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Shock as Trump backs Putin on election meddling at summit


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5 hours ago, ChouDoufu said:

the appeal to authority?  i'll play!

who to trust in this matter?  i'll take stable genii for $200, alex!


the president of the united states

the leader of the free world

the lover of beautiful chocolate cake

the architect of the lowest unemployment rate in

history for blacks and hispanics

the chief executive of 17, count 'em, 17 intelligence agencies

the man whom's normal-sized hands may hold the 'football'

and enter the magical codes to vanquish all life on earth

the man whom's collected 140-character pearls of wisdom

are destined to be passed down through the ages as the 'I Tweet'


you on the other hand have chosen to side with the clinton

crime family dead enders and the failed bureaucrat flunkies

responsible for the slam-dunk wmd debacle, the arming of

moderate headchoppers, the destruction of libya and the

opening of the refugee floodgates to europa.


I'm siding with the heads of the 17 intelligence agencies.  How could you have possibly concluded anything else?

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5 hours ago, Ramen087 said:



Rand Paul gets it, many other people get it, yet the anti-Trump crowd still refuse to get it. When will you see the light, Trump bashers?  


Trump thanks Rand Paul for praising his position on Russia


Facing widespread condemnation for his fawning meeting with Vladimir Putin, President Donald Trump gave a shout-out to Sen. Paul Rand, who praised him for trying “to prevent us from having World War 3.”

“Thank you @RandPaul, you really get it!” Trump tweeted Tuesday morning, referring to Paul’s interview on “CBS This Morning.”

“‘The President has gone through a year and a half of totally partisan investigations — what’s he supposed think?’” he added, quoting the Kentucky Republican.

“Yes, the vast majority of the foreign policy community, the bipartisan consensus said you shouldn’t meet with Putin,” Paul said.

“They also said he shouldn’t meet with (North Korean leader) Kim (Jong Un) and this is an extraordinary thing about President Trump that should be lauded and not belittled is that he is willing to meet with adversaries to try to prevent us from having World War 3.”

Paul stood by the president’s decision to sit down with the Russian leader, saying that Trump “did a good thing” by meeting with Putin and warned his colleagues that it was a “mistake” to “try to turn this into a partisan escapade.”


Excerpt concludes here, link contains entire article.

You haven't figured out that he shouldn't have met with Putin or Kim?


All he got out of meeting with Putin was a soccer ball.  Putin went home a Russian hero.


All he got out of meeting with Kim was a photo op.  Kim got international respectability, sanctions relief, cancellation of joint US-South Korea military exercises, a wedge between South Korea and its most important ally, and no meaningful restraints on its nuclear and missile programs.    https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-now-says-no-time-limit-denuclearize-nkorea-221458102.html

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I remember when Hilary said that half of Trumps supporters where a "Basket of Deplorables" and there was outrage. I think that the only person that treats his supporters, maybe not as deplorables, but definately as total idiots is Trump. He realises that  whatever he tells them, they will absolutely believe, and so he spews out lie after lie, and they get more outrageous each time. He then doubles down on the lies, in an effort to stir up his base.


But his performance yesterday, whilst stirring up his base, was probably the biggest spur to the Dems to come out and vote, and i can see them now taking control of both the house and the senate. The GOP must now be thinking which way to go, do they risk going against him, and losing their seats, or also doubling down on what he says, and riling the dems in their districts.


One last point, his excuse about mis-speaking has probably made him look like the biggest dummy in the history of the USA, but obviously it was intended to stir up his base. All the news channels in the USA are focusing on him saying i used the word "would as against wouldn't" as in the qoute "And i have to say that i can't see any reason why they WOULD interfere" That is not the word they should be concentrating on. If he was going to repudiate Putins denial then surely the statement would have been"BUT i have to say that i can't see any reason why they wouldn't interfere" just my thought, and i am english not american.

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I think when the next President comes along,  a precedent has been set.  To badger the heck out of them. Good luck to the next one.  You won't stand a chance and you'll need a super thick skin whichever side you are on. 

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Just now, stud858 said:

I think when the next President comes along,  a precedent has been set.  To badger the heck out of them. Good luck to the next one.  You won't stand a chance and you'll need a super thick skin whichever side you are on. 

Common decency is needed, whichever side you're on.

