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No evidence Islamic State responsible for Toronto attack: police


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2 hours ago, pegman said:

It must be real tough for you guys out there in the far right wing-nut brigade knowing the has NEVER been an Islamist terrorist mass muder in Canada. Yeah, yeah we know the " DeepState " is covering it all up. You clowns make me laugh, 555.

It's getting harder for bleeding hearts to rearrange the facts to keep the religion of peace fantasy alive and well.  The old frog and scorpion scenario.

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1 hour ago, geriatrickid said:

The Toronto Star has a long history of providing biased  stories to promote its agenda. It is no secret it has long been the print media ally of successive Liberal and NDP governments.


There have been multiple Islamic terror attack attempts which have been stopped.  These events are rarely reported because the government does not wish to cause civil disorder. Recent  events such as the attempt to  blow up the passenger train between Toronto & New York. Chiheb Esseghaier and Raed Jaser are now serving life sentences.


What do you call the  terror attack on the Canadian Parliament and the mnurder of the Canadian CplCirillol as he stood guard at the National War Memorial, or last october's stabbing of  the police officer in Edmonton, by the Islamic zealot screaming, or the nutter with a golf club that went beserk at a Canadian Tire outlet last year, or the Aaron Driver bombing, or the  fire bombing of the jewish school in Montreal? Those weren't  Hindus doing the attacks.


The only nonsense is coming from you. The firearm had a serial number and this was used to  trace  its distribution line. Rambo movies cannot be handgun training for the simple reason that weapons are not used in the manner that they are in  the movies.  Anyone with some experience with a handgun knows that they are inaccurate unless one practices and uses proper technique. This technique is not presented in Rambo movies.


You dismiss anyone who does not share your extremist agenda. The terrorist attacks have been prevented so far, and because Canada is a safe zone for terrorists. It is easy to get into the country and with the large fundamentalist population in Calgary, Toronto and especially Montreal where some of the more violent cells  exist, they are not going to  expose their safe houses. It is no secret that the  North African ghettos in Montreal North are no go zones, similar to some districts of Paris.


Canada changed long ago because of clueless twits who assumed that letting violent  people without vetting them wouldn't be a problem.


The only clown is you because you make false statements. The Canadian population doesn't rely on the biased media outlets of CBC and Toronto Star for its news anymore.

Buddy, stop reading The Rebel it is rotting the  last few remaining brain cells that the devil weed didn't get. I'll repeat it again, Canada has NEVER had an Islamist mass terrorist murder. Show a link that says otherwise. While your at it let's see some on these no go zones too. Being fair minded I may be an extremist amoung all the right wing-nut Canadians on here but you guys are the extremists back in our tolerant country. 

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3 minutes ago, canuckamuck said:

It's getting harder for bleeding hearts to rearrange the facts to keep the religion of peace fantasy alive and well.  The old frog and scorpion scenario.

I'm still waiting for a link to all those Islamist mass murders in Canada? What can't find any fabricated by your fellow traveller Levine over at The Rebel?

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13 minutes ago, taipan1949 said:

What I am saying here fool is that the guy took a trained stance to aim and kill, not the usual "gangster" idiot with the gun on it's side and blasting away. Why don't you grow a brain and look what the RCMP said about the battle with this guy? They had never faced an enemy with so much ability.

No, you're drawing a false parallel, where because a guy knows how to handle a weapon, that means he doesn't have mental issues, it means he's a "well - trained terrorist". I am saying people with mental illness can also learn how to use weapons. 


We're also pointing out the rampant hypocrisy on the Right where anyone shooting up schools or churches but is White is "mentally ill" (no comments on how White folks handled their weapons?) whereas anyone brown or black is a terrorist. 

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You're determined to play the fool here, you might as well go on. GK listed a number of terrorist attacks with Islamists in Canada and the rest of his post mopped the floor with you, so I see no point repeating what he said. I might not be able to find a link to satisfy this specific strawman you have about Islamist mass murder. This guy in Toronto forget to yell out, hello a snackbar, so I guess he was actually Catholic or something. Doesn't mean a thing to relatives to the dead and injured. I am certain they believe this was an attack inspired by Islam.

