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Ivanka Trump closes fashion line to focus on helping her father


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6 hours ago, Jerry787 said:

Translated in common folks language, help dad as the fashion firm is a complete failure.


I don't think we know that for fact but selling over-priced fashion wear made by slave labour in poor working conditions in Asian countries certainly contradicts what Daddy is preaching.

But then contradictions are nothing new to this lot !

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9 hours ago, tomacht8 said:

Here another lie from Trump.
Factory in China produces "Trump 2020" flags.
As the National Public Radio reports, a company in Anhui Province is producing the flags.
Their owner Li Jiang said in an interview that he had already made flags for Donald Trump for the 2016 election campaign.
Even now, he has received an order, flags for the re-election campaign with the slogan "Keep America Great!" - "Get America Big" to make.
An adviser to the campaign denied in the portal "Vice" the job. 100 percent of the official merchandise for the campaign would be made in the US, it said.

Li remains in his portrayal. And also photos of the agency Reuters from 24 July 2018 prove that flags are produced with the campaign slogan in the factory. 

Inconceivable how many people in the US voted for a morbid liar as their president.


Best post re the Ivanka story. Thank you for sharing. Bit by bit, ALL the truth will come out.



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I find it curious that some people think Ivanka has a political career. The "trump" brand is badly tarnished. As she's a New Yorker there is no way she could win political office in New York. The closer you get to "Trump Tower" home base the fewer people that support "trump" because to know him is to know he's a con man. So yeah she could run directly for president but I just don't see that she has much political appeal or charisma (aside from being pretty). 

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1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

I find it curious that some people think Ivanka has a political career. The "trump" brand is badly tarnished. As she's a New Yorker there is no way she could win political office in New York. The closer you get to "Trump Tower" home base the fewer people that support "trump" because to know him is to know he's a con man. So yeah she could run directly for president but I just don't see that she has much political appeal or charisma (aside from being pretty). 

Pretty is in the eye of the beholder (not pretty in my eyes though).

I think by the time all the truth comes out about him (and some of his clan), the name Trump will be similar to Madoff. Who would support Madoff; so who would support another Trump run.

The time will come when those same people who sucked up to him will be looking to distance themselves from him. His real estate empire will collapse like a house of cards. The joke is up.

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