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32 minutes ago, KhunMhee said:

Don't know anyone well enough to concern myself in that vote.

Aw come on, don't be a negative nancy looking for excuses.  Head over to the POTY thread and vote for Trans!   You'll feel great knowing you've helped make TVF a more friendly, positive forum.   And remember, if you don't vote, you're not allowed to moan about it afterward.   



7 minutes ago, 55Jay said:

Aw come on, don't be a negative nancy looking for excuses.  Head over to the POTY thread and vote for Trans!   You'll feel great knowing you've helped make TVF a more friendly, positive forum.   And remember, if you don't vote, you're not allowed to moan about it afterward.   



Haha epic. Must be the campaign manager. The pic is a bit off as it does not show my massive neck beard. Ahh well maybe I will look at the thread then. Thanks for the laugh

Just now, KhunMhee said:

Haha epic. Must be the campaign manager. The pic is a bit off as it does not show my massive neck beard. Ahh well maybe I will look at the thread then. Thanks for the laugh

Your welcome!  Glad I could give you a giggle.  Don't forget, the candidate you want..... that we all want, and NEED, is TRANS.  Super positive, helpful to a fault, but most of all, he's got the bestest Emojis this side of the The Ganges.  image.png.2253e96d7ce7366c269209d89c9e534b.png


I think some people just like to bitch and moan. Moving to Thailand doesn't cure that. If misery is in your DNA it'll soon surface again, no matter where you reside or how good your life is.


I also think forums like this attract those who want to vent frustration occasionally (like myself :laugh:). So proportionally there will be more of those types than the happy go lucky types (who perhaps don't need these outlets!)




Sadly there are many who are miserable in their choices to reside in Thailand and I have found some even willing to go out of their way to make others lives miserable.

Happy with my wife and watching caring for my chickens for the remainder of my days and some that I have been exposed to simply cannot stand someone being content with a choice to reside in Thailand. 

2 hours ago, ThaiFelix said:

I remember reading an interesting article some time back (maybe on here) about a sociologist who was researching the high number of foreign, mainly western, suicides that occur in this country, mainly in Pattaya and Phuket.  He/she ascertains that a lot of guys come here, often after having 1, 2, or more failed marriages back home.  They build a resentment towards western women for reasons of having to hand over 50 or more percent of their life's work, or having to put up with the wife's "headaches" etc for years etc and see Thailand, or more to the point, submissive Thai women, as an answer to all their prayers.  However, after being here a while and getting freedom, sex whenever they want, as much to drink as their heart desires whenever they want etc etc, they realise they really arent that happier than they were at home.  This in turn often leads to more broken relationships here.  So they end up 'pulling the pin' so to speak.


Maybe that explains why there are so many miserable bastards on here trying to raise themselves by putting others down via the "keyboard warrior" syndrome.

Gotta love it....blaming western women and becoming a keyboard warrior before "pulling the pin".....anymore cliches you want to add to this nonsense?

1 hour ago, pgrahmm said:


Good one.  I'm convinced that every negative farang in Thailand believes that Thailand--and the world--has changed for the worse.  What they don't get is that the world has changed....because that's what the world does. 

5 hours ago, KhunMhee said:

. SO my solution was move, not saying we can move away from every problem but skipping over to Nonthaburi made both me and Mrs. Mhee feel better. 

Lucky to be able, and enjoy the change.

If I can pin my "dissatisfaction" on my life in LOS on anything it is that I can't afford to live on the beach with the same standard of living as I have in Chiang Mai. I could afford to live on Phangan, but I'd have to give up too much to do so, so console myself that at least I'm still in LOS.

I love the beach, but living for years without hot water, cable tv, internet in the room and a mall within reach for shopping and movies would be a step too far.

Great for a couple of weeks now and then, certainly, but not permanently. Even the bliss of living on the sand and watching the sun go down in a blaze of glory over the sea every night only lasts so long without the extras.

17 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

Good one.  I'm convinced that every negative farang in Thailand believes that Thailand--and the world--has changed for the worse.  What they don't get is that the world has changed....because that's what the world does. 

Hmmmm. The world was always good for some and terrible for others. There may not have been a world war for decades, but there has always been a war somewhere my whole life.

The USA in the 50s was probably pretty good for a white guy in the suburbs with a well paying job, but probably not so much for a black guy in the deep south etc etc ( and same for any country but with variations ).

In the end we can only go by our own life, and mine was great in the 70s, awful in the 80s, and great again in the 90s ( when I had lots of money and discovered LOS ), but it's been on a downward spiral ever since. So, for me, yes the world has changed for the worse.

Of course the world changes, but it doesn't HAVE to get worse, except sometimes life is a bummer and it does, no matter what we do. Nothing beats a serious illness to stuff up the best of lives.

4 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

Quite.  We're almost as tired of the 'rose tinted' comments as we are the 'old, bitter' comments...

