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Video: Thai restaurant customers order wheelchair bound foreign tourist to "get out" in foul mouthed rant


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12 minutes ago, SABloke said:

Or whether he was in a wheelchair or not :saai: If you act like an <deleted> you deserve to be treated as 

I agree.

I am not excusing the behaviour  of anyone involved, I was not there and I simply don't know what really occurred.  It is quite possible that the person in the wheelchair or her assistant acted quite inappropriately (I would have used a different word describing the female anatomy but I don't want to be deleted) and deserved everything they got. I was simply offended by the "clearly Muslem" comment as if it explained anything.

Edited by sirineou
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13 hours ago, colinneil said:

You are clearly seeing things different to other people.

How do you know he is a customer?

Why would another customer get so irate and yell at another customer to leave?

Looks to me the guy in the beard was a customer.  Looks like he has shorts on.  My supposition is that it is doubtful he is part of the management but an upset customer who I would suspect heard the bitch in the wheelchair being rude and stood up for the helpless female employees.  I might have done the same thing.  Nothing is clear from the story or the video.  Why use a crowded hotel restaurant facility for a shortcut anyway.  I am sure everyone knows only too well that the Thai female workers would do anything to accommodate the women in the wheelchair. That's the way they are.  Best bet is that she was probably being rude and abusive so a customer stood up for them.  That's my guess. I've done the same thing a couple of time to rude customers when I know the help can't say a word.  Lots of comments on this one considering the lack to information.  Guess it hit a nerve.

Edited by Trouble
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1 hour ago, Baerboxer said:


"Thai TV showed an angry and foul mouthed rant as Thai customers in a hotel restaurant ordered a wealthy tourist in a wheelchair to "get out".


Did you miss that bit in the OP Colin?


Seems like an entitled wealthy tourist and an entitled wealthy local both think they're entitled to behave as they wish.

13 hours before you responded poor ol' Colinneil made an error.

Without doing a proper count, i would say you are about the 13th member to point this out to him.

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The video says nothing about what actually occurred before 

For sure, a young man shouting at a woman in a wheelchair looks foolish.

How many times have we been told, "do not raise your voice, you will lose face"?


Call a policeman. They can cart her off to jail or IDC if she is misbehaved or visa overstay. Otherwise she can rant and shake a stick all she wants. Another privileged nut case of generation E (entitlement mentality).


Edited by ChiangMaiLightning2143
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19 hours ago, sirineou said:

what difference does it make if he was a muslim or not??


None really as it's a matter of the tourist's behavior.  But for the record the most disgusting, flagrantly abusive, loud & provocative mistreatment of a local by a foreigner that I've ever witnessed - worse even than any Chinese rudeness I've ever seen - was in a hotel lobby by a pair of self-important, arrogant, imperious muslim women when a taxi they had apparently called down for wasn't ready & waiting for them.  The two girls on the reception desk, who I don't think had any actual prior knowledge of the taxi call, were the victims of an incredible verbal assault I'll never forget.  (The husbands arrived a few minutes behind their wives, and just stood by uselessly while their wives finished acting like shrill idiots.)  So I find this incident believable.

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18 hours ago, sirineou said:

I understand that , but the article says "Workpoint TV suggested that the tourist - clearly a Muslim in a headscarf - had been rude to staff. "

and my point is, why does the tourist that had being rude to staff  need to be identified, as "clearly a Muslim"?? what difference does it make  that she is muslim. 

Perhaps I am missing something .

Yes, perhaps what the whole scene and the way a customer or staff were treated that led to this disagreement and drama.  I find it difficult to say who was at fault here as what led up to it is not shown and it sounds unclear. A customer being yelled at by staff appears ugly, or  a customer being rude to staff, as claimed,  may have warranted part of it.


In passing. is was mentioned the customer was Muslim, also that the staff were Thai, as happens here, Nationalities and ethnicity is often brought into the news reports. So what..... Also heard is 'This is Thailand'.... and if the customer had indeed behaved badly to staff, I would say that too is no surprise to me. Whatever happened obviously was sufficient to overcome the usual fawning and superior treatment to wealth one sees, and is expected, in Thailand hi-sos.

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The woman was clearly out of line, and it is very critical to mention that she is Middle-Eastern, 

and by extension, Muslim.


A lot of middle-easterners can be a loud, abrasive and expect preferential treatment.

Many pieces of the puzzle are still missing though - who knows if the woman was actually disabled.


It will also be interesting to know the name of the hotel/restaurant where this happened. Any clues?

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It is obvious that not many people here have worked in positions involving dealing with customers. This is a hotel and restaurant that depend on customers to stay open.


Some customers are rude and demanding and it is the responsibility of the management to make sure the staff knows how to handle these type of individuals and is trained on the various peculiarities of different nationalities.


How do we know that the lady in the wheelchair is wealthy- he chair is not self propelled which leads me to believe she is not a person of means. However, it doesn't matter- she is a paying guest of the Hotel and if it is the hotel I think it is she is probably paying 3 or 4 thousand Baht per night.  


The whole incident could have been avoided by simply having the staff escort the lady through the restaurant area and out the exit- total elapsed time 10 seconds.  No voies would have been raised and no other  customers even aware.  The staff instead tried to stop the lady from doing what she wanted- a huge mistake. That is why the lady started making a scene.  If the hotel did not want the lady to continue using the restaurant as an exit- the hotel manager should have had a meeting with the customer and her attendant and diplomatically explained that a wheelchair ramp exists but safety and liability issues mandate that customers use it.


There should never ever be a confrontation with a customer in front of other customers. What happened is a breakdown of proper training; proper handling of a difficult customer and a lack of management. 

