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Missing home


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I have lived in Thailand now on and off for years, this time i am on my third year, and to tell you the truth i am starting to miss home.  The food especially, there is a complete lack of my food here.  What do you miss most from home?

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6 hours ago, chickenslegs said:

I'm from the UK.

What do I miss from home (apart from family and friends) ...


French bread and cheeses

Affordable Aussie/NZ/etc. wine

NZ/Aussie lamb chops

Jersey Royal potatoes

Belgian beer and chocolates

Proper Indian/Pakistani/Bangladeshi curries (English style)

Chinese (Hong Kong, Cantonese) take-aways

HP sauce (now made in the Netherlands)



Food centric much?


There's a million other things to do about life to be centered around food (my thoughts)....



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13 hours ago, chickenslegs said:

I'm from the UK.

What do I miss from home (apart from family and friends) ...


French bread and cheeses

Affordable Aussie/NZ/etc. wine

NZ/Aussie lamb chops

Jersey Royal potatoes

Belgian beer and chocolates

Proper Indian/Pakistani/Bangladeshi curries (English style)

Chinese (Hong Kong, Cantonese) take-aways

HP sauce (now made in the Netherlands)




6 hours ago, Briggsy said:

I think you missed the subtle humour in @ chickenslegs ' post.


French Bread can be bought at Japanese bakeries

Curries in the Japanese section of  MaxValue


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1. Peace and quiet and sleeping in  
2. Being able to go out without everybody staring at me like I have 2 heads
3. Not having a near death experience every time I nip out to the local 7-11
4. Orderly queues
5. Amazing music festivals. Issan country music concerts just aren't the same. 

Edited by akirasan
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