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SURVEY: Do you agree with cancelling the Iran Nuclear Agreement?


SURVEY: Do you agree with cancelling the Iran Nuclear Agreement?  

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53 minutes ago, AsiaHand said:

The next great survey might be who here can help to explain in layman's terms " Why hasn't  the world of scientific minds  been unable to explain gravity ?

And what about the General Theory of Relativity?

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9 minutes ago, Catoni said:

“Stock market? Yeah sure, but doesn't help the majority of Americans that aren't in the market.”


 Huh ??   Where did you go to school? 

When the stock market is doing well, people are investing it, businesses in turn build and expand, creating more jobs. This most certainly benefits almost everyone, even creating jobs for the unemployed, and bringing more food and manufactured item to the market and R & D to create new things. And on and on. 

    Pretty well all of society benefits, not just investors in the stock market. 

  Guess what happens when the stock market does very badly.  

You probably went to school a long long time ago...


Mom and pop's stock market has morphed into something entirely different.


The main driver pushing the stocks ever higher is...buybacks!

Buybacks are companies buying their own stock to push the share price higher and thus increase the top management bonuses!


And how do these companies pay for these buybacks?

By borrowing money (see IBM, the buyback champion)!

While stocks have never been so high, companies have never been so indebted!


Another factor pushing the stocks higher is the money printed hands over fists by central banks and loaned at almost 0%.

The biggest hedge fund in the world is...the Swiss National Bank!


All this financial doping benefits the little guy in the sense that his retirement pension is still paid (pension funds are massively invested in stocks even though they shouldn't speculate), but it is peanuts in comparison to what the banks and their affiliates are pocketing, and the billions in bonuses their managers are gorging themselves with...

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53 minutes ago, FritsSikkink said:

The agreement isn't cancelled as it wasn't between the US and Iran. It was between several countries and Iran, and the USA dropped out. Agreement with the other countries still stands.

Funny again how the USA thinks the whole world revolves around them again. 


"Funny again how the USA thinks the whole world revolves around them again."


Considering the amount of attention and dismay generated by the US withdrawing from the Iran Deal, it would seem many other parties share the same line of thinking.


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1 minute ago, Morch said:


"Funny again how the USA thinks the whole world revolves around them again."


Considering the amount of attention and dismay generated by the US withdrawing from the Iran Deal, it would seem many other parties share the same line of thinking.


The US, being a half bully, half banana republic, doesn't hesitate to resort to coercion in order to force others to follow its policies.


What bothers the "partners", especially the Europeans, is not so much that the US is not anymore part of the Iran deal, but that it will force European companies to forgo lucrative deals in Iran by threatening them, mafia style, with crippling financial sanctions.


This is the reason why more and more countries are realizing that they must bypass the dollar if they want to keep some autonomy.


Every onesided action taken by the US administration is pushing a little bit more toward the demise of the dollar.


Short term victories will be paid with long term pain...

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1 hour ago, Laza 45 said:

It is Trump sucking up to his Saudi backers and the  Jewish lobby.. it is about oil and arms sales...among other slimy deals..

Careful not to confuse Jewish and Israeli lobbies.

Trump is pandering (reporting in fact) to Israel and to the latter's newfound best buddy Saudi Arabia...two rogue countries that were made for each other...

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10 minutes ago, Brunolem said:

Careful not to confuse Jewish and Israeli lobbies.

Trump is pandering (reporting in fact) to Israel and to the latter's newfound best buddy Saudi Arabia...two rogue countries that were made for each other...

Good point..

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19 minutes ago, kingstonkid said:


Trump so far has done what he said he would

He has lowered taxes federally.

He at least has the American hostages out of NK.

He has NK dismantling one of its test sites.





Doing what you said you were going to do is not necessarily a good thing...no need to quote past examples...


First, I agree that Obama was a disaster, as well as W Bush and Bill Clinton who initiated the big moral decline of American po!itics.


Now, when it comes to Trump "achievements", let's keep things in perspective...


Lowering taxes was great...for big business, especially for companies hoarding cash abroad in order to avoid...taxes!

For the average Joe, not so much...and half of the households don't pay income tax anyway.


The release of the "American" prisoners...three Korean born guys named Kim, working in North Korea and not speaking English! A translator was requested for the welcoming ceremony (needless to say that Kim...Jong Un was having a good laugh).


The dismantling of the nuclear test site...another trick from Kim!

The mountain under which the site is located collapsed last October, killing 200 workers in the process!

Closing the site will be like closing the door of a giant tomb...

Edited by Brunolem
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22 minutes ago, Brunolem said:

Careful not to confuse Jewish and Israeli lobbies.

Trump is pandering (reporting in fact) to Israel and to the latter's newfound best buddy Saudi Arabia...two rogue countries that were made for each other...


Neither is a rouge country, other than in some posters' fantasies.

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35 minutes ago, Morch said:


Neither is a rouge country, other than in some posters' fantasies.

Rouge, certainly not, yet rogue certainly!