 I like the way you put that !  Also is it the 'rose tinted' Posters that are  effectively encouraging contra negativity?

40 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

Good one.  I'm convinced that every negative farang in Thailand believes that Thailand--and the world--has changed for the worse.  What they don't get is that the world has changed....because that's what the world does. 

In my opinion in the last 10 years the places i have had most connection with (CM and London) London has got better CM worse. Why do people want to keep assuming that a negative Post or 2 makes a Poster universally negative ? Some places will change for better some for worse !  I am saddended that CM is changing for the worse 

2 hours ago, CG1 Blue said:

I think some people just like to bitch and moan. Moving to Thailand doesn't cure that. If misery is in your DNA it'll soon surface again, no matter where you reside or how good your life is.


I also think forums like this attract those who want to vent frustration occasionally (like myself :laugh:). So proportionally there will be more of those types than the happy go lucky types (who perhaps don't need these outlets!)



Maybe but it would be so wrong to include every one who makes a negative comment on TV in that category. That is just shallow !

9 minutes ago, Gruff said:

Maybe but it would be so wrong to include every one who makes a negative comment on TV in that category. That is just shallow !

Yes - maybe you didn't read the 2nd paragraph of my post?

2 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

Yes - maybe you didn't read the 2nd paragraph of my post?

Yes i did and apologies i should have worded better.  The term ' shallow' was not individually directed.

24 minutes ago, Gruff said:

Maybe but it would be so wrong to include every one who makes a negative comment on TV in that category. That is just shallow !

I think the OP was referring to the constantly embittered posters.....

There's at least two trains of thought on every topic so a negative/positive coin toss at different times... 


I think OP's talking mostly about the toxic/embittered/vitriolic ones.....

I think the OP was referring to the constantly embittered posters.....
There's at least two trains of thought on every topic so a negative/positive coin toss at different times... 
I think OP's talking mostly about the toxic/embittered/vitriolic ones.....
Its the constant arguing, people looking for handbag fights, discussions are fine but most are handbag fights. Unfortunately its not just one or two, its loads so it seems normal on here

a lot of its just different opinions too, not everyone agrees with each other all of the time so you are bound to get the differing opinions clashing, especially with politics concerned. I dont think being honest about the bad things happening here is  being embittered either, its being honest, it happens in every country not just here, then you get the ones that see everything here as bad and have to run the country & all its populace down, yes these are embittered for sure but there are many that call it as they see it. For me there is good and bad but the good outweighs the bad as far as I am concerned, we just got home from a new years do for one of  the local govt departments my wife has to work with, couldnt ask for a better bunch of people, always have a great time with them but I am sure there would be those that find fault in that too, part and parcel of making Thailand your home. People need to look at what happens here and in here through unbiased eyes, see the faults and the good bits, what some see others dont, as for those that will never see any different, who cares, let them be miserable, I am loving it here, they dont bother me.

16 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Perhaps a lot of the "grumpies" fell in love with the very different and much more loveable LOS that existed some years ago, and committed themselves to living here, only for the dream to sour, as LOS changed, or they married the wrong woman etc etc etc.

For some of us, we know the dream is over and we have to return to a place we love less, or not at all, and knowing that poisons all.


For myself, the dream is gone, swept away by greed and too many tourists ruining the beaches, coupled with a bad choice of woman, but it's still better here than the alternative location.

However, I don't get in a rage about the Thai people. Any mistakes I made were my own fault, but it could have been so different...............................

Glass half full or half empty?

- The absence of logical thinking, the random administration of justice, the "may pen rai", the face saving syndrome, a populace believing in ghosts, can easily lead a Farang to perceive the glass as "half empty" in his chosen paradise.

Farangs, criticising such things are quickly categorised as professional "Thai-Bashers" accross the board. Forgetting, that western democracies and their successful economies have evolved based on "criticism".

Of course, Farang ATM kings, residing in a small corner of the Isaan are not interested in "criticism" nor "change". Them generally supporting the current political "status-quo", declaring everybody applying any sort of criticism concerning Thailand routinely as a Thai-Basher, no matter how well supported the criticism is.


The "Farang-Thai-Defense-League" must learn to differentiate between constructive criticism and primitive Thai-Bashing.   
I myself shall uphold warranted criticism concerning LOS. Risking qualification as a Thai-Basher. Easy to do once one takes off the pink coloured glasses. The view is less blurred.


"Rose tinted glasses"  an attempt to belittle those people who just don't get their knickers in a twist about things they cannot influence?  Classic example!!




Lots of good replies and little to no bickering. Just want to thank everyone (Glass full & empty) on their posts. Guess now I get a better understanding about why people are a little upset with things. Either way wish you all the best and either way being 1/2 full or 1/2 empty if the liquid was a fine scotch at least we'd all be drunk.





Problem you find is that posters tend to settle into 'camps'

There is the 'Denial Brigade' where any even minor critism of anything Thai is deemed as blasphemy

There is the 'If you don't like it here, go home Brigade'

There is the 'Deflection Brigade'...what about your f#ck country x, y & z?

