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World's confidence in US leadership under Trump at new low, poll finds

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World's confidence in US leadership under Trump at new low, poll finds

Julian Borger in Washington


-- Approval for US falls to 30% from 48% under Obama

-- ‘Historic low’ of Gallup poll ‘sets a new bar for disapproval’


Global confidence in US leadership has fallen to a new low, and the country now ranks below China in worldwide approval ratings, according to a new Gallup poll.


The survey of opinion in 134 countries showed a record collapse in approval for the US role in the world, from 48% under Obama to 30% after one year of Donald Trump – the lowest level Gallup has recorded since beginning its global leadership poll over a decade ago.


The result comes after a separate Gallup survey found that Trump reaches the first anniversary of his inauguration with the lowest average approval rating of any elected president in his first year.


Full story: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/jan/18/us-leadership-world-confidence-poll


-- The Guardian 2018-01-19

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"...This year marks a significant change in our trends,” wrote Gallup’s managing partner, Jon Clifton. “Only 30% of the world, on average, approves of the job performance of the US’s leadership, down from 48% in 2016. In fact, more people now disapprove of US leadership than approve.

*Edited for Fair Use*


This is a truly shocking collapse of leadership on the part of the US, and it is unlikely to bode well for them or for others. Worse, it seems to defy common sense; the US was one of the primary architects of the world order for the last 80 years or so and was one of the primary beneficiaries. Voluntarily ceding leadership of global issues means that future resolution of vital issues either will not occur or will not be optimal to the US and her allies. Globalization has downsides, but it is sad that the US has not championed the benefits of it when they gained the most.


To be fair, Trump did campaign on a platform of 'America first'. However, ceding leadership to others means that America won't be first anymore; I don't think US voters approved that.


The lesson of the Twentieth century was that when the US steps back from world affairs, bad things happen. Let's hope history doesn't repeat itself...




A rather suspicious 'poll' if the individuals who are polled - basically all have the Sadz that DJT will be President for the next 7 years. 

1 minute ago, Boon Mee said:

A rather suspicious 'poll' if the individuals who are polled - basically all have the Sadz that DJT will be President for the next 7 years. 



This is all part of Putin's plan. Trump is just doing as Putin tells him. WAKE UP AMERICA. Trump/Putin spit on rule of law and democracy.  Lies and Liars are the enemy of the people. Trump is a pathological liar; no one trusts him. He will be the most hated man in the world.


anti democracy liars.jpg


The only thing that surprises me about the poll is that 30% still have any faith or trust in America under Trump at all. I wonder how many of the  'shithole' countries voted positively?

9 minutes ago, darksidedog said:

The only thing that surprises me about the poll is that 30% still have any faith or trust in America under Trump at all. I wonder how many of the  'shithole' countries voted positively?

Russia, Poland and the Balkans were mentioned. 

18 minutes ago, canuckamuck said:

America seems to be doing OK though. Korea has calmed down, the mid East is seemingly restrained. Better than under Obama anyway.

Tell me, does the alternate universe you live in have a name?


No wonder the world is losing faith in the US as the man-child in the WH is a proven serial liar. 

"Obama plays too much golf. When I'm president I won't have time to play!" Pathetic, just pathetic.


Golfer In Chief

4 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

A rather suspicious 'poll' if the individuals who are polled - basically all have the Sadz that DJT will be President for the next 7 years. 


Most of us who are level headed, and have not sampled any of the kool aid, believe there is less than a 1% chance of a second term. First of all, I do not believe he is enjoying his first term, and more than likely he would not want to run again. Secondarily, even if he wants to run again, there is little chance of him getting elected, and his poor health might prevent that anyway. One cannot eat cheeseburgers as a dietary staple, avoid all forms of exercise (swinging a golf club, and driving around in a cart all day does not count one iota), and get away with that forever. One thing many of his supporters are not counting on, is getting trounced in the mid terms, which is going to happen. I predict a democratic majority in both the house and the senate, come November. That means very little legislation will get passed. Once the people see through this tax plan, and realize it is just a massive transfer of wealth from the middle and lower classes, to the corporations, the top 5%, and Trumps businesses, all bets are off. 


