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Haunting CCTV shows ex-British soldier taking Thai prostitute to hotel before she plunged five floors to her death

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why would you call the woman a prostitute....that is just ignorant ...
The readers of the Sun and the Mirror would have no ideal about the whole are they bar girls/single mums trying to feed there family or just Prostitutes Debate. I thought that would have been obvious. Aslo the Narrative they seem to be going for is poor Thai Prostitute probably killed by a previous convicted rapest, Which seems the likely truth. The fact that he paid her for sex then she fell to her death is the whole story here.

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Very sad case. Given his history of sexual violence it's difficult not to be skeptical about his claims that it was simply an accident. Hopefully justice prevails and he's not able to buy his way out.

1 hour ago, mok199 said:

why would you call the woman a prostitute....that is just ignorant ...

cos thats what she was ? i do feel sorry for her and she looked full of life and happiness. very sad RIP

What is he supposed to do?
First he did not know she was dead.
Second call for help for the poor unfortunate girl.
If his story is true( and I doubt that) I suppose it's sort of like what would go through a hit and run driver who flees the scene, By the time you have run its to late.

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31 minutes ago, charmonman said:

You could just call her a woman. Whether she was a prostitute or not is irrelevant to the fact that she was either murdered or involved in a tragic accident.


Her profession was relevant part of the sequence of events. It should not be used in an insulting manner, but the story would not really make sense without reporting that relevant fact.

1 hour ago, dfdgfdfdgs said:


I don't disagree that he's scum, but not for running away.  What is he supposed to do when she's lying dead 70 feet down?

You mean lay dying? Call emergency services (may not be too competent, but it's something), run down and perform first aid (surely a trained soldier is taught basic first aid), comfort her while she dies, maybe even hang around to answer questions about what happened, and clear the whole thing up. See, there are a few things that  he could have done.

1 hour ago, dfdgfdfdgs said:


It's not his child though is it.  If it were me and it were a random girl and I wasn't thinking straight (and it were an accident, which I don't believe this was), knowing how corrupt the police here are, I'd be tempted to run.  Give me a couple of minutes to think it over and I wouldn't.  And it says he was found in a beer bar, not that he was drinking in a beer bar.  He could have gone there for any number of reasons.  Not defending the guy, he sounds like an <deleted>, but let's not make assumptions based on tabloid press reporting.

Pretty mixed message, how can you remark that you assume it was not an accident and then include a caveat against making assumptions.


The guy is a douche sexpest with a past, but what evidence or logic would dictate that he would march her past cameras and throw her off the balcony during sex?


While there are many things "wrong" here, nothing at all suggests that what happened was his desired result.


 i would be suprised if many of thai visas erstwhile members havent had similar experiences with thai prostitutes that ended happily (so to speak) with the girl leaving in the moring with cash in her purse.


Who can say how they would react in a similar situation, especially if ambiguous "sex drugs" were involved.


hypocrisyabounds on thai visa, not the least regarding this tragedy.


Theft at night is charge in many jurisdictions including Canada, USA, and Great Britian. While I am sure it does not influence Thai law even the Bible makes reference to different penalty for theft at night so it is not a new concept or a completely ludicrous charge as you suggest.


“If a thief is caught breaking in and is struck so that he dies, the defender is not guilty of bloodshed; but if it happens after sunrise, he is guilty of bloodshed. A thief must certainly make restitution, but if he has nothing, he must be sold to pay for his theft” : Exodus 22:2-3.

3 minutes ago, Blackheart1916 said:

You mean lay dying? Call emergency services (may not be too competent, but it's something), run down and perform first aid (surely a trained soldier is taught basic first aid), comfort her while she dies, maybe even hang around to answer questions about what happened, and clear the whole thing up. See, there are a few things that  he could have done.

Not to mention at least covering the poor girl up, we can presume she was naked. 


19 minutes ago, Blackheart1916 said:

You mean lay dying? Call emergency services (may not be too competent, but it's something), run down and perform first aid (surely a trained soldier is taught basic first aid), comfort her while she dies, maybe even hang around to answer questions about what happened, and clear the whole thing up. See, there are a few things that  he could have done.


The poster is more concerned that no one refer to her as a prostitute and making sure that everyone know that the accused killer wasn t drinking beer when arrested.  Odd sense of priorities.

  • PTSD
  • Got in with the wrong crow
  • Had a drug problem.

