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DEATH ISLAND RIDDLE:  Koh Tao mystery deepens as ‘healthy’ dad becomes TENTH Westerner to die in suspicious circumstances


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Koh Tao mystery deepens as ‘healthy’ dad becomes TENTH Westerner to die in suspicious circumstances

Cops said Bernd Grotsch died of ‘heart failure’ or a snake bite but his family say they don’t believe it

By Jon Rogers



The body of Bernd Grotsch was discovered at his home on the island // VIRAL PRESS


A DAD, 47, has become the tenth Westerner to mysteriously die on Thailand's notorious "death island", it emerged today.


German Bernd Grotsch's body was found at his home deep in the jungle in the Mae Haad part of Koh Tao.


He had recently returned to the island after building up a motorbike rental business over the past two decades.


The father-of-one’s family in Ingolstadt, Germany, said authorities told them he died of “heart failure” or had been “bitten by a snake” - but they don't believe a word of it.


Full story: https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/6729031/thailand-koh-tao-island-dad-dead-mystery/


-- THE SUN 2018-2018-07-10

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22 minutes ago, Samui Bodoh said:

Why the he;ll would anyone ever visit the god-forsaken place!

For the sake of money.



He had recently returned to the island after building up a motorbike rental business over the past two decades.


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5 minutes ago, Briggsy said:

Competing with locals for the tourist dollar on Koh Tao is a very high-risk occupation.


A friend of mine had a successful dive shop on Koh Tao. Was woken up one night with a gun in his face and told he had 24 hours to leave.

Sure but from the linked 'Sun' article he had already left:


Bernd, a wealthy entrepreneur, moved to the island two decades ago, buying two properties and building up a motorbike rental business.

But he left in 2016 after becoming frustrated with the corruption and hostility towards foreign business owners.

He started another business in neighbouring island Koh Phayam before returning in March to "tie up loose ends".


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Another ten or twenty unexplained death and still ignorant folks would keep flocking to that damned place.

I visited K.T. four times before the murder of the two young Brits. The last time I was so furious about the rude handling of passengers by the staff of Lompraya ferry company. Never ever...

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