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2 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

Noise is just a modulation of silence, it's still there in the background.

Yes indeed.  If he could only learn to scream at the opposite frequency of the noise he is complaining about, then he could cancel out the offensive sounds.

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2 minutes ago, MJCM said:



But unfortunately the silence can’t be heard because of the noise ;)


If a tree falls in the woods, and no one is there to hear it, is there a sound?

1 minute ago, torrzent said:

Yes indeed.  If he could only learn to scream at the opposite frequency of the noise he is complaining about, then he could cancel out the offensive sounds.

silence can be within you, outside isn't important.

2 minutes ago, torrzent said:

If a tree falls in the woods, and no one is there to hear it, is there a sound?

No, there isn't even really a tree or a forest, just consciousness doing it's thing.

1 minute ago, soalbundy said:

No, there isn't even really a tree or a forest, just consciousness doing it's thing.

Hey pretty deep...you get the Christmas day sound of one hand clapping award!

Just now, torrzent said:

Hey pretty deep...you get the Christmas day sound of one hand clapping award!

at least I won't hear it. Advaita Vedanta is an eye opener.


Consider yourself lucky that it happens to you one time a year at a Christmas Party.


I have lived in places here that it happens every day and twice as much on weekends, where 12:30 am is the starting time to turn the music up. Noise and Thailand go hand in hand. So get used to it and count your blessings. 


Do not forget the forever grinding on concrete and steel everpresent. It seems like they take turns as it really is everyday within audible reach of my condo in downtown Bkk. I see the source often. Last week the guy was grinding the paint off a 200 meter  concrete wall.  And as I type this it is also here at the hospital!


This is a such a common issue in Thailand. These parties and noise are just not a problem for Thai people, and many foreigners get themselves in trouble when they go and complain about it. 

On a weekly basis I read about some foreign idiot getting a beating, because they thought it was a good idea to complain about the noise. It is not as if they are going to think, oh there might be a sensitive farang around, better keep it down just for them. It is just not considered a problem here, so either accept it or put on some ear phones.


Noise canceling Bluetooth headphones from Aliexpress $27 usd


Bluetooth transmitting TV dongle from Lazada 300 baht


1 shelf hook installed above pillow 5 baht


Peace of mind... Priceless. 



The nights are wild and exciting in Thailand. Live with it OR go back to your home country, STOP THE WHINING. The police did not care. This is Thailand .

17 minutes ago, puffy said:

noise are just not a problem for Thai people

The noise bothers at least some Thai people. Some have talked to me about it in Thai. How they can't get to sleep at night or their kid is crying at night because they can't sleep and tomorrow is a school day. But complain--never. They just take it.


On ‎12‎/‎24‎/‎2017 at 9:04 AM, superal said:

LOS =  Land of Selfish   imo 

Really superal? It is that time of the year and you have the audacity to moan and groan over something that is normal for here and allows Thai and or their foreign work force enjoy and blow off some steam before they go home the one time per year? I hate to say it as always comes out from someone, but maybe you need to relocate out of the country as you sound like an OLD disgruntled codger. Did you stop to think that your tv on high end was deafening for the people in your building or closer vicinity that the party? Lighten up for Pete sakes.


Noise is a fact of life in Thailand. The best way to deal with it is to develop counter-strategies, such as Bluetooth-enabled headphones for the TV, or earplugs.

Most village noise is usually finished by midnight, apart from roosters and geckos. In the city, noise can be going until 4 am.


Our shop house is on a main thoroughfare leading to our small city center and understandably full of the sounds of vehicles, music, hawkers and people talking over the sounds of life here. The irony for me is my wife keeps all media quite low and I hardly hear it which is quite okay but when I play audio high enough for me to offset the motorbike mufflers or neighbors booming music she says it’s too loud for her and it’s not polite for me to share my music to loud with the neighbors!
She knows I’m quick to fight on a bad day so her two wrongs don’t make a right logic keeps me out of trouble here. I do love her for that.

17 hours ago, Lite Beer said:

Great idea. 

We can have a rehearsal. 

No,  don't do that.  Who will you be able to complain to? 


I live next door to the funeral that you refer to. Yes it is loud but complaining would have zero effect - even to the Police. 


It does not help that one of the sons of the deceased is a leading Monk at one of the local Temples.

