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1 hour ago, samsensam said:


well OP, if you followed your GFs example you'd never have visited thailand, you may well never have left the place you were born.


if we extend it to many thais; you'd have limited opportunity to better yourself, you'd be culturally shackled by the hierarchical society. you probably wouldn't have the benefit of a decent education and you'd be limited to watching absolute garbage on tv - but you wouldn;t know it was garbage, you'd think it was wonderful.


do i think thais have i right? would i give up my upbringing, education and travel and life experiences and live in a thailand centric bubble? not. a. chance.


you might, but as they say here; up to you.


Wife (of 27 years), not girlfriend. And I'm not saying their way is right.  Other than that, you make good points. There is an argument that ignorance is bliss (quote: you'd be limited to watching absolute garbage on tv - but you wouldn;t know it was garbage, you'd think it was wonderful.) If they are happy with garbage then that is what they are - happy. And that was why I posed the question - if they are happy in their ignorance and we are disturbed by things we cannot influence or control, who has it right?

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I've trundled through life doing what was necessary, having access to world news has not been the mainstay of my furtherment, I lost interest in politics when I succumbed to the idea in the end it is all about money, controlled by money, and perpetuated by money.

I have managed to arrive in my senior years with choices, mostly because, my government, and companies I worked in, thought it was a good idea to provide an income for my retirement.


My Thai mother in law would not have the benefit of my level of education, she would not have access to 'world news' for the large part not even Thai news. She has lived in or near the village all her life. She has arrived at her senior years not 'retired' but well able to support herself and if necessary any member of her family.


I will live alongside her with my family and enjoy the way of life she has enjoyed all her life.


Only one difference I can see, my choices were driven by survival, she did not need to make those choices.


Having said that progress/improvement does to an extent require education and a broad mind, but think about this, if you own land you can eat - you have a product to trade, then you are automatically on the world stage. The reality is however your true interest lies in what you get paid, not what the end user pays.

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4 hours ago, The manic said:

Er....The middle way?

Compromise seems to be out window these days especially with the world policeman in the frame, China will change that in the future along Thailand and all the Asian countries that is what I hope for..


My Thai GF was astounded with many things when I took her to Australia. On the one hand she has an innocence about the world I envy. On the other hand, I have travelled the world and have some great memories. Who's to say?


It's Athens! It's the demos. It's the Putney Debates. It's the Founding Fathers and the New England town hall. It's asking the pleading candidate for the state legislature to water your garden and get you a license to sell lottery tickets. It's Iowa, and months of having to pretend that the rank don't smell, and that the stupid make sense. It's Clinton's face when she found out that deplorables have the vote. It's believing that the lowest he in the land has a life to live as much as the highest. It's cutting off Charles I's head and still swearing allegiance to Elizabeth II. 


With acknowledgment to Monty Python's "Life of Brian"....


Craig - There's a geezer here who wont argue about politics!!




Barry - Okay, okay, okay!! I think....I think......I think that limited airstrikes in order to send a message about the unacceptability of chemical weapons may serve a purpose. 


Craig - So you'd leave the will and capacity to do it again unaddressed? 


Masses - OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Craigster, Go on yersel', Intae the body, There ye are etc. 


[It went a bit Caledonia there at the end, for some reason].

4 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:


Wife (of 27 years), not girlfriend. And I'm not saying their way is right.  Other than that, you make good points. There is an argument that ignorance is bliss (quote: you'd be limited to watching absolute garbage on tv - but you wouldn;t know it was garbage, you'd think it was wonderful.) If they are happy with garbage then that is what they are - happy. And that was why I posed the question - if they are happy in their ignorance and we are disturbed by things we cannot influence or control, who has it right?

The Thais in general have the concept wrong if they wish to progress


  • Thanks 1
6 hours ago, Kwasaki said:

Compromise seems to be out window these days especially with the world policeman in the frame, China will change that in the future along Thailand and all the Asian countries that is what I hope for..

You hope for.... I dread.

  • Haha 1
4 hours ago, Rodwalloper said:

They may not care about the rest of the world but they sure as hell had their hand out quick during the tsunami.

they sure are lucky we gave a damn unlike them.


I remember they refused to allow rescue workers into the country as they had no work permit. And a large percentage of money donated from overseas disappeared.

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I'm a "news addict" myself....but have often wondered about the same thing myself.

   For example, what has it got to do with me who gets elected in some African country. 

