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In bombshell, Trump says U.S. backs out of G7 communique, criticizes Trudeau


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Trump quotes from the recent G7. Like I have said here before, it will be very difficult to accurately translate his unique vernacular. Eh Mike, Little Don. Also commonly know as a moron.


1. "We've concluded a really tremendously successful G7."

2. "And you know the gentlemen up are the legendary Larry Kudlow and the legendary John Bolton."

3. "I made a lot of statements having to do with clarity."

4. "I congratulate the leaders of other countries for so crazily being able to make these trade deals that were so good for their country and so bad for the United States."

5. "I'll be on a mission of peace, and we will carry in, really -- in my heart, we're going to be carrying the hearts of millions of people, people from all over the world."

6. "We really think that North Korea will be a tremendous place in a very short period of time."

7. "Well, there's always everything."

8. "He won't have that opportunity again. It's never going to be there again."

9. "He can take that nation, with those great people, and truly make it great."


10. "And we will watch over, and we'll protect, and we'll do a lot of things."

11. "I have not spoken to Vladimir Putin in quite a while."

12. "Some people like the idea of bringing Russia back in."

13. "And something happened a while ago, where Russia is no longer in."

14. "We pay nothing. We don't want to pay anything. Why should we pay?"

15. "So you go tariff-free, you go barrier-free, you go subsidy-free."

16. "That's the way you learned at the Wharton School of Finance."

17. "I guess, they got to go back to the drawing and check it out, right?"

18. "It's going to change, 100%.

19. "We're like the piggy bank that everybody is robbing."

20. "And so we are talking to many countries. We're talking to all countries."

21. "So when we try and bring our piece up a little bit so that it's not so bad, and then they go up -- right -- the difference is they do so much more business with us than we do with them that we can't lose that.

22. "The numbers are so astronomically against them in terms of anything, as per your question."

23. "You've studied this very well. Congratulations."

[pats self on back]

24. "Hispanic doing the best."

25. "Fake News CNN. The worst. But I could tell by the question."

26. "I would say that the level of relationship is a 10."

27. "I will blame them if they don't act smart and do what they have to do -- because they have no choice. I'll be honest with you, they have no choice."

28. "So you can tell that to your fake friends at CNN."

29. "The relationship that I've had with the people, the leaders of these countries, has been -- I would really, rate it on a scale of 0 to 10, I would rate it a 10."

30. "You know, it's like the gig is up. It's like the gig is up. They're not trying to -- there's nothing they can say."

31. "But a lot of these countries actually smile at me when I'm talking. And the smile is -- we couldn't believe we got away with it."

32. "I think that he's going to surprise, on the upside, very much on the upside."

33. "Because, you know, as a deal person, I've done very well with deals."

34. "I think within the first minute I'll know. Just my touch, my feel. That's what I do."

35. "Everyone said -- you know, the haters, they say, 'Oh, you're giving him a meeting.' Give me a break, OK?"

36. "Because the US press is very dishonest, much of it."

37. "There are many people in the press that are unbelievably dishonest. They don't cover stories the way they're supposed to be."

38. "So there's tremendous -- you know, I came up with the term, 'fake news.' It's a lot of fake news. But at the same time, I have great respect for many people in the press."


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1 hour ago, Grouse said:

IMG_2694.JPGSorry, late on parade. This meme has already been posted. However, it is appropriate, I'll leave it ?

Thanks... Never laughed so much at a very appropriate picture. :clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

I was wondering how close he was to getting that glass of water on the desk thrown in his face??? 

The original photo is going one of those iconic news pictures for decades to come.

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The US has tarrifs too, who knew?


"Among the developed nations that make up the Group of 7 that met in a resort town near Quebec City this weekend, the United States has tariffs that are slightly higher, on average, across all its imported products than Canada or Japan and exactly equivalent to the four European nations in the G-7."

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It's hard to take seriously the word of Trump when he takes it back before the ink of his signature is dry. From the way Trump makes politics, one thing speaks above all: contempt for his counterpart. There are no more agreements, no contracts, no signatures, how can be regulated international coexistence then? 

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2 hours ago, BobBKK said:

I don't think Trudeau did his credibility any favors waiting for Trump to take off before attacked him. He should have said it when Trump was there. Trudeau always comes across, to me, as an amateur just vying for the camera. 

So what did Justin say that he hasn't stated many times previously? I'll wait for your answer. 

