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we have created a generation of zombies

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7 minutes ago, alex8912 said:

On your last point. Don't you wish a handful of TVF posters would go on a posting holiday for a month or so? Just imagine if other posters with fresh ideas then posted more and newbies who join actually keep posting. Could be a whole new forum! 

Either that or the forum would die :smile:


But if you have read TVF long enough you will see everything repeat itself here.

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Its a well orchstrated take over of the minds and they will fight you to the death to say its not. remember Pokimon Go? 

These brain deads are being used against those of common sense. With the pop-up of a "News Alert" or New APP, people are told what to believe without guestioning the truth.



Only thing SMART thing about these items, is their ability to track you and TELL you what to think.  This is where "Brainless" generation comes from-they don't think, they are told what to think.

This well orchstrated take over of the minds began to promote governments propaganda. Tv, newspapers, computers, phones..then combining phones into computers.

Next great thing to come? Put the computer into your brain.

Sorry, thats already here......


49 minutes ago, robblok said:


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1 hour ago, connda said:

Just goes to show that most people have a need to be distracted. 

I like reading up on the phone tablet while traveling.. never bored again. Always some news available to me. What else to do when stuck in a train, bus ect. 20 years ago when traveling to Amsterdam each day to work (lost 3,5 hours a day) I took study books or normal books with me. I made use of the time. Now I can do the same with a phone. 


I acknowledge what you say robblok, especially when commuting everyday, but you ask: "What else to do when stuck in a train, bus ect." How about just sitting and thinking? Or looking out the window at the World around you, or observing the people around you? I must be the exception to the rule as I never get bored of this. Connda is right and it has always puzzled me because if people are constantly distracted and/or taking in information they must never spend any time actually thinking and 'digesting' and reflecting on the info. they are taking in, let alone thinking and reflecting on their own lives and what is going on in the World. When flying I love to look out at the fantastic cloudscapes and the Earth below which most of us rarely get the opportunity to do. But most people just close the shutter and want to watch a movie which is something they can do anytime in their everyday lives. It really baffles me!

52 minutes ago, alex8912 said:

On your last point. Don't you wish a handful of TVF posters would go on a posting holiday for a month or so? Just imagine if other posters with fresh ideas then posted more and newbies who join actually keep posting. Could be a whole new forum! 

It is what it is.......but fresh input is always good.

2 minutes ago, SunsetT said:
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I like reading up on the phone tablet while traveling.. never bored again. Always some news available to me. What else to do when stuck in a train, bus ect. 20 years ago when traveling to Amsterdam each day to work (lost 3,5 hours a day) I took study books or normal books with me. I made use of the time. Now I can do the same with a phone. 


I acknowledge what you say robblok, especially when commuting everyday, but you ask: "What else to do when stuck in a train, bus ect." How about just sitting and thinking? Or looking out the window at the World around you, or observing the people around you? I must be the exception to the rule as I never get bored of this. Connda is right and it has always puzzled me because if people are constantly distracted and/or taking in information they must never spend any time actually thinking and 'digesting' and reflecting on the info. they are taking in, let alone thinking and reflecting on their own lives and what is going on in the World. When flying I love to look out at the fantastic cloudscapes and the Earth below which most of us rarely get the opportunity to do. But most people just close the shutter and want to watch a movie which is something they can do anytime in their everyday lives. It really baffles me!

What do you think i do when i read up on the things i like like fishing, training.. or just the news.. then your thinking and digesting information. Maybe the current generation is faster in processing information than the previous one. 


Its not hard to think about ones life.. you act like its something that takes time. I have done it often its not that hard. I digest info while i read.. its called multitasking something the younger generation is better at than old timers because of all that new information available. 


When flying most of the times the windows are close.. I have looked at the clouds.. but that gets boring and when most of your trip is over seas there is not much to see. The only time flying is interesting is during takeoff and landing then its great to see stuff. 


I think you will just have to accept that people have found new ways of keeping busy and your ways are old fashioned. Just like you did things your father thought were weird. That is the way the world and it goes faster each time. I am sure there will be a time I will be complaining about new technology but right now not really.


