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Hey you baldy – Yes You

Once Bitten

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Being in my late 60's over the past few years Ive steadily  begun to notice  I am loosing more and more of my hair to a point where I now have a completely bald patch on the top of my head which is starting to make me look like a medieval monk . At the same time my hair has been receding at the front of my head at an alarming rate. .  

I did think about growing my graying hair to a longer length allowing me to comb over the bald patches and hold the comb over in place with a strong hair spray . 


The only other realistic option as I can see is to go the whole hog and completely shave my entire head and as I don't have a lot of strong thick hair a short American style Buzz haircut may be out of the question .


I have asked my Thai wife what she thinks to my idea of shaving my head and her view was it would make me look even older than I am  , so I countered her answer with , ok then how about I shave my head and then grow a beard or small goatee . As she rolled her eyes in an upwards direction she said that to have a shaved head along with any facial hair ( beards , mustaches or a goatee ) would only make my appearance even more dramatic and look like a monkey house photo ( Prison Mug shot ) :sad:


 So I'm wondering if any one has had this same type of dilemma and gone for the shaved head look , if you did eventually shave your head how did you feel,  did it in any way affect your self confidence or the way other people started to perceive you . Did any one shave their head and then grow a beard / goatee and how did that work out . Any thoughts , suggestions or comments on my dilemma most welcome :thumbsup:

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had similar problem at 62 y. Found a good skin/hair doctor in CNX, vitamins and creams used nightly on the scalp reversed  falling hair and new growth. BUT it is a long period of treatment not too expensive, say $50 a month.  A colleague had a scalp treatment in Singapore at USD $6000 and is now bald!!!!!!!!!! Pays to do research.

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6 minutes ago, vogie said:

Your hair actually never stops growing, infact as we get older it just starts to grow inwards and ends up coming out of our nose and ears.

Don’t forget the back. Every time I go to the barbers the neck shave gets further and further down my back!

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I got tired of dealing with Thai barbers, so quite a few years ago I just decided to shave it and see how it looked.  I didn't particularly care for it, though I've done it a few more times anyway over the years.  Now I just use an electric razor and the shortest attachment and, guess you'd call it a buzz cut.  

Try shaving it and see what you think.  It should grow back.  555

One warning about shaving it, not so much an issue in Thailand, but you'll find your head is very sensitive to temperature.  I find it makes me much more sensitive to cold (or air conditioning).


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Finasteride will at least stop the loss, in my case some even grew back, the sizable bald spot on top almost vanished.

The 5mg generic Finasteride costs only 550 Baht for 30 tablets, which by breaking into 5 pieces you have turned from a prostate hyperplasia into a male pattern baldness drug.

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3 hours ago, Once Bitten said:

The only other realistic option as I can see is to go the whole hog and completely shave my entire head and as I don't have a lot of strong thick hair a short American style Buzz haircut may be out of the question .

Shave your head, wear an orange robe.

Problem solved.

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Many Thai pharmacies carry “Minoxidil” marketed under the Thai name “Retin” (Ree-Tin.... Thai Transliteration) it contains 2% Minoxidil vs the 5% that Rogain has. Cost is about 250B per spray-on bottle and is packaged in a pink box. Spray on morning and evening. Damn stuff works. I’m 59yrs and I’ve been using it for about 6 months now. Also supplement with 5,000mg of Biotin (Google it) Chock Diiiiiiii.......

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Nothing wrong with a shaved head, but a shaved head and a beard looks just ridiculous, just like your head is upside down.

I always thought that anyone going bald would start to become noticeable in their thirties or forties, I have never known of anybody, apart from with medical reasons, have a good head of hair up until their sixties then start going bald, has anyone else?

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Had this Thai barber in Phuket, family barber with his wife also cutting. Showed me this hair growing product called Neo Hair in a green/black spray bottle for 600 baht. Went back a few times before I bought it thinking most like products are bogus, but you have hope for the bald patch at the back of the head. Sprayed it on twice a day, lasted a long time, must be five months now. He showed me a pic of of his receding hairline, and he now has great hair at the front....and this guy is not sophisticated, just a family barber so he wasn't pulling a fast one. One time I am waiting and a Thai guy comes in and buys two bottles, you get two for a thousand, if I remember correctly. My lady took a pic of my patch three months ago. And a few days ago she asked me if I was dyeing my hair....my hair is white....I laughed and asked why she was asking? She said hair on the back of your head is growing black. Had her take a pic and damned if the hair was growing in that area....not lush and thick, but growing, and the two pics showed the difference. So I guess I will keep on with this stuff....be interesting to see where it goes. Your results may vary. 555



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