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Trump lawyer Giuliani defends legality of porn star payment


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7 hours ago, attrayant said:


Avenatti is representing Daniels in a civil suit against Cohen in California. He could have gotten them through simple discovery requests.


He seems too sharp to make such an obvious blunder.


Well, he's made a mistake or two in the past.



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10 hours ago, riclag said:

Treasury watchdog probing how Stormy Daniels lawyer got Cohen's bank records


The NY AG had aspirations of higher places possibly Senator or Congress. He'll have to go to the back of the line now.

This Avenatti  guy is investigating out of his scope ,Porn Actress payments. Maybe he will need a attorney soon . He could be the second one to go down in NY,since Giuliani came on

No evidence that Avenatti accesses bank accounts.


The summary report issued by Avenatti contained no indication of the source and no direct quotes from any source document.


However, the statements made by Avenatti where very quickly confirmed by news providers.


Three partiesmaking payments are already stating the claims are true, so now all investigators have to do is follow the money.


I’m sure Avenatti is a lot less concerned over what’s going to happen next than is Cohen or Trump.


So let’s pretend Avenatti is the crook here if it makes you feel better.


The truth will (despite Trump’s best efforts) out!

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It is interesting that Treasury (IG) is keen to investigate the "leak", but evidently was not so hot to investigate the underlying SARs?


I think some news outlets received similar leaks, it just took them a few days to verify them? At first, it seemed like an employee at the bank servicing Essential Consultants might have been the source, but now, who knows. Mueller can't be happy about this leak.


Back when the cash was rolling in, Michael Cohen bragged that he "was crushing it". https://talkingpointsmemo.com/livewire/cohen-bragged-trump-access

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11 hours ago, riclag said:



Avenatti Accuses The Wrong Michael Cohens Of Making ‘Fraudulent’ Payments

"But there is one problem with the document: two of the allegedly “fraudulent” payments were made to men named Michael Cohen who have no affiliation with Trump".

Your knight  in shinning Armour has some soft spots!:sad:










Let me get this right:


So you would have us believe that three US Corporations would admit making payments to (Mr Trump’s) Michael Cohen. Demonstrating the truth of Avenatti’s claims.


But two other very large payments were made to some completely unrelated Michael Cohen.


It seems like being called Michael Cohen is a fast way to receive large cash donations from people/organisations connected to the Kremlin.


I’m sure Mueller is looking into this and will discover who received what money, from they received it and to whom they paid it.


The story is this:


There are records of very large cash payments to Mr Trump’s personal lawyer, these are being investigated.


The truth will (despite Trump’s best efforts) out!

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35 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:

We’ve all made mistakes.


Smart people learn from them.



There is no question at all that Avenatti is very very smart.



Malania should hire him for Trump v Trump.

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2 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

We’ve all made mistakes.


Smart people learn from them.



There is no question at all that Avenatti is very very smart.



Malania should hire him for Trump v Trump.


Nothing at all would surprise me.

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8 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:

It is interesting that Treasury (IG) is keen to investigate the "leak", but evidently was not so hot to investigate the underlying SARs?


I think some news outlets received similar leaks, it just took them a few days to verify them? At first, it seemed like an employee at the bank servicing Essential Consultants might have been the source, but now, who knows. Mueller can't be happy about this leak.


Back when the cash was rolling in, Michael Cohen bragged that he "was crushing it". https://talkingpointsmemo.com/livewire/cohen-bragged-trump-access



The SARs are treasury records.


Mueller has them. 


Avenatti and the press getting wind wind of these transactions is a side show.

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1 minute ago, lannarebirth said:


Nothing at all would surprise me.

That’s a good starting point for what’s about to happen.


The depth and breadth of criminality in and around the White House is being exposed.


Belts on, it’s going to be a bumpy ride.


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4 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

No evidence that Avenatti accesses bank accounts.


The summary report issued by Avenatti contained no indication of the source and no direct quotes from any source document.


However, the statements made by Avenatti where very quickly confirmed by news providers.


Three partiesmaking payments are already stating the claims are true, so now all investigators have to do is follow the money.


I’m sure Avenatti is a lot less concerned over what’s going to happen next than is Cohen or Trump.


So let’s pretend Avenatti is the crook here if it makes you feel better.


The truth will (despite Trump’s best efforts) out!

 The access , it's being investigated , but the plot is thickening.Just think if HC  became POTUS,Americans would of never known about Fusion GPS and who funded the OP=Research Report, Never Trumpers,  Hillary Clinton and the DNC. 

Mix it all in with discrediting the Mueller probe and it will be a wonderful recipe for the second term.


Edited by riclag
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3 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

More Hogwash.


The Steele Report was commissioned by the republicans, it was taken over by Dems when the Republicans tried to kill it because of what is was revealing.


FACT 1. No claims within the Steele Report have been disproven.