The problem with this behavior, is that the more inane, silly, ridiculous, non-presidential, petty, vengeful, hateful, and racist he appears to be, as time goes on, the more toxic he becomes. He is not changing. It is just that who he really is, is becoming more apparent by the day. He has always been a hateful racist. He has always been a vengeful misogynist. That is who he is. It is just being revealed to us, as the layers of this poisonous onion are being peeled off. There is so much more to be revealed about this guy. My guess is that all of the stories about the Russian orgies, and Orgy Island, with Jeffrey Epstein, and the stories of sex with underage girls aboard Epsteins jet, with Trump on board, are all true. He is a freak. It is just that alot of people just do not know the full extent of it yet, and alot of his supporters were willing to go along with all of that, as they despised Clinton, who was a horrific candidate, and a terrible choice for the dems. Tim Kaine was even worse. 


I used to be in commercial real estate in New York. I met a few people who had direct dealing with him. They all said the same thing. After walking away from the closing table, they felt as if they had just spent 6 years in a federal penitentiary, and had been abused by every inmate, every day. This man was so abusive, so hostile, so unwilling to leave even one dollar on the table. They said if they did not really need to do the deal, they would have just walked away. That is who this man is. An absolute pig. 


 Things are only going downhill from here. It has become obvious, that even with a man as competent and strong as Kelly on board, nobody can control Trump, nor his staff. They are all out of control. The ship is sinking. It is fun to watch. Get used to saying President Pence.


Nearly 60 congresswomen have urged Congress to investigate claims against Mr Trump of sexual harassment and groping. Mr Trump said this week Democrats were seeking to capitalise on "the false accusations and fabricated stories of women who I don't know and/or have never met. FAKE NEWS!" Funny. You met them. They met you, when you were reaching your hand up their skirts, in an attempt to fondle them, or stick your tongue down their throats. Remember, it was you who said it. You said when you saw a beautiful woman, you could not help it. You had to try to kiss her. And you said that you could "grab them by the pussy", since you were famous. You said you could do anything. Remember, Don? It was caught on tape. You cannot dismiss this one. It is not going to go away. And you dared to criticize Franken for posing with his hands in front of a woman's breasts? Did he even touch her?


If the people only knew the extent of it. I am sure he was involved in many orgies with underage women, during his 21 trips to Jeffrey Epstein's private island, nicknamed Orgy Island. That man was famous for having underage girls both on his plane, and at the mansion on the island. There is virtually no doubt, that the president of the US, is a serial statutory rapist. And a serial sexual assaulter. No doubt. Anyone who knows about his past, simply has to come to this probable conclusion. 


I do have friends who are nearly having heart attacks over this guy. Frankly, I do not take him seriously, on any level. Even though I disagree with nearly everything he says, does, or stands for, I take it all with a grain of salt, and keep it pretty lighthearted. It does not effect me much. But, he does invite scrutiny, and he does invite criticism and mockery. So, I am having some fun with it. The circus freak deserves that. He has earned that. So has his entire family. It is a circus family. The original Barnum and Bailey family.



So the liberal media (including the left biased Gallup) report negatively about Mr Trump. Shock horror. Yet, every impartial barometer, employment levels, stock markets, tax revenues, new infrastructure projects, the armed forces, etc, all seem to resoundingly approve of him. People may not like the man on a personal level, but as a leader it is undeniable that he is doing better than his incumbent. People must learn to separate their emotions from the facts.


Visualisation how the world see Trump led USA compared to previous year. I wonder if the green countries consist of the people who want to immigrate to Trump led USA.




Well, in recent decades, this is what "The World" has been demanding. 


Iran, Russia and China (and N. Korea) exploited the weakness of Obama and Hillary "Frequent Flier" Clinton and made some very bold moves.   Trump may not be the right guy for this job but, seeing how things are, my sense is Hillary Clinton would have been even less effective.  


Interesting time to be alive, watching the deck of cards being reshuffled again.



12 minutes ago, 55Jay said:

Well, in recent decades, this is what "The World" has been demanding. 


Iran, Russia and China (and N. Korea) exploited the weakness of Obama and Hillary "Frequent Flier" Clinton and made some very bold moves.   Trump may not be the right guy for this job but, seeing how things are, my sense is Hillary Clinton would have been even less effective.  


Interesting time to be alive, watching the deck of cards being reshuffled again.



It wasn't clear before, but now it's obvious that you are a clueless Trump minion.  Trump has emboldened Russia, China, N. Korea, and dictators like Duerte in the PI, like never before.  He's pissed off our friends in NATO.  He's enraged pretty much everyone in Africa and the Middle East (save Israel).  But mostly, he's become the laughingstock of just about everyone in the world with half a brain.  Comparing Trump to Obama or Hillary or anyone else doesn't change any of this. 

