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South Korean man beaten by Pattaya songthaew operators


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These scum need to be sent to prison. They run a mafia here in Pattaya and are frequently threatening violence. They want to jam songtheaws full with people hanging off the back. They hire thugs to pack and manage the buses. They need the severest kind of legal action.

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2 hours ago, jacko45k said:

He is a guy working in public service and abuses the people he provides the service to.

I have seen this type of behaviour first hand with the baht bus drivers, shouting rudely at passengers in order to get them to shuffle forward, so that they can pack as many in as they can and get moving. I also want to sit near the back, as I am not travelling far and will be getting off soon.


A revoked licence  would be a good idea.



Nah.... it'll be the usual "wai" and a 500 baht tip

Seems to be the cure-all here in Thailand.. anywhere else they'd be up on assault charges!!

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yes, the baht bus to jomtien is the worst, i have often seen the b bus operators being very rude and trying to cram many people in--mind you, some of the passengers are ignorant, also. they refuse to move forward. its obvious that on a busy route, they need to make the bus FULL- 10 bahts is a very cheap fare..

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This is typical of what happens when there is a disagreement with locals .......... & it's a dangerous place if you are not aware of the "mindset" of locals. I've seen much violence in Pattaya ranging from tourists in their teens to retirees in their 70's resulting from misunderstandings, whereupon "loss of face" creeps in & then it will all "kick off". The police actually do "too little too late" & the victim invariably gets a good beating before they arrive, fines are minimal for the the attackers & released to do it all over again. Don't ever upset anyone on the streets here, even if you are angry inside, do not show it ......... the opposition at the time may well be within your capabilities, but you'll be on the receiving end of a "shitty stick" as the "jungle telegraph" will find you eventually, even after the event is long passed. It's not a case of being brave or standing up for your rights ....... just walk away, don't look for trouble, smile & enjoy your day. Life really is too short & your's can end very quickly here ....... fact. 

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3 hours ago, steven100 said:

not worth getting beat up over ....

it is happening because of lax laws punishment not fitting the crime.make it  mandatory three whips of the cane  for cases where one is attacjed by several persons and you will see  prompt results.

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1 hour ago, soistalker said:

Not exactly. When the other drivers saw a foreigner fighting a Thai, they got excited and joined in. 

When I saw in high school, I knew a few guys who enjoyed fighting and hurting people. But in Pattaya, I think so many aggressive Thai men enjoy hurting a farang. 

The real problem is that these guys won't be punished enough for "seriously " hurting this guy. All Thai men know that they can hurt farangs and get away with it. Until this changes, we aren't safe.

These cowards are just using patriotism to hide their jealousy of the more affluent foreigners.  If you are poor, how often do you get the chance to vent your frustrations on the rich ?  If an opportunity presents itself, even if it's none of your business, just join in the fight and blame the foreigners, not your government, for your being poor.

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12 minutes ago, murraynz said:

yes, the baht bus to jomtien is the worst, i have often seen the b bus operators being very rude and trying to cram many people in--mind you, some of the passengers are ignorant, also. they refuse to move forward. its obvious that on a busy route, they need to make the bus FULL- 10 bahts is a very cheap fare..

Well there are many like myself, that can't climb in and out from up front..I will sit at the back..if they don't like it I'll get off and get on the next one..

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7 minutes ago, Daveyh said:

This is typical of what happens when there is a disagreement with locals .......... & it's a dangerous place if you are not aware of the "mindset" of locals. I've seen much violence in Pattaya ranging from tourists in their teens to retirees in their 70's resulting from misunderstandings, whereupon "loss of face" creeps in & then it will all "kick off". The police actually do "too little too late" & the victim invariably gets a good beating before they arrive, fines are minimal for the the attackers & released to do it all over again. Don't ever upset anyone on the streets here, even if you are angry inside, do not show it ......... the opposition at the time may well be within your capabilities, but you'll be on the receiving end of a "shitty stick" as the "jungle telegraph" will find you eventually, even after the event is long passed. It's not a case of being brave or standing up for your rights ....... just walk away, don't look for trouble, smile & enjoy your day. Life really is too short & your's can end very quickly here ....... fact. 

i think one option is to avoid such countries,

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Such a variable bunch.
I have had one reverse twenty yards down the side soi I was limping along here in Bang Saray with my bag and cane. She got a handsome tip.
Last night in Pattaya, having survived the gauntlet of songthaew drivers at the bus terminal who wanted 500 baht for a twenty klick ride, and the more helpful advice of the moto taxi drivers on where to pick up a regular baht bus, after convincing them the fat farang with a cane and suitcase was not riding twenty kilometers perched on the back of a 150 cc bike, I boarded one with the kind help of a couple of passengers.
About half way she stopped and kicked all but two of her passengers off, transferring us to another songthaew. I guess she decided it was the end of the day. None of us transferees paid her anything.
I am, as some Thais have observed, "You very fat!", usually just before patting my belly for luck, as I might be one of the billion incarnations of Maitreya. So far I have had no problem moving. if slowly, further into the bus. The drivers are sometimes not happy looking that it takes me longer to dismount and hobble round to pay. However, I have not so far been set upon and beaten by a horde of them. Been here long enough to understand that cultural dynamic.
The Korean fellow did not choose his battle wisely.

