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Boris Johnson jokes about British sex tourism in Thailand during major Brexit speech


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5 hours ago, Time Traveller said:

You seem a little overly sensitive to a rather minor (and quite accurate) comment.

Could you be one of those people BJ is talking about?

I'm English, this dolt, Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson to give him his full name, is my foreign secretary, a member of the infamous Bullingdon club and an anachronism, it's embarrassing.

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3 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

In other words it was an intended joke - that failed...?

Take a cue from Boris - he is an undoubted opportunist, but his 'jokes' generally work in his favour....

Did you not hear the woosh....?

Edited by evadgib
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1 hour ago, Mickmouse1 said:

Trust him going to Pattaya for a STAG PARTY with his other MPs??????

I'm inclined to think it would be an absolute hoot if he were released into Pattaya for a weekend .. Can you not picture him in a GoGo bar 'ere .. That would be utterly priceless to witness ..

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8 hours ago, JackScarlett said:

Totally agree with contributors to forum who are supporting Boris.  He may well have said whatever, however I always double check what that epitome of left wing thought- The Independent - fills it's paper with.


I am eagerly anticipating the departure of Mr May when Boris, Michael Gove and Jacob Reece  Mogg can takeover the running of the country 

Your spelling is atrocious, it's ''takeover the ruining of the country''.

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6 minutes ago, Justgrazing said:

I'm inclined to think it would be an absolute hoot if he were released into Pattaya for a weekend .. Can you not picture him in a GoGo bar 'ere .. That would be utterly priceless to witness ..

Live for one night only at "ANGELWITCH"!     "Crickey what are those ladies up to?"! 

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4 hours ago, salavan said:

Why doesn't this moron stick to what he's good at and that is F...ING up the British economy

With respect Boris is now foreign secretary so he has other things to <deleted> up.  The British economy is fine at the moment as we are still in the EU and the single currency.  Let's see how we are doing after we are out! 

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8 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

With respect Boris is now foreign secretary so he has other things to <deleted> up.  The British economy is fine at the moment as we are still in the EU and the single currency.  Let's see how we are doing after we are out! 

Nobody knows for sure. It’s quite possibly that after Brexit is completed, the British economy will further improve, when it’s no longer shackled to the orders of the dictatorial Bureacrats in Brussels.

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2 minutes ago, nontabury said:

Nobody knows for sure. It’s quite possibly that after Brexit is completed, the British economy will further improve, when it’s no longer shackled to the orders of the dictatorial Bureacrats in Brussels.

You are right nobody knows, however yesterday it was reported..


"The EU economy grew at its fastest rate in 10 years in 2017, registering a 2.5% increase on the year before."


Highest rise since 2007, still we are leaving so, as I said before, lets see what happens after we have left.

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2 hours ago, nong38 said:

The UK economy seems to be in pretty good health to me and all the doom predicted has failed to show up there is no evidence that he either helped or hindered that and it is pure speculation that he makes a mess of everything he has a handle on, sure he makes mistakes everyone does but he is not the catastrophe that you imply.

He is a very different politician and time will tell what impact on history he will have.

I get the impression on this thread that and I am not having a go at you SunsetT that with Boris he like Marmite you either love it or hate it, the same with Maggie. I like him and accept that there are others who do not share my view.

Indubitably there Nong .. he is prone to putting his foot in it occasionally but as a public figure he's an absolute riot sometimes almost guaranteed to bring a smile to the face as his quote for voting Tory illustrated ..


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3 hours ago, nong38 said:

The UK economy seems to be in pretty good health to me and all the doom predicted has failed to show up there is no evidence that he either helped or hindered that and it is pure speculation that he makes a mess of everything he has a handle on, sure he makes mistakes everyone does but he is not the catastrophe that you imply.

He is a very different politician and time will tell what impact on history he will have.

I get the impression on this thread that and I am not having a go at you SunsetT that with Boris he like Marmite you either love it or hate it, the same with Maggie. I like him and accept that there are others who do not share my view.

Nicely put nong38. Pity Boris doesnt have your polite and diplomatic manner! Especially given the job he has!


UK public services have been stripped to the bone, the NHS and social care are being starved and privatised and through it, the ruling elite; the public schoolboys like Boris are lining their pockets. And they are rubbing their greedy hands together in glee now that absolute power is being handed back to them by Brexit. The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer! Doom predicted for UK economy? Just wait and see. We havent left yet!



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14 hours ago, JAG said:

He is far from an idiot.