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4 minutes ago, canuckamuck said:

You're determined to play the fool here, you might as well go on. GK listed a number of terrorist attacks with Islamists in Canada and the rest of his post mopped the floor with you, so I see no point repeating what he said. I might not be able to find a link to satisfy this specific strawman you have about Islamist mass murder. This guy in Toronto forget to yell out, hello a snackbar, so I guess he was actually Catholic or something. Doesn't mean a thing to relatives to the dead and injured. I am certain they believe this was an attack inspired by Islam.

I see "fool" has become the latest Right-Wing epithet - as always, follow the Donald, if it's up, call it down, if evidence contradicts you, blame the facts or tell people not to believe their eyes and ears. 


And, FYI, what relatives of the victims believe is of no bearing whatsoever, it is facts that matter. Fact - misogynist White males have killed far more and far more often in Canada than Islamic militants, terrorists or sympathisers. In fact, Sikh terrorists lead the standings in Canada at the moment. Ready to go tear off some turbans? Oh, I suppose I shouldn't encourage you, any excuse to go after brown folk will do for the likes of you. 

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22 hours ago, JCauto said:

Why no shootings by disgruntled White Male Racists/Misogynists there either? Why are there more killings by those White Males than by Muslims in Canada and the United States? Why aren't White Males being banned from from living in those civilized countries?


It's hard to know where to start with the idiocy in this post.


This is NOT a competition. Arrests and action don't just get focused at the groups with the highest body count.


In Pakistan, where Muslims are the majority - the rack up a much higher body count that "white men" - because guess what - they are THE MAJORITY. Guess who kills the most Spaniards in Spain? The most Thais in Thailand? Actually - don't think too hard, your brain will overheat. 


It seems to me that what you are saying is that we should ignore Muslims killing westerners in the name of Islam because "white men" are also doing bad things.


Do you think a single intelligent person buys such drivel?


The bottom line is that radical, millitant Islam is a problem. In this case, you have a well trained Jihadi and ISIS have taken responsibilty - BUT - Canada denies ISIS had a part and YOU claim that "white men are the problem" as some attempt at diversion.


Lame on both counts.

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7 minutes ago, pedro01 said:


It's hard to know where to start with the idiocy in this post.


This is NOT a competition. Arrests and action don't just get focused at the groups with the highest body count.


In Pakistan, where Muslims are the majority - the rack up a much higher body count that "white men" - because guess what - they are THE MAJORITY. Guess who kills the most Spaniards in Spain? The most Thais in Thailand? Actually - don't think too hard, your brain will overheat. 


It seems to me that what you are saying is that we should ignore Muslims killing westerners in the name of Islam because "white men" are also doing bad things.


Do you think a single intelligent person buys such drivel?


The bottom line is that radical, millitant Islam is a problem. In this case, you have a well trained Jihadi and ISIS have taken responsibilty - BUT - Canada denies ISIS had a part and YOU claim that "white men are the problem" as some attempt at diversion.


Lame on both counts.

Well, you certainly feel passionate about this, enough to post the same nonsense twice.


My point is that there are Muslim militants, as there are White Supremacists, hateful misogynists, angry homophobes, upset Sikhs...you name it, there's a grudge there somewhere and people willing to act on it. Yet only a tiny minority of each of these groups (and any others I've missed) ever act upon their anger and hate, and the majority of these who do appear to have mental issues that underlie the hate and anger. Sure, the numbers of these loons are probably proportionate to the numbers of their group, because mental illness doesn't discriminate. 

Your side have posited that this hate, anger and subsequent violence is something inherent to Muslims such that they act disproportionately to their numbers. This is patent nonsense and easily disproven by your own post as well as any dispassionate look at the numbers. By no means have I proposed that we should ignore Muslim militants killing White people any more than I have proposed we should ignore the opposite. What I'm saying is that this is an increasingly common phenomenon that transcends religion, race and various other criteria. That you have chosen to focus exclusively on Muslims rather than identify Misogynists (who killed more people in Toronto within the last month or so) or Islamophobes (who killed more people in Canada a year or so ago) demonstrates your hypocrisy and hatred of the "other". 


