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Minister threatens to punish welfare graft by dismissals without pensions


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Minister threatens to punish welfare graft by dismissals without pensions

By The Nation



Interior Minister General Anupong Paojinda


Interior Minister General Anupong Paojinda on Tuesday said any state official found to be involved in alleged irregularities at provincial protection centres for the destitute would be dismissed from the civil service without a pension “to set a standard” for society.


Anupong made the comment after he was asked if officials with the local administrative organisations, which are under his ministry, had been involved in the growing embezzlement scandal.


He said he had not received any reports of relevant officials’ involvement.


He added that if officials under his ministry had committed graft, they would face severe punishment, including dismissal from the civil service without their pensions.


“The more who are caught and punished severely will help set a social standard and prevent such wrongdoing in the future,” he said.


The Office of the Public-Sector Anti-Corruption Commission (PACC) has detected irregularities at 44 provincial protection centres for the destitute and is investigating the other 32 centres to meet a May 31 deadline, according to PACC assistant chief Pol Lt-Colonel Wannop Somjintanakul.


The PACC launched the investigation of the 76 centres after a corruption scandal broke out last month when a trainee at the Khon Kaen Protection Centre for the Destitute claimed she had been forced to forge official forms. The 23-year-old student, Panida Yospanya, was then joined in exposing alleged corruption by former employee Natthakan Muenpol, 26, who worked at the same centre in 2016 and had been sacked after she refused to falsify signatures.


On Monday, the Khon Kaen Panyapiwat Learning Centre and College of Asian Scholars presented Natthakan, an alumni of both institutes, a certificate of honour.


Centre director Wattana Pheukprasert said Natthakan would also be rewarded for her actions by being given the franchise rights for a 7-Eleven store and a scholarship to study a bachelor’s degree by CP All, the owner of 7-Eleven rights in Thailand and founder of Panyapiwat colleges and learning centres.


Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/detail/breakingnews/30340827

-- © Copyright The Nation 2018-03-13
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49 minutes ago, Cadbury said:

The rank and file thieves at the bottom of the ladder will bear the brunt of any prosecutions. The distribution trail evidence of the stolen funds will peter out the higher up the pyramid it goes until it fades away completely leaving the ones at the top home free and laughing all the way to the bank.

That's right. 

According to another retired official that has gone very quiet. the top knocker puts all his cronies in the head positions who then put their  cronies in lucrative places. The loot is then passed up the line. 

The cronies at the bottom get the least payoff and the highest penalty. whilst the top knockers go on to rip off the people another day. 

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"Interior Minister General Anupong Paojinda on Tuesday said any state official found to be involved in alleged irregularities at provincial protection centres for the destitute would be dismissed from the civil service without a pension"..... except for him of course

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18 hours ago, webfact said:

He said he had not received any reports of relevant officials’ involvement.


So the retired Army General, leading the relevant ministry, has not received any reports?


Not sure that's a proper excuse, at least it didn't work out so well for the last PM?


I think the Interior Ministry is one of the plum jobs, maybe the top one, given the "opportunities".





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so they wont jail them for fraud or seize all their assets from ill gotten gains, again we see the pathetic side to thai law or should I say the lack of it, cant set a  precedent that will effect many people in govt jobs including themselves if they are caught

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13 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

Wow strong no nonsense warning. Start with your Burapha brother Prawit to “ set a standard for society”. This kind of hypocrisy is nauseating.  

OH Eric, its never enough for you.. first you complain nothing is done no warnings are given. Then when someone takes action and increases punishment you complain again.


When I told you you would do this you denied it.. but here you are doing exactly as expected. 


Before you complained about the silence of the government officials. I said if they are not silent you would complain about them too.. you denied.. and guess what.... you prove my point. 

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19 hours ago, stephen tracy said:

"Interior Minister General Anupong Paojinda on Tuesday said any state official found to be involved in alleged irregularities at provincial protection centres for the destitute would be dismissed from the civil service without a pension"..... except for him of course


To be a litlle fair to him he has only been the Interior Minister for 4 years and this scam has been running for longer than that, so if you blame him for not stopping it earlier you must also balme every other Interior Minister going back some 10, 15 or even 20 years for also not stopping it.


It was only brought into the open this year.

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42 minutes ago, robblok said:

OH Eric, its never enough for you.. first you complain nothing is done no warnings are given. Then when someone takes action and increases punishment you complain again.


When I told you you would do this you denied it.. but here you are doing exactly as expected. 


Before you complained about the silence of the government officials. I said if they are not silent you would complain about them too.. you denied.. and guess what.... you prove my point. 

Rob, I live by that principle that if you are in a compromised position like turning a blind eye to your own corruption, you don’t have any right to lecture others on corruption. If you want to take action, clean out your own corrupt backyard. You see different?

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Just now, Eric Loh said:

Rob, I live by that principle that if you are in a compromised position like turning a blind eye to your own corruption, you don’t have any right to lecture others on corruption. If you want to take action, clean out your own corrupt backyard. You see different?

I live by the principle that if i say something i keep my word. When you were complaining that the goverment did not make any comments about the corruption and remained silent I said they were in a no win situation because if they had said something you would complain anyway. You denied it.. just pointing out your failings. Because here you are doing exactly what you said you would not do. Its fun to be proven right about people.


I see the points exactly the way you see them, but i see this as a good thing that they lose pension rights and get fired (that is if they try to get the money back that was stolen too and a fine added otherwise its non punishment). So this guy is making a good statement (if the other part is done too). This guy also has nothing to do with Prawit he is Minister of an unrelated department.  He is making statements about his department (as he should)

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