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Last note from murdered Italian to Thai wife: "You said it was love. But you just wanted my money"


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1 hour ago, petedk said:

How about making a few thousand photocopies of that letter and handing it to foreign men as they arrive at the airport?


Sad story though. Similar stories of murder or suicide seem to happen far too often.

Along with a reminder not to forget their brains on the way out, apparently a lot of them forget them in the airport judging by the adventures they are getting into afterwards.

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1 hour ago, robblok said:

Yes but you see it more often by large age gap relations (not all of course before i get crucified here for telling it as it is). Good real large age gap relations exists but its like winning the lottery everyone talks about it but few actually win. 


In almost all of these stories where an g/f wife kills her husband there is a large age gap and the lady is after the money.


Only thing i can say about this.. be careful.. evaluate your relationship to see if your just a meal ticket or if she genuinely wants to stay with you. 


Then the old (and told many times) saying make sure your not worth more dead then alive. 


I really hope the ex wife and this French guy get the harshest punishment there is. 



Agree and watch out new French bf - maybe your next!

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It’s always about the money in 99.99 cases. 

I remember On my own experience from a very close and kind person a friend of mine who was dating this half Thai and German lady, her mother who was married before left her family with the Thai husband two kids and flew to Germany falsifying marriage ( she used to work in a bar ) and her daughter half Thai and half German was no no exceptions.

her mother uses to ask her every time My friend took her out what she got with her back as gift or in cash ! Both of them leaves in Schefflenz, in Germany now and every time they are on vacation dies the same , look for foreign victims and when they suck them out , go for another target.

i don’t blame these farangs if they happen to trust people and believe to be in love though I wish they realize it doesn’t exist here.

RIP. Truly sad what people can do for money in the name of love 

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1 hour ago, webfact said:

Rutjjira Iamlamai and the Frenchman were reportedly arrested in Tak after the body of Giuseppe was found cut up and charred by burning tires near a reservoir in Bueng Narang sub district.



A few thoughts:


Seems an odd place to be.  Maybe they thought they could lie low there.


Bueng Na Rang is in Phichit, not Tak, 150km away.


It looks like they tried to burn the body to hide its identity but they messed up and tattoos were still visible on the dead body which helped police identify it.

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If this continues sooner or later we, the endangered single, widowed or separated male, young or old, either all leave or never come here in the first place. I really wonder what all these scamsters, golddiggers and the likes gonna do then!!?? Just a thought I had when reading this sad story. :sorry:but I've had it!!

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9 minutes ago, GaryAdriaenssens said:

If this continues sooner or later we, the endangered single, widowed or separated male, young or old, either all leave or never come here in the first place. I really wonder what all these scamsters, golddiggers and the likes gonna do then!!?? Just a thought I had when reading this sad story. :sorry:but I've had it!!


OP was likely killed by a frenchman if you follow the angle the Thai police are approaching it from.  So using your logic maybe the single males should be avoiding France as well as Thailand, at least if they want to stay alive.

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2 hours ago, webfact said:

They also reported that the French national was an illegal immigrant on a blacklist.

Now he don´t have a problem risking deportation no more. He has just been accepted to stay in Thailand long time, without ant 90-day report.

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2 hours ago, robblok said:

Yes but you see it more often by large age gap relations (not all of course before i get crucified here for telling it as it is). Good real large age gap relations exists but its like winning the lottery everyone talks about it but few actually win. 


In almost all of these stories where an g/f wife kills her husband there is a large age gap and the lady is after the money.


Only thing i can say about this.. be careful.. evaluate your relationship to see if your just a meal ticket or if she genuinely wants to stay with you. 


Then the old (and told many times) saying make sure your not worth more dead then alive. 


I really hope the ex wife and this French guy get the harshest punishment there is. 


    I'm afraid that a large age gap's almost always the reason for "fake love." I believe that you can't buy love, nor can you buy any friends. Feelings are invisible. 


      How can a much younger girl/woman be sexually attracted to a 20 to 30 + years older man, without any financial benefits ? 


      Isn't a healthy sexual relationship part of the deal when getting married? 


         Is it possible that many people just don't want to see what they already know? Then it would be "Som Nam Na."