13 minutes ago, JustinCredible said:

No,  don't do that.  Who will you be able to complain to? 


I live next door to the funeral that you refer to. Yes it is loud but complaining would have zero effect - even to the Police. 


It does not help that one of the sons of the deceased is a leading Monk at one of the local Temples.

Monks! Biggest culprits. Not worth a toss any of them.

At least they can be happy knowing they have totally ruined my Christmas.

Freezer full of Canadian lobsters with a lot of people coming. (or were)


I get by with a small bluetooth speaker out the back that annoys nobody.

Why can't they?

On 12/24/2017 at 12:44 PM, Gecko123 said:

The event the OP describes sounds like a community event. Such events, marking weddings, funerals and monk ordinations, etc. are part of life in Thailand, and you are asking for trouble to expect people to conform to your social norms of what constitutes excessive noise. You especially need to be tolerant around New Years and Songkran which are the two holidays where many Thais have enough time off from work to return home.


With that said, neighbors cranking up their their home and car sound systems whenever they please on a day-in day-out basis is an entirely different matter. I have had friction with my neighbors in the past by complaining about loud bass music. The thing I have absolutely learned from these confrontations is to never confront people directly when the music is playing, especially at night, when people are very likely inebriated. Using a third party intermediary is advisable, as these disputes can often be seen as a farang vs Thai cultural conflict. Guess who's going to win? I have also on occasion had success just by standing outside the offending house until someone notices me and quickly realizes why I am there. Creepy as hell, you betcha, but surprisingly effective, and it avoids in-your-face verbal confrontation. 


I have also had success blasting my speakers in the direction of the offending house, but before doing this I really try to find out if they're having a large party (which I'm more tolerant of) or just a few teenage kids who have decided some loud music is just what the doctor ordered to go with the lao khao or yaa baa they've just consumed. People seem to get the message. As a last resort, you can go to the police, but because of the ill-will this will generate, I don't recommend it unless you are really at your wits end. Taking a walk or drive to escape the noise is another coping technique. I also have talked to almost all my neighbors to sound out their feelings, and it turns out that many of them don't like the loud music any more than me, but don't say anything out of a spirit of greng jai. But I have the feeling that by talking to the neighbors about how much this bothers me, at least somewhat gets filtered back to the offending parties, which helps. After I explained that I do a lot of reading and writing, and that I can't think with that bass music blasting (something I sensed that many people never even considered), I really noticed that my neighbors showed a lot more consideration after they understood why it bothered me. I also leave town around Songkran, in large part to avoid the loud music.


Hope this helps.

Try setting a tire on fire and hope the wind is in their direction

4 hours ago, lucjoker said:

THAI people are what they are , big children .

So i let them do , i do not intervene .

Yesterday we had a quiet gathering, close to a bend in the road .

There was a lorry who spilled gas on the road ......

Suddenly .....crash-noises ...sparks....dust ....a motorcycle , who came full speed ,crashed  into the barriers . We stood up for a look .

3 drunk on the floor ,motorcycle in pieces .....we did not intervene .

2 minutes later .... the next crash.......1 handed lady on the phone ,,tried full speed turning

but the fuel spill was stronger than her Buddha luck.... we did not intervene , just looked how things happen here in their country ....

Then some motorcycle with blue and red flashing lights crashed , it was a "first help " guy,

he threw some sand on the road .......1 min later another slides away on the sand .......

we did learn nothing new and did not intervene .....as expected of a good farang .....it is not our business .



You actually hit he jackpot, a house with free entertainment, record some of it and post them here  we all need a laugh once in a while.


Sorry that I'm saying this and I have to agree with the majority of others here!

This  is something many missed including me when you move here!  Although there are many things I complain about this is something you need to get use to. Consider yourself really lucky you haven't got neighbors like this just next door or you weren't next door to the party.  Expect, these type of parties when someone gets marry, Birthday, death, etc etc.. not only is the music loud but the drinking until there is nothing left.  I was just at wife family wedding up north, it started at 4am, drinking eating , live band it went on until everything was gone 2am, I went to sleep got up no one even noticed I was missing.

Your wife said " this is Thailand "  down deep she thinking what a party killer and wish she could attended.

Relax,  loosen up and enjoy give you True T.V. package a rest... learn to enjoy a bit of Thai, because you number can be up soon in your nice ride once you hit the Thai road?

