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Trump says arming teachers could prevent school massacres

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Marco Rubio, remember him?  The arrested development guy who thought his boyish looks and voice would get him to the WH.  Watch him get eviscerated by high schoolers at a Florida town hall meeting of a few hours ago.


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I went to an English boys boarding school when 14 years old.  The gym teacher was an Irish ex-sgt.  He took a dislike for me on day one.  Probably because I was the only American at the school.  He would humiliate me often.  Once he tried grabbing me by the eyelash to pull my head down to look at my gym shoes, (which had scuff marks on them).  Another time, he tried grabbing my ear lobe, to make me follow him somewhere.  Both times I shook him off.   I'm glad he didn't have a gun.  


"trump" is trolling as usual. He knows the armed teachers won't get far. Next school massacre he can say I tried and blame others. Basically ignoring the gun access issue and diverting attention from it. Hopefully the Florida kids will continue to call B.S.


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The US lost its way since 2012 at Sandy Hook elementary school. If nothing was done after kindergarten children are murdered in cold blood, don't ever expect any change anytime soon. 

Yeah but a movement has started. Youth movements have power. There is a chance this might be different but of course nothing big anytime soon.


"That the Parkland kids don’t share the older liberal generation’s defeatism on gun control was evident. But the things they wanted to know reminded us that in a public forum, the answers don’t matter as much as the questions. It was powerful to hear disbelief in the status quo expressed by young, frustrated people who haven’t yet learned that’s the way things are. Together with the roars and jeers of the audience, the wrenchingly unassuming questions breathed new life into a debate that gun-control advocates have mostly convinced themselves they’ve lost."



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15 hours ago, LennyW said:

Provided it was properly done i think it would at least be some sort of deterrent.


The teachers would obviously need psychological assessment and arms training first, done correctly i think it would work.


Having a school shooting on an almost daily basis certainly needs something fixing.

Yes something does , shame that Trump and most of Congress are shit scared of the NRA.

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Banning assault weapons.

It worked before.

Why not do it again?!?

Only one reason.

Gun nuts, gun profits, and the NRA.




Analysis: The real reason Congress banned assault weapons in 1994 — and why it worked

The 1994 assault-weapons ban was intended, according to gun-violence experts and the lawmakers who wrote the bill, to reduce the frequency and lethality of mass shootings like the ones in Parkland, Sandy Hook and elsewhere. And on that front, the data shows it had a significant impact.






7 hours ago, xylophone said:

Absolutely right H'man58, but he is funded by the NRA and is a mental derelict, so what can you expect.

The reason I'm writing this now is I have just watched a news item on my TV and he seems to be taking pride in the fact that he has suggested that teachers should be armed, but then again he doesn't know any better because he is dumb.

As a reality check, I ask you and all of the posters here to think back to their days in school and think of the teachers they had and to ask themselves, "who of all of these teachers do I think would be capable of not only carrying a gun, but handling it and actually using it?".

I would be very surprised if folks came up with any, but then again perhaps one might spring to mind?

In addition, imagine you as a father saying to your son, "well son, what you want to be when you grow up?"

"A teacher, Dad".

"Why do you want to be a teacher son?"

"So that I can take great satisfaction in teaching children, seeing them develop and improve and help them on their way to a great future".


"You do realise that you are going to have to go for firearm training, then carry a gun and be able to use it in the classroom if necessary".

"Perhaps a librarian then Dad".


So stupid as to be unbelievable, but then again this is Trump and typical of the party and organisations which support him.


You bring up a good point. Trump has no inner monologue and is egotistical to the point that he brags about everything. 


If we all agree to that than I believe it is patently obvious there was no Russian collusion. We would have heard about it from the dolt in chief if there was.



Kim Jung Un should apply for US citizenship!  He could then say that he has the constitutional right to have nukes as the 2nd amendment protects him and the NRA and Trump would back him!


It is an undeniable fact that the countries with the most guns have the most shootings. Only an absolute moron could suggest that more guns will result in less shootings.


Suggesting that a teacher armed with a pistol will succeed against a student armed with an assault rifle is betting against long odds, and that is ignoring the psychological inhibitions a teacher would have to overcome to shoot a student known to him/her.