I just accept the world as it is and sure its annoying when people have their phone open during meals.. i mention it once or twice and then I just don't go to diner with those people. 


"They [Young People] have exalted notions, because they have not been humbled by life or learned its necessary limitations; moreover, their hopeful disposition makes them think themselves equal to great things -- and that means having exalted notions. They would always rather do noble deeds than useful ones: Their lives are regulated more by moral feeling than by reasoning -- all their mistakes are in the direction of doing things excessively and vehemently. They overdo everything -- they love too much, hate too much, and the same with everything else." Aristotle

"The children now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise." Socrates


1 hour ago, robblok said:

Either that or the forum would die :smile:


But if you have read TVF long enough you will see everything repeat itself here.

I doubt it would die. Is it fully alive now?  Hmmm

6 minutes ago, alex8912 said:

I doubt it would die. Is it fully alive now?  Hmmm

Actually many of the old timers are gone already.. there have been some people leaving in past few years. Things about moderation and going to an other forum ect. 


But really the old people wont hold you down.. you can post what you want.. others have a right to comment on that. I don't really see the problem. I often don't post anymore on topics that have been done to death and always get similar posts.


The like do you pay your GF a salary.. how much salary should your wife have ect.

14 minutes ago, robblok said:

What do you think i do when i read up on the things i like like fishing, training.. or just the news.. then your thinking and digesting information. Maybe the current generation is faster in processing information than the previous one. 


Its not hard to think about ones life.. you act like its something that takes time. I have done it often its not that hard. I digest info while i read.. its called multitasking something the younger generation is better at than old timers because of all that new information available. 


When flying most of the times the windows are close.. I have looked at the clouds.. but that gets boring and when most of your trip is over seas there is not much to see. The only time flying is interesting is during takeoff and landing then its great to see stuff. 


I think you will just have to accept that people have found new ways of keeping busy and your ways are old fashioned. Just like you did things your father thought were weird. That is the way the world and it goes faster each time. I am sure there will be a time I will be complaining about new technology but right now not really.


I just accept the world as it is and sure its annoying when people have their phone open during meals.. i mention it once or twice and then I just don't go to diner with those people. 

When reading or taking in info. our thinking is focused, rightly so, on attempting to understand the meaning of what is being coveyed. But I believe a stepping back and a more objective period of  'Reflection' and 'contemplation' is necessary to attempt to understand people, what is going on in the world, and perhaps some 'deeper' things in life. Things are often not what they appear to be on the surface. Maybe some people can multitask and do this all at once, but Im not so sure. And I certainly cannot.


I do accept the changing World and people's behaviour. But Im just reflecting on and contemplating  the changes and attempting to understand it..... and expressing my opinions on it.

2 minutes ago, SunsetT said:

When reading or taking in info. our thinking is focused, rightly so, on attempting to understand the meaning of what is being coveyed. But I believe a stepping back and a more objective period of  'Reflection' and 'contemplation' is necessary to attempt to understand people, what is going on in the world, and perhaps some 'deeper' things in life. Things are often not what they appear to be on the surface. Maybe some people can multitask and do this all at once, but Im not so sure. And I certainly cannot.


I do accept the changing World and people's behaviour. But Im just reflecting on and contemplating  the changes and attempting to understand it..... and expressing my opinions on it.

The process you describe happens with me during reading (especially with material I study). So while my eyes are glued to the phone (prefer a computer screen actually to read things but phone is better then nothing) i digest it without having to step back. I am sure others are like me. We grew up in the information age we process things differently. 


I love all the information that is available everywhere, i still remember starting with fitness / bodybuilding when i was 15.. all we had to go on was the information of a few guys in the gym. Later the internet opened up so much  new information. Had i known much of that back then my progress would have been much better. 


The same goes for my other hobby fishing.. i love reading about it.. looking at others ideas about it. Now i can do all of that while waiting for something. Time that i feel would have been lost otherwise. (maybe because i don't need to step back like you).


When i still studied I had to travel by train and bus too. I took study books with me to read it really did help me a lot as you were locked up anyway why not read. Of course over time if you travel the same route all the time you meet people and do have a chat once in a while but these people too would read newspapers and stuff. 


