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Trump denies vulgar remarks about Haiti, African countries; condemnation mounts

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13 minutes ago, Ulic said:

I have been to several African countries. While I met many really nice people

the countries really are shitholes. Corruption off the charts, filth, poverty.

That is why so many want to immigrate by any means to the USA.

Not politically correct but true.

Any chance they were former colonies of western powers who raped them for their resources and left them as shitholes after they were done? 

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....From the most hypocrite person in the most hypocrite country......

Nothing can be trusted what comes out of his sh*thole on both sides, it is all SH*T :-)
Believe me, it is true :cheesy::cheesy:


2 hours ago, gamini said:

I guess you are the same as Ttrump with your ugly ignorant racist views. 

Nice to see a well-thought-out response. Can you only do abuse?

So, by your reckoning, anybody that points out the shortcomings of a non-white county is a racist. Is it OK for other countries to berate predominantly white countries without them being called racists? Are you one of those weird people that think that blacks cannot be racist?

Do you live in one of those named countries? No? Thought not. Never even been to any of them I imagine.



Had Donald Trump simply called some countries a shithole- without naming them- he might have got a pass... but when he infers that a whole continent is like that and then wishes for immigrants from Norway- there is no doubt he is focused on color .


In addition, his past support for white supremacists and labelling Haitians as having HIV plus his attacks on people because of gender; ethnic background and disabilities show the World exactly what his mindset really is.   He is an ignorant; prejudiced and bigoted white Billionaire who only cares about himself and others of his ilk.


He forgets that all of us Americans are Immigrants whose family mostly came to America because their countries were poor; their living conditions astere and even dirty and wanted a better life. When Trump uses the word shithole- he is denigrating my grandparents from Denmark and Italy who indeed did  come to America for a new opportunity....because at that time their own countries were poor.


Now countries like Denmark; Italy and Norway are thriving and Trump can't seem to figure out that people from these countries have no desire to come to America -a country which provides no healthcare; social services to its population or a Government that functions. If anything- Americans would want to go to Northern Europe where they would live a better life.


Not only is Trump a bigot- but he is just plain stupid.  Immigrants who do want residency in the US are vetted by the US Embassy and the Department of Homeland Security.  You don't get in unless you are no security threat and can take care of yourself with the proper financials and work.  

In order to balance immigration to the US- people of all races; religions; ethnic backgrounds and status are accepted according to certain numbers and situations.  Without this balance America would have never prospered nor become diverse.


Donald Trump's  own mouth will doom his Presidency.  Unfortunately, he is making a mockery of what America has always stood for and the ideals the country was founded upon. Undoubtedly, the worst President ever.

6 minutes ago, IAMHERE said:

I didn't realize that 'shithole' was racist. Of course those countries aren't shithole's, they are shitpots with tinpot dictators.

You're forgetting the context, dude.

We're not that stupid.

The CONTEXT is opposition to immigration of people (of COLOR) from nations with difficult conditions in favor of support for immigration from overwhelmingly WHITE nations where the people realize they are much better there than the USA and don't even want to come.
Totally racist. Totally disgusting. Destroying the reputation of the USA in the world, whatever was left anyway.

Such a DAMAGING president. 


"World wonders if Trump is eroding US 'moral authority'


Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump's reported derogatory remarks about Haiti and slur against immigrants from "shithole" countries in Africa sent shockwaves around the world, simultaneously becoming a diplomatic issue that could damage America's global image and complicating an immigration reform effort at home."





In his first year Trump has, with his lies, aggression, racism, and vulgarity,  reduced the international status of USA to the point where it is hard to imagine how anyone with a shred of human decency, can still support him. He seems to be disintegrating so fast that maybe the rest of the world will not be condemned to witness this sickening farce for another year.

39 minutes ago, Nigel Garvie said:

In his first year Trump has, with his lies, aggression, racism, and vulgarity,  reduced the international status of USA to the point where it is hard to imagine how anyone with a shred of human decency, can still support him. He seems to be disintegrating so fast that maybe the rest of the world will not be condemned to witness this sickening farce for another year.

