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Thai PE teacher allowed to rape students for three years


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He should have been suspended immediately and the matter then reported to the Police.......that is assuming rape in Thailand is a criminal offence, but sorry to say, reading this makes me have doubts of what is what.  If there is a case to answer, it should then be referred to the Civil Courts and if found Guilty he should receive a very hefty prison sentence, bearing in mind he has raped or molested several young females over three years.  These local Government Committees do not have the expertise to investigate matters of such severity and should be stopped from being involved in criminal matters.  You have to wonder when a young female singer was castigated by someone no less than the Prime Minister for dancing provocatively, compared to this potentially very serious crime.

Edited by robertson468
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4 hours ago, RyuSamurai7 said:

You know. I had two kids here. Lost them both due to Thai family matters. My daughter is probably and will probably grow up to be one of the most beautiful girls this country has ever seen. Her Mother was sexually abused by her uncle, a soldier, as a child of 4 years old. Her parents allowed him to get away with it and probably continue doing it until she was in her 30's, perhaps even during our marriage. 


It was the worst decision of my life to have kids here in this country and it breaks my heart that it is easily decided that the father no longer has rights over his own children. I have seen this happen over and over again. Who will protect my kids now? There are around 20 brothels hiding in plain sight behind a market in ******. This evil existence of the darkest deeds is located right behind a kindergarten. I am talking 25 meters at most. 


The fact that I have to accept that the protection of my children is now up to a mother who was sexually abused as a toddler, just doesn't quite help my case. The fact is that my kids stay with her parents, the same parents who allowed her uncle to rape her over and over again. The fact that she is a soldier and he is a soldier, makes me view Thailand in an extremely negative light. 


Thailand is in serious need of a mental vaccine. The psychology of the average Thai person and people who run this country is turning this place into the Arkhym Asyllum. When will Thailand begin to act seriously on cases of sexual abuse involving children? When will someone actually begin to care about what happens to kids in Thailand? 


Perhaps Elon Musk was right and perhaps he is the man to talk to about this issue. This shit is ripping me apart. Foreigners should consider 10 times and then re-consider ever having children here and allowing them to grow up here. If I had a choice, I would have taken my 2 babies out of here a long time ago, but there isn't shit I can do now. How do I go up against the military lawyers? 


They steal our money, our wives and then our kids and  finally push us into a hole of isolation and depression, until we end up like these roof jumpers and then people wanna know why foreigners in Thailand jump so often and why many of us turn to alcoholism. Screw it, I aint jumping, but I can tell you one thing. I am gonna make an issue out of this. I will not allow this to happen to my kids and will go to hell and back a million times and redo it all again just to prove my point. Thailand needs to protect the children at all costs and take responsibility for their inactions in the past. Someone needs to be held accountable. 


Kids are innocent and know nothing about right or wrong. I think Thailand should consider the death penalty for pedophiles and those who 'intend to abuse kids'. I will get on that right away. Hate me if you must, but I am starting a war. Instant death is the only cure for this disease, but not after defiling a man by "shoving a baseball bat with nails where it hurts."


I read about sexual abuse cases involving kids daily now. This is no longer just a random case of insanity, but an actual epidemic. I read about Thai men exposing their genitals on minivans to women and rub-a-dub-dubbing it to let the women see them. I read about drug users hiding in the ceilings of people's houses and peeping through small holes. One actually fell out of the ceiling last week 2 streets away from me. I read about gangs pulling out people from their cars and hijacking vehicles. This sounds like shit happening in some African countries. I read about drive-by shootings. I see government workers in uniform with their nametags and mastrubating on webcam. I read shared posts on the net of students in student uniforms as young as primary level exposing themselves.