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8 hours ago, heybruce said:

You know, eventually those dollars have to be used in the country of origin.  They can be shuffled around between other countries for a while, but if they never return to the US, then the trade surplus countries will be letting us print money, buy goods with it, then never have to worry about what they will do with the dollars.  When we want more foreign goods we can just print more money--Why should we care? Once we send the money overseas it will never come back to haunt us.


Of course it doesn't work that way.  The money we spend overseas can be used to buy US goods (reducing the trade deficit), invest in the US (reducing the trade deficit, but we need to be careful about who is investing, how and why) or buy US Treasuries (funding the government deficit while earning interest on the trade surplus dollars and giving the overseas holders leverage on the US government and economy). 


In short, the money we send overseas will eventually be used to buy US goods. invest in the US, or fund the deficit.  The first two options reduce the trade deficit.  The more we reduce the Federal deficit the more we force the trade surplus countries to the first two options.  Trump and other politicians who run up huge budget deficits and cry about the trade deficit are hypocrites or idiots, or both.




7 hours ago, lannarebirth said:


The $USD accounts for almost 90% of global foreign exchange trades which are in excess of 5 TRILLION DOLLARS daily. The US deficit and foreign bondholders are a drop in the bucket compared to global commerce.

Does that refute anything that I posted?  Are you arguing that we can indeed print money, spend it overseas, and not worry about it every coming back to haunt us?


I've tried to make my analogies simple.  The reality is that physical money does not go far, at least not in significant quantities.  Numbers are changed in digital ledgers and it shows we have a trade deficit while others have a trade surplus.  More numbers are changed in these ledgers and the trade surplus numbers are now interest earning T-bills that allow the US government to spend money it doesn't have. 


I realize there is a confusing accounting shell game going on, but debt is debt, and a sign that someone is living beyond their means.  The world's biggest debtor is the US government, and its debt is financed by those countries with a trade surplus with the US, which gives them a dollar surplus.  Eliminate the federal deficit and you eliminate the most secure investment for these surplus dollars.  When you do that the dollar will fall, foreign goods will become more expensive in the US, US goods will become cheaper to foreign buyers, and those who have trade surplus dollars will spend them on US goods, eliminating the trade deficit. 

Edited by heybruce
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7 hours ago, lannarebirth said:

I'm not endorsing pissing off anyone. I was merely responding to the nonsensical idea that China was a more trustworthy partner than the US. It shows a great lack of perspective IMO.

Let's see...China will take a "China first" approach to everything and has a leader who knows the Chinese government and takes the long view.


America will now take an "America first" approach to everything and has a leader with no government experience, no interest in learning, and who doesn't think beyond tomorrow's headlines.


Difficult to say who is the more trustworthy partner.



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18 hours ago, Sir Dude said:

Merkel and the EU lot seems to have body language that shows that they are incredulous that anyone (including the most powerful country on the planet) could possibly have the temerity to disagree with their left BS...very bad.

You need to catch up.  The USA used to be the most powerful country in the world but was overtaken years ago by China.  With Trump at the helm the US is getting weaker every day.

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7 hours ago, Hummin said:

Maybe you can tell us why we do not need Usa, because I cant see you did anything else than aks a simple question, except making short statements about my hallow posts. Stalking at its best if you ask me! 

Don't twist please. You said we need the US, I asked why. I didn't claim we don't need the US, although I do think we don't need it. Nicer to move together, sure, necessary, no.


Oh and don't flame please, accusing me of posting under the influence, ?.

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Multiple off topic bickering posts that hijacked the thread have been removed the topic is about:


In bombshell, Trump says U.S. backs out of G7 communique, criticizes Trudeau

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1 minute ago, Rimmer said:

Multiple off topic bickering posts that hijacked the thread have been removed the topic is about:


In bombshell, Trump says U.S. backs out of G7 communique, criticizes Trudeau

10-4 sorry

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On 6/10/2018 at 2:57 AM, simple1 said:

How long before Trump rains on their parade? From your link...


Buick quietly became the first big automaker to start selling a Chinese-built SUV, the Envision, in the U.S.

thanks for that.  i didn't get through the whole article, i was so shocked and laughing that buick's sold so well in china.  i don't even know what to say about this snipet.  my beloved american made buick, at least one model now coming from china (and better craftmanship ?).



