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mosquito time again/ why are they getting so smart now

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the wet starts /every year the mosquito seem to get bigger  smarter  and quicker

you line them up to hit when biting /they always escape /they seem to have super  amazing movement / and multiple eyes

years ago when you bought spray it would kill them /and you could see them dead on floor 

now you spray they move out /do not kill /then come back 

are the now immune to the sprays / and just a  ripoff from the monopoly company selling the spray

maybe the spray company's are putting hormones in the spray



7 minutes ago, Bob12345 said:

In a couple of years my kids will be old enough to stop putting their fingers in the racket and they can take over this proud tradition of their daddy.


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order online the Bushman brand spray, very similar to what the Australian military use and great stuff. Think I've just been through dengue, incredible fever for few days, scary bloodshot eyes but it might also just be this poison they put in the cocktails here in Siem Reap. 5555

  • Haha 1

I sit outside most of the time and have a can of Off that works good.

But the wife found Sketolene citronella oil at 7. This works as good as Off and it's natural. They have it at Tesco also. It's a pump spray.

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Yeah, I reckon the mossies have been bad this year. They seem to wait outside the door and swarm inside when it is opened. Plus there are many more of the mini- mossies that have a 'stealth bite' mode - you don't feel their bite until after they've gone and wonder where all the itchy lumps came from.


I often say that, in Thailand, if you stand still outside for more than 30 seconds something will bite you.


On the plus side, the fireflies have been out for the last few weeks and in good numbers.


The best repellant I have found is OFF it comes in two types,  both low  DEET available Tesco Lotus main stores, Big C and if in Chiang Mai Rimping

For bites if you have any Aussie friends get them to bring back Bite Free on their next trip 

Have used it for years in Aus and here stops the itch and swelling


Try "Vaseline" Intensive Care skin cream aloe sooth 550 mils Green plastic container .Good for your skin and keeps the mosquitoes away. For out door parties put the original Listerine (orange color) in a spray bottle and spray around the area and under the tables to keep them away.


Perhaps you get slower, smaller and dumber.

 They never really bother me here.  My wife (thai) get bitten sometimes. I almost never get bitten.

And  I do not use any sprays, or other killing/ catching inventions. 

Just let them be.

 Focus on things that matter

 And shower. Theyvare attracted to sweat...




I joke that they have all been given farang radar by the Ministry of Mosquitos.  Let me come around and they seem to come from miles away.  And my Thai family jokes "why you bring yuung". 


I shower at least 3 times a day but I do sweat a lot.  It might be from my rich American blood a mix from Germany, France, Ireland, and American Indian.  Too bad I don't have any bear grease cause the skeeters love me.

44 minutes ago, Stokakrishna said:

Perhaps you get slower, smaller and dumber.

 They never really bother me here.  My wife (thai) get bitten sometimes. I almost never get bitten.

And  I do not use any sprays, or other killing/ catching inventions. 

Just let them be.

 Focus on things that matter

 And shower. Theyvare attracted to sweat...



Not so much...and easy to say coming from someone extremely fortunate to be in the little vamps "unfavorable" group.


Here's the science behind why mozzies love some more than others. Very informative short article...



  • Like 2

Evolution in action. 


We killed the weak and the slow.  What was left to breed were the fast and the strong. 


And breed they have. ?


I have used the local Thai spray, (ซอฟเฟล),  here in Chiang Mai now for many years. It is the one with the pink spray top, and the label is green to signify lime, (there are other colours too which also work), and It costs 60 -70 Baht. I spray my ankles and arms. It works most of the time. It is available in most pharmacies, but not Lotus. 


I often wondered if long term usage would be detrimental to my health, but 14 years on, and at 73, I appear to have no ill effects.

A good tip. If you have been bitten, a dab of coconut oil, (available in all pharmacies, Lotus, etc.), rubbed in, removes the itch/sting within a minute or so.


Try it - it works.


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There are several things that I have that work. The typical mosquito coils but you must put up with the smell. A blue light bug killer much the same as those in butcher shops. But the best one of the lot is a spray that all the beer drinkers will hate, it is a homemade recipe: 1 large bottle of blue Listerine Mouth Wash, 3 cups of Epsom Salts and 3 320ml cans of stale beer. Mix all ingredients together until the Epsom Salts are fully dissolved. Put in a spray bottle and spray the area, this can be used both inside and outside and the mosquitoes will be gone for around 80 days and it gives a pleasant mint smell. This does work.

5 hours ago, DonaldBattles said:

This year is worst I have seen it in 34 years. The mosquitoes can get through the holes in the window screens. 

After 34 years it might be time to replace your window screens, cheapass.


I have lived and worked in 9 provinces in Thailand over 34 years. Why would you assume that I have lived in the same house all this time. The screens in my house in Chiang Rai are 5 years old and in good shape. The mess holes in the screens are large enough for a mosquito to crawl through.

1 hour ago, Bob12345 said:

After 34 years it might be time to replace your window screens, cheapass.



If that was intended as a joke you might consider adding a smiley.




If it wasn’t, you should consider not posting at all.

7 hours ago, retoohs said:

order online the Bushman brand spray, very similar to what the Australian military use and great stuff. Think I've just been through dengue, incredible fever for few days, scary bloodshot eyes but it might also just be this poison they put in the cocktails here in Siem Reap. 5555

Could it be the effects of using the 'Bushman brand spray' instead?

5 hours ago, Stokakrishna said:

cPerhaps you get slower, smaller and dumber.

 They never really bother me here.  My wife (thai) get bitten sometimes. I almost never get bitten.

And  I do not use any sprays, or other killing/ catching inventions. 

Just let them be.

 Focus on things that matter

 And shower. Theyvare attracted to sweat...



Gin and tonic works well

3 minutes ago, FritsSikkink said:

"every year the mosquito seem to get bigger  smarter  and quicker "

Maybe you are getting slower?

 I think it is all the medicines and vitamins in our blood.

Have you seen the movie planet of the apes? With as getting stupiderer and the mosquitoes  getting smarterer it is only a matter of time.

Get ready for Planet of the Mosquitoes!!


Nothing has changed. There was a Pink Panther cartoon from the 60's about this very thing! See link below.


Just last night one flew into a near empty wine glass with just a splash of residual red on the bottom. Clasping my hand with glee over the top, I proceeded to slosh the wine over the little parasite until it was just floating lifelessly. Inserting my finger into the glass to squish the tiny vamp and bzzzzz...the little <deleted> flew out. 


Perhaps they are smarter and more kill resistant. But not so much to avoid the electric bug swatter! ZAP and fried mozzie a minute later. :vampire:



19 hours ago, holy cow cm said:

What I have noticed are their bites are way more vicious and stay with a welt lump longer. 

A little trick I learned is a teaspoon in hot coffee and apply to the bite and hold it to transfer heat which breaks down the venom in the bite. The itching will not occur but if you have a bite that is itching, apply toothpaste. True story. 

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