Edited by jenny2017
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1 hour ago, robblok said:

I agree first test for a while.. though if they are in it for the long con then your test still wont work. But at least it helps.

Yeap, that's what I have done...and it worked out...has been 20 years now, and we have a beautiful family.

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2 minutes ago, jenny2017 said:

      How can a much younger girl/woman be sexually attracted to a 20 to 30 + years older man, without any financial benefits ? 



How can a much younger girl/woman be sexually attracted to a 20 to 30 + years older man, with financial benefits ? 

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5 minutes ago, Get Real said:

Now he don´t have a problem risking deportation no more. He has just been accepted to stay in Thailand long time, without ant 90-day report.

And he won't have to worry about whether this Thai G/F would have had him bumped off in the future.

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4 minutes ago, jenny2017 said:


    I'm afraid that a large age gap's almost always the reason for "fake love." I believe that you can't buy love, nor can you buy any friends. Feelings are invisible. 


      How can a much younger girl/woman be sexually attracted to a 20 to 30 + years older man, without any financial benefits ? 


      Isn't a healthy sexual relationship part of the deal when getting married? 


         Is it possible that many people just don't want to see what they already know? Then it would be "Som Nam Na."





      How can a much younger girl/woman be sexually attracted to a 20 to 30 + years older man, without any financial benefits ? 


IMHO it happens but much rarer then people like to believe. 


      Isn't a healthy sexual relationship part of the deal when getting married? 


Its usually woman who have less appetite then men for sex and so older guys even if they preform less than their younger counterparts can still satisfy most woman. 


   Is it possible that many people just don't want to see what they already know? Then it would be "Som Nam Na."


Of course there are people who know they are in a bad relationship and don't want to admit it.. but many are truly fooled as vanity blinds them. But even if they know does not mean they deserve to get killed or ripped off. 

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1 hour ago, HooHaa said:

speak for yourself.

all of my thai partners have been fine.


You've been lucky then. IME, every relationship involving a Thai lady, whatever her background, where the husband is farang - and I know British, American,  German and French spouses of Thai ladies, has had problems around money.


Doesn't matter it seems of the background - some were former whores, some weren't. Some were well educated post graduate degrees, some only went to senior school. 


The common denominator was issues about spending, usually behind the husband's back or contrary to what had been agreed. Many agree their wives could spend x amount on a property, a vehicle, designer handbag, gold, jewels or whatever. The shit hits the fan when they find out that double has been spent or money taken behind their back. When found out the Thais resort to the usual response of lying or talking contradictory gibberish; or if that fails, changing the subject, rowing and then sulking and sour.


Many of those relationships still exist, because the husbands do love their wives and have become used to this behavior and put controls on them to prevent excesses. A few have divorced because the husband wasn't patient, tolerant or simply had enough.


Thais, are, as we see plenty examples, driven by money. They want it, want to spend it however they want, and don't want to have any accountability or responsibility for their actions. 


Generalizations based on stereo typing are not the safest or necessarily totally accurate. Of course there may be many different types out there. Just from my experience, over many years, and many types from many backgrounds this is one common characteristic.


Thankfully only a very small percentage murder.

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3 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


You've been lucky then. IME, every relationship involving a Thai lady, whatever her background, where the husband is farang - and I know British, American,  German and French spouses of Thai ladies, has had problems around money.


Doesn't matter it seems of the background - some were former whores, some weren't. Some were well educated post graduate degrees, some only went to senior school. 


The common denominator was issues about spending, usually behind the husband's back or contrary to what had been agreed. Many agree their wives could spend x amount on a property, a vehicle, designer handbag, gold, jewels or whatever. The shit hits the fan when they find out that double has been spent or money taken behind their back. When found out the Thais resort to the usual response of lying or talking contradictory gibberish; or if that fails, changing the subject, rowing and then sulking and sour.


Many of those relationships still exist, because the husbands do love their wives and have become used to this behavior and put controls on them to prevent excesses. A few have divorced because the husband wasn't patient, tolerant or simply had enough.


Thais, are, as we see plenty examples, driven by money. They want it, want to spend it however they want, and don't want to have any accountability or responsibility for their actions. 


Generalizations based on stereo typing are not the safest or necessarily totally accurate. Of course there may be many different types out there. Just from my experience, over many years, and many types from many backgrounds this is one common characteristic.