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Trump quotes from the recent G7. Like I have said here before, it will be very difficult to accurately translate his unique vernacular. Eh Mike, Little Don. Also commonly know as a moron.
1. "We've concluded a really tremendously successful G7."
2. "And you know the gentlemen up are the legendary Larry Kudlow and the legendary John Bolton."
3. "I made a lot of statements having to do with clarity."
4. "I congratulate the leaders of other countries for so crazily being able to make these trade deals that were so good for their country and so bad for the United States."
5. "I'll be on a mission of peace, and we will carry in, really -- in my heart, we're going to be carrying the hearts of millions of people, people from all over the world."
6. "We really think that North Korea will be a tremendous place in a very short period of time."
7. "Well, there's always everything."
8. "He won't have that opportunity again. It's never going to be there again."
9. "He can take that nation, with those great people, and truly make it great."
Advertisement   10. "And we will watch over, and we'll protect, and we'll do a lot of things."
11. "I have not spoken to Vladimir Putin in quite a while."
12. "Some people like the idea of bringing Russia back in."
13. "And something happened a while ago, where Russia is no longer in."
14. "We pay nothing. We don't want to pay anything. Why should we pay?"
15. "So you go tariff-free, you go barrier-free, you go subsidy-free."
16. "That's the way you learned at the Wharton School of Finance."
17. "I guess, they got to go back to the drawing and check it out, right?"
18. "It's going to change, 100%.
19. "We're like the piggy bank that everybody is robbing."
20. "And so we are talking to many countries. We're talking to all countries."
21. "So when we try and bring our piece up a little bit so that it's not so bad, and then they go up -- right -- the difference is they do so much more business with us than we do with them that we can't lose that.
22. "The numbers are so astronomically against them in terms of anything, as per your question."
23. "You've studied this very well. Congratulations."
[pats self on back]
24. "Hispanic doing the best."
25. "Fake News CNN. The worst. But I could tell by the question."
26. "I would say that the level of relationship is a 10."
27. "I will blame them if they don't act smart and do what they have to do -- because they have no choice. I'll be honest with you, they have no choice."
28. "So you can tell that to your fake friends at CNN."
29. "The relationship that I've had with the people, the leaders of these countries, has been -- I would really, rate it on a scale of 0 to 10, I would rate it a 10."
30. "You know, it's like the gig is up. It's like the gig is up. They're not trying to -- there's nothing they can say."
31. "But a lot of these countries actually smile at me when I'm talking. And the smile is -- we couldn't believe we got away with it."
32. "I think that he's going to surprise, on the upside, very much on the upside."
33. "Because, you know, as a deal person, I've done very well with deals."
34. "I think within the first minute I'll know. Just my touch, my feel. That's what I do."
35. "Everyone said -- you know, the haters, they say, 'Oh, you're giving him a meeting.' Give me a break, OK?"
36. "Because the US press is very dishonest, much of it."
37. "There are many people in the press that are unbelievably dishonest. They don't cover stories the way they're supposed to be."
38. "So there's tremendous -- you know, I came up with the term, 'fake news.' It's a lot of fake news. But at the same time, I have great respect for many people in the press."

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It's called Queens swagger ! Get use to it .Its gonna be around the rest of your news days

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10 hours ago, heybruce said:

Let's see...China will take a "China first" approach to everything and has a leader who knows the Chinese government and takes the long view.


America will now take an "America first" approach to everything and has a leader with no government experience, no interest in learning, and who doesn't think beyond tomorrow's headlines.


Difficult to say who is the more trustworthy partner.



I get a kick out of you folks that think Trump is America. We didn't exist before, we won't exist after.  I wish you'd been paying as close attention the past 30 years.

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" Forget Russia. Maybe It’s the U.S. That Doesn’t Belong at the G-7. 

If the G-7 is going to continue to exist as a forum based not on GDP numbers, geographical location, or military might, but on commitment to certain core principles, meaning they share a common commitment to democracy, free markets, and what’s become known as the “rules-based international order,  it’s not clear the United States—under this president at least—belongs in it at all. It’s been clear for a while now that he doesn’t really see himself as a “western” leader in the G-7 sense "




"Even Fox News can’t help, but let the truth slip out once in a while about Trump’s authoritarian dreams. What a moment in history, indeed. Trump’s own propaganda network admitted to the entire that the President Of The United States sees himself as a dictator. Trump’s fantasy is that he is a unilateral leader who can do anything that he pleases,  this is where his false theory that a president can pardon himself comes from. "


Edited by Opl
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11 hours ago, heybruce said:


Does that refute anything that I posted?  Are you arguing that we can indeed print money, spend it overseas, and not worry about it every coming back to haunt us?


