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Polls point to strong backing among Thais for death penalty


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15 hours ago, poohy said:

Fair enough their tent their circus!


Will someone then kindly explain why they wont put the unwanted unhealthy dogs down.


Something doesnt add up in this bankrupt Buddhist paradise

A Buddhist might question whether the dog has done intentional harm to another sentient being to justify being killed... or should being ill or unwanted be considered crimes now? 

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Capital punishment can be useful as a deterrent ONLY if the perpetrators believe that there is a high probability they will be pursued, caught and the due process of law and punishment handed down accordingly.


If the police still insist on lax enforcement, cherry picking high profile cases with media coverage,  judicial sentences handed down based on socio-economics and life sentences given pardons etc,  focusing only on the punishment without overhauling the process will only be in vain.

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12 hours ago, Siripon said:

They won't put the dog down because it hasn't committed a serious crime such as murder. Most are only guilty of sleeping in front of 7-11.

Well that actually is a capital offence in Viet Nam, The Philippines and China.  But it only applies to dogs. People no problem.  Weird, ain't it?

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12 hours ago, bluesofa said:

I have trouble following the results of this poll, seeing as the majority of the population claim to be Buddhists. One of the five Precepts is to refrain from killing.

Or is it acceptable as long as someone else is doing it to support your opinion, as long as it's not you personally doing the killing?


Precepts, did you forget Thailand is different in all things, especially if it suits the Thai's. 

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There are many examples of a killer being eventually released, and then killing again.  there are no cases of an executed killer killing again.
And plenty of examples of innocent people being executed. Life with no chance of parole stops re-offending.

Sent from my SM-G930F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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16 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

Considering some of the heinous crimes frequently reported on here, I can't agree with it being an effective deterrent.

It will never work as a 100% effective deterrent, like speeding tickets, they hurt some of the drivers but not all of them and people still speed.

Will it deter people from murdering, not all of them, but it will significantly reduce the number of murders committed. 

But it is more effective as a deterrent than a jail sentence where murderers can be paroled after a few years. 

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10 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

And plenty of examples of innocent people being executed. Life with no chance of parole stops re-offending.

Sent from my SM-G930F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

Actually life without parole doesn't stop re-offending, far more examples they keep murdering other inmates in jail, inmates that do not have a life sentence and 'could' rebuild a new life.


But I do agree that the death penalty shouldn't be give to liberally, only for the ones where guilt is absolutely proven without any doubt 

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9 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

And plenty of examples of innocent people being executed. Life with no chance of parole stops re-offending.

Sent from my SM-G930F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

And there are plenty of examples where governments have changed and that they have claimed that the prisoner is rehabilitated and released them only to commit murder again. So there is no such thing as life with no parole

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1 minute ago, lvr181 said:

But there should be. 

But all the bloody do-gooders in the world say that the poor prisoner is rehabilitated and should be released back into society so that they can commit their heinous crimes again, crimes like murder, rape, assaulting the elderly while robbing them and then there is the child sex offenses. How could anyone want a convicted child sex offender be allowed to walk the streets of this earth to be able to prey on defenceless little children once they have been convicted of this ultra heinous crime.

Only the prisoner has rights, the victims have nothing. It is time that the victims have the rights.

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If there is no serious punishment, there will not be any respect for law. 

Just look at the everyday gang fights in streets or accidents in Thailand. 

No punishment, no respect for law.

i can see it that getting worse since 10 years ago that I came to Thailand.

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9 hours ago, Russell17au said:

But all the bloody do-gooders in the world say that the poor prisoner is rehabilitated and should be released back into society so that they can commit their heinous crimes again, crimes like murder, rape, assaulting the elderly while robbing them and then there is the child sex offenses. How could anyone want a convicted child sex offender be allowed to walk the streets of this earth to be able to prey on defenceless little children once they have been convicted of this ultra heinous crime.

Only the prisoner has rights, the victims have nothing. It is time that the victims have the rights.

At the moment this seems to be what applies. I am with you.


I am sick and tired of 'reasons' for the criminal act being used as an excuse. Those under the influence of drugs (legal or otherwise) and alcohol is no excuse - they made the choice to take those substances. There maybe a reason (and usually is) but it MUST NOT be an excuse for child sex offenses, rape, manslaughter (except in self defense) or murder or physically assaulting and robbing the elderly.


People are entitled to live in peace in their communities.


This should change. My proposal is, jail is for life NO PAROLE/early release under any circumstances! No rehabilation and release, one strike and your out! And that could replace the death sentence, if the community demands such sentencing being abolished.


Current soft sentencing standards here (or in other countries) does not serve as a deterrent and only appeases the do-gooders, always at the expense of the victim. "It is time that the victims have the rights." That is totally true and the "do gooders" should go and find constructively better things to do e.g. assist the victims of crime!


One thing that always puzzles me - you kill someone using a weapon e.g. gun or a knife etc the crime is generally treated with some harshness BUT if you kill someone using a motor vehicle then, generally, it is treated like a traffic offense with lesser penalties. The careless (or maybe not) use of a motor vehicle should be treated as manslaughter or murder if someone dies. :whistling:

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The whole argument that the death penalty is not a deterrent is a red herring. If there are people for whom the death penalty is not a deterrent, then all the more reason to have a death penalty, to rid ourselves of people who cannot be deterred.


