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Doctors fear copycat deaths after K-pop star’s suicide


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Doctors fear copycat deaths after K-pop star’s suicide

By Pratch Rujivanarom 
The Nation



The portrait of Kim Jong-Hyun, a 27-year-old lead singer of the massively popular K-pop boyband SHINee, is seen on a mourning altar at a hospital in Seoul on December 19, 2017./AFP


Concerns have arisen over possible copycat suicides by young fans following the death of South Korean boy band lead singer Kim Jong-hyun.


After the sudden death of K-pop star on Monday, members of his fanclub in Thailand grieved for their beloved idol and there was an unconfirmed report of a suicide.


Although this report could not be substantiated, doctors have warned that this possibility should not be dismissed. They have urged friends and family of fans to look out for any signs of suicidal thought.


Administrator of the Facebook fanpage “Drama Addict”, Dr Withawat Siriprachai stated on the page that he would like the public to understand that copycat suicide is a real problem. He said it was scientifically proven that the overall suicide rate rises significantly for a period of time after a famous person takes his or her own life.


“Clear evidence of suicide contagion can be noticed after the lead singer of Linkin Park, Chester Bennington, committed suicide. Many fans were reportedly depressed over his death and some even took their lives,” Withawat said.


“Those who are affected by depression from the death of their idol suffer similar mental problems as patients of major depressive disorder. They feel that they are worthless, so lecturing them is not the solution. They need to consult with a psychiatrist.”


Mental Health Department director-general Dr Boonruang Triruangworawat emphasised that despite copycat suicide being uncommon in Thailand, the friends and family of those who become depressed after the death of a famous star should keep a close look out for the warning signs of suicidal thought.


Boonruang said that this behaviour included frequent crying, seclusion from others, speaking less, absent-mindedness and complaining about the worthlessness of their life.


“The family should take these warning signs seriously, otherwise they may lose the chance to save their loved ones,” he said.


“I would like to stress that suicide can be prevented and depression can be cured. It is also not the case that only mentally sick people have to seek assistance from a psychiatrist. Anyone can consult a psychiatrist.”


Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/detail/national/30334364

-- © Copyright The Nation 2017-12-20

The charity Samaritans is available around the clock for people who want to talk.

If you or anyone you know is in need of mental health services, please contact the Samaritans of Thailand at their 24-hour hotline 02-713-6791 (English), 02713-6793 (Thai) or Thai Mental Health Hotline at 1323 (Thai).


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3 minutes ago, Just1Voice said:

You can only wonder why a 27 year old young man, basically sitting on top of the world, would do such a thing.  Just shows that fame and money don't always buy happiness.


RIP young man.


There are quite a few , although always as young : Kurt Cobain, Chester Benningfield , George Michael (allegedly) , Robin Williams and theres many more  .


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4 minutes ago, sanemax said:

There are quite a few , although always as young : Kurt Cobain, Chester Benningfield , George Michael (allegedly) , Robin Williams and theres many more  .


Agreed, but in the case of Robin Williams, he knew he was facing a debilitating disorder, and didn't want to go through that, or put his family through it.  Still very sad, though. As for George Michael, no one really knows for sure.


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2 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

You can only wonder why a 27 year old young man, basically sitting on top of the world, would do such a thing.  Just shows that fame and money don't always buy happiness.


RIP young man.


Can only wonder why somebody would copycat?

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3 minutes ago, jak2002003 said:

. Because they are very stupid, selfish and introverted.


World better off without people like that.  Let them copycat the suicide and do everyone a favour. 

What an absolutely vile comment to make! 

You sir, need to really sit back and take a very long look at yourself if you truly believe the disgusting comment you made.

I lost a very good lifelong friend to suicide and his wife followed shortly afterwards. Two of the best people I have ever been privileged to knowing and have as friends. I still miss them, especially at this time of year.


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1 hour ago, Madgee said:

What an absolutely vile comment to make! 

You sir, need to really sit back and take a very long look at yourself if you truly believe the disgusting comment you made.

I lost a very good lifelong friend to suicide and his wife followed shortly afterwards. Two of the best people I have ever been privileged to knowing and have as friends. I still miss them, especially at this time of year.


Did he or she try to contact you before their demise?

What a painful feeling it must be to lose them both.

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3 hours ago, Madgee said:

What an absolutely vile comment to make! 

You sir, need to really sit back and take a very long look at yourself if you truly believe the disgusting comment you made.

I lost a very good lifelong friend to suicide and his wife followed shortly afterwards. Two of the best people I have ever been privileged to knowing and have as friends. I still miss them, especially at this time of year.


Sorry to hear about you loss of you friend.


However, your situation is nothing to do with what I was commenting upon.. please take a step back and read the article.  It's not about suicide in general... for which there are many reasons... some of which are very tragic and understandable, and I have full sympathy for those that kill themselves and their loved ones who are left behind.


I was taking about the stupid, selfish and self obsessed individuals who's life is so shallow and meaningless that they will kill themselves because their 'love' of a pop star (who they never even met or spoke to, and know nothing about his personal life) makes them feel they want to kill themselves.  


I have zero sympathy for them.  Let them do it if they want to.  Your friend, and others like him had real problems... serious and terrible problem that they could not overcome.  I am sure it is an insult to your friend and his wife to be grouped together with a teenager who kills themselves for something as stupid as copying their pop boy band idol.


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