BTW national guard units aren't military - what an american joke that is.




Stoneman Douglas cop resigns; sheriff says he should have 'killed the killer'



The police officer assigned to Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School resigned Thursday, under investigation for failing to enter the building as a gunman opened fire and killed 17 people.


Sheriff Scott Israel said Deputy Scot Peterson should have “went in. Addressed the killer. Killed the killer.” Video footage showed Peterson did none of that, Israel said.


“What I saw was a deputy arrive … take up a position and he never went in,” the sheriff said at a news conference.





'It's devastating': Cop stayed outside during Florida massacre while students died


An armed school deputy rushed to the Florida high school building where terrified students ran from a killer with an assault rifle, but then sat outside for about four minutes and never went inside.


The school resource deputy for Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, Scot Peterson, was under investigation for his response to the shooting but then decided to resign his post, Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel said Thursday.


Two other deputies are also under investigation after a review of prior law enforcement calls involving accused gunman Nikolas Cruz spurred questions on whether the deputies followed the department's policies. 



12 hours ago, xylophone said:

Absolutely right H'man58, but he is funded by the NRA and is a mental derelict, so what can you expect.

The reason I'm writing this now is I have just watched a news item on my TV and he seems to be taking pride in the fact that he has suggested that teachers should be armed, but then again he doesn't know any better because he is dumb.

As a reality check, I ask you and all of the posters here to think back to their days in school and think of the teachers they had and to ask themselves, "who of all of these teachers do I think would be capable of not only carrying a gun, but handling it and actually using it?".

I would be very surprised if folks came up with any, but then again perhaps one might spring to mind?

In addition, imagine you as a father saying to your son, "well son, what you want to be when you grow up?"

"A teacher, Dad".

"Why do you want to be a teacher son?"

"So that I can take great satisfaction in teaching children, seeing them develop and improve and help them on their way to a great future".


"You do realise that you are going to have to go for firearm training, then carry a gun and be able to use it in the classroom if necessary".

"Perhaps a librarian then Dad".


So stupid as to be unbelievable, but then again this is Trump and typical of the party and organisations which support him.


well said


What a country.  Absolute lack of common sense.   How to solve a problem with guns being in the wrong hands =  Provide a gun for the teachers.

Why not just issue everyone in the US with a gun ... so they can protect themselves from each other.


What a society we live in  !!    crazy  :shock1:

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16 hours ago, plachon said:


On 2/22/2018 at 7:42 AM, alanrchase said:

Why not just build big beautiful walls arround the schools?


Have you ever been to America? They already have them. When I went to the US, I mistook the first 3 schools I saw for prisons.


Where was that?


I used to provide IT support for DC Public Schools and visited nearly every one of their 100+ facilities during my six year stay there.  I can't remember a single one that looked as you described.  Here's six from the "troubled" areas of southeast and southwest DC, as seen via Google street view:




We do not need more guns in schools, this will just lead to more accidents. There might be teachers who may go on a rampage, there may be students who steal the teachers guns, there will be accidents with guns going off in the class, and many more. The root cause of the problem is having guns and easy access to guns, not not having enough laws to prevents accidents.

  • Like 1
18 hours ago, wabothai said:

50% of Americans have guns or are for guns. This guy is dangerous, not dumb.



Those in favor of stricter gun legislation outnumber those opposed by a measure of more than two-to-one, according to the poll. Sixty-six percent of respondents said they would support more stringent laws, while just 31% said they would not.



Most Americans have guns because they they feel they need them because everybody else has them.




The Hoarse Whisperer (‪@HoarseWisperer‬)

22/2/18, 11:29

Ronald Reagan was surrounded by Secret Service agents when he was shot. I guess they just needed a few armed math teachers.

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  • Haha 1

From a risk management standpoint, fortifying schools and arming teachers is insane. It's like fighting an epidemic by handing out protective body suits while doing nothing to eliminate the virus from the environment. It's not going to solve the problem because fortifying schools and arming teachers is only going to cause shooters to seek out softer targets. Arming teachers creates additional risks: a student can easily subdue a teacher and gain access to the firearm, an unattended firearm can be stolen, accidental shootings in panic situations, teachers mistaken for active shooters by the responding law enforcement officials. Not to mention the possibility that a stressed out teacher might turn the gun on the students.


