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Most Thais Think Economy Bad, Getting Worse


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1 minute ago, mogandave said:


I’m a master...

I paid 22k for a 44” Samsung flat-screen a few years ago and today I can get 55” Samsung flat-screen for 21k.

That proves inflation is NEGATIVE!!!!!



"I’m a master..." - as am I, but I have fourteen warnings and two bans to my credit so this is enforced goodness on my part. ?


Back to the price per inch.... you were an early adopter, the price was high, now the market is saturated with manufacturers and models so price competition exists, that, not inflation or deflation, that's just market forces at work, but you know that.

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2 minutes ago, simoh1490 said:

"I’m a master..." - as am I, but I have fourteen warnings and two bans to my credit so this is enforced goodness on my part. ?


And it's probably also good for your heart, the organ, not the figurative source of your goodness...

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On 6/6/2018 at 8:36 AM, bkk6060 said:


I am hearing/seeing just the opposite at many businesses.  


Most Thais have no education on economics and would have no clue what the "economy" is.  But, people love to wallow in negativity and sadness for themselves in some odd way it makes them feel empowered.


So first you dont agree with the OP as you said ""I am hearing / seeing just the opposite"",  then you agree and say"" Most Thais LOVE to wallow in NEGATIVITY and SADNESS"".  Could you please explain, and do we need another Thai bashing thread  ?

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On 6/6/2018 at 2:25 PM, spidermike007 said:

One thing about the economy I know for sure, is that inflation is alot higher than the goons in charge are willing to admit. And also, nearly all of the tourist establishments I talk to are complaining. Most say business is nothing like it used to be.

i beleive that you are the goon! if you do not like it here get back to where your came from, your most likely another bludging pommy <deleted>, whinger, sick of yas. the present people in charge in thailand are doing a great job! if you cared to look further than around your bar stool 

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1 hour ago, Cranky said:

Do you think he's got it yet?  

Hello?We talking about Thailand and economy in Thailand,yes more demand means price goes up,but it doesn't mean the salary goes up,Easy isn't it?By the way you can keep oversmart comment for yourself,thanks in advance

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That was, for the most part, a useful exchange of thoughts on the economy, interesting to read what people think. Clearly, there's still a lot of people who base their views of the economy solely on what they see around them and in some locations that is seriously unwise because their location is not necessarily representative of Thailand as a whole. The other point to make again is that looking at what's happening at the Tesco level vs the clothes shop level is much more meaningful and useful. Nobody cares and it doesn't mean anything that Mrs Somchai is complaining she's only sold one dress all week and that there are no customers, that's because her pricing is wrong, all her customers are in Tesco who sell fifty per day at a lower price.

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...all her customers are in Tesco who sell fifty per day at a lower price.

Or at Tesco for a higher price because people are tired of trading with crappy shops that are often run by unfriendly people.

We had two mom & pop mini-marts close to the house when the first seven opened. One lasted less than six months, the other less than a year.

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3 minutes ago, simoh1490 said:

That was, for the most part, a useful exchange of thoughts on the economy, interesting to read what people think. Clearly, there's still a lot of people who base their views of the economy solely on what they see around them and in some locations that is seriously unwise because their location is not necessarily representative of Thailand as a whole. The other point to make again is that looking at what's happening at the Tesco level vs the clothes shop level is much more meaningful and useful. Nobody cares and it doesn't mean anything that Mrs Somchai is complaining she's only sold one dress all week and that there are no customers, that's because her pricing is wrong, all her customers are in Tesco who sell fifty per day at a lower price.

I would add that the Thai economy is one of the rare that reflects true economic performance, and not a performance enhanced by means of boosters such as massive debt and money creation (see...well...all the so-called developed countries + China).


That and the absence of a massive and inefficient social system, are what makes the Thai economy strong in today's world

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1 minute ago, mogandave said:


Or at Tesco for a higher price because people are tired of trading with crappy shops that are often run by unfriendly people.

We had two mom & pop mini-marts close to the house when the first seven opened. One lasted less than six months, the other less than a year.


Yup, lower prices, friendly efficient staff and air con., what's not like...and Mrs Somchai thinks she can compete, hah!

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3 minutes ago, mogandave said:


Or at Tesco for a higher price because people are tired of trading with crappy shops that are often run by unfriendly people.

We had two mom & pop mini-marts close to the house when the first seven opened. One lasted less than six months, the other less than a year.


Thai people seem to love 7/11, I think they have just the right mix of products to entice people in.


There was a Joy market (PTT owned and operated I believe) near to a local 7/11 which opened a couple of years back, hardly anybody went in there, it closed down recently.


I have been told by someone who knows that the 7/11 often fails to meet its daily targets these days.


I suspect Thai people are being priced out of some areas so they move elsewhere.


Those house prices keep doubling up over the years even though none of them seem to sell and they have 'for sale' signs on them for years. I've seen this before, back in 2007 in Europe.