Just now, Berkshire said:

It wasn't clear before, but now it's obvious that you are a clueless Trump minion.  Trump has emboldened Russia, China, N. Korea, and dictators like Duerte in the PI, like never before.  He's pissed off our friends in NATO.  He's enraged pretty much everyone in Africa and the Middle East (save Israel).  But mostly, he's become the laughingstock of just about everyone in the world with half a brain.  Comparing Trump to Obama or Hillary or anyone else doesn't change any of this. 

Triggered much? 


as an american, i'm glad to see the rest of the world no longer sees america as the 'leader of the world'.  for some reason, america has tried to force its own ideas of democracy and 'values' (for lack of a better word) on countries such as china, russia, and countless others that aren't an identical match to america.  there are enough issues inside america to be dealt with, there is no need to 'lead the world' while these matters remain unresolved.  i do find it amusing that germany is ranked first as a global leader and gladly hand the leadership baton to them.


just to give an example of an unresolved matter, why do we focus on human rights abuses by other countries instead of the poverty seen in the inner section of many of america's major cities.  i would suggest we reduce aid to other countries and redirect it to assist in this area.

29 minutes ago, buick said:

as an american, i'm glad to see the rest of the world no longer sees america as the 'leader of the world'.  for some reason, america has tried to force its own ideas of democracy and 'values' (for lack of a better word) on countries such as china, russia, and countless others that aren't an identical match to america.  there are enough issues inside america to be dealt with, there is no need to 'lead the world' while these matters remain unresolved.  i do find it amusing that germany is ranked first as a global leader and gladly hand the leadership baton to them.


just to give an example of an unresolved matter, why do we focus on human rights abuses by other countries instead of the poverty seen in the inner section of many of america's major cities.  i would suggest we reduce aid to other countries and redirect it to assist in this area.

Me too.  I am not happy that it's going down in a proverbial ball of flames like this with Trump's nonsense.  But my sense is/was the trajectory was already established before Trump.  Every empire has its time in the sun and the US has been riding on its laurels for some time, amid calls they back off and go home.  Still a great country but it is rotting from the inside out, and other players out there biding their time have exploited it very shrewdly.  I think the process will have to work itself through before something new can emerge.  Trump is accelerating that process in many ways.

39 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

It wasn't clear before, but now it's obvious that you are a clueless Trump minion.  Trump has emboldened Russia, China, N. Korea, and dictators like Duerte in the PI, like never before.  He's pissed off our friends in NATO.  He's enraged pretty much everyone in Africa and the Middle East (save Israel).  But mostly, he's become the laughingstock of just about everyone in the world with half a brain.  Comparing Trump to Obama or Hillary or anyone else doesn't change any of this. 

Apparently you missed his Saudi trip 

12 minutes ago, ToddinChonburi said:

Apparently you missed his Saudi trip 

Lordy, keep up with current events much?  The Saudi trip is old news.  This is more current....


[Saudi Arabia slammed Mr. Trump's decision to recognise Jerusalem as Israel's capital, calling the move "irresponsible", state media reported citing the royal court.  "The kingdom expresses great regret over the US president's decision to recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. The kingdom has already warned of the serious consequences of such an unjustified and irresponsible move," the royal court was quoted as saying.]



1 hour ago, UnkleMoooose said:

So the liberal media (including the left biased Gallup) report negatively about Mr Trump. Shock horror. Yet, every impartial barometer, employment levels, stock markets, tax revenues, new infrastructure projects, the armed forces, etc, all seem to resoundingly approve of him. People may not like the man on a personal level, but as a leader it is undeniable that he is doing better than his incumbent. People must learn to separate their emotions from the facts.

Show us some facts then, not an opinion

2 hours ago, UnkleMoooose said:

So the liberal media (including the left biased Gallup)... People must learn to separate their emotions from the facts.

Yes. Facts. Like Gallup's "bias".


Gallup (from MB/FC)

Gallup - Least Biased



This source has minimal bias and uses very few loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes).  The reporting is factual and usually sourced.  These are the most credible media sources.


Factual Reporting: VERY HIGH


Gallup, Inc. is an American research-based, global performance-management consulting company. Founded by George Gallup in 1935, the company became known for its public opinion polls conducted worldwide. It provides research and strategic consulting to large organizations in many countries, focusing on “analytics and advice to help leaders and organizations solve their most pressing problems.” Gallup provides low biased statistical information. (1/21/2017)

8 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

The lesson of the Twentieth century was that when the US steps back from world affairs, bad things happen.


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