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Louis Vuitton scarf in London lands PM in the soup


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He should have the best most expensive scarf. Infact he should have the best of everthing, afterall he's on an important mission representing all Thais and needs the best of everything to achieve the best possible results for his nation he cares about so much.


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Sorry but this is a bit silly


20,000 Baht for a diplomat scarf is far from 20 million baht watches 


plus makes me laugh about Yingluck not inviting Him as he wants to out her in prison lol


also 26 degrees is cold for a Thai


my aircon goes up to 25 degrees 


i am sure if he was on a

solifer mission he wouldn’t need a scarf but diplomats when meeting prime

ministers round the world domabe to dress appropriately to take things seriously 


question is how much is Thereasa May’s neckless she wears round her neck worth


Edited by BigC
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1 hour ago, metisdead said:

Referring to Thailand or the government as a dictatorship, military dictatorship or other such terms will be removed:




Some other troll posts and replies were removed as well. 

I understand where you are coming from, but it is a sad state of affairs really, when you cannot refer to something honestly.  Freedom of speech is some distance away in Thailand.  I wonder if there will ever be something like a 'speakers corner' here?

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1 hour ago, kreungthep123 said:

this is the common shortcoming of Thais regardless of social status and position - the need to show off. 

If you look at the government ministers in Singapore, who on average make 28m baht in annual salary, they are always careful not to show their wealth. Very few wear branded accessories or drive flashy cars. So it is this showoff mentality of Thai unelected government officials that get them into the spotlight. But then again, who cares? Nothing seems to be able to unseat them, as they have their powerful cronies in the citizenry that support them. Thailand is definitely going down the tubes, slowly but surely. Quite sad really.

With respect, I wish to correct you on the average salary of ministers. PM Lee’s annual salary is 1.6 M and his ministers salaries depending on position and seniority significantly lower. But you are correct to state that government ministers are very aware of flashy dressing. In fact the PM and wife have been criticized of not wearing for the occasion even when meeting dignitaries. In Prayut’s case, it is just his arrogance and a man intoxicated with power and a whole lot of narcissism.     

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16 minutes ago, tonboy said:

That is the most sensible thing I heard today.

Prayut is not perfect, nobody is, but i think most of us would like to be able to buy a scarf like this if only they had the money (I would and in fact, I have). Prayut has a very responsable job, and this comes with a appropriate salary. So stop talking nonsense, and concentrate on the big picture. He is trying to convert a "lost" world country into a better place for all people. Compair the situation in Thailand of that in Europe or USA. Thailand is not so bad, isn't it ? If you not agree, please leave. 

Wouldn't be caught dead in it, frankly. Nothing I wear has a logo that declasse.

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4 hours ago, bluemoonpattaya said:

Prayut yesterday left London for France where he met with Airbus executive Guillaume Faury in Toulouse before witnessing a signing an agreement between Airbus and Thai Airways to set up a maintenance, repairs and overhaul centre in Thailand.

I fly with Thai Airways Airbus,  So this is telling me that there is no maintenance service in Bangkok for the new Airbus..........  ☹️

its  ok its  only a  13  hour flight to the service station in France

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He should have replied to his critics that it wasn't that expensive a scarf when he bought it from a  Road Market Stall for 100baht along with DVD of all the latest movies and a packet of Viagra. He said he had to bargain the price down a bit from the usual 150 baht they normally hit the punters up for.

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My self just returned from the UK. Although the weather was so so warm it turns cold very quick . i now have nice present from Reading a cold and damaged hand from being forced up the kerb by a motor car and coming off a bicycle . should have worn my 150b LV scarf. he did the right thing   

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6 hours ago, Happyman58 said:

You know when I go walking at 5 in the Park sometimes there are Thai there wearing Jackets to keep them warm. It's 29c at 5 in the morning. Thais def love the hot weather. I sit in the lounge at home and it would be 40 c outside and I am sweating. The wife meanwhile looks comfortable and not sweating. So on goes the air con and a few cold beers to calm me down lol lol

Does the wife seem friendly with the neighbourhood men? I heard that was a thing in England for Thai wives.

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