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Video: Round the bend in more ways than one - driver in lucky escape!


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4 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

look how much room there is in that green patch to the left.


the driver of the car is a wimp. :cheesy:


execute the truck driver.


next case.

Most Thai drivers have no idea of clearance on their off side....or near side for that matter....

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6 hours ago, webfact said:

Round the bend in more ways than one - driver in lucky escape!

Trucks behave as if the road is theirs and other vehicles are just an annoyance.

This behavior will persist until pigs fly or police begin to practice law enforcement.

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Number of the truck maybe seen in slow mo , truck probably has a 14 year old driver . How can you legislate for complete axxholes actions like that ?


On route 24 two weeks ago I was among 6 other cars on the dual carriage way and we were doing in excess of the    90 kph which although wrong did not seem a problem on a long and straight road until a large double trailer truck decided to do a "u" turn from the opposite carriage way into our stream of traffic . I could see him emerging but never thought he would fully pull out but thats what he did and caused one car to go off to the rough hard shoulder and the rest of the cars to do an emergency stop . Not only did he pull out but he was followed by several another similar vehicles causing a tail back of vehicles on our side   .  They are  either stupid or do not give a toss about the consequences . 

I have seen the new Thai highway patrol cars at road blocks but never patrolling the highways .

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