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Trump attacks protections for immigrants from ‘s---hole’ countries

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Cudos to Trump. Maybe a bit crude, but he speaks his mind. A lot more politicians should give it a try. He has sound reasons for his feelings, and I rightly agree. People who will come to America to continue to leach of handouts are not welcome. Once Trump passes the 5 year ban on welfare, just count how many from sh^$hole countries will come here. 90% less. Good on him.


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21 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

Does it have to be whole countries? I mean for example there are parts of the US and UK which have s-hole towns and districts. I mean if we are going to get into this let's open it up a little.....

well Haiti is a country ... so lets stick to the topic of shithole countries, just saying. but I guess there are towns and areas the same ...:shock1:

7 minutes ago, simple1 said:

You and some others seem incapable of understanding the difference of a private individual expressing their opinion and the President of the USA. boomerangutang's post above is a reasonable explainer

I think most have had a gut full of the politically correct BS.  Haiti is a shithole .... it's as simple as that so don't make a big deal out of it ....  he spoke his mind,  if it offended some soft skin, then so be it.

39 minutes ago, greatwhitenorth said:


Certainly not the ones that elected a racist, liar, sexual predator  to lead their country.

And definitely not those that continue to support him after he has done so much harm to America and what the world thinks of America.


He 's like one of the know it all, condescending posters that  this forum seems to attract like flies on a sh*thole, that can't write a coherent sentence but loves to criticize other's opinion.  He can't stop <deleted> on others in the vain hope of finally feeling good about himself.  The kind of guy that has to tell everyone he is a winner.

"..after he has done so much harm to America".

Really?  Harm such as...?   Some just people have no idea at all, do they?

Just now, steven100 said:

I think most have had a gut full of the politically correct BS.  Haiti is a shithole .... it's as simple as that so don't make a big deal out of it ....  he spoke his mind,  if it offended some soft skin, then so be it.

The professional grievance mongers don't live in shit holes.  White Privilege.


Wonder if they'll ever make good on their threats to move to Canada if Trump won the election?   That shit hole right next door, Mexico, didn't even make the list. :laugh:



6 hours ago, gunderhill said:
6 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

Statue of Liberty plaque, "The New Colossus"... in part


"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Yeah. it needs  re-writing for  this century, times have changed since then.

Same as the constitution and the second amendment then?

1 hour ago, steven100 said:

I think most have had a gut full of the politically correct BS.  Haiti is a shithole .... it's as simple as that so don't make a big deal out of it ....  he spoke his mind,  if it offended some soft skin, then so be it.

It ain't about you and your right wing PC view of the world, it's about the representative of the Office of the President of the USA. Trump is dragging down the reputation of the US into the gutter and destabilising the world. In addition being ill informed with his insulting generalisations of entire migrant communities e.g.


According to the 2016 American Community Survey, 62% of Nigerian Americans age 25 and higher hold bachelor's degrees (or higher) and 29% hold graduate or professional degrees




1 hour ago, simple1 said:

You and some others seem incapable of understanding the difference of a private individual expressing their opinion and the President of the USA. boomerangutang's post above is a reasonable explainer

So you don't agree with the President telling the truth then, fair enough most have not until now.

12 minutes ago, Orton Rd said:

So you don't agree with the President telling the truth then, fair enough most have not until now.

Trump's Office is the highest representation for diplomacy and National Security in the USA. If he wishes to insult allies on the African continent and elsewhere so be it. One issue for sure he will not take personal responsibility for increased costs or any loss of lives due to his strategic ignorance.


He's a disgusting human being and has no business being president. 


Embarrassing to all DECENT Americans that believe in REAL (not racist) American values. 


Let him have his deplorable base. That's all he'll EVER have. 





Trump's 'shithole' comment is his new rock bottom

"Whether or not you voted for Trump, whether or not you still support him, whether or not you think this "shithole" comment will land well with his base, you need to acknowledge that voicing views like these is simply wrong. It is, quite literally, anti-American."

8 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

He asked a fair question, I wonder what the answer was? 

These people from corrupt third world  dictatorships bring corruption and crime with them. In the UK we have Kurdish, Turkish and Albanian murder and trafficking  gangs. At a political we have local councils mired in corruption peddling influence between countries like Pakistan and the UK. Trump is telling it like it is. Those countries are unreformable  shit holes which is why people want to leave them. In Europe we asked the same question: why should we take care of corrupt, misongynistic, patriarchal, anti freedom, anti democracy disruptive groups by the millions? We should not and we can not.

2 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

That's fine for you or me or the guy standing on the corner, ....to speak our minds.  ....as long as it doesn't harm others or the environment.  None of us influence entire groups of people.


Another angle to Trump idiotic statement:  It further opens doors for other countries to enhance their international influence, while concurrently curtailing America's influence.


African countries in particular:  When they have to choose, for example, whether to go in partnership with a Chinese or an American company, which do you think they will now choose?    


Just as Trump kicked American alternative-energy-related businesses in the nuts when he pulled the US out of the Paris Accords, so too is Trump going to lessen US jobs (and US reputation) overseas with his latest mouth fart.

But that presupposes corrupt  African leaders want their people to flee to democratic western countries. The Chinese invade Africa not just at multicorpprate level but at street level as in Rhodesia where they now own and control the small shops and the main local markets. This is resented by locals.

20 minutes ago, simple1 said:

It ain't about you and your right wing PC view of the world, it's about the representative of the Office of the President of the USA. Trump is dragging down the reputation of the US into the gutter and destabilising the world. In addition being ill informed with his insulting generalisations of entire migrant communities e.g.


