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Ukraine paid Trump lawyer Cohen to arrange White House talks - BBC


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Ukraine paid Trump lawyer Cohen to arrange White House talks - BBC



U.S. President Donald Trump's personal lawyer Michael Cohen departs federal court in the Manhattan borough of New York, U.S., April 26, 2018. REUTERS/Lucas Jackson


(Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump's personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, received a secret payment of at least $400,000 (299,558.15 pounds) to arrange talks between Trump and Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko last year, the British Broadcasting Corp reported on Wednesday.


The payment was arranged by intermediaries acting for Poroshenko who wanted to open a back channel to the Republican U.S. president, the BBC said, citing unnamed sources in Kiev.


Cohen, who was not registered as a representative of Ukraine, was brought in because Ukraine's registered lobbyists and its embassy in Washington could get Poroshenko little more than a photo op with Trump while the Ukrainian leader "needed something that could be portrayed as 'talks,'" the broadcaster reported.


“This story is completely false,” Cohen said in a text message to Reuters. The White House did not immediately respond to a Reuters request for comment.


In an emailed statement to Reuters, Poroshenko's office also said the story was false. "Blatant lie, slander and fake," it said.


The two Ukrainians said to have opened the back channel denied the story, the BBC reported.


Trump met with Poroshenko at the White House on June 20, 2017, in what was officially called a "drop-by" visit after the Ukrainian leader's separate talks with Vice President Mike Pence.


Poroshenko, speaking to reporters after his session with Trump, said he came away pleased with what he called a "full, detailed meeting."


There is no suggestion that Trump was aware of the payment to Cohen, the BBC said.


Poroshenko was desperate to meet with Trump because of what had happened during the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign, the BBC said.


According to the BBC, several sources in Ukraine said Poroshenko, believing that Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton was sure to win the presidency, had authorized the leak of a document published by the New York Times in August 2016 that appeared to show Paul Manafort, Trump's presidential campaign manager, had received millions of dollars from pro-Russian interests in Ukraine. Manafort resigned a few days later.


A week after Poroshenko returned home from the meeting with Trump, Ukraine's National Anti-Corruption Bureau announced it was no longer investigating Manafort, the BBC said.


A Ukrainian official said Cohen was paid $400,000 while another source put the figure at $600,000, the BBC reported.


Cohen is being investigated for possible bank and tax fraud, possible campaign law violations linked to a hush-money payment to porn star Stormy Daniels, and perhaps other matters related to Trump's presidential campaign, a person familiar with the probe has said.


(Reporting by Karen Freifeld in New York and James Oliphant in Washington and Alessandra Prentice in Kiev; Writing by Mohammad Zargham; Editing by Jeffrey Benkoe)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2018-05-24
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Not surprising that Cheating Cohen, would be involved in this. He sold access to Trump. Plain and simple. That has to be illegal. No doubt that he will rat out Captain Chaos. It is the only option left for him, at this point. He is going down. And he has alot of dirt on the deflector in chief. He may take Captain Chaos with him. Hope so. The majority of the world hopes so. 

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1 hour ago, Boon Mee said:

Nothing against any laws for this matter. 

Wrong. It is against the law to lobby for a foreign government without registering oneself or business as an agent for that foreign government or business.

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31 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Yes. More than likely. Most assume, since Mueller has been so silent, that he has very little to work with. I think the opposite. I think he has more than enough to bury Captain Chaos. He is going down. His ship is already taking on water. He will resign, within 12 months. I am fairly certain of that. And the planet will celebrate getting rid of a megalomaniacal, wannabe despot. Some of us consider him to be the biggest threat to the planet. Unhinged, unstable, insane, narcissistic beyond the reaches of the imagination, possessing no foreign policy, no plan, no agenda, other than to hand the economy over to the big corporations and the super wealthy. When you add in zero regard for the American people, and even less than zero regard for the planet, that makes him a very dangerous man. Welcome to the little donny show.

