminished the value of the GOP brand tremendously, in less than a year. The last thing the nation needs now is a probable serial statutory rapist as a senator. It was a win win for the nation. A man who sells religion to a state that wants to hear it, but knows absolutely nothing, not one iota, about spirituality, and reflects this on a daily basis, in his life. 


Of course it was a big loss for Trump, who went out on a limb, by endorsing this worm. Trump showed that it is not about the nation, but rather about the party. It is not about the people, but rather about big money interests. There is not a lobbyist that Trump has said no to, in his first year in office. He has single handedly repopulated the swamp, with alligators from Wall Street. He is not fit for office. By any stretch. And neither was Moore the molester. Trump is a one man wrecking crew. Moore would have been much the same. The only reason why Trump endorsed him, was the party. It had nothing to do with the man. Typical. 


Also well done to the Washington Post. There were rumours about Moore going after young girls circulating in Alabama for years. None of the state and local media had the stones to research and report on the story. If not for the Post Moore gets in easily.

2 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

Trump has to be fuming!!!!!  This just made my day.  Trump and the Republicans are going down.  This goes to show the people do care about the issues and won't just vote a single party ballot. 


What a huge defeat, and huge loss of face for Trump.


Lovin it!

Of course the 50 year old sex conduct accusations area boon for the democrats.

Easily made, unprovable, and highly effective.


It’s a solid win. But let’s not forget what almost happened and whe were instrumental in stopping it:


Vail Kohnert-Yount (‪@vailkoyo‬)

13/12/17, 14:30

Republicans almost won on a pro-slavery, anti-Semitic, pro-child molestation platform, but Black Alabamans, especially Black women, stopped them. As usual, the people who have historically been excluded from American democracy—women of color—are its most reliable safeguards.


Meanwhile, 2 out of 3 white women in Alabama voted for someone who thinks they shouldn't be allowed to vote.

3 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

Trump has to be fuming!!!!!  This just made my day.  Trump and the Republicans are going down.  This goes to show the people do care about the issues and won't just vote a single party ballot. 


What a huge defeat, and huge loss of face for Trump.


Lovin it!

Yeap, big loss of face for Trump.  He stuck his nose into this race thinking that the hicks of Alabama will cling to his every word like gospel.  Boy did he get his comeuppance.  Was this a referendum on Trump himself?  Partially.  If Trump can't get a Republican from Alabama into the senate, who can he help?  The buffoon doesn't realize how much he's hated all across America. 

46 minutes ago, hansnl said:

Of course the 50 year old sex conduct accusations area boon for the democrats.

Easily made, unprovable, and highly effective.

I assume you're American? Moore is a throwback to the Middle Ages; please explain why do US citizens want a manic religious extremist representing them?

I assume you're American? Moore is a throwback to the Middle Ages; please explain why do US citizens want a manic religious extremist representing them?

America is in the Middle Ages (1950's) when it comes to people and race relations. The old guard die hard.


Moore is a comic book character, and it is fortunate that the people of Alabama chose not to accept it.


Posted from Android using Tapatalk




3 hours ago, webfact said:

Network exit polls, however, showed Trump was not a factor in the decision

Moore was slightly ahead in polling before Trump endorsed him.  I'd say that Trump's endorsement tipped the scale in favor of Jones.

3 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

Trump has to be fuming!!!!!  This just made my day.  Trump and the Republicans are going down.  This goes to show the people do care about the issues and won't just vote a single party ballot. 


What a huge defeat, and huge loss of face for Trump.


Lovin it!

First, you shouldn't equate being a republican with trump...trump is much more of a dem...Second, if you dislike repub, then this is the worst thing that could have happened...if moore had won, he would have been a constant reminder to everyone about voting a party line...with this win, the dems have a chance to really screw things up...just remember, it was dem policies and attitudes, not repub ones, that propelled trump to the whitehouse...trump was elected as a reaction to dems race baiting/selling out the country/needless provocation and the repubs apathy/reluctance in addressing the real issues of government...it is a genuine defeat for trump, but you are simply wrong if you think repubs or conservatives really care about trump...just watch and see if anyone challenges trump in the upcoming election...there will be tons of candidates...dems will only trot out sanders, who is a joke, albeit an entertaining one.

