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World at risk of heading towards irreversible 'hothouse' state


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2 hours ago, Cadbury said:

If you read my post you will see I wasn't commenting as to whether there was too much of it or not enough. Just that CO2 as opposed to "carbon" is essential for life.

I leave it for experts like you to decide the question if there is too much of the stuff. 

You are welcome to debate the issue with yourself as much as like. Leave me out of it.

Why don't you reply to Snow Leopard (post#53) and share your profound wisdom with him.

Apologies for assuming that your post had some substance to it. Instead, I now realize you were providing the public service of pointing out that Carbon is not the same as CO2, something I'm sure nobody was aware of. Thank you.

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8 minutes ago, JCauto said:

Apologies for assuming that your post had some substance to it. Instead, I now realize you were providing the public service of pointing out that Carbon is not the same as CO2, something I'm sure nobody was aware of. Thank you.

Your attempt at sarcasm is juvenile; you need to lift your game.

I was pointing it out to and replying to Lungstibpost No.2. Not you or anybody else. But there is always some know-all who can't even read others posts properly but has to stick their bib in to try to start an argument. Go away.

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A few years ago, there was this senator (?) in the US, who brought a snowball to a session of ...whatever that is in the USA...parliament...to prove, that it is way too cold for global warming!

I wonder, what he is doing now?



Probably the same as always: denying climate change and getting rich on bribe money by some coal- company!

You know, what is a good indicator, that climate change is real?

The hottest year on record...ever...in the history of records...is the year you are in...right now!

And the second hottest, was the year before...and so on!

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18 minutes ago, JCauto said:

Well, the cost of solar is already competitive, wind less so. But yes, I agree we're desperately in need of a breakthrough on alternative energy sources. The main point being that one should always strive to reduce one's carbon footprint where one can and we're already seeing that having an impact. No, it won't be enough, and no, I'm not saying that solar and wind power can replace fossil fuels completely. In developed countries, it's possible, but the main issue is that there are more new consumers of fossil fuels coming onto the roads than those coming off. I don't believe that one should sit on one's hands until a complete solution presents itself. The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.  


As to the feasibility of incorporating externalities into the cost of goods, it's also something that's already been done. Whenever regulations require industry to respond, they do as compelled and costs increase as a result. Those costs are passed onto the public in the form of higher prices. For example, they legislated lead to be removed from petrol. It took a number of years for them to get the cars that used leaded fuel off the roads, but eventually they did. It took a number of years for the demand for leaded fuel to dry up completely but it did. Now you can't even find it. There are ways to get these things done, just because the first attempt at carbon tax was a failure is no reason to throw the baby out with the bathwater. There's many ways to skin a cat. 

I'll just stop now before I run out of convenient cliches...


The point i am trying to make is this. There is such a thing called base power that needs to go into the national electricity grid of any country. Mainly industrial ones of course. 


or nuclear power stations


What most of the people don't understand is that no matter how many  bat bashers or sun beds you have feeding into the grid you still need to have the turbines operational on fossil fuel or nuclear power stations. So although these power stations might be running at a reduced load on a windy or sunny day they are still running. Pointless. You cant just switch them on and off like a light switch You can plan, you can make assumptions but they are still running all the time. Its all political and for show only.


You would be surprised at how many people actually do not have a clue as to where their power comes from. I have been in many public discussions in the UK on this. Its called fracing. Turn on my light i have power. Plug in my electric car and it goes. No need for petrol right??


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10 hours ago, KittenKong said:

All the ecological problems that the world faces stem from one very simple fact: there are far too many people on it.


Ninety percent need to be culled, and that would put things back into order. Hopefully some epidemic will come along and do the job.




Edited by JAZZDOG
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One of the hallmarks of the global warming crusade has been the constant difference between what the science says, and what the media reports.


This latest attempt at re-inventing the runaway catastrophic climate change scare, referenced in the OP, contains claims that have been comprehensibly rejected by the UN's own Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).


All of these "irreversible" changes are given no credence by the IPCC scientists, whose work is held, rightly or wrongly, to be the gold standard of climate change knowledge.


In their latest report, they discuss the likelihood of these irreversible changes. By and large, they regard them as very unlikely, and even reversible.




It all reflects badly on scientists who are prepared to connive with the media in producing these wild clickbait stories.

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7 minutes ago, car720 said:

Don't worry.  Thailand has already developed Super Pox.  That will get rid of a few. :cheesy:

The West has developed all kinds of "civilization diseases" like obesity, high blood pressure etc. Maybe that'll help.

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5 hours ago, Cadbury said:

You refer to "carbon" like particles or lumps of carbon. If you really mean carbon dioxide please call it that.

