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Top Thai astrologer warns - be careful of road accidents at New Year


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4 hours ago, Misterwhisper said:

I can do better than that. After having consulted my crystal ball, here is what's in store for next year:


- Scores of monks will be exposed for having sex with underage teens, for drug trafficking, alcohol guzzling, gambling and a general greed for money;


- Thai motorists will die on the kingdom's roads in droves, with a few school buses turning over and a few tour buses falling into ravines, killing dozens of innocents because their drivers fell asleep at the wheel or were simply stone drunk;


- Hundreds of policemen will spend more time and energy on demanding bribes from the general public than on actually enforcing the law;


- Several ministers will get entangled in bribery, nepotism and embezzlement scandals - with all of them being granted 30 days each to cook up a pulled-by-the-hair explanation;


- A handful of celebrities will become involved in road accidents but are not going to see the inside of a prison cell for even 1 day;


- The government will announce a postponement of the next election several times over;


- Hundreds of foreign tourists will be fleeced for up to 100,000 baht per person for dropping cigarette butts on a number of designated beaches, while not one single local is going to be charged for the very same offense;


- The Red Bull heir will continue to be elusive as all Thai efforts to bring the bad boy home to face the music will prove fruitless.


And I could go on and on and on and on...    

That is some crystal ball you have, being able to predict such a multitude of happenings, do you think our dear leader  would be able to make some use of it. 

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All the levity aside, it's concerning that people still believe this claptrap; as a response 'education' is a very topical issue.  And NO, we do not have to respect people's beliefs. Why would you respect any of this? He's most likely a very nice, sincere gentleman notwithstanding, but sorry folks there's not much to see here as he (I trust ingenuously) holds himself up to ridicule.   :sad:

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2 minutes ago, sambum said:

Astounding foresight! - It must have taken years of dedicated practice to achieve that level of intuition - a bit like my years of practice on a comb and paper!

ha ha except that 'comb and paper' exist in the natural world!  :passifier:

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7 minutes ago, sambum said:

Astounding foresight! - It must have taken years of dedicated practice to achieve that level of intuition - a bit like my years of practice on a comb and paper!

It is very eady to make a lot of noise with a comb and paper, but to master and make some  sense of it all is an art. 

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1 minute ago, Essaybloke said:

ha ha except that 'comb and paper' exist in the natural world!  :passifier:


1 minute ago, Essaybloke said:

ha ha except that 'comb and paper' exist in the natural world!  :passifier:

We all exist in the natural world!?. If you believe in him you belong in the series Star Trek. "Beam me up Scottie",

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10 hours ago, Ossy said:

Top Farang astrologer warns - be GUARANTEED of MORE road accidents at New Year, 'cos many Thais will drink & drive at New Year.


He say this astrology malarkey is easy-peasy. Anyone can do it and no need for the Porky-head accessory . . . any old gas bag will do.

Thats one of his crystal balls............or the last of his marbles, having obviously lost the rest of them!

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This is based on Astrology, so what about other countries where drivers behave sensibly and drive with caution according to the rules of the road?

He would have done better to say that he predicted that Thai drivers would drive with caution and care this year and the carnage of previous years would not reoccur this year. That might have had a positive effect on a superstitious people who belive is is your fate if you get killed on the road. Your fate changes if you live in the outback or Dingle in Kerry.

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