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White House official mocked 'dying' Senator McCain - media


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I have some sympathy for McCain - but not a lot.  There is a bit of innuendo about McCain's actions while as a prisoner, but more so of interest is what was done by his father (a 4 star Admiral) to 'clean up' things and give him military awards etc. and pave the way for his political career.  However, the issue is that McCain has hated Trump ever since he made derogatory comments about his 'real' war record and  questioned why he was given so many military awards, when others who did more and achieved more, got far less awards.  In respose, McCain has been vehemently anti-Trump on every issue ever since and campaigned against him becomming the Republican candidate.  McCain has been linked to the false dossier on Trump, and consitently acts like a Democrat with TDS in the Senate.  It is worth noting that Trump is very highly regarded within the US Military, but McCain is not.  The person who made the remark was obviously not thinking about being overheard and quoted, but she was merely repeating what many people think about McCain.  I hope he resigns soon and lets things go - Trump has won and McCain has far more important issues to deal with now.  

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1 hour ago, stevenl said:

No, he was correct. Also outside of the US hardly anybody likes him.


Due to visit the UK mid July though I think he will cancel again because he is not going to get a warm welcome from the population. 

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25 minutes ago, Skeptic7 said:

C'mon dude. He is clearly mocking all of them and especially insensitive in the case of the reporter. None of it mature or presidential...and certainly all of it in bad taste. This man is the epitome of uncouth, derisive, uncaring and insulting. He is a boorish buffoon. :post-4641-1156693976:


You're welcome.

Change your username, you clearly don't live up to it.

Even I can admit when Trump makes a LEGIT mistake when liberals point it out or admit to some positive qualities about the opposition. 

But I get it, the name 'skeptic' sure makes you look cool.

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28 minutes ago, JemJem said:

Sickening but not surprising. The MAJORITY of Trump's supporters are near the low end of the decency scale.

This coming from someone who probably believes it's ok for kids to be pumped with hormones and / or puberty blockers or that abortions are ok?

555555 that's rich!!

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I assume there are many White House employees who are not political appointees... so why are they tarred with the same brush as a Trump appointed <****>???  


Would not "Senior Trump Aide  mocked 'dying' Senator McCain - media" be more appropriate 

Edited by Basil B
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5 hours ago, Thaidream said:

Your facts are wrong-   I worked with the US Military in every branch of service for 25 years and also served in Vietnam during the time John was in prison-John McCain is respected for his service and devotion to duty while a POW.  John was tortured horribly but he never violated the code of conduct and refused to leave  Hanoi early as the Vietnamese would not release all the prisoners.


HIs father may have bee a 4 star Admiral but John received no  awards because of this. All military Awards are put  in by a military member's Commanding Officer and then go to a  committee for review and decision.


Senator  MCcain is a Republican and I never voted for him  . However, I do respect him for how he votes in the Senate- and the reason he voted against Trump's healthcare plan is because the plan was flawed; worse than Obamacare; and would have driven millions of Americans off the health roles.  The Senator  votes his conscience and  recognizes that Donald Trump is a clear and present danger to American values.


In fact- most Americans recognize the Donald Trump does not  care about human rights; has done very little for the American people- his tax  plan now is widely dismissed as worthless and that Trump is a rude; narcissistic man without any moral base.


John McCain is everything Trump should be and wants to be but Trump could never be the man Mccain is.  Mr. McCain does not hate Donald Trump nor do I - but we both hate what Trump is doing to American values and America's standing around the World.

 I agree with everything you said about McCain . I also have never voted for him because i disagree with his politics, but I do respect the man. 

But I was confused with one aspect of his voting. First he voted against repealing ACA without a replacement , then he voted to end the Individual Mandate, effectively  putting an end to ACA without a replacement. 

What gives???  

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Senator McCain voted against the Healthcare bill pushed by Trump and other Republican sycophants because it was simply a bad bill that would have forced millions off the healthcare rolls and raised prices. He did vote to end the ACA mandate but Obama care is still the law of the land (except the mandate)  Companies have to abide by its provision and provide healthcare for their employees.


Just as an aside Senator Sanders is working on a new Healthcare bill- a single payer system that will give real universal healthcare to every American.  He will have trouble getting it passed with Trump and a Repub Congress.



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2 hours ago, sirineou said:

 I agree with everything you said about McCain . I also have never voted for him because i disagree with his politics, but I do respect the man. 

But I was confused with one aspect of his voting. First he voted against repealing ACA without a replacement , then he voted to end the Individual Mandate, effectively  putting an end to ACA without a replacement. 

What gives???  

He's a dud.

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