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Elon Musk calls British diver in Thai cave rescue a 'pedo' in baseless attack


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13 minutes ago, mackayae said:

"the press forgot to mention that were also Thai divers with them, and even before the farangs got here they were visiting and supporting the kids..."

I thought that Stanton and Volanthen found the kids.

When you are a part of a team is just a coinsidence on which stage the boys were found. Its like a relay race - its not the last one who win but the Whole team....

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This  explain now why the foreign drivers didn't wait for Musk's collaboration.... Every history have hidden details.... If just one kid had problems or died during or after the diving rescue, everybody now were asking why they didn't wait for a better solution...and Musk was not getting so many bad critics...


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9 minutes ago, Simon1287 said:

The presence of the Aussie doc, according to Aussie cave diving sources, was specially requested by the British cave diving team, or most likely he would not have been there. He is obviously something very special for them to have requested him.


He is a very experienced cave diver and anaesthetist, so he too was doing what he knows and did it very well.


Whether doing what he did after the almost impossible work of finding the kids had already been done is any greater than the people who found them I really don't know.


What I do know is (and yes, I spent a lot of time underground in caves in an earlier life) is that the the people the kids had looking out for them were the very best they could have possibly hoped for.


Probably though, of all the foreigners there I would least likely have wanted to have been would have been the Aussie. 


I know how easy it can be to panic when down that deep in wet caves (I have seen it) and if any of the boys had done so at a tight underwater point that may well have been game over.


 If not sedated I don't see how they could not have lost at least some of them on the way out so what was going through the docs mind when trying to work out, with the knowledge that the entire world would know if he got it wrong, the best way of doing the job I truly dread to think. Enough to pretty much knock them out but not harm them and with no option to (presumably) increase the dose if he got it wrong part way along so they woke up and panicked. The Brit rescue team knew he was the man for the job and they were right. 


What happened up in Chiang Rai last week was almost a miracle. Maybe it was.




Good post.

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Mr. Musk may be a CEO of a Giant Tech firm called ' Tesla " and also " Space ex ", but this gives him absolutely no right at all to attack Mr. Unsworth in the way that he did.

Mr. Unsworth with his many years as a cave diver mearly stated that the device that Musk proposed  was no good for the job that it needed to do, and as a CEO of a Tech firm Mr. Musk was fully aware of this fact, and used the plight of the trapped boys to get Media coverage for his enterprises and for personal kudos.

Shame on you Musk, and I can tell you now, I have removed you from my Christmas Card List


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Not professional sure, but you may recall that the diver said Elon could take his device and stick it where the sun doesn't shine.  This response wasn't a "baseless attack".


Secondarily, Elon took instructions from the on site professionals.  Garbage in garbage out.  If they don't give a good specification then what could anyone achieve for them?


Thirdly, a Pedo means "relating to a child".  Whatever the mind of the reader wants to make of that is beyond the speakers control.


I'm not defending Elon too much as there are some things he does that I really don't agree with, but then again I wouldn't blame a political wing for talking about politics. 


Haters gonna...


In other news, here's Bob with the weather.

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11 minutes ago, hobz said:

He attacked not only the British diver but any foreigner living in Thailand.


He wrote " ... lives in Thailand (sus) ... "

Sus is Short for suspicious.


In other words, he thinks that any foreign man living in Thailand is under suspicion of being a pedo.


Bravo. I used to like Elon but now....


You like how they are profiled, since you have no idea how they really are before you got the chance to know them. From what I have read in here about Musk, I know now he is a huge hateobject to many people around in the world, and now even more people hate him. I was not aware of the hate before this cave incident. 

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1 hour ago, ttrd said:

When you are a part of a team is just a coinsidence on which stage the boys were found. Its like a relay race - its not the last one who win but the Whole team....


1 hour ago, ttrd said:

When you are a part of a team is just a coinsidence on which stage the boys were found. Its like a relay race - its not the last one who win but the Whole team....