I've tried to make my analogies simple.  The reality is that physical money does not go far, at least not in significant quantities.  Numbers are changed in digital ledgers and it shows we have a trade deficit while others have a trade surplus.  More numbers are changed in these ledgers and the trade surplus numbers are now interest earning T-bills that allow the US government to spend money it doesn't have. 


I realize there is a confusing accounting shell game going on, but debt is debt, and a sign that someone is living beyond their means.  The world's biggest debtor is the US government, and its debt is financed by those countries with a trade surplus with the US, which gives them a dollar surplus.  Eliminate the federal deficit and you eliminate the most secure investment for these surplus dollars.  When you do that the dollar will fall, foreign goods will become more expensive in the US, US goods will become cheaper to foreign buyers, and those who have trade surplus dollars will spend them on US goods, eliminating the trade deficit. 


Excessive debt will always come back to haunt you, whether you're a country, a corporation or a private citizen. That's not we've been talking about though. You seem to twist to a new tangent everytime one of your statements is refuted. The funny thing is you're almost always always wrong on economic issues but you deliver these wrong ideas condescendingly. No self awareness?


Anyhow with regard to physical money, more than half of $USD are held overseas. The vast majority of $USD $100 notes are held overseas. It is the defacto currency for dozens of countries.


And maybe read up on Money Supply.



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13 hours ago, neeray said:

Trump quotes from the recent G7. Like I have said here before, it will be very difficult to accurately translate his unique vernacular. Eh Mike, Little Don. Also commonly know as a moron.


1. "We've concluded a really tremendously successful G7."

2. "And you know the gentlemen up are the legendary Larry Kudlow and the legendary John Bolton."

3. "I made a lot of statements having to do with clarity."

4. "I congratulate the leaders of other countries for so crazily being able to make these trade deals that were so good for their country and so bad for the United States."

5. "I'll be on a mission of peace, and we will carry in, really -- in my heart, we're going to be carrying the hearts of millions of people, people from all over the world."

6. "We really think that North Korea will be a tremendous place in a very short period of time."

7. "Well, there's always everything."

8. "He won't have that opportunity again. It's never going to be there again."

9. "He can take that nation, with those great people, and truly make it great."


10. "And we will watch over, and we'll protect, and we'll do a lot of things."

11. "I have not spoken to Vladimir Putin in quite a while."

12. "Some people like the idea of bringing Russia back in."

13. "And something happened a while ago, where Russia is no longer in."

14. "We pay nothing. We don't want to pay anything. Why should we pay?"

15. "So you go tariff-free, you go barrier-free, you go subsidy-free."

16. "That's the way you learned at the Wharton School of Finance."

17. "I guess, they got to go back to the drawing and check it out, right?"

18. "It's going to change, 100%.

19. "We're like the piggy bank that everybody is robbing."

20. "And so we are talking to many countries. We're talking to all countries."

21. "So when we try and bring our piece up a little bit so that it's not so bad, and then they go up -- right -- the difference is they do so much more business with us than we do with them that we can't lose that.

22. "The numbers are so astronomically against them in terms of anything, as per your question."

23. "You've studied this very well. Congratulations."

[pats self on back]

24. "Hispanic doing the best."

25. "Fake News CNN. The worst. But I could tell by the question."

26. "I would say that the level of relationship is a 10."

27. "I will blame them if they don't act smart and do what they have to do -- because they have no choice. I'll be honest with you, they have no choice."

28. "So you can tell that to your fake friends at CNN."

29. "The relationship that I've had with the people, the leaders of these countries, has been -- I would really, rate it on a scale of 0 to 10, I would rate it a 10."

30. "You know, it's like the gig is up. It's like the gig is up. They're not trying to -- there's nothing they can say."

31. "But a lot of these countries actually smile at me when I'm talking. And the smile is -- we couldn't believe we got away with it."

32. "I think that he's going to surprise, on the upside, very much on the upside."

33. "Because, you know, as a deal person, I've done very well with deals."

34. "I think within the first minute I'll know. Just my touch, my feel. That's what I do."

35. "Everyone said -- you know, the haters, they say, 'Oh, you're giving him a meeting.' Give me a break, OK?"

36. "Because the US press is very dishonest, much of it."

37. "There are many people in the press that are unbelievably dishonest. They don't cover stories the way they're supposed to be."