Why does the police and the military not do their jobs? I think before employing new soldiers or police officers, each of the applicants should pass a test to evaluate their views on the sexual abuse of children before they are given a position. I think all teachers should pass this same test. By this I am referring to Thais and foreigners. I think all male teachers (Thai and Foreign) should be banned from teaching in kindergartens. Similar to the systems in some Western countries. I also think that every teacher in every school should be screened and interviewed with regards to their sexual orientation and their views on the sexual abuse of kids. I think that before a director is permitted to open a school, he should pass the same test before being given permission by the Ministry of Education to run a school. 


All of us trust the schools, but this is where it begins. I have seen countless kindergartens with cameras inside the classes, allowing any parent or other person to view the kids at any give time. In Thai kindergartens these kids are exposed constantly as the staff are never trained on covering up the kids, they dress them in the class and personally I feel it is just not right and if exposed long enough could perhaps motivate tendencies in people who never had tendencies before. There is no systematic law in place to give children rights and protect them at all costs. The rights are given solely to their parents. I think that is very biased as each human on this planet deserves their own rights. Can you imagine how much money the government will make if they begin implementing a system to monitor the develoment and the security of every kid in the country? 


There is absolutely no system to monitor the safety of kids. We entrust our kids to people of all walks of life. I completely understand why the majority of the new generation refrains from having kids. It just isn't the right thing to do. Who would have kids and leave them to be tormented in a world like this? In the end I probably will do something stupid to myself, because I can only take so much until I realise that I have completely been unable to protect my two adorable kids. I really hope that Thailand figures out what to do about this and soon. 


If the government wants to see Thailand turn out like South Africa, then it should continue on the path it is walking right now. I hear that in South Africa right now, after 20 years of torment, the military has decided to march the streets nationwide and kill off every visible mafia member in order to reduce the crimes against children. South Africa is in such a state that it just isn't safe to walk on the street after 7pm at night. It isn't safe to stop at a traffic light at 7pm at night, so they turn on the orange flashers to warn you to ne cautious. At some places it isn't safe to be home alone at all. Thailand is heading right towards that. 



Sounds great so what are you going to do? I am sure you will get a lot of support once you outline your battle plan for this war of yours.

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2 hours ago, hansnl said:

You really do understand?

Don't think you do.

Yes your right hans, normal people could never understand that type of crime against children and the inaction of the authorities.


It's really these people that don't understand, and it is why it is so disgusting that authority 

here doesn't seem to care.

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2 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

Yeah and when some doc fingers hundreds of gymnasts it's called America, when some clown on the BbC diddles little boys it's called England, when priests play hide the sausage it's called the Vatican.....


My question is: if y'all hate Thailand so much,why do you go there? Go home to Liverpool or Detroit or whatever other paradise on earth you are from.....

I think you have missed the point. We all know it happens elsewhere. Religion has always had its perverts but when they are caught the authorities don't come out with a lack or refusal of responsibilities. The case here is the lack of enthusiasm to deal with the problems. In general, parents in the western countries come out to form outspoken organisations or take to streets in protest. That won't and can't happen in Thailand.,,yet at any rate.

Edited by TKDfella
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5 hours ago, colinneil said:

 A committee WAS SET UP!! What the hell, the man is a rapist and should be in jail.

Fined 2 days pay, then allowed to carry on raping, bloody hell what is wrong with his seniors not responding properly after the first complaint.

Cans of worms comes to mind...

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5 hours ago, Kasset Tak said:

I went to a spa for a Thai massage (and yes I mean a real Thai massage as I had a pain in my back) and the girl doing the massage asked me if I wanted a happy ending..

I am sure we would all have understood had you accepted her offer. Even teachers need some happiness.:thumbsup:

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4 hours ago, RyuSamurai7 said:

If the government wants to see Thailand turn out like South Africa, then it should continue on the path it is walking right now. I hear that in South Africa right now, after 20 years of torment, the military has decided to march the streets nationwide and kill off every visible mafia member in order to reduce the crimes against children. South Africa is in such a state that it just isn't safe to walk on the street after 7pm at night. It isn't safe to stop at a traffic light at 7pm at night, so they turn on the orange flashers to warn you to ne cautious. At some places it isn't safe to be home alone at all. Thailand is heading right towards that. 

