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Phuket named second best beach in the world


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American surveys on best beaches invariably name mainly local, Caribbean and Hawaiian beaches. Not sure how they came up with Phuket on this list.


To the poster who gave a list of Europe's best, one of them is in Asia!

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12 hours ago, observer90210 said:

Obviously, some people in the US Survey got free suites, free food for a month long stay during their "survey" ?


The americans obviously skipped looking  at Cancun/Mexico beaches (perhaps they did not make it through the border wall ? ....or the north of the Caymans Islands..... all with deserted pristine golden sand beaches...that beat any beach in Thailand unfortunately.....and no risk of getting busted by some corrupt official falsely accusing a tourist of smoking...

And a 'Happy ending' every night!

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15 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

I have been all over the frickin' world and there are NO GOOD BEACHES (ANYMORE) ANYWHERE IN THAILAND. PERIOD. This is only country where FOR ME going to the beach is depressing.

Sorry for this ... for me it is the opposite ... when I go where too many people go , I feel depressed easily ...


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This is rubbish. Excuse the pun. If someone could correct me if i am wrong please but Phuket is not a beach. It is an Island. Phuket has many beaches. Some nice, Some not so nice. Which one is it? These awards as i understand it are awarded on a beach by beach basis. 


I think the reporters spent too much time on Bangla Rd. 

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Was heading down toward Koh Kong.  On the bus I could see untouched beaches before getting to immigration.  Couple of years back, Snookie had lovely untouched beaches too.  Beaches like many beautiful things are being defiled.  It is sad.  Is the water clean in Phuket ?   If you cannot go in the water, what is the point ?

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17 hours ago, webfact said:

Phuket is celebrating its most recent award after being named the ‘Second Best Beach in the World’ by business publication US News & World Report.

How much did they pay to the fairytale tellers impersonating journalists at the US News & World Report, to get places like the Cook Islands off the list?


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The USN&WR reporter must never have set foot in Thailand or any other beach prior to rating then reporting on 'world beaches'. :unsure:  Pristine, world-class beaches in Phuket are a thing of the distant past. 

There is no way to get this clap-trap by the local expat community without the aid of a plumber's plunger. 

Edited by connda
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1 hour ago, lovelomsak said:

Long Beach on west coast of Vancouver Island is better by a long shot.  Beautiful white sand sand as far as the eye can see.  Can pick oysters at low tide fresh on the beach. Few people. Great accommodations world class.

Not fun getting an attack of norovirus when wearing a wetsuit.

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I guess everyone participating in this thread isn’t about to fall for this report which is actually just tourism marketing, probably paid for by the Thai Ministry of tourism LOL!  


I mean, I love the west coast of Phuket but seriously, ALL of the beaches on Phuket, or anywhere in Thailand are 2nd rate at best...unless your criteria is a preference for swimming with sewar run-off, oil slicks, plastic garbage and getting tangled up pieces of polypropylene rope flotsam from fishing boats.


My home break in Canggu beats any Thai beach, any day of the week, and twice on Sunday!   ?


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Phuket is an island, not a beach.


And there must be many hundreds of better beaches than any on the island. Next, we'll be told that Swampy airport is the second best in the world. And the BTS is the second best metro system in the world. Utter nonsense.

Edited by Bangkok Barry
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52 minutes ago, ratchaburi said:


Sandy Bay, Exmouth


Lucky Bay, Esperance


Having swum/snorkeled at both those beaches I can say I've never seen water with such clarity anywhere else.

The vendors at Lucky Bay don't wear boots, their feet are too long:

lucky bay.png



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18 hours ago, androokery said:

Anyone who's lived in Hawaii knows the Big Island barely has any beaches.  The Big Island is known for volcanoes not beaches!  The best ones are part of the resorts in the Kona area which are man made. The one natural beach there is the size of a thimble.


This report is hopelessly inaccurate.  It's either a type of paid infomercial or the travel writers they used have been paid off!

Edited by barefootbangkok
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