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Video: Vendor explains herself as Thai dual pricing drama simmers


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I shall go back to page 3 and continue reading this thread when I have posted this comment, so I apologise if this has been mentioned already.


When me and the Mrs visited the UK back in 2014 she wasn't charged twice the going rate to visit Stonehenge, the Tower of London or innumerable other national attractions that we visited, I wasn't charged extra because she was "a tourist" visiting my homeland, she was treated fairly and equitably by everyone who met her, including the Border control officer at Heathrow who smiled very nicely at her and told her to enjoy her visit to our great country.


I hope that this thieving, nasty piece of work goes out of business PDQ and that his generalness pays attention to what his people are saying.  

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12 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

I accept dual pricing for nothing, but the growing hysteria surrounding this case is out of proportion to the offence. 

I  agree only  at  accepting  dual pricing  for  nothing. But  the hysteria  may create some overdue attention to  the  issue.

Even  80  Bht  is  at  the  top end  of prices  for  such a  meal  generally  from  my  observation.

And  in  this  scenario  where the  menu  has  prices  posted then  anyone  should  have  the right  to  object.


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13 hours ago, robblok said:

I hate dual pricing but I can accept to pay more in nature parks so Thais can enjoy their own country for a cheaper price then we do. Its their national heritage. I can't accept it for normal companies and businesses. 

Yeah, really smart. When do you reckon you should be able to enjoy the same benefits as the locals. After living here how many years? Do you reckon you have to be born here to have that right? What country do you come from? How are immigrants treated in your country? In my country a legal immigrant will get free medical treatment, full pension rights (minimum pension), free education and the right to work from day one. After three years working he/she will be able to vote in an election and after five years a citizenship. What should be the time limits in Thailand?

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5 hours ago, MartinBangkok said:

Yeah, really smart. When do you reckon you should be able to enjoy the same benefits as the locals. After living here how many years? Do you reckon you have to be born here to have that right? What country do you come from? How are immigrants treated in your country? In my country a legal immigrant will get free medical treatment, full pension rights (minimum pension), free education and the right to work from day one. After three years working he/she will be able to vote in an election and after five years a citizenship. What should be the time limits in Thailand?

That is a good question. In many US states and many US cities we have dual pricing on parks or parking at parks. The way it usually works is local residents get lower rates. (Politicians love these schemes as they promote this as a way to "give back" to their constituents.)  In all fairness, it was the locals through their taxes that paid for the initial investment, maintenance, and upgrades.


Seems to me if you are a permanent resident who pays taxes, you should get exactly the same benefits as other local taxpayers. 

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Life's not fair, it's not a carnival or a circus either is what we tell our kids but it is the way it is. This is all about a Thai being mistaken for a Chinese which in turn made a monkey out of a money grabbing street vendor, whom I hasten to add has an extremely high standard street food stall. The Thais are only screaming because it happened to one of their own, they care little about anything else. The more outraged on here will say how if a Thai went to their country they would be charged the same, these are the Naïve Knights, or just really bad at maths and to commence this in a nice and easy manner let's break through the beers sodden brains of the long-timers and start with a nice simple comparison.

Cost of an entry visa for a westerner to visit Thailand = ?

Cost of an entry visa for a Thai to visit your country = ?

I'm sure that the difference there just on entry would cover a few crispy pork and rice meals at twice the normal price but at the end of the day, you look at the menu, assess the price and decide, would you get into an unmetered taxi without first negotiating the actual journey cost ? It seems to be what the "Chinese" lady did, more or less and then she wielded the game changer, Thai 'Face' Book - The ultimate weapon - in a country obsessed of hiding behind smiles on a surreal parody of real life, where you can be anyone you want, as long as no-one dislikes, you can wield the mightiest of swords by simply going viral, something for which most of us would prefer medical treatment, however in LOS, its their 10 minutes of fame and street vendors everywhere quaking in their boots at the approach of an overweight slightly Chinese looking lady with a phone approaching....life used to be so much simpler !!

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8 hours ago, overherebc said:

Why is everyone shying away from the two most important words  Greed and R-------.

Her business plan is based on Racism and Greed her actions in this case prove it 

Its not very nice when its in your face like this

It upsets some peoples sensibilities

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21 hours ago, ferguston said:

It's about time that laws are passed in Thailand to make dual pricing illegal anywhere.

And just like almost any other law in Thailand it will be ignored and unenforced. Laws reflect majority opinions. Murder is bad. Racist based overcharging is OK.


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22 hours ago, carmine said:

Totally pathetic charging foreigners nearly double, whilst i am aware in this case it was mistakenly a Thai.  And tourists seem to be getting fed up with it too and going elsewhere.  Karma.