As to your last points, ISIS also took responsibility for the Vegas shooting and practically every other mass killing that might plausibly be connected to them. Their credibility is about at the same level as Mango Mussolini in terms of what they say. My point that White Males are by far the majority in terms of mass killers and shooters in Canada and the USA is indisputable and you don't even attempt to dispute it. Do they kill above their population percentage? Definitely they do, have not heard of many White Female shooters. The White Male population of the USA is around 31%, or 38% if you include Hispanic White people. They surely shoot way above their weight there. Probably holds in Canada although I haven't run the numbers (mainly because we don't have the statistical heft of American mass shooting numbers).

So what is it I've said that is idiotic? 

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3 minutes ago, JCauto said:

Well, you certainly feel passionate about this, enough to post the same nonsense twice.


My point is that there are Muslim militants, as there are White Supremacists, hateful misogynists, angry homophobes, upset Sikhs...you name it, there's a grudge there somewhere and people willing to act on it. Yet only a tiny minority of each of these groups (and any others I've missed) ever act upon their anger and hate, and the majority of these who do appear to have mental issues that underlie the hate and anger. Sure, the numbers of these loons are probably proportionate to the numbers of their group, because mental illness doesn't discriminate. 

Your side have posited that this hate, anger and subsequent violence is something inherent to Muslims such that they act disproportionately to their numbers. This is patent nonsense and easily disproven by your own post as well as any dispassionate look at the numbers. By no means have I proposed that we should ignore Muslim militants killing White people any more than I have proposed we should ignore the opposite. What I'm saying is that this is an increasingly common phenomenon that transcends religion, race and various other criteria. That you have chosen to focus exclusively on Muslims rather than identify Misogynists (who killed more people in Toronto within the last month or so) or Islamophobes (who killed more people in Canada a year or so ago) demonstrates your hypocrisy and hatred of the "other". 


As to your last points, ISIS also took responsibility for the Vegas shooting and practically every other mass killing that might plausibly be connected to them. Their credibility is about at the same level as Mango Mussolini in terms of what they say. My point that White Males are by far the majority in terms of mass killers and shooters in Canada and the USA is indisputable and you don't even attempt to dispute it. Do they kill above their population percentage? Definitely they do, have not heard of many White Female shooters. The White Male population of the USA is around 31%, or 38% if you include Hispanic White people. They surely shoot way above their weight there. Probably holds in Canada although I haven't run the numbers (mainly because we don't have the statistical heft of American mass shooting numbers).

So what is it I've said that is idiotic? 


No your only point was "white people are bad". It is irrelevant what white people do. It's a lame strawman. Bottom rung in terms of intelligent debate.


As for sides I don't have a "side" in this. You seem to think life is about "sides". It isn't. Debating a topic isn't about winners and losers, it's about learning more about other people's views.


Which is why you are probably sitting there with a little notebook and paper writing down the score of "them and me" in debating points.  


As for what you said that is idiotic. Just re-read every 'attempted point scoring' post you made on this thread. 


Still - it's free entertainment and I guess it keeps you off the streets.

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1 hour ago, taipan1949 said:

What I am saying here fool is that the guy took a trained stance to aim and kill, not the usual "gangster" idiot with the gun on it's side and blasting away. Why don't you grow a brain and look what the RCMP said about the battle with this guy? They had never faced an enemy with so much ability.

Yes, I understood that despite my lack of a brain. Despite your prodigious intelligence, you failed to grasp my point, which was that anyone can learn to shoot, it is not something that tells you anything about whether they're trained by ISIS or whether they're mentally ill. What tells me about whether they're trained by ISIS is plane tickets to the Middle East and things like that. I'm kind of stupid that way, I like to see evidence before I draw conclusions. 

I recall various people immediately drawing such conclusions when the guy drove his car into about a dozen people in Toronto a month ago. How did that work out for you?

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2 minutes ago, pedro01 said:


No your only point was "white people are bad". It is irrelevant what white people do. It's a lame strawman. Bottom rung in terms of intelligent debate.


As for sides I don't have a "side" in this. You seem to think life is about "sides". It isn't. Debating a topic isn't about winners and losers, it's about learning more about other people's views.


Which is why you are probably sitting there with a little notebook and paper writing down the score of "them and me" in debating points.  