Edited by ukrules
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On 6/6/2018 at 10:32 AM, Misterwhisper said:

And a few planes for that famous aircraft-carrier-without-aircraft plus some spare parts to actually keep it afloat and operational also will further boost the economy and make people fete in the streets in joy and sheer bliss.

Are we talking about Thailand here, or the UK? ?

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On 6/6/2018 at 5:38 PM, spidermike007 said:

Restaurants, hotels, gift shops, and travel agencies, that cater to tourists. All are saying the same thing, in the resort areas. I am not making this up.

I agree with you - one only has to look along our main street to see empty bars, restaurants and shops, where a few years ago they were full, and when I first came here some 15 years ago, the bars especially were booming.



"The University of the Thai Chamber Commerce reported over half of people surveyed felt the current economic situation is poor despite government reports it expanded at the fastest rate in five years during the first quarter."


Sounds like a press release from TAT to me!

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1 hour ago, mogandave said:

I’m a master...
I paid 22k for a 44” Samsung flat-screen a few years ago and today I can get 55” Samsung flat-screen for 21k.
That proves inflation is NEGATIVE!!!!!



16,990bht delivered from Lazada (4k UHD), but how often do I buy a big TV?

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1 hour ago, stropper said:

i beleive that you are the goon! if you do not like it here get back to where your came from, your most likely another bludging pommy <deleted>, whinger, sick of yas. the present people in charge in thailand are doing a great job! if you cared to look further than around your bar stool 

Wush, that hit a raw nerve, talk about thin skin, and the usual Thai apologist line "if you dont like it get back to where you came from"".  btw, "spidermike "is north American, not a pommy, and please stop your whinging.

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When said "Economy doing good..."   it actually means "tea money extorsions and racket doing good as new regulations/ret tape make stupid falang tourist/expat, pay more to get work done "  ?

Edited by observer90210
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8 minutes ago, mogandave said:


For every SME that opens 100 sh*t grade bars, restaurants and shops can shut down and the economy will still expand.

Tesco, Robinson, FN, McDonald’s, Burger King, Holiday Inn, Ford, Toyota, Big C, SF, Major all opening new locations in the last year or two just that I have traded with.



Accurate and true.

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47 minutes ago, brling said:

Nonsense, the title says "most Thais", and you agreed. The source is Thai, about Thais, and this is a Thai forum,. get it now. Fix your glasses.

"this is a Thai forum"


So why does it state in the Rules:-

"English is the only acceptable language anywhere on ThaiVisa including Classifieds, except within the Thai language forum, where of course using Thai is allowed."


If it was a Thai forum, then Thai would be the only acceptable language ...........etc etc




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And....the failure rate inside two years of small businesses here is thought to be over 94%, what does that tell you....closure of small shops etc is BAU.

How many guys work their whole life welding or wrenching or drafting or machining or engineering come over and think they are going to operate a bar or restaurant successfully?

Actually, I think there is opportunity for decent bars and restaurants, but not for anyone not ready to work their heart out.
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Business is bad for sure. I don't see any European. Mostly Chinese and they don't spend much money in bars, restaurant etc. Where I stay I used to rent room for 23000 a month and now I am paying 12000 for the same room.

They spend money at Central
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26 minutes ago, mogandave said:


For every SME that opens 100 sh*t grade bars, restaurants and shops can shut down and the economy will still expand.

Tesco, Robinson, FN, McDonald’s, Burger King, Holiday Inn, Ford, Toyota, Big C, SF, Major all opening new locations in the last year or two just that I have traded with.



Those bars, restaurants and mom and pop shops don’t fit into the category of SME. You don’t feel that the big supermarkets, fast food titans killing small businesses and dismantling the thread that holds local community together. These big corporation control prices, suppliers and products. You think that’s good? 


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15 minutes ago, GaryAdriaenssens said:

We could also ask ourselves this question "where is it really going well these days?" Don't tell me the EU, please! ?

take a look at phnom penh cambodia. the amount of proportional new developement is is far in excess of anywhere i have ever seen. streets i once knew well have become unrecognizable didnt go to sihanookville but from what i've read its even going ahead faster than phnom penh with new chinese mega money

Edited by Wang Lalker
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Those bars, restaurants and mom and pop shops don’t fit into the category of SME. You don’t feel that the big supermarkets, fast food titans killing small businesses and dismantling the thread that holds local community together. These big corporation control prices, suppliers and products. You think that’s good?   



I think it’s what it is. Businesses need to compete if they want to stay in business.


People get tired of trading with shops that change the sell-by dates and restaurants with dirty kitchens and or bathrooms.


Do you think the employees are generally treated better at Tesco or a mom and pop shop?


Fast food is not putting good restaurants out of business.


What do you think?



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23 minutes ago, GaryAdriaenssens said:

We could also ask ourselves this question "where is it really going well these days?" Don't tell me the EU, please! ?

I have never asked that because I am very happy.

And, it goes very well every afternoon in my bedroom. ?

Again, if some want to wallow in negativity "nothing is good the whole world sucks" up to them.

It's a choice really.

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