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Pattaya police chief: "Don't attack tourists - it will damage the image of tourism in Pattaya"


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13 hours ago, ezzra said:

Can Pattaya image BE damamged anymore than what it's right now i wonder....

people don't come for the image, they come for the lose sex, drugs, booz

and everything goes, well, almost everything...  

Don't you mean New Orleans?

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10 hours ago, Destiny1990 said:

U think selling fake watches is legal?

what his permit looks like?

Didn't say that it was, what I asked was is there provision for the police to legally confiscate what the vendors have in their possession?  


What permit does he need?

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Don't worry about people actually getting injured , robbed or killed. The IMAGE is the most important thing, because without a good image - tourism will slow down, money will decline and government officials and police will not make as much money. Correct me if I'm wrong...

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In most countries, people who instigate a fight or attack people, are arrested and prosecuted by a court of law. In many countries, there is no leniency towards perpetrators only because they are 'local people' or citizens of that country, but, on the contrary,  tourists are protected from violent people.


In Thailand it is not only common to give violent people a 'slap on the wrist' by fining them a laughable 500 or 1,000 baht, esp. when they are Thai, but it is also commonly accepted that mobs of people beat up one single person.


Violence, fed by rising drug abuse, alcoholism, poverty, and nationalism, is rising in Thailand!

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On 2/28/2018 at 10:43 AM, sungod said:

You really are a broken record on these Pattaya threads, we heard you hundreds of times already with the same drivel. Now run along, you are boring us.

either learning how to spell or using a checker would help for the next whinge.

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3 hours ago, Just Weird said:

Didn't say that it was, what I asked was is there provision for the police to legally confiscate what the vendors have in their possession?  


What permit does he need?

Police can confiscate all illegal fake stuff especially if its get pushed on public streets.

confiscate all his fake watches should be the first thing for the police to do.

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> He said his men were continually on the case of fake goods sellers and this time would be no different. 


Well they walk around the police station in soi 8, even sit in front of the police station to sell their stuff, yeah they are hard to catch. :laugh::laugh:


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On 28/02/2018 at 3:44 AM, ezzra said:

Can Pattaya image BE damamged anymore than what it's right now i wonder....

people don't come for the image, they come for the lose sex, drugs, booz

and everything goes, well, almost everything...  

Thats a problem for bigots , not for open minded people. And you are mixing different things to sell your package. I am not for drugs but as far as sex is concerned thanks god people are still free to do what they want with their body. You dont like it ,just move on. Some people can't afford the stable job , stunner wife and they need a fallback.Are you too selfish to understand that?

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I won't comment on the sex and fakes offered in Sin City as it is part of the attraction in the area !! .....but attacking tourists ?!!....sorry to the 12 pack Pattaya-defence squads, but is it acceptable in a holiday resort or anywhere else  depending on tourism ??


About time the social media through the reservation websites issued warnings to avoid certain troubled areas in the world and perhaps people will learn to respect what generates their revenue ?


Yes, one feels more safe in Pattaya then in certain streets of Paris or NYC. But even one such incident, isolated perhaps, does tarnish the image of a coastal town where tourists want to plainly have fun, be safe, eat clean and good food for cheap and relax !


Keep the equation in mind, boys :  if π = unsafe streets = fewer tourists = fewer revenue = lower tea money ! Be harsh and make an example of such crooks who prey on foreigners in Thailand....before it's too late.

Edited by observer90210
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  • 3 months later...
On 2/28/2018 at 10:19 AM, webfact said:

Pattaya police chief: "Don't attack tourists - it will damage the image of tourism in Pattaya"

What's with these police chiefs that every time a crime (or even a capital crime)  is committed, they show utmost concern with the image of tourism/Pattaya and come up with these ridiculous words each time!

The main concern of the Chief of Police should be to uphold the law, protect and serve and  catch the  ba$tards before, during and after a crime.period!.Not the image of tourism!..That should be the concern of the Ministry of Tourism

If he should have a comment on this attack, it should be the following


"Assault is illegal and a criminal act.

Anyone attempts to assault anyone could pay a hefty fine AND go to jail"


His job isn't  downplaying the lawlessness and misinform the consequences of physical assault being "damage the image of tourism".It is not deterrent.

His job however, is to remind criminals that if they assault, they will go to jail.

Comments such as the chief made are unnecessary, twisted, misinforming and WILL DEFINITELY DAMAGE THE IMAGE OF THAILAND.

Edited by pattayadude
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  • 1 month later...
On 2/28/2018 at 3:44 AM, ezzra said:

Can Pattaya image BE damamged anymore than what it's right now i wonder....

people don't come for the image, they come for the lose sex, drugs, booz

and everything goes, well, almost everything...  

The vast majority of visitors do not come to Pattaya for any of the above apart from the usual holiday drinking.

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