South Africa was considered as rogue for doing a fraction of what Israel is doing.

As for Saudi Arabia, it sponsored 9/11 (the US Congress says it, not posters) ...if that is not being rogue, what is?

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4 hours ago, Catoni said:

I guess you haven’t been keeping up. Oh well. He’s only just been in office for a bit more than one year of his term, but, in spite of the left, and other Trump haters doing everything they can to stop him, he has indeed kept some of his campaign promises already. Here’s a few for you:

1. Slashing federal regulations ...done and doing more at every opportunity.

2. Lifetime ban on White House officials lobbying for foreign governments....done.

3.  Nominate a replacement for Antonin Scalia....done.

4.  Prevent the closure/keep open Guantanamo Detention Center....done.

5.  Withdraw from the stupid and wasteful Paris Climate Alarmist Agreement....done.

6. Withdraw from the TTP...done.

7. Save the Carrier plant in Indiana with all the jobs for its workers....done

8. Create a 10% Repatriation Tax....done

9. Reverse Obama’s 2016 firearms executive order....done

10. Cut taxes for the middle class and some others, letting more people keep more of their hard earned money...done


   Well, there’s some...I’m sure there’s more. Trump’s only had a bit more than a year. And the haters and leftists are doing everything they can to stop him, put barriers so he can’t do anything. Taking the opposition he faces, I’m surprised at how much he’s been able to do so far.

   Oh... I just remembered a couple more...

11.  Moving the U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv...to Jerusalem..... done

 12.  Taking care of the North Korea situation...not yet done...but well in progress. 


  Do feel free to check on these items....I’m sure I’m missing a few other campaign promises that Trump’s kept ...and he has a few more year to go to keep more promises in any case.

   Do have a wonderful happy day. ?

Thanks for that....those promises look to be reeeaaally impressive, necessary and important,( to the HAVES not too much for the HAVE NOTS)  Most either unimportant ie moving embassy ...lol...or just plain sucking up to his few voters. Just a lot of minor tinkering....thanks for the wonderful day :)

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For anyone interested in the technicalities, there are two common isotopes of uranium U238 and U235. U235 is much more fissile. Natural Uranium contains about 99.3% U238. Weapons grade needs to be at least 90% U235. Separation requires the use of centrifuges. Iran got rid of most of these and also got rid of their enriched uranium stocks. It takes a long time to build up stocks and requires a huge amount of natural uranium.


BTW, depleted uranium is typically 99.7% U238. You can't make a bomb out of it but the mass of projectiles made from it have huge kinetic energy and will cause massive damage to a tank.

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17 hours ago, Scott said:

There has been a lot of press about the longer range implications of cancelling the Iran Nuclear Agreement.

It hasn't been cancelled. The US unilaterally withdrew. Of course that could cause the eventual collapse of the agreement if Iran decides that it can't agree to continuing to abide by the terms or is unwilling to make adjustments  in collaboration with the remaining signatories.


In the same way the Paris Accord on Climate Change didn't end just because the US withdrew. The absence of the US may have consequences, but it doesn't cancel the accord.



Now, American withdrawal doesn’t mean the deal is immediately dead. Technically, the nuclear deal is an agreement between Iran and what’s called the P5+1 (the US, Britain, France, Russia, China, and Germany) — which means the US leaving the agreement doesn’t end it. If the rest of the P5+1 keep their sanctions off, Iran may decide to continue to adhere to the deal’s restrictions even after the US pullout. 


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2 hours ago, Brunolem said:

Rouge, certainly not, yet rogue certainly!

South Africa was considered as rogue for doing a fraction of what Israel is doing.

As for Saudi Arabia, it sponsored 9/11 (the US Congress says it, not posters) ...if that is not being rogue, what is?


Certainly in your mind. Reality is a different matter. Neither country is universally shunned nor facing sanctions etc. This topic though, regardless of how much certain posters attempts at a spin, is not really about such fantasies.

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1 minute ago, Morch said:


Certainly in your mind. Reality is a different matter. Neither country is universally shunned nor facing sanctions etc.

This topic though, regardless of how much certain posters attempts at a spin, is not really about such fantasies.

Sanctions are decided and enforced by one and only one country: the US!

So, if a country is in good terms with the US, it can do whatever it wants without fear of repraisal.

Remember, not so long ago, when the UN voted through the general assembly in order to condemn Israel, how the US went mad and its crazy ambassador Nikki Haley almost blew up!

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2 minutes ago, Brunolem said:

Sanctions are decided and enforced by one and only one country: the US!

So, if a country is in good terms with the US, it can do whatever it wants without fear of repraisal.

Remember, not so long ago, when the UN voted through the general assembly in order to condemn Israel, how the US went mad and its crazy ambassador Nikki Haley almost blew up!


More rubbish. Sanctions can be decided upon by any country, or any international organizations (such as the UNSC). And once more, this topic is about Iran - with the previous sanctions regime not being decided upon or applied solely by the US.

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