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12 hours ago, Russell17au said:

But all the bloody do-gooders in the world say that the poor prisoner is rehabilitated and should be released back into society so that they can commit their heinous crimes again, crimes like murder, rape, assaulting the elderly while robbing them and then there is the child sex offenses. How could anyone want a convicted child sex offender be allowed to walk the streets of this earth to be able to prey on defenceless little children once they have been convicted of this ultra heinous crime.

Only the prisoner has rights, the victims have nothing. It is time that the victims have the rights.

Okay..."all the do- gooders" could point you to statistics, pointing out that Norway has a very small number of repeat- offenders.


Because their prison system is set on rehabilitation.

So it actually works IN GENERAL!


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14 hours ago, lvr181 said:

Whatever.................hard to be humble sometimes. Have a beer and enjoy your weekend.



Hard to be humble? I don't see how, I have the impression you have quite a lot to be humble about. And being linked, you appear to have quite a lot to be modest about as well.


Still, enjoy your blood lust.


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3 minutes ago, KiwiKiwi said:



Hard to be humble? I don't see how, I have the impression you have quite a lot to be humble about. And being linked, you appear to have quite a lot to be modest about as well.


Still, enjoy your blood lust.


Your "blood lust" quote is just idiotic! Stop with your 'selective nonsensical' comments.




Read my quoted post or zip your lip!

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4 minutes ago, lvr181 said:

Your "blood lust" quote is just idiotic! Stop with your 'selective nonsensical' comments.




Read my quoted post or zip your lip!


If you can't or won't understand then don't read. Easy. Don't get angry with me my friend, you just accentuate your shortcomings. And try not to insult people, it's against forum rules, mostly it's civilised and we have no need for tantrums.


Go and kill someone, you know you'll feel better if you get it out of your system. Or a small animal, something that can't fight back...


Dear oh dear...


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I am not a Buddhist but I have certainly studied the teachings of Buddha.  No matter how you spin it capital punishment flies in the face of the first precept of Buddhism: The First Precept requires individuals to abstain from injuring or killing any living creature.  Further, although Buddha did not discuss capital punishment per say, he was very direct ( and not kind ) when speaking about its use, 

An action, even if it brings benefit to oneself, cannot be considered a good action if it causes physical and mental pain to another being.

The Buddha

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4 hours ago, TEFLKrabi said:

I still haven’t hear though why, out of all the inmates on death row, they suddenly decided to execute this guy.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect


Prayuth didn't pick him, the head honcho did, Prayuth just signed - all he's capable of doing. Probably because the poor sap didn't pay the levy to stay off the list.

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2 minutes ago, KiwiKiwi said:


Prayuth didn't pick him, the head honcho did, Prayuth just signed - all he's capable of doing. Probably because the poor sap didn't pay the levy to stay off the list.

Of course you know that as a fact, don't you, or is it just a figment of your imagination. 

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23 minutes ago, Artisi said:

Of course you know that as a fact, don't you, or is it just a figment of your imagination. 


Oh God, there's more of them, they're like Harry Potter dementers.


''Do you see the word 'probably' in my quote? Do you know what it means?


It's a speculation but an educated speculation. That's why I put the word 'probably' in there. Duh.


All clear now? Great.


Would you consider going away now please?

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15 minutes ago, KiwiKiwi said:


Oh God, there's more of them, they're like Harry Potter dementers.


''Do you see the word 'probably' in my quote? Do you know what it means?


It's a speculation but an educated speculation. That's why I put the word 'probably' in there. Duh.


All clear now? Great.


Would you consider going away now please?

The comment was in relation to the Head honcho making the decision, nothing to do with probably. Comprehension lessons might not do astray in your case, and as  for educated speculation - you must be joking. 

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10 minutes ago, Artisi said:

The comment was in relation to the Head honcho making the decision, nothing to do with probably. Comprehension lessons might not do astray in your case, and as  for educated speculation - you must be joking. 


Yes, I'm joking. You're right. A capital punishment supporter will always out-IQ everyone else <snicker>.


OK now? Unnerstan? Go away now?


God, noblesse oblige is all very well, but it can be really hard work persuading some of the old horses to drink.

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I agree with death penalty for child murderers but not for normal murders. Or crimes where the violence is really overwhelming such as the Koh Tao case


also rhe eveidence has to be clear as day. 


As for love love triangles and mafia style and politicial killings I am

not in favor of 


sometimes people get away with allot such as ripping people off for millions and they get away with it. Legally they cannot be touched 


Justice is important for the law but justice should always come before the law 


law doesnt always protect people 

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In 1905, Thailand still had both slavery and "trial by ordeal". I am confident that both of these practices had the full support of the carbon-based life forms who are so fiercely proud of being Thai. Donald Trump has wide support in the United States from people who seem otherwise fairly normal. The support of rabble and the "great unwashed", justifies NOTHING. I note that Thailand has extremely friendly relations with North Korea, as well. I am sure that there is a point to the "broad public support" argument, I just can't determine what it is. Mob rule has never been anything to be proud of.

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Let them get on with it...their call, as their country, and there are plenty indigenous perps here that probably deserve it, considering the awful crimes you constantly read about. 

Edited by Sir Dude
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17 hours ago, Jim Brantley said:

I am not a Buddhist but I have certainly studied the teachings of Buddha.  No matter how you spin it capital punishment flies in the face of the first precept of Buddhism: The First Precept requires individuals to abstain from injuring or killing any living creature.  Further, although Buddha did not discuss capital punishment per say, he was very direct ( and not kind ) when speaking about its use, 

An action, even if it brings benefit to oneself, cannot be considered a good action if it causes physical and mental pain to another being.

The Buddha

good  and bad are purely human inventions

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