And I can't believe that Trump is so insensitive to the sanctity of the learning environment. Nobody seems to have given a thought to the negative effect guns have on the school learning environment. And what about all the wonderful present and future teachers who don't want to be gun-toting security guards who will avoid the teaching profession. Creativity, critical thinking, concentration, focus, social development, playing aren't enhanced by having guns everywhere, Mr. President.

  • Like 1
6 minutes ago, Gecko123 said:

From a risk management standpoint, fortifying schools and arming teachers is insane. It's like fighting an epidemic by handing out protective body suits while doing nothing to eliminate the virus from the environment. It's not going to solve the problem because fortifying schools and arming teachers is only going to cause shooters to seek out softer targets. Arming teachers creates additional risks: a student can easily subdue a teacher and gain access to the firearm, an unattended firearm can be stolen, accidental shootings in panic situations, teachers mistaken for active shooters by the responding law enforcement officials.


And I can't believe that Trump is so insensitive to the sanctity of the learning environment. Nobody seems to have given a thought to the negative effect guns have on the school learning environment. Creativity, critical thinking, concentration, focus, social development, playing aren't enhanced by having guns everywhere, Mr. President.


Let’s say that arming teachers is not insane. Mass Shootings occur in other places: malls churches, nightclubs, etc. 


If arming teachers is a logical solution to mass shootings at schools, then the logical solution to mass shootings elsewhere is to arm everyone everywhere, all the time.

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Put pistols in the classrooms, but keep them in a safe that can only be opened with the fingerprint of that teacher. 


If opened, the safe will send an automatic response to police SWAT team and a live feed of the camera should be displayed.

14 minutes ago, lust said:

Put pistols in the classrooms, but keep them in a safe that can only be opened with the fingerprint of that teacher. 


If opened, the safe will send an automatic response to police SWAT team and a live feed of the camera should be displayed.

And the response will be too late, stop the  nonsense and get gun control

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Trump should practice what he preaches!  He should arm himself, Pence, Kushner, Donald Jr. and Ivanka and get rid of the expensive secret service details.  He could even park Air Force 1 and use commercial flights. Look at the money they would save, If they all last a year then he should bring up the issue of arming teachers again.


Evidently, he's the first one to think about movie and video game ratings. What a doofus.


Trump raises concerns about impact of violent movies: 'Maybe they have to put a rating system for that'

President Trump on Thursday warned about the influence of violence in movies while discussing school safety and mass shootings, suggesting it could be a contributing factor to recent mass shootings.  Trump made the comments during a meeting at the White House on school safety attended by lawmakers and top administration officials, where the president addressed a number of issues in addition to gun violence.


"We have to look at the internet, because a lot of bad things are happening to young kids and young minds, and their minds are being formed, and we have to do something about maybe what they're seeing and how they're seeing it.



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6 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

Stoneman Douglas cop resigns; sheriff says he should have 'killed the killer'



The police officer assigned to Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School resigned Thursday, under investigation for failing to enter the building as a gunman opened fire and killed 17 people.


Sheriff Scott Israel said Deputy Scot Peterson should have “went in. Addressed the killer. Killed the killer.” Video footage showed Peterson did none of that, Israel said.


“What I saw was a deputy arrive … take up a position and he never went in,” the sheriff said at a news conference.





'It's devastating': Cop stayed outside during Florida massacre while students died


An armed school deputy rushed to the Florida high school building where terrified students ran from a killer with an assault rifle, but then sat outside for about four minutes and never went inside.


The school resource deputy for Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, Scot Peterson, was under investigation for his response to the shooting but then decided to resign his post, Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel said Thursday.


Two other deputies are also under investigation after a review of prior law enforcement calls involving accused gunman Nikolas Cruz spurred questions on whether the deputies followed the department's policies. 



And trump expects teachers to do it!!!

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