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Trump says 'animals' comment refers to criminals, Mexico protests


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Trump says 'animals' comment refers to criminals, Mexico protests

By James Oliphant and Anthony Esposito



President Trump said he was referring to MS-13 gangs when he used the term "animals" to describe some illegal immigrants.


WASHINGTON/MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Thursday he was referring to criminal gangs when he called some illegal immigrants "animals," a term the Mexican government labelled as unacceptable and which drew rebukes on social media.


Trump made the remarks on Wednesday during a meeting with California municipal leaders who support his goal of making the U.S. border impervious to illegal immigration.


"We have people coming into the country, or trying to come in, and we're stopping a lot of them, but we're taking people out of the country. You wouldn't believe how bad these people are. These aren't people. These are animals," Trump said.


Mexico's government said it would file a formal complaint with the U.S. State Department over the remarks.


"President Trump referred to some immigrants, perhaps he had criminal gangs in mind, I don’t know, as animals, not as persons," Foreign Minister Luis Videgaray told local TV station Televisa on Thursday. "In the opinion of the Mexican government, this is absolutely unacceptable and we are going to formally communicate this to the U.S. State Department today."


Asked about the remarks, Trump said on Thursday they had been taken out of context.


"I'm referring and you know I'm referring to the MS-13 gangs that are coming in. I was talking about the MS-13. And if you look a little bit further on in the tape, you'll see that," Trump told reporters.


He also doubled down on his earlier comments.


"MS-13 - these are animals. ... We need strong immigration laws. ... We have laws that are laughed at on immigration. So when the MS-13 comes in, when the other gang members come into our country, I refer to them as animals and guess what, I always will," Trump added.

Mexico's Foreign Ministry said later on Thursday that Videgaray's comments still stood.



MS-13, which started in Los Angeles in the 1980s, has grown into a cross-border criminal organisation with leadership in El Salvador that has 30,000 members worldwide and 10,000 in the United States, the U.S. Justice Department says.


At the meeting on Wednesday, Trump also voiced hostility for Mexico, which will be partnering with the United States and Canada in an unprecedented bid to host the soccer World Cup in all three countries in 2026. It is also part of the North American Free Trade Agreement that Trump has threatened to scuttle if it is not improved to his liking.


"Mexico does nothing for us," Trump said at the meeting. "Mexico talks but they do nothing for us, especially at the border. They certainly don't help us much on trade."


Despite Trump's comments, Mexico has been working hard to win favour with the Trump administration in areas like diplomacy and migration, in the hopes of garnering a beneficial renegotiated NAFTA deal.


Since 2014, when Democratic President Barack Obama was in the White House, Mexico has more aggressively enforced its own southern border, detaining and deporting tens of thousands of immigrants, many of whom hail from the poor, violent Central American nations of Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador.


(Reporting by James Oliphant and Anthony Esposito; Additional reporting by Miguel Angel Gutierrez in Mexico City; Editing by Peter Cooney)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2018-05-18
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6 minutes ago, underlordcthulhu said:

I'm not a criminal.

I'm talking about the filthy gang members that help raise the murder rate in my hometown.

His media advisers thought that one up after the gaffe was committed.


Build the man a vast sandpit in the backyard of the White House,hide the twitter devices and give him a million piece Lego set to divert his tiny mind.

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34 minutes ago, Get Real said:

The dumb-kopf has spoken again. How can people chose a man as president, that can´t even follow the simple etics of speaking and formulating himself in a proper manor.


@underlordcthulhu. Are oyu putting yourself in that que, or are you seriously talking about cats and dogs running around? :cheesy:

You just did.  :laugh:

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4 minutes ago, FreddieRoyle said:

Yes, they know that, it's just a very lame excuse to keep venting their bile against the greatest US President perhaps ever. His achievements in the last 17 months put the last few presidents to shame, and this sits very uncomfortably with the far left that forecast doom and gloom when their candidate lost the election. Most immature of them in my humble opinion.

Surely everyone knows it was taken out of context ! I'm sure Mexico has reviewed his comment.Maybe some of the liberal activist are truly upset?

“Does he not believe in the spark of divinity, the dignity and worth of every person?” Pelosi asked. Likewise, CNBC’s John Harwood said “however repugnant their actions, MS-13 gang members are human beings IMHO.”



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3 hours ago, morrobay said:

That's right - rabid animals. And what do you do with rabid animals. Unless you are one of these liberal SAPS. Then you defend them. 

What you do with rabid animals? Ask the dog shelters in Thailand. I would guess the answer would be that you take them in, say you care and leter on starve them to death with the result of creating mass graves.

Regarding humans, that is internationally illegal due to the Genéva Convention.

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1 hour ago, riclag said:

Surely everyone knows it was taken out of context ! I'm sure Mexico has reviewed his comment.Maybe some of the liberal activist are truly upset?

“Does he not believe in the spark of divinity, the dignity and worth of every person?” Pelosi asked. Likewise, CNBC’s John Harwood said “however repugnant their actions, MS-13 gang members are human beings IMHO.”



Actually, calling MS 13 "animals" is insulting to animals. Animals don't normally behave as badly as some humans do. Generally, they only kill to survive, but some people bring sadism to their killing.

Anyway, humans are in fact "animals", despite having a more evolved brain. Our body works just the same as any other animal on the planet.

We need a new word to describe people like MS 13 members.

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8 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Actually, calling MS 13 "animals" is insulting to animals. Animals don't normally behave as badly as some humans do. Generally, they only kill to survive, but some people bring sadism to their killing.

Anyway, humans are in fact "animals", despite having a more evolved brain. Our body works just the same as any other animal on the planet.

We need a new word to describe people like MS 13 members.

They terrorize the communities they seek to control

Edited by riclag
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