FACT 2. Many claims within the Steele Report have been proven correct.


The latest claim within the Steele Report proven to be correct is that relating to Cohen’s visitor to Hungary.


Cohen is on record stating he has never been to Hungary, he went on record with this statement in response to the Steele Report stating he had.


We (and Mueller) now know Cohen was lying, he did visit Hungary as stated by Steele.


Buckle up, the truth will (despite Trump’s best efforts) out!

Please have the decency to show your sources,so I can better understand your claims .As far as your first claim Actually, the GOP never commissioned the Steele Report.The Dems did



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1 hour ago, riclag said:

Please have the decency to show your sources,so I can better understand your claims .As far as your first claim Actually, the GOP never commissioned the Steele Report.The Dems did








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17 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

I wonder if it's Guiliani who has leaked Cohen's financial dealings.


Since joining Trump's legal team he's dropped Trump and Cohen into deeper legal jeopardy every time he's opened his mouth.

He hasn't said much lately, even though he loves the limelight. Think he has been told to shut up.

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20 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

"The Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee retained Fusion GPS to research any possible connections between Mr. Trump, his businesses, his campaign team and Russia, court filings revealed this week. Working for them, the firm retained Christopher Steele, a respected former British intelligence officer.

He went on to produce a series of memos that alleged a broad conspiracy between the Trump campaign and the Russian government to influence the 2016 presidential election on behalf of Mr. Trump". 



The GOP hired Fusion ,Steele wasn't part of the Investigation at the time! Once it was determined that DT was the GOP choice,the GOP dropped Fusion and the investigation.Enter the HC/DNC they hired Fusion to continue a investigation and this is the point of entry for Steele.This is when Steele was hired and later sent out unsubstantiated reports(steele dossier) to news sources and to the FBI to which many have still not been verified to this day. So the Gop didn't sponsor the steele dossier the dems did. 

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5 hours ago, riclag said:


The GOP hired Fusion ,Steele wasn't part of the Investigation at the time! Once it was determined that DT was the GOP choice,the GOP dropped Fusion and the investigation.Enter the HC/DNC they hired Fusion to continue a investigation and this is the point of entry for Steele.This is when Steele was hired and later sent out unsubstantiated reports(steele dossier) to news sources and to the FBI to which many have still not been verified to this day. So the Gop didn't sponsor the steele dossier the dems did. 

Funny, it used to be that Trump supporters said that the Steele Dossier was a pack of lies. Now it's changed to "This is when Steele was hired and later sent out unsubstantiated reports(steele dossier) to news sources and to the FBI to which many have still not been verified to this day. " In other words, many have been verified. 

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The battle between Trump and Daniels just got a whole lot uglier ... for Trump.


Danniels’ attourney Avenatti has released photo and video evidence taken in Trump Tower of Cohen and Flynn meeting with Qatari ‘businessman’ Ahmed Al-Rumaihi.


This is the same Ahmed Al-Rumaihi who boasted he’s bribed the Trump administration.


The timing and participants in this meeting at Trump Tower are consistent with claims in the Steele Dossier regarding a $250million pay off to Trump from the Rosneft deal. 


If Mueller did not know of these meetings, he does now.


If Flynn did not confess the details of this meeting when he cut a deal with Mueller he’ll be scheduling more ‘sit down time’ to clear up his omission.


All bad news for Cohen, Flynn and Trump.


The truth will (despite Trump’s best efforts) out.

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Trump, the master deal maker who cant even broker a deal for sex with a prostitute. Sex with a prostitute is a pretty common deal, brokered by millions everyday. Do you really want someone you cant arrange "sex with a hooker" doing deals on world peace, free trade, climate change.

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2 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

The battle between Trump and Daniels just got a whole lot uglier ... for Trump.


Danniels’ attourney Avenatti has released photo and video evidence taken in Trump Tower of Cohen and Flynn meeting with Qatari ‘businessman’ Ahmed Al-Rumaihi.


This is the same Ahmed Al-Rumaihi who boasted he’s bribed the Trump administration.


The timing and participants in this meeting at Trump Tower are consistent with claims in the Steele Dossier regarding a $250million pay off to Trump from the Rosneft deal. 


If Mueller did not know of these meetings, he does now.


If Flynn did not confess the details of this meeting when he cut a deal with Mueller he’ll be scheduling more ‘sit down time’ to clear up his omission.


All bad news for Cohen, Flynn and Trump.


The truth will (despite Trump’s best efforts) out.

Avenatti also tweeted a photo in the lobby of Trump Tower the same day of the apparent meeting of Cohen talking with Michael Flynn. But that photo appeared to be a screen grab from a different YouTube video of the lobby. Flynn is not seen with the man who appears to be al-Rumaihi or the group he is with. Trump fired Flynn as his national security adviser after Flynn lied about his contacts with then-Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak.