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"public-transport provider" ???


Give a man a ride and he will want another ride tomorrow.

Give him a pick-up and he becomes a songtow driver and a very important man with attitude.


Ignorant son of a farmer with a blue pick-up a truck payment and a drinking problem.


I had one of these circuit clowns stop just after the dolphin roundabout and demand for more money.


I got off and took the next one.


I hope he got more money from someone.  I heard that someone's little pocket knife did the big slash on his seat as they left that night.


Edited by Juan B Tong
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2 hours ago, juice777 said:

I wonder if it was where the bus starts to Jomtien there is always a problem there. Only a month ago I was trying to move up but this Russian woman wouldn't because she didn't understand or didn't want to. The driver asked a few times but every time he didn't see me the only 1 trying to make room. When he finally got 6 people on the seat he walked past and gave me the one of the filthiest dirty looks I have ever got in my life.I said I tried to move up 5 times and I was so angry with him but I know not to take it any further.It's one of the reasons I prefer to stand on the back to the side. So you don't have to get involved in seat politics. It always 6 people no matter what the size.But westerners are normally a bit bigger so it's ridiculous. And they don't mind having some people on the back as a bonus do they. They are the worst group of locals in pattaya I have no doubt on that.

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Russians do whatever they want to do. Don't, however, get in their way.....They will shove you out of the way.   Am I wrong?

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1 hour ago, hyku1147 said:

Shameful behavior; however, these type of beatings used to be common place, so maybe things are improving. At the same time, it serves as a reminder of a foreigner's actual status amongst taxi guys etc.

A foreigners actual status in Thailand more like, we are no where near equal, the world consists of human society and Thais 

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4 hours ago, webfact said:

...staff of a public-transport provider

Do they mean a blue-shirted, hustling, fellow baht bus driver trying to rush the boarding of a baht bus so the rest of his ilk can get a chance of ripping-off the drunk and ignorant as they stumble out of WS?


4 hours ago, webfact said:

“Initially, he fought with that staff member. But later on, more staff joined in and beat him up,” the friend said. 

Does she mean that the blue-shirted, hustling, fellow baht bus driver then got a bunch of hustling, fellow baht bus drivers to help him?


AFAIK, there are no "staff" and there's no "public transport" in Pattaya.


Fake news!

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51 minutes ago, cat handler said:

You’re right, there is never 2 sides to a story.


You're trying unsuccessfully to put words in my mouth.  I never said that.  I will say this:   from my personal experience with baht bus drivers,  I am inclined to believe the story of the guy (singular) who was severely beaten by a group (multiple) of baht bus goons.  I have been in at least two incidents where I had to use my wits to avoid such a fate.  Or are you inclined to  believe that the victim purposely picked a fight with a group of goons?   Keep your snide and ignorant comments to yourself, if you don't mind. 

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3 hours ago, moonseeker said:

Just back from a fee days Singapore. Amazing how tourists getting treated there. Respectful, friendly, helpful and welcoming people from the moment you step on their soil. Thailand is getting more and more aggressive and rude. Only in rural areas can still find the good old ??. What a shame... MS>

Wont be long and there will be only Chinese tourists coming here and even their numbers will start going down if they don't change their attitudes to tourists.

Farlang numbers have gone well down compared to when I first came here 25 years ago,  bad treatment in all manners, beatings of young and elderly, pollution and filth everywhere, most dangerous place in the world to drive and other not.

I Thai people love there country so why don't they take care of it theres only one answer to that....A Total Lack of Education.


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4 hours ago, alfalfa19 said:

sounds about right.  and now the cockroaches make a wai and all is forgiven.  happy ending for everybody except the guy who got beat up. 

these failed thai citizens  need to be horse whipped in a 3 wheel bugy race .

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These pretend tuff guys beat a tourist severely for there weak little ego. Mind you took a few for 1 unfit old man. 

They are let free with a bullshit wai lol.

The girl caught with a smoking device is harassed abused and charges laid great police work. You are the laugh of the world. 

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What can I say that hasn't already been said. We all know (in the forum) that Korean people have many businesses in Thailand I have several (S) Korean friends here myself, Martial Arts, Restaurants etc. and all of them are honorific (their language also reflects this). This kind of treatment in the OP is just what is needed to start a retaliation which go further. As others here have commented, the attackers should have their licenses revoked at the very least.

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1 hour ago, cookieqw said:

Says it all


Might be worth a whip-round and place an advert;    "Board this death-trap-dung-heap driven by a feral scumbag at your own risk"    Doubt they'd have the common sense to get it proof-read by an English speaker given the signs I see every day.

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