If I was the owner of this hotel- I would raise all hell with my managers and  mandate retraining and indicate there would be people fired if there was any repeat.

   Just as a side note- many nationalities speak loudly and behave in ways that are not part of the Thai culture- however, if your country is open to Worldwide tourism- your staff has to be made aware, properly trained and able to adjust. You also make sure your staff is compensated properly for acting correctly and properly.  The reason a business exists is to be profitable.

If this video is posted on facebook or other social media- it will reflect poorly on both the Hotel; Thailand and its tourist industry.

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29 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

It is obvious that not many people here have worked in positions involving dealing with customers. This is a hotel and restaurant that depend on customers to stay open.


Some customers are rude and demanding and it is the responsibility of the management to make sure the staff knows how to handle these type of individuals and is trained on the various peculiarities of different nationalities.


How do we know that the lady in the wheelchair is wealthy- he chair is not self propelled which leads me to believe she is not a person of means. However, it doesn't matter- she is a paying guest of the Hotel and if it is the hotel I think it is she is probably paying 3 or 4 thousand Baht per night.  


The whole incident could have been avoided by simply having the staff escort the lady through the restaurant area and out the exit- total elapsed time 10 seconds.  No voies would have been raised and no other  customers even aware.  The staff instead tried to stop the lady from doing what she wanted- a huge mistake. That is why the lady started making a scene.  If the hotel did not want the lady to continue using the restaurant as an exit- the hotel manager should have had a meeting with the customer and her attendant and diplomatically explained that a wheelchair ramp exists but safety and liability issues mandate that customers use it.


There should never ever be a confrontation with a customer in front of other customers. What happened is a breakdown of proper training; proper handling of a difficult customer and a lack of management. 

If I was the owner of this hotel- I would raise all hell with my managers and  mandate retraining and indicate there would be people fired if there was any repeat.

   Just as a side note- many nationalities speak loudly and behave in ways that are not part of the Thai culture- however, if your country is open to Worldwide tourism- your staff has to be made aware, properly trained and able to adjust. You also make sure your staff is compensated properly for acting correctly and properly.  The reason a business exists is to be profitable.

If this video is posted on facebook or other social media- it will reflect poorly on both the Hotel; Thailand and its tourist industry.

Quite, you have enlarged on what I wrote in brief about management intervening. However, in this I assumed that there was ample time prior to the video being taken to administer some diplomacy. 

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13 minutes ago, TKDfella said:

Quite, you have enlarged on what I wrote in brief about management intervening. However, in this I assumed that there was ample time prior to the video being taken to administer some diplomacy. 

Assuming, assuming- no one here knows what happened prior to the beginning of the clip. Without that knowledge all the text book theories on how to deal with a difficult customer are just that- theories.

Maybe the manager of the restaurant was absent for some reason and the waitresses just couldn't handle a disabled lady waving her stick, demanding right of access. I wager she must have done something provocative to get two customers into such a rage and to intervene. 

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19 hours ago, evadgib said:

Regardless of what actually happened this has been a monumental loss of face to the venue and a PR nightmare for TAT.

Where is the venue? Unless it is named (and I can see no mention of it) it can hardly be seen as a 'monumental loss of face'.


TAT possibly, but do you really think they care?

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4 minutes ago, captainhornblower said:

Where is the venue? Unless it is named (and I can see no mention of it) it can hardly be seen as a 'monumental loss of face'.


TAT possibly, but do you really think they care?

1. The owner and staff know exactly where this occurred &


2. They will if the media pick this up and/or the alleged victim is identified and their nationality known.


TAT spent a fortune advertising in UK media outlets after the Koh Tao murders.

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20 hours ago, Megasin1 said:

Talk about Mr Angry !! and whatever she had allegedly done, she is in a wheel chair and he is an aggressive, over-reactive, intolerant dick !!



Being in a wheelchair is no reason to try and go where she shouldn't. They have no more rights than anyone else.

Before you accuse me of being anti wheelchairs I had a great deal to do with paras at one time in my life so I know a lot about it.

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4 hours ago, Thaidream said:



How do we know that the lady in the wheelchair is wealthy- he chair is not self propelled which leads me to believe she is not a person of means. 



There should never ever be a confrontation with a customer in front of other customers. What happened is a breakdown of proper training; proper handling of a difficult customer and a lack of management. 

If I was the owner of this hotel- I would raise all hell with my managers and  mandate retraining and indicate there would be people fired if there was any repeat.


You apparently know little about wheelchair users. No para I know capable of using a self powered wheelchair would use a motorised one- they are for people that can't use their arms, or are too weak to self propel.


You talk about "training" in a Thai forum 5555555555555555

I once saw a guest trip and fall in an hotel on PhiPhi. The only reaction from the many staff that saw it happen was to laugh! None helped her.

PS. Karma got them when the tsunami washed their place of work away.


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2 hours ago, Bluespunk said:


Really.   WHERE in the world do Muslims "get along" - other than by violent conquest that is - with their host cultures when they decide to "drop in".  Where have they EVER successfully "assimilated"?   What happens on the macro scale is all too often the case on the micro scale as well.  What is "nonsense" is the political correctness through which all discussions such as this one must be filtered.  Only the slowest learners continue to steer by this social mirage.   Here on TV just about every nationality is shamelessly pilloried when one of "theirs" does something stupid or inciteful; national origin is NEVER left out of the discussion.  Jews are constantly the subject around here of rants that sound like reruns of 1930s Germany hate straight out of Nazi playbooks.  Christians, Buddhists -- all ridiculed continually for the sins of a few of their number.   Why the heck should Muslims be treated any differently when they make a scene?  You can argue that their religion has nothing to do with it.  Well maybe it doesn't and maybe it does. 


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