...reading all the 'negatives' you wrote..how on earth did you people elect or allow such a person to be nominated in the first place.

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...reading all the 'negatives' you wrote..how on earth did you people elect or allow such a person to be nominated in the first place.

Partisanship. You have to vote for the person who’s “on your team” regardless of how awful they are, because voting for the other team is tantamount to treason.

The same way a mother will protect and defend her axe-murdering son.
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3 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Yes. More than likely. Most assume, since Mueller has been so silent, that he has very little to work with. I think the opposite. I think he has more than enough to bury Captain Chaos. He is going down. His ship is already taking on water. He will resign, within 12 months. I am fairly certain of that. And the planet will celebrate getting rid of a megalomaniacal, wannabe despot. Some of us consider him to be the biggest threat to the planet. Unhinged, unstable, insane, narcissistic beyond the reaches of the imagination, possessing no foreign policy, no plan, no agenda, other than to hand the economy over to the big corporations and the super wealthy. When you add in zero regard for the American people, and even less than zero regard for the planet, that makes him a very dangerous man. Welcome to the little donny show.

If Mueller brings forth his report to Congress now, the Republicans will vote on it. He will have to keep digging until the new House members are seated, just like the Republicans delayed a vote on Obama's Supreme Court nominee, "for the will of the people".

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9 hours ago, webfact said:

“This story is completely false,” Cohen said in a text message to Reuters. The White House did not immediately respond to a Reuters request for comment.

So you will be suing the BBC then Mr Cohen?  After all you are a lawyer aren't you? 

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7 hours ago, attrayant said:


Partisanship. You have to vote for the person who’s “on your team” regardless of how awful they are, because voting for the other team is tantamount to treason.

The same way a mother will protect and defend her axe-murdering son.


..well you can refuse to fill in the ballot paper or buy a silly hat.

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18 hours ago, dunroaming said:

So you will be suing the BBC then Mr Cohen?  After all you are a lawyer aren't you? 

Well, he is currently a lawyer. Good chance he will be disbarred. Or given a choice, of losing his license to practice, going to jail, or being fined millions, if he does not rat out Triple D (draft dodging don). Most likely he will spill his guts. He has alot of dirt to dish. Trump is going down hard. He worked for that. He earned that. He is headed toward the humiliation of his lifetime. 

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On 5/25/2018 at 10:01 AM, spidermike007 said:

He is headed toward the humiliation of his lifetime. 

More like you are when this is all over and you're still crying and he's still president.


What a bogus, made-up story. "Sources say...", "Couldn't be confirmed...", "Some said this but some said that...".


Sorry to disappoint boys but the Ukraine doesn't need a "back-door channel". President Trump has already sent them arms to fight against Russia.

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22 minutes ago, mrwebb8825 said:

President Trump has already sent them arms to fight against Russia.

President Trump’s decision to supply Ukrainian forces with Javelin antitank missiles and approve the commercial sale of sniper rifles, wouldn’t stop a Russian offensive if there were one. Trump supplied (aka sold) defensive weapons, not offensive weapons being used against Ukraine. The quantities of U.S. weapons Ukraine got are modest - they are “gap-fillers” because they remedy key weaknesses in the country’s defenses.


If one believed the strategic axiom that "the best defense is an offense," all Trump had done was to establish a temporary military status quo. That situation favors the Russians who can consolidate control in recently invaded Ukrainian areas and build up more offensive capabilities to push further.

If Trump wanted to truly aid Ukraine he needed only to invoke the Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances of 1994 to DRIVE Russia and its surrogates completely out of Ukraine. Russia had already violated that agreement with its annexation of Crimea in 2014.

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55 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

Russia had already violated that agreement with its annexation of Crimea in 2014.

Which, if I recall correctly happened under the watch of your boy Obama, the "Apologizer in Chief". At least President Trump made an effort.

It just sticks in people's craw that he is actually doing things instead of offering "lip service" to every issue.

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