As for what you said that is idiotic. Just re-read every 'attempted point scoring' post you made on this thread. 


Still - it's free entertainment and I guess it keeps you off the streets.

Well, that was a Harvard-level debate performance if I've ever seen one!

Starts with reductio ad absurdum (look it up) about my views being essentially "Whitey Bad". That claim itself ignores the fallacy  that you're claiming that attaching values on the basis of race or religion is wrong, while claiming the right to attach values on the basis of race and religion. Talk about Strawmen... Of course, it includes a healthy portion of ad hominems and imaginings about what I might be thinking or doing that are completely irrelevant to the discussion. Good job! If you were being ironic, that is.

And certainly I engage in debate to learn more about other's views but also to sharpen my own arguments. And certainly "winning" the debate is important; if I continuously engage with the Far Right and come off a fool (in the eyes of outsiders), then I strengthen their contentions and weaken my own. This is why you'll pretty much never find any fact-based arguments in your post or the others, it always comes down to "what you write/who you are is stupid/idiotic/foolish" and when I ask what is foolish, I get answers that demonstrate an inability to comprehend other people's points, deflections, obfuscations, insults and, of course, the Trumpian Topping to every Right-Wing Sundae, the declaration of victory and pretend pity for me, the poor fool who doesn't have a brain. 

Carry on, I quite enjoy these discussions even if your side is fact-free. Do let us know when you have a salient point in response.

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2 hours ago, JCauto said:

I see "fool" has become the latest Right-Wing epithet - as always, follow the Donald, if it's up, call it down, if evidence contradicts you, blame the facts or tell people not to believe their eyes and ears. 

Yes we just invented the term at our annual right wing reunion.

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8 minutes ago, CanuckThai said:

The most apt response to the hours of political correctness came from an Australian Islamic cleric, Imam Mohammed Tawhidi who has been to Canada and is familiar with the Islamist networks in the country. He tweeted: “If you think all these Jihadi terrorists kill because they have a mental illness, then perhaps you are the one with a mental illness. It’s not mental illness, it’s their allegiance.”



Well, we're not saying "ALL" Jihadi terrorists kill because they have a mental illness, just like we're not saying that "NONE" of the White killers were mentally ill. We're saying that each individual situation must be examined on its own merits, and whether there is mental illness or not is a function of that individual's circumstances. We're saying this in response to the paradigm that has been set up and promoted by the Right, where any White guy who decides to murder a bunch of people is almost automatically assumed to be mentally ill, whereas any Muslim guy who decides the same is automatically assumed to be a committed Jihadi. 

BTW, the Toronto Sun is the equivalent of the Washington Times as far as journalistic bent and expertise is concerned. 

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14 minutes ago, JCauto said:

Well, we're not saying "ALL" Jihadi terrorists kill because they have a mental illness, just like we're not saying that "NONE" of the White killers were mentally ill. We're saying that each individual situation must be examined on its own merits, and whether there is mental illness or not is a function of that individual's circumstances. We're saying this in response to the paradigm that has been set up and promoted by the Right, where any White guy who decides to murder a bunch of people is almost automatically assumed to be mentally ill, whereas any Muslim guy who decides the same is automatically assumed to be a committed Jihadi. 

BTW, the Toronto Sun is the equivalent of the Washington Times as far as journalistic bent and expertise is concerned. 

Agreed.  Some are just animals.




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6 hours ago, taipan1949 said:

As a Marine I looked at his stance and this B...ard had training, not mentally ill.

What I've learnt about this city is that everyone is an immigrant .. From the Canadians who love tracing their roots back to Europe, to those fresh off the boat / plane, to 2nd n 3rd generation immigrants.


If there is one thing in this city which could lead to this kind of thing is that cannabis is almost legalised, and if come across a lot of people who seem to have mental health problems. Maybe that's what living under the snow for half the year does to you.

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7 hours ago, JCauto said:

Oh my lord! I believe I'm getting the vapours reading all of this TERRIBLE news about those evil Muslims!

I'm just so grateful I don't live in such a place, beset by hordes of bloodthirsty Muslims just waiting (for what reason I don't know) to blow things up REAL GOOD! Think Big Jamal McBomb and Bilal Sul Hurock!