The only times i dislike phones is when I am in company and they pay more attention to their phones then me. That to me means I am not interesting enough and I either stop seeing those people or make sure I am interesting enough again. I am not bothered if someone takes out a phone when they are with me.. only when looking at the phone is all they do. 

51 minutes ago, SunsetT said:
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I like reading up on the phone tablet while traveling.. never bored again. Always some news available to me. What else to do when stuck in a train, bus ect. 20 years ago when traveling to Amsterdam each day to work (lost 3,5 hours a day) I took study books or normal books with me. I made use of the time. Now I can do the same with a phone. 


I acknowledge what you say robblok, especially when commuting everyday, but you ask: "What else to do when stuck in a train, bus ect." How about just sitting and thinking? Or looking out the window at the World around you, or observing the people around you? I must be the exception to the rule as I never get bored of this. Connda is right and it has always puzzled me because if people are constantly distracted and/or taking in information they must never spend any time actually thinking and 'digesting' and reflecting on the info. they are taking in, let alone thinking and reflecting on their own lives and what is going on in the World. When flying I love to look out at the fantastic cloudscapes and the Earth below which most of us rarely get the opportunity to do. But most people just close the shutter and want to watch a movie which is something they can do anytime in their everyday lives. It really baffles me!

I find Smartphones pretty boring. I only have one because it was a present. I rarely take it anywhere and journeys (where I am not driving) are great because I can think about "stuff". I have a very overactive brain anyway , way more active than a Smartphone!

Whatever our opinions I would say that the pervasive use of especially Smartphones will affect our way of thinking and brain activity in general. Difficult to pin down but should be noticeable in younger generations.

Smartphones and cognition


The reason people are constantly looking at a phone is they have lost the art of conversation or they simply do not understand how to communicate and live and exist in today's World. Most people are afraid to give a verbal opinion to another person lest an argument ensues.

Instead- they hide behind social media and the phone. In addition, I find it rude if I am in conversation with someone, including my own family, and they are constantly looking at a phone.  Most of the time people are looking at text messages or email- non of which are more important than the person you are speaking with.


To me- a phone is to call someone or they call you. While I respect your use of a phone as you see fit- I really don't need a 'smart' phone.  I conduct any serious business in person so I can see and feel the interaction with the other person.  I do all my research on my computer which is much more effective that using the internet on a phone. 


Technology is a 2 edge sword- I will never let it control me or need it so much I give up my humanity.  They say robots will replace most workers and driverless cars will be the only  things available at some future time. At some point if you want a mate- simply order artificial intelligence and program it. 


Just because technology can do something doesn't mean you have to employ it.  Many people actually work because they like it and people drive cars because they like it. I suspect those in power will welcome this type of technology simply because they can make big money from it.


Frankly, I would rather have affordable healthcare and life saving medicines before any investment in technology that is being proposed.  If that makes me old fashioned- so be it.


Valentine's Day last year l took my wife out for a nice dinner. We were the only couple not glued to their cell phones. Children's day last weekend we took our son for a nice lunch. Again the only table not glued to their phones. ADHD is on the rise in Thailand. Doctor's attribute this rise directly to the extended use of cell phones by youth. Our 11 year old son must be the only student in his school

without a cell phone. We send him to school to learn and interact not to play games on a phone.

4 hours ago, SunsetT said:

I am also not sure where all this smart phone addiction is leading. I see more and more neglect of work, social responsibilities and duties.


You must be from the older generation.   I now do 90% of my business's marketing from my phone and about 80% of my email for the business.    Which means a large part of my day is spent working on my phone instead of on one of my computers.   Being able to work from my phone means I get more done as I can do stuff in a taxi, while standing on the BTS, even while just walking down the street.   I'm no longer limited to doing work when I'm in the office or at home.    It's also not just work, I can keep up with what my friends are doing around the world in near real time.  

11 minutes ago, seancbk said:

<snip>.   Being able to work from my phone means I get more done as I can do stuff in a taxi, while standing on the BTS, even while just walking down the street.   <snip2>

... and maybe soon Bangkok like Seoul will have No-Smartphone-Zombie signs just for folks like you (and that is indeed what they call the signs).


