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Prayut urges voters to resist picking ‘the same old faces’ at election


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5 hours ago, webfact said:

PRIME MINISTER General Prayut Chan-o-cha has urged voters to look at “different political options” at the next general election as the ruling junta prepares to meet with politicians later this month.



So he's basically saying, "Don't vote for me, vote for Thanathorn Jungrungreangkit" ? Idiot,

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8 minutes ago, holy cow cm said:

Presently he has the oldest cringe worthy most stale and abhorred face to date. Egomaniac. 


All of that is true imho. The problem is, that he's in a hole, and the only thing he's smart enough to think of doing is keep digging.



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6 hours ago, smedly said:

you have failed to address corruption in Thailand so it doesn't matter who is elected - it will continue, you had a chance to do something about it holding the power but you failed, time for elections, and the cycle continues in this country of greed 


you failed - so go away, park the subs in your back garden because that is as much use as they will ever see, the money would have been better spent on health care or training the police to do their job, yes you bought submarines while Thai roads are the worst in the world - what sort of hub is that 


He didn't fail ! Because he didn't try !


How can idiots support him is beyond understanding.




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56 minutes ago, KiwiKiwi said:


All of that is true imho. The problem is, that he's in a hole, and the only thing he's smart enough to think of doing is keep digging.



He's in a hole all right, and that being his head lodged far up above his sphincter muscle. Possibly little p's too.

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2 hours ago, KiwiKiwi said:

He's the only one allowed to campaign?


This guy's a complete dead loss. And he's a known liar.


But I suppose he'll get some votes' his punk-rocker daughters, his wife, his mum, a few soldiers (who'll be quietly ordered to vote for him), some other mindless dead-beats. And there'll be the usual throng of foreigners on TV who'll tell us all what a terrific guy he is and how he's stopped corruption in its tracks.


It's sad to see any country reduced to this level of indignity by a fool.


Yep. Took power to stamp out rabid corruption. Will soon probably be claiming how successful that's been - with a trusted deputy next to him keeping time and being warmly applauded by his nephew!


But given the propensity for lying, the wide acceptance of corruption and envy of the corrupt, the unwillingness to accept conflict whilst really reforming, and the underlying motivation of getting control of the trough rather than removing it, nothing will change. The bums on the chairs will change as the music stops, but the players for each new round will all be the same!

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3 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Yep. Took power to stamp out rabid corruption. Will soon probably be claiming how successful that's been - with a trusted deputy next to him keeping time and being warmly applauded by his nephew!


But given the propensity for lying, the wide acceptance of corruption and envy of the corrupt, the unwillingness to accept conflict whilst really reforming, and the underlying motivation of getting control of the trough rather than removing it, nothing will change. The bums on the chairs will change as the music stops, but the players for each new round will all be the same!




He's already commissioned a history book, doubtless soon to be in Thai schools, which says he stamped out corruption. That'll add to the respect in which Thai history books are held, but then it's only for the local proles to read anyway.


I expect there'll be a few inadequates who'll believe it.

Edited by KiwiKiwi
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6 hours ago, Siripon said:

Khun Prayuth is right- 'look for different political options,' not the same old faces.

Vote for Thanathon and Future Forward!

isn't that the same crew that have already declared they are going to change the constitution, and therein is the problem in Thailand - they all want to change the constitution to suit themselves, it is a set of rules just like traffic laws - lets legalise drink driving because we all want to do it, lets pardon the Shins to allow them to return to Thailand - anybody see a pattern


try changing the US constitution, as with most countries in the world it is an extremely difficult thing to do...……………….and so it should be 

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It would be good if lots of Thais were familiar with ClearPoll (a blockchain voting platform) so all could see any stark differences between the official vote and what people really feel.  Distributed Trustless tech was made for this kind of scenario.

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4 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Do not worry Little P. The last person in the world the nation will pick is that familiar face of yours. Get out. Get out now.


Oh I do hope you're right. Many people however, seem to think the ratbag'll be back.


Please God no...

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Prayut is now "an old face" and he has championed corruption through his Deputy, one of the most corrupt of all times. His campaign trip was not unnoticed by the public or other politicians. Hope the Thais get a viable option because this guy has proven to be very....crafty. 

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8 hours ago, smedly said:

isn't that the same crew that have already declared they are going to change the constitution, and therein is the problem in Thailand - they all want to change the constitution to suit themselves, it is a set of rules just like traffic laws - lets legalise drink driving because we all want to do it, lets pardon the Shins to allow them to return to Thailand - anybody see a pattern


try changing the US constitution, as with most countries in the world it is an extremely difficult thing to do...……………….and so it should be 

Ahem...Are you sure there are no good and unbiased reasons to change this constitution?

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A poster who is very, very lucky not to have a posting holiday, has had an inflammatory post removed.

You will respect other posters point of view and reply with manners and some facts please, not abuse.

Next poster to cross that line in this thread, best find something else other than the forum to do for a few days.

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Prayut sure means the old face people as himself ?!?!


but whatever you can vote for in this country you will ever vote for the people into corruption and missusing power, doesnt matter what's the name of the person!


As long you have no investigation press to bring up all the "s.it" on the table , this system will survive for ever

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