According to the 2016 American Community Survey, 62% of Nigerian Americans age 25 and higher hold bachelor's degrees (or higher) and 29% hold graduate or professional degrees




I thought the world was unified in their desire to have less USA style stabilization?


Gotta give Trump a little credit.  He out trolled that North Korean Troll, what's his name again?  Dude was like, "Dis Tlump guy, he so clazy!  OK, me go talk to South Korean Reader now".  :laugh:

31 minutes ago, simple1 said:

Trump's Office is the highest representation for diplomacy and National Security in the USA. If he wishes to insult allies on the African continent and elsewhere so be it. One issue for sure he will not take personal responsibility for increased costs or any loss of lives due to his strategic ignorance.

who needs African 'allies' they are almost all corrupt vicious dictatorships anyway

22 minutes ago, The manic said:

These people from corrupt third world  dictatorships bring corruption and crime with them. In the UK we have Kurdish, Turkish and Albanian murder and trafficking  gangs. At a political we have local councils mired in corruption peddling influence between countries like Pakistan and the UK. Trump is telling it like it is. Those countries are unreformable  shit holes which is why people want to leave them. In Europe we asked the same question: why should we take care of corrupt, misongynistic, patriarchal, anti freedom, anti democracy disruptive groups by the millions? We should not and we can not.

Sshh you can't say this sort of thing, you might offend a few bleeding heart liberal do gooders, not to mention some of the so called 'asylum seekers'

"...“Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?” Trump said, according to these people, referring to African countries and Haiti. He then suggested that the United States should instead bring more people from countries like Norway, whose prime minister he met Wednesday..."
Or put another way, 'Why can't we have more white people?'
It is truly sad to see the US being dragged down to the level of this idiot. I sincerely hope that Americans will get their act together soon and rid themselves of this...'thing'. There is a very long list of things to respect about the US, but it is impossible to do while this racist is in the White House.
Australia has a law and order problem. Black africans and middle eastern races are largely the problem, so any person capable of rational thought would understand his rationale.

Sent from my [device_name] using http://Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

7 hours ago, jenny2017 said:

“Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?” 


Why is the US having such a shithole president? 

And Republican Congress.... IMO. 

congress is a threat to America.jpg


Trump continues to ostracise himself from the rest of the world.  His rhetoric gets more bizarre by the day.  He has now cancelled his trip to the UK to open the new American Embassy.  He says it is because the USA didn't get a good deal with the siting and cost and that it was Obama's administration that negotiated it.   The truth is that Trump had been warned of the public backlash if he came and the hundreds of thousands of people who would likely be out on the streets protesting.  Oh and by the way Donald! It wasn't Obama's administration that negotiated the deal so once again you are lying through your teeth.


Coward and liar,  America must be so proud of you!

5 minutes ago, The manic said:

You are free to live there.


Never said that...but looks like a nice place for a vacation. They used to have one of the largest influx of tourists in the 1960s to 1980s in the area. Haitian tourism is getting back on its feet again.


It is probably a better travel destination than Puerto Rico right now since Donny John dropped the ball on that one after the hurricane.


9 hours ago, steven100 said:

At least he has the balls to speak his mind .....  not like other so called democratic smoke screen countries such as Australia where all you get is BS and lies.

Yes Trump does not lie you are a <deleted>

6 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

Trump continues to ostracise himself from the rest of the world.  His rhetoric gets more bizarre by the day.  He has now cancelled his trip to the UK to open the new American Embassy.  He says it is because the USA didn't get a good deal with the siting and cost and that it was Obama's administration that negotiated it.   The truth is that Trump had been warned of the public backlash if he came and the hundreds of thousands of people who would likely be out on the streets protesting.  Oh and by the way Donald! It wasn't Obama's administration that negotiated the deal so once again you are lying through your teeth.


Coward and liar,  America must be so proud of you!

Sure the SWP style rent a mob and various other vociferous minority groups would have demonstrated against him. They don't have jobs don't pay taxes and don't know we would be speaking German or Russian and would not have the freedom to demonstrate if it were not for the USA. These activists and SJW are disgrace and do not represent people.

4 minutes ago, hyku1147 said:


Martine Rødseth, Miss Universe Norway 2015





Norwegian women's team celebrate winning the 2017 European Beach Handball Championship





Freezing, expensive, provincial and joyless=Norway 

9 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

He asked a fair question, I wonder what the answer was? 

"Who would want to live in the soon to be great US of A ?"
(sorry, had to kick that ball in, won't happen again)

50 minutes ago, Orton Rd said:

who needs African 'allies' they are almost all corrupt vicious dictatorships anyway

Sure there are dictatorships, mostly propped by Western interests. However, at the same time African security forces are fighting US enemies so again demonstrating your lack of knowledge.

9 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

He asked a fair question, I wonder what the answer was? 

Sadly, BS PC outrage was the answer. 

5 hours ago, gunderhill said:

All the  Ozzies on here  moaning about it so it must be bad, after all Ozzies never whinge  like Poms

I am an Aussie and lived here for 45 years have you ever heard me complaining?

How many of you complain about Thailand and yet you still live there and put

up whit all that <deleted> going on? get real

38 minutes ago, F4UCorsair said:

Australia has a law and order problem. Black africans and middle eastern races are largely the problem, so any person capable of rational thought would understand his rationale.

Sent from my [device_name] using http://Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

Rubbish. As an example...



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