Yes, that's true but whether or not he can be removed from office prematurely is an open question. Just based on history, even as bad as he is, and he is very, very bad, the odds are against removing him. 

11 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

No doubt he's had very bad few days this week, and that's saying something...too much Fox & Friends?


Flubbing the national anthem at CFC

"Stable genius"

U.K. visit/new embassy

Payment to porn star

FISA confusion

Immigration/DACA confusion

F-52 confusion

Sh*thole remarks

Repeating "no collusion" seven times in one answer



One assumes the staff turnover and maybe lack of full-time day-care is negatively impacting his grasp on reality?


Any responsible family member would figure out a way out of this mess, much like we all eventually have to do when caring for aging parents.


Trump continues to show the world just how bizarre he really is.  But for how much longer?  The world is screaming at you America to put your house in order.  We all know Trump is not representative of the good  American people and his destructive nature is starting to seriously harm any credibility you have left.

24 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

Trump continues to show the world just how bizarre he really is.  But for how much longer?  The world is screaming at you America to put your house in order.  We all know Trump is not representative of the good  American people and his destructive nature is starting to seriously harm any credibility you have left.

In the U.S. system it is extremely difficult to remove a president for any reason. Given that trump's party now controls both houses of congress, those odds are even worse. Even if Mueller uncovers explicit crimes, that doesn't necessarily mean removal either. Ultimately, it's mostly about politics and power. It's sensible to accept the probability that the U.S. and the world is stuck with the human stain clown potus for at least his first entire term. Depressing, but real. 

It is reassuring to know the destiny of the world rests in such capable hands.

God bless America (skip Trump), God save us all (from Trump).


7 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

In the U.S. system it is extremely difficult to remove a president for any reason. Given that trump's party now controls both houses of congress, those odds are even worse. Even if Mueller uncovers explicit crimes, that doesn't necessarily mean removal either. Ultimately, it's mostly about politics and power. It's sensible to accept the probability that the U.S. and the world is stuck with the human stain clown potus for at least his first entire term. Depressing, but real. 

I know you are right and yes it is a depressing prospect.  I think that the world will try to side step Trump as much as they can but he is POTUS and that still gives him a lot of power and influence no matter how misguided.  In British politics the Prime Minister can be removed by a leadership challenge but in the USA it seems that the President is, to a great extent, untouchable, especially if they control both houses.


Donny John can deny all he wants but he has a repeat pattern racial sensitive remarks. He really is clueless and uncouth when it comes down to it. He delights when his followers yell, jump around with glee and thump their chests when he says something racial charged. He only sees the loving throng before him and could care less about those he demeans as he continues to puff up his already inflated ego. I am not sure who is worse, Donny John or those who enable him.


Trump’s history of breaking decorum with remarks on race, ethnicity



Seems to me the problem with most Trump haters is they can't stand to hear the truth about anything. Yes he is a bull in a china shop. He does not use politically correct language and uses the same type of language most people would use in private. Many may call his remarks racist but I don't see them that way. Liberals would have the US take on all the poor from anywhere and think they will become hardworking, constructive immigrants.  That was the way it was in the past when there was no welfare and there were no public programs costing the taxpayers billions of dollars. They went to work to survive.  It's no longer like that and when I hear people speak of how much immigrants contribute to the economy and never talk about the cost to the taxpayers it makes my blood boil.  There are statistics out there showing 70 % of latino immigrants are on some kind of welfare program where as only 17% of asians are on such programs. Kind of tells you something but liberals don't want to hear that. It's all about some kind of guilty conscious mentality. As far as I can see the failure to openly talk about what groups likely contribute and what groups of people don't, because of political correctness, only exacerbates the problem.  Just for the record I am not a racist, I just don't want people with no skills or ability to be self sufficient entering the country. I don't want to foot the bill for them. Not my problem. 