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1 hour ago, Peterw42 said:

Trump, the master deal maker who cant even broker a deal for sex with a prostitute. Sex with a prostitute is a pretty common deal, brokered by millions everyday. Do you really want someone you cant arrange "sex with a hooker" doing deals on world peace, free trade, climate change.

Stormy Danniels is not a prostitute.


There are allegations of Trump having sex with Prostitutes and that that encounter was filmed by the Russians.


The truth will (despite Trump’s best efforts) out.

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Who is this Avanatti, the second lawyer of Stormy,Who comes on these MSM channels 150 times,mostly to make accusations that don't even relate to his client.

The dirt will come out on who's paying for this dirt bag .Those pictures and movie show them going into Trump Tower. Also the picture of Flynn has nothing to do with that event.

"It is also important to note the government of Qatar reportedly bought a $6.5 million apartment in Trump World Tower. The Politico also reported Qatari government was looking to make an investment in conservative website Newsmax. It’s CEO, Chris Ruddy, has close ties to the commander-in-chief".



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18 minutes ago, riclag said:

Who is this Avanatti, the second lawyer of Stormy,Who comes on these MSM channels 150 times,mostly to make accusations that don't even relate to his client.

The dirt will come out on who's paying for this dirt bag .Those pictures and movie show them going into Trump Tower. Also the picture of Flynn has nothing to do with that event.

"It is also important to note the government of Qatar  reportedly bought a $6.5 million apartment in Trump World Tower. The Politico also  reported Qatari government was looking to make an investment in conservative website Newsmax. It’s CEO, Chris Ruddy, has close ties to the commander-in-chief".



You know who Avenatti is, and he’s not a dirt bag.


His appearances in the media are very effectively playing Trump at his own game - Media wars.


Avenatti ha provides unequivocal statements of where his funding comes from, do you have evidence that disproves his statement or are you simply parroting the Fox anti-Avenatti message?

https://www.dropbox.com/s/bwmfocdimn2uegn/Statement re Legal Fees.pdf?dl=0


You are correct, Avenatti is Daniels’ second attorney; there are credible allegations that her first attorney ‘Keith Davidson’ colluded with Cohen against her:




Let’s stop referring to people as ‘dirt bags’.


The truth will (despite Trump’s best efforts) out.

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24 minutes ago, attrayant said:

Why does it matter who is paying for him?  He's not a public servant.

"Treasury watchdog probing how Stormy Daniels lawyer got Cohen's bank records"

These aren't fox sources


"Yet Avenatti's tactics and visibility carry risks that could undermine his ability to represent his client, who is suing longtime Trump attorney Michael Cohen and the president to be released from a nondisclosure agreement. Scrutiny of his business record and of his motives has provided grist for distracting headlines in recent days. And his publication last week of Cohen's banking history — hard-to-get information touching on some of the most sensitive issues before the White House — could jeopardize his ability to represent Daniels in court, some experts say".



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3 minutes ago, riclag said:

"Treasury watchdog probing how Stormy Daniels lawyer got Cohen's bank records"



"Yet Avenatti's tactics and visibility carry risks that could undermine his ability to represent his client, who is suing longtime Trump attorney Michael Cohen and the president to be released from a nondisclosure agreement. Scrutiny of his business record and of his motives has provided grist for distracting headlines in recent days. And his publication last week of Cohen's banking history — hard-to-get information touching on some of the most sensitive issues before the White House — could jeopardize his ability to represent Daniels in court, some experts say".



I think you’ve given a possible lead for investigators to follow:


Trump’s use of the Treasury Department against his opponent in a private civil case?



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26 minutes ago, attrayant said:


Wait - we're not talking about how Avenatti is getting paid any more?  Why not?


Anyway, a bunch of us replied you this same post you made back on page six of this very discussion.  You did the same thing then, too: change the discussion to "but what about Hillary!?"

Why not what?

The reply to the same post was the 

The access of Cohen's bank record SAR(Suspicious Activity Report) by Avanatti is being investigated by the Treasury,  the law makes an unauthorized disclosure of SARs or certain related information a criminal violation. but the plot is thickening.Just think if HC  became POTUS,Americans would of never known about Fusion GPS and who funded the OP=Research Report, Never Trumpers,  Hillary Clinton and the DNC. 

Mix it all in with discrediting the Mueller probe and it will be a wonderful recipe for the second term.

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It's time to expose who he is and why he is so deranged with taking down a former playboy who is now POTUS that had a supposed encounter many years ago with a Porn Star.Who cares. 

"Nothing he has been doing in the last four to six weeks with his multiple television appearances advances the interests of his client in the California action," said Stephen Gillers, a New York University law professor who specializes in ethics. "He's catapulted himself to be the story. There are dangers when a lawyer becomes so publicly vocal."


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