Thankfully only a very small percentage murder.

The common denominator ....is they were your friends wives

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2 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


You've been lucky then. IME, every relationship involving a Thai lady, whatever her background, where the husband is farang - and I know British, American,  German and French spouses of Thai ladies, has had problems around money.


Doesn't matter it seems of the background - some were former whores, some weren't. Some were well educated post graduate degrees, some only went to senior school. 


The common denominator was issues about spending, usually behind the husband's back or contrary to what had been agreed. Many agree their wives could spend x amount on a property, a vehicle, designer handbag, gold, jewels or whatever. The shit hits the fan when they find out that double has been spent or money taken behind their back. When found out the Thais resort to the usual response of lying or talking contradictory gibberish; or if that fails, changing the subject, rowing and then sulking and sour.


Many of those relationships still exist, because the husbands do love their wives and have become used to this behavior and put controls on them to prevent excesses. A few have divorced because the husband wasn't patient, tolerant or simply had enough.


Thais, are, as we see plenty examples, driven by money. They want it, want to spend it however they want, and don't want to have any accountability or responsibility for their actions. 


Generalizations based on stereo typing are not the safest or necessarily totally accurate. Of course there may be many different types out there. Just from my experience, over many years, and many types from many backgrounds this is one common characteristic.


Thankfully only a very small percentage murder.

All my relations in Thailand with Thai woman have been good, I even had a divorce where the home was not touched and everything was done real fair. Part of it i contribute to the fact that i came here when i was only 33. At that age you attract less money hungry woman and can get more woman without flashing money around. 


Plus after you live here for a while and your not in the bar scene its easier to make good choices. Most people going wrong are people who just got here.. or those who obviously don't learn from their previous mistakes. I can understand a guy get fooled once.. I was (back in the Netherlands with a Thai lady older then me) but if they still get fooled after that they have a problem learning from past mistakes.

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2 hours ago, robblok said:

I agree first test for a while.. though if they are in it for the long con then your test still wont work. But at least it helps.

This really does not work though - as in many cases just giving them decent food (I assume the idea it to take them with you when you eat in decent restaurants) and nice place to live is better then most alternatives - that alone makes it worth being with a half decent farang guy. If you then start buying them gifts and buffaloes for the family then roll on the good times!!! 


As some one else stated on this thread - problem is what we as foreigners are brought up to believe is love is not what they are brought up to be believe as love. there is no way of really testing it - do they love you in 'our' term or theirs. Many Thai women who are HAPPY with the their guy are happy because they send them money - that is what they expect as to them it shows you love them. Mostly we see that totally different. 


Two cultures vastly different are always going to have these issues - nothing is going to stop it. 


good luck to all in these relationships - God knows making a relationship work with some one from my own culture is hard enough let alone further complicating it. Or maybe just giving them [some]  money all the time makes it easier. 

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Just now, isaanbanhou said:

The common denominator ....is they were your friends wives


Wrong. They weren't all friends. Friends, acquaintances and colleagues. But all comment the same about this and some other aspects.


But as we know most TVF posters wives and pit bulls are different!

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All I have to say is women hooking up with men for their money is not something that is only done in Thailand. In the West, it is well known that one of the most attractive features a man can have is a big bank account. Women are interested in security. The only surprise here is the murder, although that too is done all over the world. :sad:

Edited by billsmart
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3 minutes ago, robblok said:

All my relations in Thailand with Thai woman have been good, I even had a divorce where the home was not touched and everything was done real fair. Part of it i contribute to the fact that i came here when i was only 33. At that age you attract less money hungry woman and can get more woman without flashing money around. 


Plus after you live here for a while and your not in the bar scene its easier to make good choices. Most people going wrong are people who just got here.. or those who obviously don't learn from their previous mistakes. I can understand a guy get fooled once.. I was (back in the Netherlands with a Thai lady older then me) but if they still get fooled after that they have a problem learning from past mistakes.


Indeed. But most of the people I referred to were not making repeat mistakes and met their spouses through business, academia or friends rather than the bar scene. Only one big age gap - a very wealthy guy on his third marriage and rather than learn he seems to have regressed each time!


