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White House press secretary says asked to leave restaurant for working for Trump


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1 hour ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

It would be helpful here if someone can post and/or point to what the actual current legal standard in the U.S. is right now for private citizens in a private business context to decline service.


Is it legally OK, based on federal law and court decisions, for a private business owner to refuse service to patrons period regardless of the circumstances, or it's only OK provided that refusal isn't based on one of the protected classes (race, gender, sexual orientation)?


It would inform the discussion/debate here if everyone was more clear on just what the legal standard for this issue is in the U.S., again, in the private business setting.



Well, I asked this question above, and no one here seems to have answered it, so it looks like I've have to answer it myself. (I do realize, opinions are much easier to throw out here than actual facts :tongue:).


At any rate, it appears the restaurant owner -- as the operator of a "place of public accommodation" -- was perfectly legally entitled to do what she did -- as working for a blatant liar, or being one yourself, isn't a protected class under federal law.


Maybe Trump and Co. will want to propose an amendment to make liars or frauds or conmen/women a protected class under federal law... :tongue:




Can business owners really refuse service to anyone?

Under federal anti-discrimination laws, businesses can refuse service to any person for any reason, unless the business is discriminating against a protected class.

At the national level, protected classes include:

Race or color

National origin or citizenship status

Religion or creed



Disability, pregnancy, or genetic information

Veteran status

Some states, like California, have more protected classes than the federal baseline.  In addition to the above factors, California adds:

Marital status

Sexual orientation or gender identity

Medical condition, or AIDS/HIV status

Military or veteran status

Political affiliations or activities

Status as a victim of domestic violence, assault, or stalking





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7 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

Some states, like California, have more protected classes than the federal baseline.  In addition to the above factors, California adds:


Political affiliations or activities



Now there's an interesting tidbit.  If this restaurant had been located in California of all places, it might well have been illegal for the owner to have asked the PS to leave -- unlike in other states, or under the all encompassing federal law.


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On 6/24/2018 at 8:06 AM, FreddieRoyle said:

 The intolerant left have finally slid into full on fascism. This is disgusting, unfortunately there is no real way to deal with their hate. In a fair world the democrats would be banned from politics for a decade, until they learn to respect democratic elections. And fake media (such as Time magazine with their recent nonsense hate mongering cover, and CNN that won many of Trumps fake news awards) would be immediately shut down.


 I had thought this sort of hate crime would happen after the horrific media coverage of all things Trump, while totally ignoring the fact he is acting in our best interests. His gargantuan achievements like bringing peace to the Korean peninsula, helping the poor get back into the workforce, and tackling fair trade are glossed over, leading to certain gullible sectors of the population going crazy without fully understanding why. 



Hear hear!

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3 hours ago, Berkshire said:

A private business refusing to provide service to someone based on that person's actions is not the same as refusing service for someone because they're black, or Jewish, or Muslim, or gay.  Can't you see the difference? 


Well, refusing service against someone because they're black or Jewish or Muslim would be a no-no under federal law.


But our friends the Republicans/conservatives have made sure thru the years, at least at the federal level, that it's still OK to discriminate based on sexual orientation. But try declining service to Trump's press secretary, and those same folks will label you a fascist. :huh:


Although, there is some possibility the legal status re sexual orientation discrimination may be changing, despite objections from the Trump Admin and the Jeff Sessions Bible Thumping Justice Department:




February 26, 2018

WASHINGTON — A federal appeals court handed down a victory for lesbian, gay, and bisexual people today, affirming that workplace discrimination based on sexual orientation is illegal under federal law.

The full Second Circuit Court of Appeals issued the ruling on the scope of the Civil Rights Act in Zarda v. Altitude Express, Inc. The Department of Justice had weighed in on the side of the employer, arguing sexual orientation is not protected under Title VII’s definition of sex. The American Civil Liberties Union filed a friend-of-the-court brief opposing along with several other organizations.

Ria Tabacco Mar, staff attorney with the American Civil Liberties Union’s LGBT & HIV Project, had the following response:

“Today’s decision is a victory for lesbian, gay, and bisexual workers across the country. There have now been two federal appeals courts to recognize what we’ve always known — that discrimination based on sexual orientation is in fact discrimination, and that there is no room for it in the workplace. This decision is also a repudiation of the Trump administration’s Justice Department, which has insisted that LGBT discrimination is acceptable under federal law.”




Whether those two supportive federal appellate rulings will make it to the U.S. Supreme Court, and what the current Supreme Court might do with them, probably is pretty much unknown.