So if you do mean carbon dioxide that is the colourless, odourless gas that keeps vegetation alive which in turn converts it through photosynthesis into oxygen which keeps you and the rest of the world alive.

Carbon dioxide is essential to life; don't knock it despite what BS Youtube gurus and propagandists might have you believe.

I had to go back and look again. The work came from Susan Soloman, an atmospheric chemist, working for most of her career at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. She stated " the impact of anthropogenic carbon emissions last longer than those of atomic waste, and carbon emissions to date have already altered the climate for at least a thousand years to come. 

If someone who has spent their life working on this issue call it carbon emissions who am I to argue? Whether she is a guru or propagandist is not something I'm able to comment on but maybe she is better placed to decide just what happens and how, rather than accept your simplified version of what carbon dioxide does in the atmosphere. Sometimes we need to listen to experts not rely on our limited education.

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Just now, Lungstib said:

I had to go back and look again. The work came from Susan Soloman, an atmospheric chemist, working for most of her career at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. She stated " the impact of anthropogenic carbon emissions last longer than those of atomic waste, and carbon emissions to date have already altered the climate for at least a thousand years to come. 

If someone who has spent their life working on this issue call it carbon emissions who am I to argue? Whether she is a guru or propagandist is not something I'm able to comment on but maybe she is better placed to decide just what happens and how, rather than accept your simplified version of what carbon dioxide does in the atmosphere. Sometimes we need to listen to experts not rely on our limited education.

Yes I agree with you. With "carbon emissions" she is loosely referring to carbon dioxide. People who choose to discuss these subjects need to be precise with their language. Otherwise people like yourself can be confused.

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6 hours ago, BritManToo said:

I think you'll find Chinese and Indians produce more shit than anyone else.

But ultimately environmentalists should 'logically' be campaigning to nuke the world back to the stone age.

But they put their shit to good use and spread it on the fields,

grow veg,eat veg,shit ......on and on.

regards worgeordie

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We are desperately trying to get to other planets,colonise

them and f*^k them up too.someone needs to come up

with a formula for Soylent green,we need to thin the

population out,a new twist on having an Indian or Chinese ?

regards worgeordie

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15 hours ago, Snow Leopard said:

The point i am trying to make is this. There is such a thing called base power that needs to go into the national electricity grid of any country. Mainly industrial ones of course. 


or nuclear power stations


What most of the people don't understand is that no matter how many  bat bashers or sun beds you have feeding into the grid you still need to have the turbines operational on fossil fuel or nuclear power stations. So although these power stations might be running at a reduced load on a windy or sunny day they are still running. Pointless. You cant just switch them on and off like a light switch You can plan, you can make assumptions but they are still running all the time. Its all political and for show only.


You would be surprised at how many people actually do not have a clue as to where their power comes from. I have been in many public discussions in the UK on this. Its called fracing. Turn on my light i have power. Plug in my electric car and it goes. No need for petrol right??


Yes, I'm fully aware of the need for base power. That's why I have been emphasizing the importance of directing research urgently towards alternative energy, rather than subsidies for the dying hydrocarbon industry. 

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This is slightly off-topic but close enough to warrant a read:


One of the world's largest banks issued an alarming warning that Earth is running out of the resources to sustain life

One of the world's largest banks says the planet is running out of resources and warns that neither governments nor companies are prepared for climate change.

The world spent its entire natural resource budget for the year by August 1, a group of analysts at HSBC said in a note that cited research from the Global Footprint Network (GFN).

That means that the world's citizens used up all of the planet's resources for the year in just seven months, according to GFN's analysis.




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2 hours ago, Scott said:

This is slightly off-topic but close enough to warrant a read:


One of the world's largest banks issued an alarming warning that Earth is running out of the resources to sustain life

One of the world's largest banks says the planet is running out of resources and warns that neither governments nor companies are prepared for climate change.

The world spent its entire natural resource budget for the year by August 1, a group of analysts at HSBC said in a note that cited research from the Global Footprint Network (GFN).

That means that the world's citizens used up all of the planet's resources for the year in just seven months, according to GFN's analysis.




HSBC hates Capitalism!

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On ‎8‎/‎7‎/‎2018 at 12:13 PM, canuckamuck said:

Are you volunteering?

Give me the magic pill to guarantee a painless exit and I will. There is nothing about being old that I enjoy.

Hoping the government will see the light and bring in voluntary euthanasia sooner than later.

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Soooooo, yet another thread about something that no one can change. I'm sure that there are things government can do, but they ain't doing much.

I'm still waiting for someone to tell us all what a practical, affordable solution that doesn't overly affect the poorest is, but I've been waiting years now, and zero.