He managed to be elected as Mayor of London twice in succession, as a Tory, when Labour was in power nationally and he had somewhat lukewarm support from his own party establishment. They shouted "Boris you Tory w****r" after him as he cycled around London, and went and voted for him!


He is also an accomplished journalist (editor of the Spectator) and author of some very well written and entertaining books and television programs, on varied political and cultural issues. His TV series on Ancient Rome and its influence on Europe was very good.


He cultivates the mop headed buffoon look. His flowery language -"get up to some eye popping things", is very much part of that persona.


He is probably the most competent, and from the lefts point of view most dangerous Tory politician of his generation. Just look at the hatred he inspires from the left leaning press in the UK.


He is also surprisingly liberal (note small "l") in many of his policies.


He is no paragon, but he is no idiot.


I like him, if not all his policies.


That would depend on how you define idiot, it can be used to describe someone who acts foolishly, which he certainly does frequently.  Take for example his escalating of the issue of the British woman detained in Iran, or reciting Kiplings disparaging poem in Myanmar, or telling Sikhs in their temple about alcohol duty reductions, those were idiotic.  Also not sure why you think he is the most capable Tory politician, capable of what exactly?  Perhaps getting elected, he would stand a good chance at that, but merely getting elected is not what makes a capable politician, and if his runnings as mayor are anything to go by he is an utter failure, the Borris bus, the bikes, the cable car, the bridge, strikes, police numbers, youth violence, the airport, the water cannons, air pollution, is there anything that he promised that did actually happen but did not also fail?  

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5 hours ago, fasteddie said:

I'm English, this dolt, Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson to give him his full name, is my foreign secretary, a member of the infamous Bullingdon club and an anachronism, it's embarrassing.

He was born in the US so we could send him there and he could become their president. 

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Looks like a bit of entertainment for the keyboard warriors today, bored >hitless with their everyday in the hot sun, so head for the malls to comment on the blondebomshell. well done Boris will love you. Not a word of where he was had to look twice myself at the time table.

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4 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I wish he hadn't though, as the wowsers in the UK government will now be thinking of ways they can stop British going to LOS for fun.

It's as if they don't have more important things to occupy themselves with.

I don't think it will affect anything. It definitely won't stop tourists being dickheads whilst away and doing stupid s^^t.


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I think he has to say in PUBLIC what a great job the Embassy is doing, that normal for politicians, what he says behind closed doors about the Ambassador and his close "mate" is another thing we will never know. 

I would like to know what the job description is for an "Ambassador", the very least it should be is to look after its nationals, so, how important is the job in Bangkok?

My guess is that there are about 50,000 ex pat UK people here, I would also guess based on TAT that in any given month there an average 80,000 UK nationals in the country, so based on that they are there to look after 130, 000 UK nationals every month, how many people work at the Embassy to take care of the number and potential problems that may arise? I don't the answer in numbers my guess is not enough and as for the current incumbent I would not give him the time of day, I don't think he cares a F about UK nationals, just about being seen around and posing.

Boris you are in charge sort these items out, too much dead wood and people not up to the job, I hope you have noticed and enjoy your trip to Walking Street and Drinking Street>

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17 hours ago, JAG said:

He is far from an idiot.


He managed to be elected as Mayor of London twice in succession, as a Tory, when Labour was in power nationally and he had somewhat lukewarm support from his own party establishment. They shouted "Boris you Tory w****r" after him as he cycled around London, and went and voted for him!


He is also an accomplished journalist (editor of the Spectator) and author of some very well written and entertaining books and television programs, on varied political and cultural issues. His TV series on Ancient Rome and its influence on Europe was very good.


He cultivates the mop headed buffoon look. His flowery language -"get up to some eye popping things", is very much part of that persona.


He is probably the most competent, and from the lefts point of view most dangerous Tory politician of his generation. Just look at the hatred he inspires from the left leaning press in the UK.


He is also surprisingly liberal (note small "l") in many of his policies.


He is no paragon, but he is no idiot.


I like him, if not all his policies.

I think I just Cum in my pants.... Ooooh Boris!! 

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17 hours ago, Jeremy50 said:

A perfectly harmless old school joke, based on facts.  Besides, embassy workers, aid workers. and NGO's are among the worst offenders when in comes to the sexual exploitation of third world girls and women. 

As the Oxfam situation illustrates 


Too many do gooders on the public teat and still begging for money. 


What a job!! 

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