Oh, wait, I actually live in Toronto. And it's a peaceful multi-cultural city with little if any tension between the religious communities. My daughter lives in Montreal. No real worries there either. Now Calgary! I knew there must have been a hotbed of Sharia Law in Canada. How clever of them to hide it in the Capital of Redneck Canada.


A larger problem are the Canadian Incels who can't get laid because of their toxic personalities and take it out on women because they're "nice guys". I think there have been two mass murders by those guys already. Way more than Muslims. Shall we have a crackdown on losers? I understand your fears.

Actually, no, I don't. You're just another precious snowflake of a Conservative whining about a past that you'll never be able to return to. Sad!



You are  engaging in hyperbole in an attempt to dismiss the  examples of publicly acknowledged Islamic terror related events. No one has made any claim that the "muslims" are all plotting en masse. Rather, a false and inaccurate  statement was made that there had never been any Islamic related terror events in Canada. Examples were provided that demonstrated that there had indeed been multiple violent events.


What's sad is that because you live in your own protected ethnic enclave , you assume that everyone else is safe and secure. Your daughter whom you cite as an example does not live in districts such as Ahuntsic, or Little Maghreb, and you certainly are not living in the Jane-Steeles corridor or the  almost exclusively muslim parts of Brampton or Scarborough, are you, but here you are to opine as an expert.


This isn't about  Alek Minassian the alleged functional autistic man who  ran down people with his van. This is about  a possible Islamic terror event, which media sources  like the CBC and TorStar Group have done their utmost to gloss over. Yes there are some serious problems  involving people who are not muslims. However, the same mentality and  mindset refuses to acknowledge the plague of another  very visible community's violence, particularly its bloated murder rate.


 Toronto now has a violent crime rate that blows by some US cities like LA and New York. Think about it. That's what your refusal to deal with reality has brought you.



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6 hours ago, pegman said:

Buddy, stop reading The Rebel it is rotting the  last few remaining brain cells that the devil weed didn't get. I'll repeat it again, Canada has NEVER had an Islamist mass terrorist murder. Show a link that says otherwise. While your at it let's see some on these no go zones too. Being fair minded I may be an extremist amoung all the right wing-nut Canadians on here but you guys are the extremists back in our tolerant country. 

1. I am not your buddy.

2. Multiple examples were provided that demonstrated that attempts to cause mass casualties were prevented.

The Canadian federal government as a policy has refused to release any information to the public of other events that were stopped before they culminated in violence. Because you are unaware of the events does not mean that they did not occur. 

The Canadian government has  released a few hints.




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7 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

1. I am not your buddy.

2. Multiple examples were provided that demonstrated that attempts to cause mass casualties were prevented.

The Canadian federal government as a policy has refused to release any information to the public of other events that were stopped before they culminated in violence. Because you are unaware of the events does not mean that they did not occur. 

The Canadian government has  released a few hints.




Ok, not my buddy. But are you Lombray Ball?



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14 minutes ago, canuckamuck said:

Are you stereotyping again?

What's good for the goose is good for the gander.


BTW to date the greater number of deaths by terror groups in Canada in the last 20 years has been by the extreme right - anti-Muslim.



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Of the 14 people killed in 25 years, 10 of them were killed in the same incident. An anti-Muslim attack.  So although the statistics are saying what you want them to say, I don't think it gives much statistical analysis. Canada has been fortunate to have thwarted so many planned attacks. The statistics could have been very different if they had let one get through.

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7 hours ago, pegman said:

Ok, not my buddy. But are you Lombray Ball?

You get caught presenting factually incorrect and intentionally misleading information and go off on a tangent presenting a non event in a further pathetic attempt to  distract from the fact that you got caught. 


Referencing a minor altercation  with no bodily injury has no relevance here. I could just as easily reference how   esidents of the Little Mahgreb in Montreal have harassed businesses who do not "respect" their cultural practices. These are events quite different from full on physical assaults and are unrelated from the event that took place and the Canadian government's intentional keeping of information from the public.


2 hours ago, simple1 said:

What's good for the goose is good for the gander.


