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Foreign man in Pattaya suffers painful penis injury inflicted by braces wearing girlfriend


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5 hours ago, mamypoko said:

Could have been worse. She could have had epilepsy .

That reminds me of a story told by a nurse I was going out with many years ago.

She worked in the ER and one night a young guy gets admitted with his privates lacerated to pieces, we are talking hanging by a thread. About 30 minutes later, a young lady gets admitted with a very serious head wound. 

The story unfolds; they are both together and enjoying the delights of oral sex when the young lady takes an epileptic fit. She's biting down hard on the poor young guys manhood and in a fit of panic and not knowing what to do, he picks up a bedside lamp and clumps her over the head with it, knocking her out cold. 

I always called BS on this one but she swore blind it was true.

Still makes me wince to this day. 


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Oh gee, love the comments on this one. Some surgeons can be tricky. When I had my vasectomy by local anesthetic I was interested in what was being done but couldn't see behind the small green curtain. So I complained that I couldn't see but obviously I was annoying the Doc. He said something like 'If you don't stop talking I may make a mistake...Oh, now look what you made me do!' Naturally I was almost in shock when he bent towards me and said 'Just joking...' Certainly shut me up though, Ha!

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