I agree with much of what you say in your posting, and truly sympathize with you and anyone, especially foreigners, having difficulties with raising their children in TH. However, I think this last paragraph is quite a reach. I just cannot imagine Thailand heading down that road.


And despite all of the things that can be improved about the raising of children in Thailand, there are many aspects of life that I believe are very good for children here. It is easy to get hung up on the news and the reporting of the terrible things that happen, but remember that the news distorts reality.


That said, I agree with you, wholeheartedly, that the government needs to put more emphasis on enabling children to protect themselves, as well as encouraging families to be more diligent. And I feel the biggest step in that direction depends on raising more of these families out of poverty.

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"But in the next three years he raped or molested 20 others.


Until finall y at the beginning of this month a flood of complaints started on Facebook."


Where is the evidence of his raping and molesting? Complaints on social media are all very well but are hardly evidence. What exactly is being asserted when the term 'rape' is used?  It seems most odd to me that after the original episode nothing seems to have happened for three years then suddenly there is a 'flood of complaints.'

I find it concerning that a person can be publicly accused on facebook, then without a shred of evidence that persons picture and details are splashed onto mainstream media like this.

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7 minutes ago, fantom said:

"But in the next three years he raped or molested 20 others.


Until finall y at the beginning of this month a flood of complaints started on Facebook."


Where is the evidence of his raping and molesting? Complaints on social media are all very well but are hardly evidence. What exactly is being asserted when the term 'rape' is used?  It seems most odd to me that after the original episode nothing seems to have happened for three years then suddenly there is a 'flood of complaints.'

I find it concerning that a person can be publicly accused on facebook, then without a shred of evidence that persons picture and details are splashed onto mainstream media like this.

He was fined 2 days salary. no evidence of any disagreement. I find it equally concerning that you seem to be condoning his actions by supporting his lack of evidence. Blind obedience isn’t  a defence in my opinion for a nonce.

Edited by Laughing Gravy
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He raped 20 girls but not one of the parents of these children has came forward to teach Somchai a lesson? 


The Thai men I know would be beating a path to the school to lynch the beast.


I suspect that their is more to this story than meets the eye. 



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5 hours ago, markaoffy said:

We get all this publicity when a falang is found with Child porn, whereas the mass abuse by Thai teachers in pupils is rife! Usually covered up with payoffs to principals of schools and poor parents

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

Fair point.

I have heard that the child porn guy was grassed up, not sure where he is in the system, but he’ll be dealt with. This rapist will be protected...

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18 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

He was fined 2 days salary. no evidence of any disagreement. I find it equally concerning that you seem to be condoning his actions by supporting his lack of evidence. Blind obedience isn’t  a defence in my opinion for a nonce.

You seem to have blind faith the OP is a correct and complete brief of evidence.

Please do not make assertions that I condone this type of behaviour.

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2 hours ago, IamNoone88 said:

No different to England where rape gangs roam freely and what seems to be impunity from justice.

A teacher who rapes 20 students at a school in the UK will get at least 30 years behind bars, with a probable recommendation  that he is never released. It's likely that the school would be closed, or possibly re-built and re-named also.  So, yes there is a lot of difference between England and Thailand regarding the treatment of child rapists, and in particular those who have abused a position of trust.

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It's the same old story we hear all too often..

the school not wishing to bring adverse publicity will quietly deal with the issue and the police too lazy to get off their <deleted> to investigate a rape allegation & prosecute if found guilty!!

The whole system is archaic..

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3 hours ago, Gilda said:

Why have the mums and dads not done some thing about this, if it was my daughter, there is no way he would of just walked around, and carried on doing this. He should be in the monkey house. I was told some time ago that family members could not sleep with daughters or any female in the family, so why is the teacher allowed to do it, is he classed above a normal family.

Absolutely agree, also why hasn't the school director already done something about it like 3 years ago.


IMHO the school director should be charged with serious dereliction of duties.  



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