BTW to date the greater number of deaths by terror groups in Canada in the last 20 years has been by the extreme right - anti-Muslim.



You  toss out an OPINION piece from an individual with a vested interest in promoting open borders. The author is an vocal opponent of the US government position on illegal immigration and resides in California. The "facts" cited are interpreted and presented to support his OPINION.   Claiming that the autistic Alek Minassian  was a right wing killer is a desperate stretch. The man came from a family not associated with conservative causes. You forget the photo opp of the  father with the local Liberal MP, oooopsie, right, or just another attempt to mislead? 


More laughable is the reference to the  mass shooter Marc Lepine. The man's real name was Gamil Gharbi.He's called  Lepine to  detract from people attaching violence to an arab name.  With your logic I should claim he was an arab terrorist. (He was not and his shooting was neither Islamic related, nor right wing related. Instead he was the product of  mother who went from  catholic nun to leftist social activist, who spread her legs for an Algerian bounder. With parents like that, it was no wonder he grew up screwed up.His sister offed herself too.) 

Deal with the event at hand and the fact that the a small grooup of people wish to control what the public sees on the limited number of media outlets.

And no, I do not read the "Rebel" and take its views for my own.  What I do know is that the current Liberal government owes 20+ of its urban seats to communities with large SE Asian/North African/Arab populations. The Liberals will play to those voters in an attempt to stay in power.

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4 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

You  toss out an OPINION piece from an individual with a vested interest in promoting open borders. The author is an vocal opponent of the US government position on illegal immigration and resides in California. The "facts" cited are interpreted and presented to support his OPINION.   Claiming that the autistic Alek Minassian  was a right wing killer is a desperate stretch. The man came from a family not associated with conservative causes. You forget the photo opp of the  father with the local Liberal MP, oooopsie, right, or just another attempt to mislead? 


More laughable is the reference to the  mass shooter Marc Lepine. The man's real name was Gamil Gharbi.He's called  Lepine to  detract from people attaching violence to an arab name.  With your logic I should claim he was an arab terrorist. (He was not and his shooting was neither Islamic related, nor right wing related. Instead he was the product of  mother who went from  catholic nun to leftist social activist, who spread her legs for an Algerian bounder. With parents like that, it was no wonder he grew up screwed up.His sister offed herself too.) 

Deal with the event at hand and the fact that the a small grooup of people wish to control what the public sees on the limited number of media outlets.

And no, I do not read the "Rebel" and take its views for my own.  What I do know is that the current Liberal government owes 20+ of its urban seats to communities with large SE Asian/North African/Arab populations. The Liberals will play to those voters in an attempt to stay in power.

No idea what you're talking about. The killer in the mosque mass shooting was Alexandre Bissonnette, who is identified as holding  far-right, white nationalist, and anti-Muslim views.




I totally disagree with your put down of the Cato Institute. The blog author's piece didn't refer to Open External Borders, in any case we know with certainty that ain't going to happen in the foreseeable  future. However, you may wish to read the blog author's "Terrorism and Immigration: A Risk Analysis." An example...


 the chance of an American being murdered in a terrorist attack caused by a refugee is 1 in 3.64 billion per year while the chance of being murdered in an attack committed by an illegal immigrant is an astronomical 1 in 10.9 billion per year. By contrast, the chance of being murdered by a tourist on a B visa, the most common tourist visa, is 1 in 3.9 million per year. Any government response to terrorism must take account of the wide range of hazards posed by foreign-born terrorists who entered under various visa categories."


Doesn't sound as though he is advocating a blanket policy of Open Borders does it?

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You'd think it would be in their favor to find and release information on a link between the shooter and Islamic State. It actually looks much worse for Muslims this way because it just goes to show you they don't need to be apart of a terrorist group, they'll take it upon themselves to kill people based on their religious texts. Random unaffiliated Muslims are perfectly capable and willing to commit these acts for allah.

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"No evidence Islamic state responsible for Toronto attack"


Which part of this simple sentence is unclear and needs to be explained further to you right wing Muslim- haters?


Oh sorry...I forgot: the police is of course in on the deep-state conspiracy, that does not allow anyone to make any connection to Muslims!


I have a few meters of tin- foil to sell to you!

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