There is 'Grumpy Old Man Brigade'...used ripped off by a Thai GF of his life savings

There is the 'Newbie Brigade'...usually fresh of the boat still wearing the rose colored specs, haven't been here long enough to witness the craziness

Then there are the political zealots, The 'I hate the PT, Dems, Army, insert whatever you want' brigade who will defend the whole political nonsense that is Thailand.

Good luck with trying to figure it all out. Part of the 'joy' I guess of Thailand's expat community!

45 minutes ago, GinBoy2 said:

Problem you find is that posters tend to settle into 'camps'

There is the 'Denial Brigade' where any even minor critism of anything Thai is deemed as blasphemy

There is the 'If you don't like it here, go home Brigade'

There is the 'Deflection Brigade'...what about your f#ck country x, y & z?

There is 'Grumpy Old Man Brigade'...used ripped off by a Thai GF of his life savings

There is the 'Newbie Brigade'...usually fresh of the boat still wearing the rose colored specs, haven't been here long enough to witness the craziness

Then there are the political zealots, The 'I hate the PT, Dems, Army, insert whatever you want' brigade who will defend the whole political nonsense that is Thailand.

Good luck with trying to figure it all out. Part of the 'joy' I guess of Thailand's expat community!

Oddly enough 10 years of being here and I still am trying to sort it out. Guess I had blinders on not to see this forum earlier. So I guess to conform I need a camp. With the few hints of rose coloured glasses I am still but a newbie. Or can I start my own the I only read this stuff and post from work brigade cause when I am home I have way to much real life stuff keeping me offline...

1 hour ago, GinBoy2 said:

Problem you find is that posters tend to settle into 'camps'

There is the 'Denial Brigade' where any even minor critism of anything Thai is deemed as blasphemy

There is the 'If you don't like it here, go home Brigade'

There is the 'Deflection Brigade'...what about your f#ck country x, y & z?

There is 'Grumpy Old Man Brigade'...used ripped off by a Thai GF of his life savings

There is the 'Newbie Brigade'...usually fresh of the boat still wearing the rose colored specs, haven't been here long enough to witness the craziness

Then there are the political zealots, The 'I hate the PT, Dems, Army, insert whatever you want' brigade who will defend the whole political nonsense that is Thailand.

Good luck with trying to figure it all out. Part of the 'joy' I guess of Thailand's expat community!

I am definitely in the 'you are a guest in this country,  you chose to come and live here, they didn't ask you or force you, so if you dont like it, leave' 

4 hours ago, 473geo said:

"Rose tinted glasses"  an attempt to belittle those people who just don't get their knickers in a twist about things they cannot influence?  Classic example!!



I think you make a good point.  For me i like to hear a positive story so long as it appears honest and not about 'blowing own trumpet'.  i think far too often there is an element of boasting (eg - i have immersed myself in Thai culture so i have a better knowledge and undersatnding than you) and an element  of the unbelievable.  

2 minutes ago, Gruff said:

I think you make a good point.  For me i like to hear a positive story so long as it appears honest and not about 'blowing own trumpet'.  i think far too often there is an element of boasting (eg - i have immersed myself in Thai culture so i have a better knowledge and undersatnding than you) and an element  of the unbelievable.  

I had to listen to the trumpet song after reading this...I hope that does not upset some


9 hours ago, swissie said:

The "Farang-Thai-Defense-League" must learn to differentiate between constructive criticism and primitive Thai-Bashing.   
I myself shall uphold warranted criticism concerning LOS. Risking qualification as a Thai-Basher. Easy to do once one takes off the pink coloured glasses. The view is less blurred.

Why indulge in either variant of... 'criticism'? Outside of politics (which IMHO must be the biggest, most wasteful, gum-bash on the forum), it invariably entails only about 6 things that really, directly affect the majority of foreigners and the locals aren't about to change any of it so why repeat it? Unless your into heavy construction of course.


Immigration (residence, citizenship, long-term visas, fiscal provenance, reporting, etc..)

Work Permits (to embrace new, digital economies... but still let digital pikeys avoid paying tax, etc..)

Land/property ownership (outside of condominiums, company-owned property, etc..)

Sin sodt (to pay or not to pay, refunds, etc..)

Corrupt cops/IO's/Amphurs/government workers (to pay or not to pay, etc..).

Roads and drivers (helmets, drinking, speeding, wrong-way, etc..)


All other whines are either subsets of the above or are minor inconveniences to some such as the perpetual "How do I get a Thai bank account on a visa-exempt entry?" or "Tesco checkout stole the 75 satang in my change!" posts.


8 hours ago, 473geo said:

"Rose tinted glasses"  an attempt to belittle those people who just don't get their knickers in a twist about things they cannot influence?  Classic example!!


He meant saffron colored. Feel better now?

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