38. "So there's tremendous -- you know, I came up with the term, 'fake news.' It's a lot of fake news. But at the same time, I have great respect for many people in the press."



some more from Trump press conference : these are the talking points Trump delivers to his supporters, he made them very clear  , showing how stupid he thinks they are …

" The European Union is brutal to the United States. They don’t — and they understand that. They know it. When I’m telling them, they’re smiling at me. You know, it’s like the gig is up. It’s like the gig is up. They’re not trying to — there’s nothing they can say. They can’t believe they got away with it. Canada can’t believe it got away with it . . . But a lot of these countries actually smile at me when I’m talking. And the smile is — we couldn’t believe we got away with it. That’s the smile. So it’s going to change. It’s going to change. They have no choice. If it’s not going to change, we’re not going to trade with them."

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1 hour ago, lannarebirth said:

I get a kick out of you folks that think Trump is America. We didn't exist before, we won't exist after.  I wish you'd been paying as close attention the past 30 years.

What does your reply have to do with my post?

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1 hour ago, lannarebirth said:


Excessive debt will always come back to haunt you, whether you're a country, a corporation or a private citizen. That's not we've been talking about though. You seem to twist to a new tangent everytime one of your statements is refuted. The funny thing is you're almost always always wrong on economic issues but you deliver these wrong ideas condescendingly. No self awareness?


Anyhow with regard to physical money, more than half of $USD are held overseas. The vast majority of $USD $100 notes are held overseas. It is the defacto currency for dozens of countries.


And maybe read up on Money Supply.



You have yet to refute any of my posts, you've merely diverted.  My post was not about physical money, I merely mentioned that currency is primarily moved through digital transfers.  I'm sure you understood that, this is merely another diversion.

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3 minutes ago, heybruce said:

You have yet to refute any of my posts, you've merely diverted.  My post was not about physical money, I merely mentioned that currency is primarily moved through digital transfers.  I'm sure you understood that, this is merely another diversion.


I was merely refuting your incorrect statement "The reality is that physical money does not go far, at least not in significant quantities. "

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2 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


I was merely refuting your incorrect statement "The reality is that physical money does not go far, at least not in significant quantities. "

Did you need the qualifier "the majority of the trillions of dollars used in international trade is transferred digitally"?  Physical money makes up very little of the money used in internal and international trade.  When was the last time you made a major purchase in cash?  If you aren't a drug dealer, the answer is probably "Never.".

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28 minutes ago, heybruce said:

Did you need the qualifier "the majority of the trillions of dollars used in international trade is transferred digitally"?  Physical money makes up very little of the money used in internal and international trade.  When was the last time you made a major purchase in cash?  If you aren't a drug dealer, the answer is probably "Never.".


Yes, I know that. It is not a point I made. It is a point you made. Anyhow, you now seem concerned about debt, which is a good thing after so many years of accumulation. Here's a quote to put the US national debt in perspective for you:


"The total of Federal (remember they do not use GAAP) debt, state debt, and city debt [unfunded liabilities included] exceeds $200 trillion dollars. There is no set of math that works to pay this off. Let me be sure it’s heard by repeating it: There is no set of math that works to pay this off. Therefore, there has to be some form of remediation. This conversation is uncomfortable, so it is avoided."


BTW, that debt didn't start this past year.

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2 hours ago, Opl said:


some more from Trump press conference : these are the talking points Trump delivers to his supporters, he made them very clear  , showing how stupid he thinks they are …

" The European Union is brutal to the United States. They don’t — and they understand that. They know it. When I’m telling them, they’re smiling at me. You know, it’s like the gig is up. It’s like the gig is up. They’re not trying to — there’s nothing they can say. They can’t believe they got away with it. Canada can’t believe it got away with it . . . But a lot of these countries actually smile at me when I’m talking. And the smile is — we couldn’t believe we got away with it. That’s the smile. So it’s going to change. It’s going to change. They have no choice. If it’s not going to change, we’re not going to trade with them."

Apparently, Trump is unable to speak a whole sentence in a structured way.
Statement, comma, reason.
The statement, sentence structure, the many repetitions are the language pattern like someone who has smoked too much crack in his life.

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3 minutes ago, tomacht8 said:

Apparently, Trump is unable to speak a whole sentence in a structured way.
Statement, comma, reason.
The statement, sentence structure, the many repetitions are the language pattern like someone who has smoked too much crack in his life.

Certainly in the case of Larry Kudlow. There must be another reason for Trump because many have vouched for him never touching booze or drugs.

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26 minutes ago, pegman said:

Certainly in the case of Larry Kudlow. There must be another reason for Trump because many have vouched for him never touching booze or drugs.

Often, people over the age of 70 have to take medication. Whether there are some negative interactions is beyond my knowledge. But the partial failure of the clear articulation structure is noticeable.

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