51 minutes ago, Trouble said:

Seems to me the problem with most Trump haters is they can't stand to hear the truth about anything. Yes he is a bull in a china shop. He does not use politically correct language and uses the same type of language most people would use in private. Many may call his remarks racist but I don't see them that way. Liberals would have the US take on all the poor from anywhere and think they will become hardworking, constructive immigrants.  That was the way it was in the past when there was no welfare and there were no public programs costing the taxpayers billions of dollars. They went to work to survive.  It's no longer like that and when I hear people speak of how much immigrants contribute to the economy and never talk about the cost to the taxpayers it makes my blood boil.  There are statistics out there showing 70 % of latino immigrants are on some kind of welfare program where as only 17% of asians are on such programs. Kind of tells you something but liberals don't want to hear that. It's all about some kind of guilty conscious mentality. As far as I can see the failure to openly talk about what groups likely contribute and what groups of people don't, because of political correctness, only exacerbates the problem.  Just for the record I am not a racist, I just don't want people with no skills or ability to be self sufficient entering the country. I don't want to foot the bill for them. Not my problem. 


Seems to me the problem with most Trump haters is they can't stand to hear the truth about anything.


When Trump speaks the truth about anything we will cross that bridge.


Trump claims to be the least racist person one would ever meet,  you claim not to be racist as well, but racial stereotyping rolls off your tongue with little effort.  I'll bet you would like to replace the latino you have cutting your lawn and washing your car with an Asian. 


Absolute nonsense- the majority of people in America on welfare are white anglo saxon Americans. No one comes to America to go on welfare.  There are some people who enter as refugees or displaced persons that are assisted mostly by church and affiliated private groups. The US Government vetts potential Immigrants for security and financials . Most of the Immigrants coming in now have quite a bit of savings and can take care of themselves.


Donald Trump is a racist and a bigot and those who support Trump are abetting his policies. Do you really want a President who is so reviled by the rest of Americans and the World?


Trump doesn't even have a mandate to govern. He lost the popular vote by almost 3 million votes.

It's going to be hard to remove him but if the  2018 elections change the House and Senate to a Democratic majority and the Mueller investigation shows Trump lied about the Russians, there is a good chance Trump will either be impeached and convicted or resign.

13 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

Absolute nonsense- the majority of people in America on welfare are white anglo saxon Americans. No one comes to America to go on welfare.  There are some people who enter as refugees or displaced persons that are assisted mostly by church and affiliated private groups. The US Government vetts potential Immigrants for security and financials . Most of the Immigrants coming in now have quite a bit of savings and can take care of themselves.

Its best to leave actual facts out of these arguments, people want someone to blame for not having a six figure income and a new pick-up. There are similar myths in Australia were people believe immigrants get cash, a free house and a car. Also immigrants of a certain religion are all on welfare, which is very odd because the welfare people dont ask your religion.

7 hours ago, Trouble said:

Just for the record I am not a racist


Yes, this is typically what people say when spouting racist, uninformed idiotic rhetoric - it's a nervous tic of sorts, but in your defense, you did omit the usual follow-on statement that, ..."some of my best friends are black".


In Trump's case, his is that because Randall Pinket won season 4 of The Apprentice, Trump must be the least racist person EVER.






It would seem that Trump's diminishing band of orange blossoms fall into two camps.  The bigots who don't hide it, and the bigots who try and tell us that Trump, and they, aren't.  They are firmly in one camp in one respect though (the type of camp where the tents are pitched on a beach at low tide, below the high tide mark), as they continue to squawk on about how Trump has balls, and continues to tell it like it is, and isn't afraid of what others will think of him; all on a thread about how he is denying that he said it.   Trump is a liar and a cowardly bully, and history is well littered with examples of the type of person who is attacted to those traits in one who has attained power.

8 hours ago, Trouble said:

There are statistics out there showing 70 % of latino immigrants are on some kind of welfare program where as only 17% of asians are on such programs.

Yes there are stories that give those statistics, written by the Center for Immigration Studies, a group that advocates for lower levels of immigration.



The statistics are counting the American born children of Latino immigrants as immigrants on welfare. There are more Latino immigrants than Asian immigrants so of course any statistics will show more Latinos.