Not always "fooling'" to use your expression as we judge by Western culture but, and this is also similar in India IME, people see lying very differently to Westerners, don't think so much of the future (so if you've got money spend it and enjoy it tomorrow might not come) and are far more worried about face and getting their own way than morality, truth and accountability.



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8 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Wrong. They weren't all friends. Friends, acquaintances and colleagues. But all comment the same about this and some other aspects.


But as we know most TVF posters wives and pit bulls are different!

I 'm sorry I don t understand your comparison of wives and dogs.  Can you elaborate?  

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8 minutes ago, graeme64 said:

This really does not work though - as in many cases just giving them decent food (I assume the idea it to take them with you when you eat in decent restaurants) and nice place to live is better then most alternatives - that alone makes it worth being with a half decent farang guy. If you then start buying them gifts and buffaloes for the family then roll on the good times!!! 


As some one else stated on this thread - problem is what we as foreigners are brought up to believe is love is not what they are brought up to be believe as love. there is no way of really testing it - do they love you in 'our' term or theirs. Many Thai women who are HAPPY with the their guy are happy because they send them money - that is what they expect as to them it shows you love them. Mostly we see that totally different. 


Two cultures vastly different are always going to have these issues - nothing is going to stop it. 


good luck to all in these relationships - God knows making a relationship work with some one from my own culture is hard enough let alone further complicating it. Or maybe just giving them [some]  money all the time makes it easier. 

So, you start by having someone move into your home before you even got to know them well. There is no dating period where she is not moved in and where you can go to cheaper restaurants ?


I think that many guys move to fast at times letting a girl move in who they barely know. 

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34 minutes ago, dfdgfdfdgs said:

OP was likely killed by a frenchman if you follow the angle the Thai police are approaching it from.  So using your logic maybe the single males should be avoiding France as well as Thailand, at least if they want to stay alive.


But the French Gendarme actually investigate crimes, with forensics, and evidence bags and documentation and all that kind of stuff. 


And French death certificates don't come from the printers with suicide already checked off.


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2 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Indeed. But most of the people I referred to were not making repeat mistakes and met their spouses through business, academia or friends rather than the bar scene. Only one big age gap - a very wealthy guy on his third marriage and rather than learn he seems to have regressed each time!


Not always "fooling'" to use your expression as we judge by Western culture but, and this is also similar in India IME, people see lying very differently to Westerners, don't think so much of the future (so if you've got money spend it and enjoy it tomorrow might not come) and are far more worried about face and getting their own way than morality, truth and accountability.



I have quite successfully found girls that don't care too much about face. Its one of those things i look at when dating. To see how someone thinks about certain subjects. Maybe I just go to deep but when I date i want someone who is suited for me and has similar views and ideas. I like pretty girls but in general i go for a lil bit less pretty but with a good brain and attitude. Best would be a combo of those but that is real rare. So I havent had problem with the face thing.


Its even so that my current gf (hopefully the last) is telling me to spend less. That is a good thing as I can go a bit overboard at times. I really think its all about looking hard and long and not falling for the first woman you get introduced too.

This only works of course if you have been here for a while and know about the pitfalls. 

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Just now, isaanbanhou said:

I 'm sorry I don t understand your comparison of wives and dogs.  Can you elaborate?  


There used to be regular comments, usually from posters talking about their ex bar girl wives, on how their wives were different - honest, virginal, only ever the cook, cashier, receptionist, or they were the first customer etc etc etc.


Some poster, and I apologize to him/her but I can't remember the name, coined that expression and had it on all his posts. 


The humor was that every time a post came that shown Thai wives or dogs in a bad light, there were always some who felt compelled to state there's are different!


Indeed that might be true, but you can see the analogy he was using.

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2 hours ago, dfdgfdfdgs said:


It's very simple.  Just don't pay for her or her family at any time.  If she has no job/money then just pay for the very basics; food, water, transport.  If she sticks around for a while then you know it's for you as a person and maybe then you can start buying her gifts etc.


This is an easy litmus test which always gives accurate results, and it doesn't take long.  Yet I see so many guys spending years with their partners without ever really knowing if the girl is there for the money, until it's too late.

Nah, that doesn't work. They just think that if they get married they will be able to get the money anyway.

Even just paying the basics is more than some of them ever had before.

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