These are just a few of the excuses being bandied about. But they are what they are - just excuses. This convicted rapist needs to be held responsible for his actions. Be it causing the girls death or at least just leaving her to die.

2 hours ago, dfdgfdfdgs said:


I don't disagree that he's scum, but not for running away.  What is he supposed to do when she's lying dead 70 feet down?

How did he know for sure that she was dead, and an urgent help could not save her life?

Any human worthy of the name would have called for help and after that, yes running away would have been understandable.

Running away without giving a  toss is miserable

13 hours ago, manarak said:

wow, Great Britain has been really quick in strippig him of his nationality while keeping him in the armed forces at the same time!


quality reporting from the mirror, with a selling headline containing soldier + thai + prostitute + sex + death

The article stated he is from Birmingham, West Midlands. Are you any chance American as you are  forgiven for being geographically challenged. Sad.

1 hour ago, juice777 said:

Yes I read that after my pervious post and was wondering that myself.

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Could just as well be a bribe! Why do you think they have chosen to charge him with reckless behaviour causing death, instead of one of the other completely ludicrous charges these guys can think up. Like "theft at night" for taking the cell phone as opposed to theft during the day.. 


In a large majority of countries this law exists, it goes back to the centuries where the majority of the good people were sleeping during the night, no street lighting like nowadays, on the other hand, thieves were active so robbery and burglaries at night was an aggravating circumstance. 


Standard reporting.  Age, occupation and background on victim and perp.  She was what she was, doesn't mean anything else.  Still a shame as I'm sure she was a nice person going by comments made by her friends.  Dangerous occupation these days...


You never really can tell how happy a person is.  Thais have that wonderful smile.  The poor young lass was trying to have fun, make the best of things.  Obviously not the best occupation or best influence for a young person to be involved in


Tragic waste of a young life . i always thought that among other things made illegal in Thailand ,prostitution is one of them ,no mention of that so i suppose im wrong   

4 hours ago, dfdgfdfdgs said:


How do you know?

Well if he’s 25 , and was jailed in 2012 , 

a year after the rape charge . He would have left school I assume at 16 

so in the army for what , 2 years ? ... where at that age and experience would he have served ? 

1 hour ago, Jip99 said:




Karaoke singer

7/11 checkout girl



Office clerk

Kwitiow seller





I have paid all for sexual services........ never a social worker though.

Keep your chin up and dont give up the search

1 hour ago, Peterw42 said:

Not to mention at least covering the poor girl up, we can presume she was naked. 


No need to presume anything in that direction, just stick to the reported facts, which will relieve you of the task of presuming anything

They are quite bad enough as it is

58 minutes ago, SpeakeasyThai said:

You do indeed.

Its part of the wonderful tapestry of life, my own preference is to refer to ladies of this particular calling or necessity as working girls

Some of the other terms / names used when referring to them are a bit in your face, but that in no way changes what services they provide

10 minutes ago, oldlakey said:

Its part of the wonderful tapestry of life, my own preference is to refer to ladies of this particular calling or necessity as working girls

Some of the other terms / names used when referring to them are a bit in your face, but that in no way changes what services they provide

My mother worked all her life and she certainly wasn't a prostitute! There's nothing wrong with calling someone by their correct occupation. 


  1. 1.
    a person, in particular a woman, who engages in sexual activity for payment.

Anyone who uses the "P" word, especially thai reporters, are complete idiots.   Once again I make my point as to how the Thai media salivates on British (and American) bashings.   RIP Joy, You didn't deserve this.

1 hour ago, dfdgfdfdgs said:

Calling her what she is - a prostitute - is not disrespecting her.  She made that choice and was obviously fine with it.  Why aren't you?  She is a prostitute, end of story.


Regrettably there have been a few Posters on this subject who seem to be close to saying that her occupation made her partly responsible for her own demise. It is also clear that there are Posters on TVF in general who express disregard for working girls. It has been suggested also that being a working girl is dangerous and history does show that working girls have been targeted specifically  by murderers clearly who have a hatred of them. It is posible this was also the case in this very sad and tragic story. For all these reasons i think it is important to choose words and language more carefully

6 minutes ago, vogie said:

My mother worked all her life and she certainly wasn't a prostitute! There's nothing wrong with calling someone by their correct occupation. 


  1. 1.
    a person, in particular a woman, who engages in sexual activity for payment.

I cant and dont disagree my friend, but I did clearly state it was MY preference

and nothing else


Multiple off topic troll and bickeing posts removed

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