..surely its a Human Rights issue as well.

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22 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

I don’t agree with dual pricing, in fact I hate it and the thinking that lies behind it. 


However, this poor woman has done nothing more than the national parks and other attractions do.


This whole thing is being blown out of proportion, and this woman is being crucified, mainly (I suspect), because the person overcharged was Thai.  


Let her be.


If the authorities really want fair pricing for all, they should clean up their own house first. 



...sure..but how can they say it was a simple mistake..there are five numbers ..150 and 80..now all are different shapes and two are the same..the zeros....So lets take those out...leaves 15 and 8.

Not difficult is it to see they are both very different..no real chance of making an error...all i can surmise is they didnt use a calculator and tried that new-fangled method called 'mental arithmetic'.

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10 hours ago, wakeupplease said:

A bloody fishing park doing it, now that is way past a joke. Even the top fishing parks loaded with quality fish here in the UK are only £20.00 and my regular visit is just £15.00 for 4 rods and the wife can fish too, she is better than me at it. Stay where I am and keep the money I save for trips to Vietnam and Australia. Burts pool Lop Buri is 100, there is one in Sarburi just north of the town then left a beautiful place 2 lakes and nice fish 40 to 60kg is only 80. love going there but now can say I do not miss the place, maybe the fishing park but not the place.

Bungsamran has done this for ages.. but now its just too much. I used to take my dad there when he visited and it was bad that he had to pay more.. but 1000 vs 400.. ok.. then it was 2000 vs 400 (barely acceptable and made us angry).. then 4000 vs 400.. bye never going to go there again.


Your advise of going to Bung pla bug is a good one I will be eternally grateful for that. Its closer to me and even though i catch less than in Bungsamran, i can experiment there. In Bungsamran its just a float with lam and nothing else will work. There i can play with fishing with or without a float.. bread or lam... maybe even use some carp tackle i bought from the UK. I am going to try the artificial bread (floating and sinking there are some brands that make it look so real).


The gf fishes too and the last few times caught more then I have.. and I can't explain it as I cast better and we use the same bait. But I don't mind as long as I am having fun.


Thank you again for pointing out Bung pla bug.

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9 hours ago, MartinBangkok said:

Yeah, really smart. When do you reckon you should be able to enjoy the same benefits as the locals. After living here how many years? Do you reckon you have to be born here to have that right? What country do you come from? How are immigrants treated in your country? In my country a legal immigrant will get free medical treatment, full pension rights (minimum pension), free education and the right to work from day one. After three years working he/she will be able to vote in an election and after five years a citizenship. What should be the time limits in Thailand?

I think once you earn a salary here or pay income tax you should be allowed to have the same price as the Thais (for cultural heritage) other prices should be the same already. I have lived here 10 years just feel that the poorest of the Thais should visit their own cultural heritage for almost no costs. I am Dutch and  legal immigrants get similar rights. Like you I wish there were some more options for us foreigners but that was not really the point. My point was more that us foreigners subsidizing the nature parks so the poorest of Thais can visit too is not a bad thing.  Though maybe there should be discounts for those on long visa's. But really the nature parks don't get to me.. maybe if i was a more regular visitor. 

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On 1/18/2018 at 9:26 AM, robblok said:

I hate dual pricing but I can accept to pay more in nature parks so Thais can enjoy their own country for a cheaper price then we do. Its their national heritage. I can't accept it for normal companies and businesses. 

I can’t accept paying 10x the price  for a national park just because I’m not Thai and assumed to have more money. If charges are based on ability to pay then most of my Thai friends would have to pay a lot more than me

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16 minutes ago, Fairynuff said:

I can’t accept paying 10x the price  for a national park just because I’m not Thai and assumed to have more money. If charges are based on ability to pay then most of my Thai friends would have to pay a lot more than me

That is your view.. and I can certainly understand it. Last time I encountered a nature park i believe it was 50 bt for Thais and 200 for foreigners. Its just a hard topic to discuss.

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2 hours ago, tandor said:

...sure..but how can they say it was a simple mistake..there are five numbers ..150 and 80..now all are different shapes and two are the same..the zeros....So lets take those out...leaves 15 and 8.

Not difficult is it to see they are both very different..no real chance of making an error...all i can surmise is they didnt use a calculator and tried that new-fangled method called 'mental arithmetic'.

Not sure how that relates to my post. 

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On 1/18/2018 at 7:49 AM, carmine said:

Totally pathetic charging foreigners nearly double, whilst i am aware in this case it was mistakenly a Thai.  And tourists seem to be getting fed up with it too and going elsewhere.  Karma.


This is like the broken record of ThaiVisa.

