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The week that was in Thailand news: Free sex and half price food available in Thailand – apply now!

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I've had the same experience with a two tooth denture that 3 or 4 times would relocate itself behind the sofa and always in the same place. Never damaged or chewed. Quick soak in dettol scrubbed and good to go. Stopped when I got the mouse in a trap.

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With the onslaught of information everyone is subjected to, affording the luxury of reading a long form article on any topic that I am not highly motivated or highly interested in is difficult for me to justify. Sorry, I had to bail in the middle of your rant after your point was made. I get it, you work hard to right a complete piece and some moron makes a stupid uninformed comment without having read the whole thing. Oh, well that is his problem not yours. (Maybe I am doing that right now.) Take care and keep up the good work. Once in a while you will write something I will read to the end because it is worthy of my attention.

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As always an entertaining piece of writing which goes hand in hand with my Sunday morning cuppa ( Tetley’s !! ) and toast .

What a week it was !!, a sad one with the accidental deaths indirectly involving farangs, but thankfully there is always comedy gold happening in LOS to take the edge off the sad bits .


Despite some of the above comments I made it through and IMHO it wasn’t long enough !!


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Well my perseverance and fortitude was not rewarded with a secret code that would grant me free sex and half priced food. I'd have settled for it being the other way around, or just one of the two, or just the free drink even !

One should do a poll to see just how many people read TV on their phones compared to those who (normally) read it on a desktop/laptop. That could explain why so many seem to read the headline and (perhaps) the first one or two sentences before skipping down to add their 2 baht's worth of comments.


It would also explain why so many ask the exact same questions despite them having been answered (repeatedly) elsewhere in the thread. I find trying to browse/comment on the forums to be a major PITA when I'm on my phone and usually don't bother trying to read any replies.

However, when I'm on the desktop/laptop I often read all the comments, if it's a topic that has piqued my interest. 

(ps: Jack/Coke - just so you're prepared !)


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Come on Granddad... by Sloths derivative interpretation of Moore's Law "The Twitter" tweet is now double that size(!).

But seriously, a great read and you put into a sentence a couple of times, some things that I'd come to feel but had not distilled,  especially the Thai approach to grief which looks cold and soulless to many, but has purpose.  Also about the observation re "...not just the mother or father but the Thai or the foreigner".  Nailed it.

Respect, and if we should ever be on a common path/dodgy side walk/fall in same hole, then I'll buy the drinks.

I'm stuck between a millennial and a retired place... but benefited from both.

And lost to both...  Still have a toothless grin though.

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it will honor you to explain the world to us. However, since facebook and twitter the world has changed. Obviously you didn't.

Since there is a President who posts all this hatred and nonsense into the world, bragging with his achievements to grab with his hands onto every pussy, many people think that's the real world we live in. And as long you will not sign with your true name this will go on. Same and in particular on ThaiVisa, Change that!

At last we all have to change. Virtues seem not to be very important and precious. And 10 Commandments are outdated. Respect is a word of the past. 

I suppose you and I will not change anything. And the other day there was a thread about trolling. Change to clear and true names. Ask for ID. Hardly nobody will dare to address any other ThaiVisa member in an inappropriate way anymore. 

This would be my way to create respect again.


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3 hours ago, Happy enough said:

"dramedy (yes, that is a valid Scrabble word)."


nah, i can't get used to it, just doesn't sound right. I will remember it if I ever need it in a game of scrabble though


Here's some help how to remember it:


coma --> comedy

drama --> dramedy


I made this up just now.

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3 hours ago, Happy enough said:

"dramedy (yes, that is a valid Scrabble word)."


nah, i can't get used to it, just doesn't sound right. I will remember it if I ever need it in a game of scrabble though


Here's some help how to remember it:


coma --> comedy

drama --> dramedy


I made this up just now.

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1 hour ago, Reigntax said:

Look no further than in the palm of your hands !!

This is a con spending my time reading all that


time is money and I want compensation !!!

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I knew a middle-aged couple in England who were addicted to bingo. They used to take turns, and would never go there together. It was quite some time before somebody discovered that they shared a single set of false teeth.

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