9 minutes ago, seancbk said:


You must be from the older generation.   I now do 90% of my business's marketing from my phone and about 80% of my email for the business.    Which means a large part of my day is spent working on my phone instead of on one of my computers.   Being able to work from my phone means I get more done as I can do stuff in a taxi, while standing on the BTS, even while just walking down the street.   I'm no longer limited to doing work when I'm in the office or at home.    It's also not just work, I can keep up with what my friends are doing around the world in near real time.  

U misunderstand me. That is using it as a tool which I do. I mean using a phone not for one's job but when one should be doing  one's job or other work or chores.


Technology aside , for  me having to work on a Smartphone is near enough impossible. It is way too small and far too easy to make mistakes. That is not because of bad eyesight but because I can't concentrate on something that small. Whereas most people are glued to the minuscule screen and oblivious to their surroundings; I am the complete opposite. For me the surroundings are way too interesting.


It doesn't matter what generation you are from- if you are working while in a taxi-walking on the street or sitting in a park- I feel sorry for you- life is way too short to tie up every bit of your hours glued to a device of some type.  You may not  realize it but at some point you will be of an age when you start to question what value you time is because time becomes shorter and other things become more important.  If I want to keep up with friends and family- I call them- I refuse to become a member of the impersonal generation.  Up to you - but I don't need it.

20 minutes ago, cmsally said:

Technology aside , for  me having to work on a Smartphone is near enough impossible. It is way too small and far too easy to make mistakes. That is not because of bad eyesight but because I can't concentrate on something that small. Whereas most people are glued to the minuscule screen and oblivious to their surroundings; I am the complete opposite. For me the surroundings are way too interesting.

We have office search and research tasks that are almost impossible to do on  a smartphone but some do try wasting time with a finger dance.

35 minutes ago, JLCrab said:

... and maybe soon Bangkok like Seoul will have No-Smartphone-Zombie signs just for folks like you (and that is indeed what they call the signs).


You only have to say, "hey Google" and you control your phone from the headset.  No need to be looking at it.  Everything can be read to you and you can call or send messages from the headset.



When I was working for a large insurance company in America- Top management barred smart phones at work stations because work wasn't being done- people were sending text messages and checking email instead of dealing with customers.  Thee are just too many people who are addicted to these phones and can't seem to live without them. Some people were actually fired after several warnings.




@ opaired ,


I'm surprised to even see a post such as yours.


I suggest you take a moment and realize all those you criticize have in their hand a virtual encyclopedia  with nearly limitless access to information.

27 minutes ago, cmsally said:

Technology aside , for  me having to work on a Smartphone is near enough impossible. It is way too small and far too easy to make mistakes. That is not because of bad eyesight but because I can't concentrate on something that small. Whereas most people are glued to the minuscule screen and oblivious to their surroundings; I am the complete opposite. For me the surroundings are way too interesting.

My TV just got Google assistant so I can talk to the TV in the same manner that I talk to my smartphone.  I use a stylus and my screen is almost 7 inches.  It is easy to enlarge any parts of the screen to make it easy to work with.  I have a big phone but most of the time it is in it's holster as my headset does all the work while I look at the interesting surroundings.  


7 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

When I was working for a large insurance company in America- Top management barred smart phones at work stations because work wasn't being done- people were sending text messages and checking email instead of dealing with customers.  Thee are just too many people who are addicted to these phones and can't seem to live without them. Some people were actually fired after several warnings.

All of my employees are required to carry and use a smartphone as it's how we communicate with them on a minute to minute basis and send information back and forth.  It has improved our productivity and accuracy 100%.  I was on a 12 foot ladder yesterday fixing a security camera while I was talking to a customer support rep in China.  No problem got the camera fixed.  I had changed my wifi password. 

20 hours ago, Peterw42 said:

Is it wrong that I am responding to this thread while ignoring my friends at the dinner table ?

Yes! But then you may be a boring person so no one would complain.:saai: 


Sorry Amvet- I don't want to be communicated with on a minute to minute basis .  It may improve productivity in your occupation but when i was working it caused a complete decline in any productivity.  People were constantly checking personal messages and sending messages to friends and family and thus their use at work stations was banned.


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