    I feel too many subjects get far too much coverage these days. On the other hand, it keeps them accountable. Just supposing nobody was keeping tabs on the leader of the free world?


Is it just their "Mai pen rai" attitude,or is it just a laziness on the part of the Thai's not to want to educate themselves in the affairs of the world?

As westerners we need to know whats occuring,as our personal invesments i.e shares,bonds,commodities etc all depend on world affairs.

There is no way which is right or wrong,the way that suits the individual is best,providing the said individual's way is not imposing something detrimental onto others.

I very much like the Thai's "What will be,will be attitude"coz "What's the use of worrying,it never was worthwhile" after all everything's "Que sera sera".

  • Like 1
20 hours ago, The manic said:

3rd World countries, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Burma, China, Vietnam,North Korea, Palestine, etc etc all get involved in international affairs or the people have opinions. 


A country?

7 hours ago, The manic said:

You hope for.... I dread.

Hope for China and the Chinese ruling the world?

How mad can you be?

20 hours ago, jak2002003 said:

A happy middle ground would be the best option.


To care nothing for anything that does not immediately concern oneself is not just selfish.. its dangerous in ignorant.  This is why so few people here stand up to corruption, crime etc.  If people here did not ignore the problems then there is scope for change and improvement in the future for society, not just an individual.


On the other hand, to get overly involved, distressed, stressed and argumentative about issues that don't directly affect us is equally not a good thing.  It is a waste of energy, which would be better spent on doing things to actually improve situations we have some (no matter how small) control over. Lurching from one world disaster, political or social problem to the next, getting into heated arguments, fights and negatively impacting ones life and family, over issues we have realistically not control over is pointless.  




I think Jak said it best. Some balance(as usual in life) would be best. Ignoring everything outside your immediate circle is not only boring it can also be dangerous but to stick your nose into everyone else's business and even interfere, like my home country the US loves to do is also dangerous...and foolish.

The USA has over 800 military installations in countries all over the world, most Americans don't know this and don't seem to care when they hear it and now we have a clown for president that can't read or speak English. We definitely need to learn how to take care of our own problems and leave others alone more.  

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21 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

My wife is a school teacher - 40 - good brain. But has never heard of 9/11 !


I think what you are up against is that Thai's think the world revolves around Thailand and nothing will ever effect it.

Wow.Talk about the pot calling the kettle a bubble dweller.


Americans are probably among the most self-absorbed, insular people on the planet. I wonder how many Americans who've chosen to live in Thailand know anything of Thai language, culture or history or, for that matter, anything about North American history beyond a few headline events that were explained to them by Fox News using language suitable to 3rd graders.


I doubt most Americans could find Syria or Thailand on a map and a large percentage couldn't find the US.




MAY 28, 2015
Last year, PoliTech, a student group at Texas Tech University went around campus and asked three questions: “Who won the Civil War?”, “Who is our vice president?” and “Who did we gain our independence from?” Students’ answers ranged from “the South?” for the first question to “I have no idea” for all three of them. However, when asked about the show Snookie starred in (“Jersey Shore”) or Brad Pitt’s marriage history, they answered correctly.

This lack of knowledge in A 2008 study by the Intercollegiate Studies Institute, which surveyed more than 2,500 Americans, found that only half of adults in the country could name the three branches of government.






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Your wife is selfish it's that simple. Thais don't care because they don't care and live in their coconut. The world has not been advanced by such thinking and supporting others with a vision of 'we are all humans' has helped millions after disasters, wars etc.  Thais, generally, only care about themselves and if/when that 'opens up' Thailand will be a better place, and the world too. Imagine the world if we all thought like your wife?  no one cares, no support given and probably Hitler in charge of Europe, blacks and women disenfranchised and gays and other minorities dead and gone.


Gob Nai Kala (frog in the coconut) is utterly against any concept of Goodwill, Spirituality or Philosophy that the world has produced. One World, One Humanity and One Vision is what will help us get over the terrible eco problems, wars and suffering we have as a people.


Most Thais don’t know that they would be speaking Japanese today if not for the Allied forces. But that’s not their re problem up to them. But let’s reap the benefits though.

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9 minutes ago, Thongkorn said:

Most Thais don’t know that they would be speaking Japanese today if not for the Allied forces. But that’s not their re problem up to them. But let’s reap the benefits though.

Very good point. Most have no idea that Thailand was part of the Axis Nazi powers all they care about is the 'we've never been colonized' propaganda spin. Yet Japan has free reign through Thailand and, basically, occupied. 