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56 minutes ago, Paul Catton said:

There was nothing untoward with the statements made by th President Trump, it's rather a shame that the Left Wing Mainstream Media are continuously  beating down when beaten.

Really? He slates his own intelligence agencies in favour of Russia and you think there's 'nothing untoward' about that? My god man, even Fox news (which hopefully you agree is definitely not the 'left wing mainstream media) had a go at him for this one. You are either seriously deluded or as heybruce noted above, a troll

Edited by johnnybangkok
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15 minutes ago, stud858 said:

I think when the next President comes along,  a precedent has been set.  To badger the heck out of them. Good luck to the next one.  You won't stand a chance and you'll need a super thick skin whichever side you are on. 

Hopefully by the next Presidential election there will be financial disclosure laws and conflict of interest laws in place to preclude anyone like Trump running for office.  At least then we will be able to debate the merits of the President's actions with less concern as to how he might be enriching himself at the country's expense.  That should make things more civil.

14 minutes ago, stevenl said:

Common decency is needed, whichever side you're on.

Common decency is needed and lacking in Trump's case.

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20 minutes ago, stud858 said:

I think when the next President comes along,  a precedent has been set.  To badger the heck out of them. Good luck to the next one.  You won't stand a chance and you'll need a super thick skin whichever side you are on. 

Why are you lumping them all in together? This is only happening because the current POTUS consistently lies on a DAILY basis. The media are just doing what they should when faced with the extraordinary situations this buffoon is getting himself in to.

And you don't need 'super thick skin'. Just an actual ability to do the job.

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4 hours ago, johnnybangkok said:

Got to be one of the craziest posts I've ever seen on here and that my friend takes some doing.

"normal sized hands' - '140 character pearls of wisdom' 'stable genii' (which by the way is plural so unless you are talking about Trump's split personality, doesn't really work) and my personal favourite 'the lover of beautiful chocolate cake".

Take a seat sir. You have gone above and beyond what was expected of you. 

Seems you didn't get the irony (sarcasm) in his comment.

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3 hours ago, johnnybangkok said:

And maybe you should stop trying to defend the indefensible. 

The PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, just threw his own intelligence services under a bus in favour of a known dictator, murderer, gangster and general genocidal maniac. 

I'm sorry that you 'don't get it'. Fortunately all us sane people do.  


It's unbelieveable how brainwashed you people are.


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He is a sizzy! Big time! 


When he claimed he would walk in to a armed guy shooting students unarmed, I thought even his most radical supporters would see his real deleted ego, but hey, I was wrong again!


However false news I guess?


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"The White House Transcript Is Missing the Most Explosive Part of the Trump–Putin Press Conference

"“President Putin, did you want President Trump to win the election and did you direct any of your officials to help him do that?”

Putin then responds with a bombshell of an answer, according to the English translation of his remarks that was broadcast during the press conference: “Yes, I did. Yes, I did. Because he talked about bringing the U.S.-Russia relationship back to normal.”


How Trump Ended Up Looking Weak in front of Putin

When asked by a U.S. reporter if Russia had compromising material about Trump, Putin didn’t deny that possibility, instead deflecting by saying he’d heard “these rumors” that the Kremlin had embarrassing information from Trump’s visit to Moscow in 2013, but said people should “disregard” them.



Edited by Opl
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It seems that other than here on Thaivisa, a lot of people are not too happy about this:


Trump regret syndrome is spreading like a wildfire as reality finally sets in

I just kept watching,” a Republican acquaintance told me in disbelief. “And I just kept waiting, and waiting, and waiting for him to do something. Anything. I yelled, ‘Stand up for your country, for the love of God!’ And nothing. Not even a peep.”



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19 hours ago, mikebike said:

The badgering (and BS fake news)  precedent was set by the GOP during 44's two terms.

You're way too late, misinformation was used expertly by government in every post WWII administration, but was truly made into an art starting with JFK's term.

Edited by Ramen087
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4 hours ago, Ramen087 said:

You're way too late, misinformation was used expertly by government in every post WWII administration, but was truly made into an art starting with JFK's term.

Actually, the sad thing is how inexpert and foolish the information has become. Remember the birther movement? Even in August of 2016,  41 percent of Republicans believed that nonsense. 27 percent disbelieved, and 31 percent were undecided. And statistically there was no difference between Republicans with high political knowledge and those with low political knowledge


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