2 minutes ago, hdkane said:

First, you shouldn't equate being a republican with trump...trump is much more of a dem...Second, if you dislike repub, then this is the worst thing that could have happened...if moore had won, he would have been a constant reminder to everyone about voting a party line...with this win, the dems have a chance to really screw things up...just remember, it was dem policies and attitudes, not repub ones, that propelled trump to the whitehouse...trump was elected as a reaction to dems race baiting/selling out the country/needless provocation and the repubs apathy/reluctance in addressing the real issues of government...it is a genuine defeat for trump, but you are simply wrong if you think repubs or conservatives really care about trump...just watch and see if anyone challenges trump in the upcoming election...there will be tons of candidates...dems will only trot out sanders, who is a joke, albeit an entertaining one.

trump isn't a democrat or a republican.

He's a white nationalist FASCIST. 

He's his own brand and we agree it's a sinking one.

You've been smoking something pretty amazing if you actually believe that Sanders will be the only one competing in 2020 for the democrats, IF he runs at all.


4 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

Well, to give Trump credit, he did tweet graciously about the defeat of Moore. Of course, he could reverse himself at any moment.

Congratulations to Doug Jones on a hard fought victory. The write-in votes played a very big factor, but a win is a win. The people of Alabama are great, and the Republicans will have another shot at this seat in a very short period of time. It never ends!

35,355 replies8,953 retweets31,946 likes

Hmm.... Can't image Trump wrote that tweet himself but still a good response (for now).


What's going on Alabama?  Just when we all thought that the USA was going down the pan you guys stand up and do the right thing.  Kudos to all who voted against Moore.


Hooray for Alabama! May yet be some hope for that ass-backward state yet. An ass-backward state surrounded by ass-backwards states. The Deep South has a LONG road to modernity. 

58 minutes ago, hdkane said:

First, you shouldn't equate being a republican with trump...trump is much more of a dem...Second, if you dislike repub, then this is the worst thing that could have happened...if moore had won, he would have been a constant reminder to everyone about voting a party line...with this win, the dems have a chance to really screw things up...just remember, it was dem policies and attitudes, not repub ones, that propelled trump to the whitehouse...trump was elected as a reaction to dems race baiting/selling out the country/needless provocation and the repubs apathy/reluctance in addressing the real issues of government...it is a genuine defeat for trump, but you are simply wrong if you think repubs or conservatives really care about trump...just watch and see if anyone challenges trump in the upcoming election...there will be tons of candidates...dems will only trot out sanders, who is a joke, albeit an entertaining one.

Trump is more of a cult leader for a good portion of his followers. Combine them with anti-abortionists and vets plus apathy for Clinton by key Democratic voter blocks and he slips in. The Rebublicans are going to have to decide who is to blame for this defeat. Likely by circular firing squad starting this morning.

1 hour ago, zaphod reborn said:

Moore was slightly ahead in polling before Trump endorsed him.  I'd say that Trump's endorsement tipped the scale in favor of Jones.

Exit polls found late deciders went more to Moore. 

4 minutes ago, pegman said:

Likely by circular firing squad starting this morning.

They's get more mileage with a circle Jerk as long as Trump sits in the White House

2 hours ago, hansnl said:

Of course the 50 year old sex conduct accusations area boon for the democrats.

Easily made, unprovable, and highly effective.

Yeah...I could tell you, what I think should do to yourself, but I like my posting rights!

The man is a dirty pedophile and that becomes clearer by the day!

Even his old "war buddies" have stories about this pig!


On top of that, he is a racist, a homophobe, an anti- semite...and I could go on!

What a horrible human being and good on the people of Alabama to vote him out!

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