Just wait until your neighbors if not already get a number of dogs and they start to bark at all hours.


This thread reminded me as to how lucky I am - so thank you :smile:.


Rarely bothered by loud music etc. - and the occasional culprit is from a rented (to Westerners....) holiday house way down the beach, when the wind is in the 'wrong' direction.


The  Thai neighbours 'next door' are far quieter than myself, which I agree is a bit of an oddity!

1 hour ago, thailand49 said:

Sorry that I'm saying this and I have to agree with the majority of others here!

This  is something many missed including me when you move here!  Although there are many things I complain about this is something you need to get use to. Consider yourself really lucky you haven't got neighbors like this just next door or you weren't next door to the party.  Expect, these type of parties when someone gets marry, Birthday, death, etc etc.. not only is the music loud but the drinking until there is nothing left.  I was just at wife family wedding up north, it started at 4am, drinking eating , live band it went on until everything was gone 2am, I went to sleep got up no one even noticed I was missing.

Your wife said " this is Thailand "  down deep she thinking what a party killer and wish she could attended.

Relax,  loosen up and enjoy give you True T.V. package a rest... learn to enjoy a bit of Thai, because you number can be up soon in your nice ride once you hit the Thai road?

Just wait until your neighbors if not already get a number of dogs and they start to bark at all hours.

These parties are a regular event in my district especially at weekends , not to mention the 3 or 4 day funerals . Also have a doctor neighbour who has 6 dogs that like the sound of their own barks or wolf imitation howls ,  8 hen chickens and 4 cock birds that start at 03 00 am  about 6 cats that are always fighting and talking like a baby , a menagerie . The noise does not bother my Thai family even if you clashed a pair of musical symbols near  them . I am the opposite being a light sleeper and quite often I am up at 04 00 am because of the noise . 

            I have been in Thailand off & on for 12 years and know how things work here . Post was to hear other readers experience and opinions .

3 hours ago, holy cow cm said:

Really superal? It is that time of the year and you have the audacity to moan and groan over something that is normal for here and allows Thai and or their foreign work force enjoy and blow off some steam before they go home the one time per year? I hate to say it as always comes out from someone, but maybe you need to relocate out of the country as you sound like an OLD disgruntled codger. Did you stop to think that your tv on high end was deafening for the people in your building or closer vicinity that the party? Lighten up for Pete sakes.

Time of the year is insignificant as noise from numerous events is common . My TV sound does not effect any other person as I am in an enclosed room and detached house . I enjoy music and visit a couple of venues every week but the sound systems are set up correctly .  You really need to think before you speak as your posted reply has no relevance or sense . Try to think of something original to say instead of copying others i.e. relocate out of the country , as is spoken by those with little intelligence . I have no problems with constructive criticism but your post is inaccurate and without substance .  I do not wear rose tinted glasses ,am fully aware on the pros /cons of living in Thailand  and I like to call spade a spade . Finally try to stick to the facts and stop casting aspersions on people you know nothing about .


I believe the noise levels are  a sign of the Thai Pecking order. The strongmen in the past have got to make all the noise they want. Now everybody who is anybody has to play their noise as loud as possible to show everyone how far up on the totem pole they reside.   It is not so much a custom as a 'want to fight' ritual; most don't want to resort to violence so put up with the noise. 


Never mind the garbage, noise is the biggest pollutant here. Beggar tradition, noise is noise. Like bad driving, it all stems from the Thai's lack of a common sense gene. Children in adult bodies, I know I'm married to one.

On 12/24/2017 at 3:09 PM, Lite Beer said:

Yes. They do seem to like noise. 

If not distorted sound systems or banging things with hammers it is usually those noisy tile grinders. 

My father used to be a builder and laid tiles. 

Never made a sound cutting them. 

When I renovated my place I used a tile cutter...not a sound from that...but I had AC/DC at 120 decibels playing at the same time!

On 12/24/2017 at 5:49 PM, JLCrab said:

General Purpose Thai attitude toward farangs who complain about noise levels:


Get a Life.

My attitude too!!   Plenty of aged care facilities around. Bugger off the lot of you!


The only noise complaints I hear about are from the MIL  (she lives next door) about me....she can bugger off as well!!

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