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6 minutes ago, Hummin said:

You like how they are profiled, since you have no idea how they really are before you got the chance to know them. From what I have read in here about Musk, I know now he is a huge hateobject to many people around in the world, and now even more people hate him. I was not aware of the hate before this cave incident. 

Maybe he is doing the same thing that Trump did to win the election. He is getting constant (and I mean literally constant) media attention for his outlandish tweets and behaviors. No such thing as bad publicity? It's all a matter of balancing the supporters and haters against each other in an endless social media campaign whirlwind.

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7 minutes ago, Hummin said:

You like how they are profiled, since you have no idea how they really are before you got the chance to know them. From what I have read in here about Musk, I know now he is a huge hateobject to many people around in the world, and now even more people hate him. I was not aware of the hate before this cave incident. 


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1 minute ago, Muzarella said:

I'm struggling to understand the point you are trying to make and you keep posting the abc link.


I'm a Brit and very proud of our country-folk helping out here.


By the sounds of it, Dr. Harris was the lynch-pin of the rescue op (not decrying the other ex-pat divers, Thai Seals, cooks, laundry ladies, et al) and his expertise in sedating these young kids and coach was instrumental in the successful rescue.


So, what is your point?

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I've been saying for years Musk is the biggest welfare queen in the US. Tesla is an outright fraud and I won't doubt he leaves in less than two years followed by bankruptcy.


His only business model is stealing money from the American taxpayer. THAT'S his business, it has nothing to do with selling anything.

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3 hours ago, HHTel said:

It does appear that he did dive but his main role was his knowledge of the caves.

 Richard Stanton, one of the 3 British diving experts he called in, was communicating with Elon Musk about the mini-sub development and seemed quite interested in it.


July 7: 6:30 PM, Richard Stanton:


"it is absolutely worth continuing with the development of this system in as timely a manner as feasible. If the rain holds out it may well be used.


July 8: 10:13 AM, Richard Stanton:


"We're worried about the smallest lad please keep working on the capsule details."


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20 minutes ago, Number 6 said:

I've been saying for years Musk is the biggest welfare queen in the US. Tesla is an outright fraud and I won't doubt he leaves in less than two years followed by bankruptcy.


His only business model is stealing money from the American taxpayer. THAT'S his business, it has nothing to do with selling anything.

You pay tax in US? Really? And he manage to steal your tax money? Amazing,,,,,,,,,,, Your country going bankrupt because of Mr Musk? Really? That is a joke, and you know it!

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Sorry, I know it's an easy one: musk, in tiny small doses, is used in, natural, fragrances, as a fixator (scent time stabiliser), but musk in itself stinks horribly, no wonder, knowing which animal hormonal glands (think: close to anus) it is extracted from.

Facit: an homeopathic dose of Elon might contribute to the, fresh, smell of one's new day, any excess of it will stink it up for sure!

Peter's principle at work, in its most evident form, IMO. Big money (still?), small man (still!), bah, you spoilt my croissants this morning musky, get back under the SA rock you should never have crawled away of!

A typical toxic(!!!) character germinating in deep World crisis situations, when you ask me, not alone, a lot of, alas, in times of one-eye-king-of-the-blinds, as nowadays...

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13 minutes ago, Hummin said:

You pay tax in US? Really? And he manage to steal your tax money? Amazing,,,,,,,,,,, Your country going bankrupt because of Mr Musk? Really? That is a joke, and you know it!

Yes I do pay taxes to the US government. All Americans with reportable income do. You really don't have a clue so should check yourself.


Perhaps I did not make myself clear enough. Tesla will go bankrupt. It will be sold off in parts (patents). A myriad of businesses (Tyco anyone?). None profitable and Elon Musk sucking at the teet of the US taxpayer.


None of his enterprises are the least bit profitable. Tesla is going down for the count, it's not even news anymore.


He'll bail out and shield his finances. Nothing new here.

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Vern attacked him first,Elon Musk offered to help,they could of said no!I didn’t see anyone else put their hand up and did what Elon Musk did in just a short time.And For Elon Musk to say what he said is very low of him and very unprofessional.

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