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4 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

But our friends the Republicans/conservatives have made sure thru the years, at least at the federal level, that it's still OK to discriminate based on sexual orientation. But try declining service to Trump's press secretary, and those same folks will label you a fascist

Has anyone called her a "fascist" , or did you make that up ?

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1 minute ago, sanemax said:

Has anyone called her a "fascist" , or did you make that up ?

Freddie is calling everyone but Trumpaholics Facists. His carer needs to up the meds.


47 minutes ago, TPI said:
On 6/24/2018 at 8:06 AM, FreddieRoyle said:

 The intolerant left have finally slid into full on fascism. This is disgusting, unfortunately there is no real way to deal with their hate. In a fair world the democrats would be banned from politics for a decade, until they learn to respect democratic elections. And fake media (such as Time magazine with their recent nonsense hate mongering cover, and CNN that won many of Trumps fake news awards) would be immediately shut down


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On 6/24/2018 at 8:06 AM, FreddieRoyle said:

 The intolerant left have finally slid into full on fascism. This is disgusting, unfortunately there is no real way to deal with their hate.


5 minutes ago, sanemax said:

Has anyone called her a "fascist" , or did you make that up ?


Right here on good ole TVF... And if you were to read the FB page for the restaurant in question, you'd find a lot of similar comments.


On the other hand, I'd likewise assume the kinds of people flinging those false accusations are very much in tune with fascism and what it's all about...

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It's amazing to me that totally ignorant and uninformed people get on here and spout their outrage at what happened to SHS (part of their hero Trump's clan), when that same clan (the Trump Admin) is in federal court arguing that it's perfectly legal under federal law for private businesses to discriminate (not hire, not do business with, not serve) based on sexual orientation and various other non-protected criteria.


Somehow, the blatant hypocrisy of that escapes them. As does the fact that what occurred to SHS is absolutely permitted under federal law and always has been. Ignorance truly is dangerous bliss.


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1 minute ago, sanemax said:

What lies has she told ?


I'm afraid that would be a LONG list, starting with repeating Trump's lies about the size of his Inauguration ceremony crowd, and continuing forward on a pretty regular basis. She is, after all, the spokesperson for perhaps the world's preeminent liar.

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1 minute ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


I'm afraid that would be a LONG list, starting with repeating Trump's lies about the size of his Inauguration ceremony crowd, and continuing forward on a pretty regular basis. She is, after all, the spokesperson for perhaps the world's preeminent liar.

Yes, she lies every time but the inauguration crowd size comedy came from Sean Spicer, not her. Spicer apparently has a soul and flamed out. 

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Just now, Jingthing said:

Yes, she lies every time but the inauguration crowd size comedy came from Sean Spicer, not her. Spicer apparently has a soul and flamed out. 


Sorry you're right, and I was mistaken. But she certainly has continued that fine tradition....

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4 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


I'm afraid that would be a LONG list, starting with repeating Trump's lies about the size of his Inauguration ceremony crowd, and continuing forward on a pretty regular basis. She is, after all, the spokesperson for perhaps the world's preeminent liar.

She did not lie about the inauguration .

Could you state the other lies that you feel she has told ?

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8 minutes ago, sanemax said:

She did not lie about the inauguration .

Could you state the other lies that you feel she has told ?


Blaming the Democrats for the Trump Admin's policy to start detaining immigrant children and separating them from their parents.


And then:



And then there were the Stormy denials:



And lying that Trump hadn't dictated the statement re the Russians meeting when in fact he had...


And on and on...



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5 minutes ago, sanemax said:

Do you have a link to that story ?



The White House is blaming Democrats for the Trump Justice Department’s policy of separating children from their parents at the southern border pending immigration hearings.


“Illegal-alien families is [sic] the product of the same legal loopholes that Democrats refuse to close. And these laws are the same that have been on the books for over a decade,” White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said on Thursday.





She and her boss, same same.


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4 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


“Illegal-alien families is [sic] the product of the same legal loopholes that Democrats refuse to close. And these laws are the same that have been on the books for over a decade,” White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said on Thursday.




She and her boss, same same.


Is this the lie ?

Were the laws different ten years ago ?

"Illegal-alien families is [sic] the product of the same legal loopholes that Democrats refuse to close. And these laws are the same that have been on the books for over a decade,” White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said on Thursday."