Just as well I'm not holding my breath.

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15 hours ago, markaoffy said:

All the climate change deniers head in the sand selfish arrogants out in force ! The tea bagging airheads



Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect


I haven't read anyone saying C C doesn't exist. C C has always existed, and always will. At dispute is whether it is entirely man made or a natural phenomenon. It could just be Gaia starting to get rid of humans because they are a big problem on the planet.

However, we just don't believe that it can be changed back to something, even though that something is never explained. Ice age perhaps?

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5 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Soooooo, yet another thread about something that no one can change. I'm sure that there are things government can do, but they ain't doing much.

I'm still waiting for someone to tell us all what a practical, affordable solution that doesn't overly affect the poorest is, but I've been waiting years now, and zero.

Just as well I'm not holding my breath.

Yes, that's how all the world's difficult problems get resolved. Can't do anything immediate and easy, I give up. That's fine, just shut up and get out of the way of those of us who haven't given up and are willing to make the sacrifices for our children.

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On 8/6/2018 at 6:46 PM, bandito said:


You're 100% right.

I've been thinking along the same lines for a long time.

Too many people on the planet.

For example Thailand had in 1946 a population of 18 million which is now 67 million.

China went from 900 million to 1.3 billion.

Something will happen.

Probably a nuclear war so we can start anew.

There were under 400 million people in the world in the year 1300. Still under 600 million in the year 1600. One billion by 1800. Still quite sustainable. Only 2 billion by 1927. By 1960 we had 3 billion. It took only until 1974 for an additional billion. Since then we are adding a billion every 11-13 years. Now, we are at 7.6 billion. Something has to be done. I doubt the planet can sustain 20 billion. And if it can, the quality of life is going to be a pale shadow of what it is now.


I am not an advocate of governmental intervention. But something has to be done. Without trying to sound fabulously incorrect politically, there has to be a way to stop Muslims, and Africans from dispensing such a large number of babies into the world. One or two is plenty. Come on people. Get with it. Show some responsibility. There are consequences for your actions, that both you and the planet have to pay for. Global warming is real. The danger is there. Sea levels will being to rise drastically in the next decade or so. Just watch. If you are not a believer, just watch. 


Rank Country Population Growth Rate (%)
1 Oman 8.45
2 Lebanon 5.99
3 Kuwait 4.81
4 Qatar 4.72
5 South Sudan 4.09
6 Niger 4.00
7 Burundi 3.34
8 Chad 3.31
9 Iraq 3.31
10 Angola 3.30
11 Uganda 3.27
12 Gambia 3.24
13 Democratic Republic of the Congo 3.17
14 Tanzania 3.16
15 Senegal 3.10
16 Jordan 3.06
17 Malawi 3.06
18 Zambia 3.05
19 Afghanistan 3.02
20 Mali 2.9
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3 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Soooooo, yet another thread about something that no one can change. I'm sure that there are things government can do, but they ain't doing much.

I'm still waiting for someone to tell us all what a practical, affordable solution that doesn't overly affect the poorest is, but I've been waiting years now, and zero.

Just as well I'm not holding my breath.

You've been told over and over again what steps are neing taken and how much extraordinary progress has been made.


There's a thing called earwax. Too much of it can interfere with hearing.

  Maybe there's also a substance called eyewax?

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3 hours ago, JCauto said:

Yes, I'm fully aware of the need for base power. That's why I have been emphasizing the importance of directing research urgently towards alternative energy, rather than subsidies for the dying hydrocarbon industry. 

The research for removing CO2 from the atmosphere has been done and is proven. However, governments seem remarkably reticent to develop that technology. Perhaps because they know that just removing CO2 won't achieve anything.

In the meantime it's a great way to add taxes.

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1 minute ago, bristolboy said:

You've been told over and over again what steps are neing taken and how much extraordinary progress has been made.


There's a thing called earwax. Too much of it can interfere with hearing.

  Maybe there's also a substance called eyewax?

LOL. I'm still waiting as I've never seen anything on TVF as to practical solutions for all 7 billion and counting. Most solutions are only affordable for rich western countries.

NB rich western countries account for a miniscule portion of the world population.

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8 minutes ago, JCauto said:

Yes, that's how all the world's difficult problems get resolved. Can't do anything immediate and easy, I give up. That's fine, just shut up and get out of the way of those of us who haven't given up and are willing to make the sacrifices for our children.

Pray tell us what sacrifices you have made for your children. Given up driving a car and using airplanes perhaps. Not using electricity generated by fossil fuel perhaps. Travelling by horse or sail power only perhaps.


BTW, I fail to see how my opinion is in any way stopping you from doing anything. I don't even know you, or you me. Just do it.

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