The bigger point is that this lack of education has been 'designed' that way as part of the elites 'command and control' which is why no uprising to the Junta etc. And so the selfishness 'we are Thai' nationalism has been inculcated from birth. Luckily this is not the world view and as the world grows smaller and information speedily informs us of everything Thailand must grow... eventually, out of this 'I'm alright Jack' mentality.

13 minutes ago, Suradit69 said:

Wow.Talk about the pot calling the kettle a bubble dweller.


Americans are probably among the most self-absorbed, insular people on the planet. I wonder how many Americans who've chosen to live in Thailand know anything of Thai language, culture or history or, for that matter, anything about North American history beyond a few headline events that were explained to them by Fox News using language suitable to 3rd graders.


I doubt most Americans could find Syria or Thailand on a map and a large percentage couldn't find the US.

So, I'm american ? A typical jumping to the wrong conclusion fool. I used 9/11 as it was probably the biggest event on the planet so far this century and my wife had never heard of it. Personally as a Brit I keep informed and well educated of world events - something Thais do not. Suggest you re-read the original post , without your anti-American fixation. Not everyone who mentions 9/11 is a US person you know. 

21 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:

if I talk of, say, the problems in Syria, she says she doesn't care as it has nothing to do with her.

Just explain to her how this and other geopolitical escalations can affect the gold price and she will take an interest...

  • Haha 1
21 hours ago, The manic said:

Reality is 'Maya'..an illusion. It's a fundamental  precept of Buddhism.  As with all belief systems people are selective . The Thais are no different. There is a lot to be said for their fatalistic disengagement from issues about which they can have no influence. This makes them both agreeable but infuriating. The OP might consider he and his life are as utterly meaningless to his wife as Syria or Brexit.

Wouldn't you be better off to hang out with "agreeable"? If you learn to accept and enjoy that personality trait - it will not be "infuriating" - a very strong word choice and place to be... 


ps - Maya is also a mall in Chiang Mai... I saw a movie there once. 

  • Sad 1
19 hours ago, Golden Triangle said:

Without either meaning or seeming to be cruel I suspect that if you ask the vast majority of young or teenage Thais to point to their country on a World map or Globe they would be lost, let alone asking them to show you Syria or even your home country and now I'm talking about wives, girlfriends, partners etc.

Your right there i have taken a globe into school for the children at first they didnt know which way was up.Now they are aware of where Thailand and Uk  europe etc.

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36 minutes ago, BobBKK said:

Your wife is selfish it's that simple. Thais don't care because they don't care and live in their coconut. The world has not been advanced by such thinking and supporting others with a vision of 'we are all humans' has helped millions after disasters, wars etc.  Thais, generally, only care about themselves and if/when that 'opens up' Thailand will be a better place, and the world too. Imagine the world if we all thought like your wife?  no one cares, no support given and probably Hitler in charge of Europe, blacks and women disenfranchised and gays and other minorities dead and gone.


Gob Nai Kala (frog in the coconut) is utterly against any concept of Goodwill, Spirituality or Philosophy that the world has produced. One World, One Humanity and One Vision is what will help us get over the terrible eco problems, wars and suffering we have as a people.

I agree that the world view is limited, but the Thai I know and live amongst are very into taking care of family members. I have been quite impressed with my wife's large, functional family and the extents they go to help each other as most often visible in child rearing... the Western world has a larger world view and yet cannot be kind to family members. 

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I have thought about this before maybe we do over think too much where as the thais dont or dont comment on it.I am the only falang in our village so little stimulating conversation here anyway but i have asked questions re politics or accidents , but do not get in depth answers.

21 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

My wife is a school teacher - 40 - good brain. But has never heard of 9/11 !


I think what you are up against is that Thai's think the world revolves around Thailand and nothing will ever effect it. Everything is Farang. Personally I see Thailand as 3rd world most of the time, asking any 3rd world country to get involved in anything outside their borders would be hard - bit like asking a rural family in the Ivory coast what should happen about North Korea.


Besides they are so petrified of being invaded sending any army abroad would worry the Junta

Wow. We don't use the term 3rd world these days, it's developing country, which Thailand is. There is nobody saying it isn't.

I take it you are a US. How enjoy comparing it to how many  US Americans know about Taksins drug war, or the Thamasat masacre.

Actually, many I've met there didn't know they difference between Thailand and Taiwan,  and certainly couldn't point them out on a map. This is probably true with US Americans LIVING HERE too. 

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