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You're cherry picking to obfuscate the main point. She was lying by blaming the Democrats for the controversy, when it was very clearly the result of the Trump Administration's own, deliberately, consciously executed policy to start treating all border detentions as criminal cases requiring detentions.



"Illegal-alien families is [sic] the product of the same legal loopholes that Democrats refuse to close."


No, the illegal alien families controversy, so to speak, is the result of your Administration's new policy adopted earlier this spring.

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I think one of the WP's opinion columnists put it well regarding SHS and her being a witting or unwitting liar for Trump:



To begin with, Trump has told Sanders lies — let’s be clear, they were deliberate falsehoods concerning Trump’s own conduct — on multiple occasions. She was sent out wittingly or unwittingly to convey those lies to the media. Any respectable spokesperson would quit because one cannot work honestly for a liar, and because the press secretary has an obligation to the media and to the American people to be honest. Her boss’s nonstop fabrications make that impossible. She has an ethical obligation to quit. She works for the people — who don’t pay her to lie to them.




SHS perhaps ought to have an ethical obligation to quit out of respect for the American people. But somehow, I don't think that's an ethical obligation she's feeling very strongly.


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Just got back from life and golf and noticed that this is still going - amazing.


To those that responded to my comments with more liberal thoughts and ideas, I sure hope that I didnt offend you by appearing to ignore you.

Just like when Sarah gets yet another leading question from CNN and ignores them - I am sure she doesnt mean to offend - and neither do I.



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Just now, ELVIS123456 said:


To those that responded to my comments with more liberal thoughts and ideas, I sure hope that I didnt offend you by appearing to ignore you.



No problem! There's been more than enough "ignorance" spouted here for one day.  :biggrin:

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2 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:


As you say, a nonsense post that needs to be removed. You are the TrollMeister General.


As to my reply to your post that identifies you as submitting "but but but" posts, you do it all the time. When faced with any subject you spin it to 'but Hillary, but Obama, But Democrats, But Liberals, but but but', there is nothing nonsense about my reply to you, it's a fact. You troll, born out by the post above where you say "what lies has she told". If any of the anti-Trump membership posted on here that the sky is blue you would reply 'have you got a link for that". Stop being such a lazy member of the board look for your own links, it's EASY.

It was posted that Trump has caused the USA to be divided , I was just pointing out that USA has always been divided (along Political lines) and I didnt even mention (or blame)  Hilary , Obama Democrats or Liberals , my point was that Trump didnt cause America to be divided . It has always existed

   Why do you consider asking posters to give examples of what they are saying to be "trolling"?

   Its quite reasonable to ask people to give evidence of their allegations , because as you yourself have recently demonstrated , quite often people can give no evidence to their untrue allegations

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23 hours ago, Andaman Al said:



If you like your women to have large cojones, there are a couple of bars you would enjoy on Orchard Road.


Done them all....they've all been snipped.


Sarah is great to watch tho when she's in the zone....the way she smacks the NY Times around is a pleasure to watch.

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9 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

Sarah is great to watch tho when she's in the zone....the way she smacks the NY Times around is a pleasure to watch.


It might do you well to remember that when SHS, in your words, "smacks the NY Times around," she's smacking around (and lying to) the American public. Because that's whom the Times and the other news media are there representing in the White House press room. Since I'm presuming you don't have a credential.



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"Trump berates Red Hen after restaurant asks Huckabee Sanders to leave  “The Red Hen Restaurant should focus more on cleaning its filthy canopies, doors and windows (badly needs a paint job) rather than refusing to serve a fine person like Sarah Huckabee Sanders,” Trump wrote online. “I always had a rule, if a restaurant is dirty on the outside, it is dirty on the inside!”"



"The kitchen at Trump’s private Mar-A-Lago club found 13 violations during an early 2017 inspection, including three “high priority” violations that could allow the presence of illness-causing bacteria on plates in the dining room."



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Now the president is maligning a law-abiding small business. It's almost as if, he didn't have anything better to do with his time as president. Other than watch Fox News, play golf, and snipe on Twitter.


Or perhaps he's just looking to divert attention to the other things going on in his life:

--the federal investigation into Russia election tampering and possible collusion by his campaign

--the NY State Attorney General's lawsuit alleging his nonprofit foundation was illegally used as a political piggybank and that he repeatedly lied in related documents.

--his continuing efforts to damage the U.S.'s alliances with its traditional allies while cozying up to autocratic regimes like Russia and China.

--no bipartisan reform of immigration, no bipartisan reform of health care

And so on and so forth...

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