There are also stories that offer the alternate opinion, facts, statistics etc.



"The idea that immigrants come to America to live off the government is wrong. The vast majority of new immigrants are not eligible for welfare. Even green card holders must wait for years to get most benefits. The United States already rejects applications from potential immigrants who could end up on government assistance — people who aren't financially stable can't even get tourist visas. And research shows that poor, uneducated immigrants are the least likely group to use welfare."


Both these media sources are moderately to strongly biased towards their causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information ...I suspect the truth is somewhere in the middle.


I'm not racist but I will blindly accept biased statistics , Racism by proxy.

On 1/13/2018 at 10:51 AM, soalbundy said:

Traore has applied for a green card


And more than likely the green card will be granted. Special dispensations are freely given to people who agree with the circus clown, in public. They like me! I like them! They recognize what a very stable genius I am! Give them all green cards. Anyone who likes me is a good person!

3 hours ago, Peterw42 said:

Yes there are stories that give those statistics, written by the Center for Immigration Studies, a group that advocates for lower levels of immigration.



The statistics are counting the American born children of Latino immigrants as immigrants on welfare. There are more Latino immigrants than Asian immigrants so of course any statistics will show more Latinos.


There are also stories that offer the alternate opinion, facts, statistics etc.



"The idea that immigrants come to America to live off the government is wrong. The vast majority of new immigrants are not eligible for welfare. Even green card holders must wait for years to get most benefits. The United States already rejects applications from potential immigrants who could end up on government assistance — people who aren't financially stable can't even get tourist visas. And research shows that poor, uneducated immigrants are the least likely group to use welfare."


Both these media sources are moderately to strongly biased towards their causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information ...I suspect the truth is somewhere in the middle.


I'm not racist but I will blindly accept biased statistics , Racism by proxy.

Well said


Should just OWN what he says, but the Teflon Don knows he doesn't have to and can get away with any lie and/or insult. Shit just slides right off his slimy ass. :bah:

5 hours ago, ballpoint said:

It would seem that Trump's diminishing band of orange blossoms fall into two camps.  The bigots who don't hide it, and the bigots who try and tell us that Trump, and they, aren't.  They are firmly in one camp in one respect though (the type of camp where the tents are pitched on a beach at low tide, below the high tide mark), as they continue to squawk on about how Trump has balls, and continues to tell it like it is, and isn't afraid of what others will think of him; all on a thread about how he is denying that he said it.   Trump is a liar and a cowardly bully, and history is well littered with examples of the type of person who is attacted to those traits in one who has attained power.

Seems like your last sentence fits Hillary to a tee

On 1/13/2018 at 10:12 AM, spidermike007 said:

When a half man loser is confronted about taking responsibility for a mistake he has made, or an offense he has caused, the reaction is always the same. Denial, obfuscation, blaming the "fake news", and engaging in the deflection this huckster is so good at. Anything but admit the truth. 


This nitwit continues to shoot himself in the foot daily. He will be his own undoing. Though he has gotten away with alot, and some of his supporters and devotees continue to give him a free pass, with every infraction and mistake, it will add up. He will be responsible for his own fall. And it will be spectacular. Some of us cannot wait for this to happen. 


There has never been a doubt about his racist credentials, nor the degree of hatred, xenophobia, and darkness in this man's tiny heart. Time will simply reveal that over time. Along with so much else about this circus huckster fool.

I hope you are correct in "He will be responsible for his own fall."  I am not as confident. I really fear he is edging toward dictatorship daily. He is mimicking Turkey and Russia's dictators. He has neutered Congress, while undermining our institutions. The Russians hacked the DNC, but they also hacked the RNC. Maybe the Republicans are afraid of being exposed?


Trump listens to Fox - that broadcast opinions as facts. He ignores US intelligence agencies, and will not embrace any form or fact finding. Trump has hoards of sheep who spew out Fox's party line repeatedly.  His defenders don't seem bothered by Trumps authoritarian dismantling of rule of law/democracy. I really hope I am being an alarmist, but fear I am not.

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