Tourists are still coming.



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8 hours ago, oldlakey said:

Her business plan is based on Racism and Greed her actions in this case prove it 

Its not very nice when its in your face like this

It upsets some peoples sensibilities


She sell street food, This isn't some Wall Street crook.

Do you know what her income is? No.

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I was on a motorbike tour with a Thai friend today. We were going into a national park where the charge was 120 Baht for a Thai national and 500 Baht for a foreigner. He was outraged by all of this and couldn't understand why a foreign 'tourist' should be charged more. He refused to enter the national park on principle.


When I shop in the local market, and if stall owner tries to charge me more, the other sellers always pull them up and make them charge me the normal Thai price.


I think that most decent Thais don't realise dual charging occurs. If they did, they would oppose it (unless, maybe, there was a profit in it for them).

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8 hours ago, robblok said:

... I have lived here 10 years just feel that the poorest of the Thais should visit their own cultural heritage for almost no costs ... subsidizing the nature parks so the poorest of Thais can visit too is not a bad thing ...

Early in 2017, the Thai government (apparently) issued an ID card to the poorest people in the country - some 14 million of them. Assuming they are so poor that they never visit NPs anyway,  what has the government got to lose by giving them free access on presentation of the ID card and then charge a uniform price for all other visitors who are not, by the government's definition, poor?

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1 hour ago, MartinL said:

Early in 2017, the Thai government (apparently) issued an ID card to the poorest people in the country - some 14 million of them. Assuming they are so poor that they never visit NPs anyway,  what has the government got to lose by giving them free access on presentation of the ID card and then charge a uniform price for all other visitors who are not, by the government's definition, poor?

Good plan.

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9 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

Not sure how that relates to my post. 

..it means she was prepared to overcharge if she could get away with it..why else would she be thinking of two amounts in her racist head...not in keeping with Buddhist practices. 

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8 minutes ago, tandor said:

..it means she was prepared to overcharge if she could get away with it..why else would she be thinking of two amounts in her racist head...not in keeping with Buddhist practices. 

No idea how I was supposed to decode your post to get that. 


What she did was wrong, I’ve said that all along. 


However, the anger directed at her is misplaced. She is doing what she sees the authorities and large malls (amongst others). 


That is who the pack mentality netizens and media should be hounding. 


Not this powerless woman. 


But, let’s face it, they are too cowardly to do that. 

Edited by Bluespunk
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7 hours ago, lingyai said:


She sell street food, This isn't some Wall Street crook.

Do you know what her income is? No.

So that excuses racism and cheating does it

I know her income has been more than it ought to be because of her thievery but thats had a bit of a hiccup just lately hopefully

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On 18/01/2018 at 3:09 PM, Megasin1 said:

Well they do say that any publicity is good publicity, but even at 80 baht I can't see any of this being good for her. Their greatest fear, a negative posting on facebook....LOL. The Nietzen army has been mobilised, I'm off to my bunker to eat some big C canned food, especially the evaporated milk. I always wondered what happened to the evaporated milk industry, it was a constant worry causing many sleepless nights until I arrived in Thailand to find it is a thriving empire of good coffee destruction being charged out at a nice high farang price :smile:

555 funny

But you do know that evaporated milk in Thailand is not milk?......Right?

The milkfat has been replaced by palmoil!

Check any brand.

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1 hour ago, Will E Vormer said:

I would love to start a restaurant where farangs got charged a lower rate! Now that would get some free publicity.

Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk

so... what's keeping you?

just do it.

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51 minutes ago, oldlakey said:

So that excuses racism and cheating does it

I know her income has been more than it ought to be because of her thievery but thats had a bit of a hiccup just lately hopefully


It does. I bet she has to sell her Ferrari now as she will not be able to afford the payments any longer

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3 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

No idea how I was supposed to decode your post to get that. 


What she did was wrong, I’ve said that all along. 


However, the anger directed at her is misplaced. She is doing what she sees the authorities and large malls (amongst others). 


That is who the pack mentality netizens and media should be hounding. 


Not this powerless woman. 


But, let’s face it, they are too cowardly to do that. 

she's an easy target.

I guess people think it's safer to rage at her than to take the risk of raging at public policies, especially when they have a rational reason (such as lower prices in national parks for taxpayers). I pay the Thai price using my work permit.

The worst double pricing policies are those applies by private businesses, especially small vendors (big companies don't have dual pricing AFAIK). Because the small businesses are those we are confronted with every day and no work permit can help in dealing with their unfair practice.

Finally, I would say that any debate and public outrage about dual pricing is good. the more people posting publicly an opinion that there should be only one price for all, the better.


Edited by manarak
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