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Thai Transport Min applying Japan's road safety measures to reduce accidents


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There should be a two-way exchange of ideas. The Japanese might learn a few road safety tricks from the Thais like issuing chicken essence and nasal inhalers to keep drivers awake. Or the strategic use of police cardboard cutouts and mannequins (with and without radar guns).  

Also it might help the Japanese understand why Thailand has the highest road toll in the world.


Thai mannequin policeman.jpg

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2 minutes ago, Cadbury said:

There should be a two-way exchange of ideas. The Japanese might learn a few road safety tricks from the Thais like issuing chicken essence and nasal inhalers to keep drivers awake. Or the strategic use of police cardboard cutouts and mannequins (with and without radar guns).  

Also it might help the Japanese understand why Thailand has the highest road toll in the world.


Thai mannequin policeman.jpg

More brain power in that  plod than Ive seen here in a  long  time

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3 minutes ago, Cadbury said:

There should be a two-way exchange of ideas. The Japanese might learn a few road safety tricks from the Thais like issuing chicken essence and nasal inhalers to keep drivers awake. Or the strategic use of police cardboard cutouts and mannequins (with and without radar guns).  

Also it might help the Japanese understand why Thailand has the highest road toll in the world.


Thai mannequin policeman.jpg

Theyd  be better off giving them all a box  of  matches to wedge their eyelids open although which way the head might be  looking is debatable

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1 minute ago, kannot said:

Theyd  be better off giving them all a box  of  matches to wedge their eyelids open although which way the head might be  looking is debatable

At least they did not to have the mannequin holding out the left hand ready to accept the bribe as is customary.

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6 hours ago, Fex Bluse said:

"... Japan ... focus on the standard of transports and equipment and the safety of drivers and passengers, and the Department of Land Transport has decided to apply them to the Thai public transport system."


I guess that vague bit is what they are doing? 

So the RTP highway patrol aren't going to get involved then.


Phew! That was close eh?

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7 hours ago, Fex Bluse said:

Credit where it is due for looking to Japan who are generally brilliant in their safety measures. I hope TH authorities can improve the roads, but I know it will be difficult. 


The Japanese are highly courteous and responsible drivers. Developing that in Thailand may require a big culture shift. 

Not to mention a police force that actually does their job... a Traffic Police Force that actually do their jobs (other than escort duty to VIP's)... better driving instruction... a population that actually gives a dam about the rules of the road... in short I hold not much belief that this will ever work. Oh, maybe in the more affluent areas (more money available in the pockets of those locals),  but in the outer provinces? Who is kidding whom!

Edited by iamariva1957
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''In Japan ALL roadusers drive the same direction on a lane...why is that too complicated for the Thai????? ''


The reason why is because the Thai driver cannot be bothered to cross the carriageways or go to a 'U' turn further up the road and prefers to drive/cycle against the traffic flow !!

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42 minutes ago, kannot said:

Theyd  be better off giving them all a box  of  matches to wedge their eyelids open although which way the head might be  looking is debatable

'... it might help the Japanese understand why Thailand has the highest road toll in the world.'   


Not sure why the Japanese should want to understand.

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Deaths in Thailand are around 20000 a year, deaths in the uk are around 6000 ( similar sized population, road use etc) but was around 20000 a year up until the 70's, then short public information films were broadcast regularly during the advertisement breaks on tv. These were cartoons showing how to indicate and use roundabouts, correct lane procedures etc also advise for cyclists ( Augustus Windsock) and children (Charlie the cat). Of course cars and roads improved but I'm sure the level of driver abilities could only be improved by something similar in Thailand 

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16 minutes ago, Jonmarleesco said:

'... it might help the Japanese understand why Thailand has the highest road toll in the world.'   


Not sure why the Japanese should want to understand.

Maybe because they manufacture well over 90% of the "weapons" involved?

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This country probably has adquate basic road safety rules in place.    Looking at another country's rules avoids the primary issues.  Thailand is living proof inevery walk of life here, that standards and rules are utterly useless unless applied and enforced.  What we always lack here are systems for application and the will to introduce non biased, non-corrupt enforcement.  Enforcement includes realistic fair and equal penalties for all infringers.  Start applying and enforcing what rules we have and then work up on any weak spots.   Preach to the choir.  I regret that this is unlikely to chamge in my lifetime.  Hope I am wrong.

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7 hours ago, Fex Bluse said:

I have little to no confidence in them at all after observing over 30 years the inability of the country to sustain any serious undertaking that is difficult. 


However, that they are admitting to looking outside their borders for answers is a HUGE and unexpected improvement. 

Nah,.. we're talking about Thailand here... Blowing air as usual... I remember years ago they got foreign traffic experts to improve traffic in Bangkok.

Those experts told them what to change and what to do !,...and they didn't listen as usual..I remember that there was a one way road up to half way the road and then changed into a 2 way?! ..the experts wanted to change this stupid system ! But The Thai authority's said that it was impossible because there was a general living there and he liked it this way !!!!!!! T.I.T.

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6 minutes ago, off road pat said:

Nah,.. we're talking about Thailand here... Blowing air as usual... I remember years ago they got foreign traffic experts to improve traffic in Bangkok.

Those experts told them what to change and what to do !,...and they didn't listen as usual..I remember that there was a one way road up to half way the road and then changed into a 2 way?! ..the experts wanted to change this stupid system ! But The Thai authority's said that it was impossible because there was a general living there and he liked it this way !!!!!!! T.I.T.

Haha. I understand you. However, I wonder if they would be more inclined to listen to Asian outsiders as opposed to farang.


The Japanese will understand that in order to be successful, they will need to spend tremendous time and energy to convince the TH authorities that all the ideas were TH ideas thus saving TH authorities face. 


Farang are not keen on such childish wastes of time. 

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1 minute ago, Fex Bluse said:

Haha. I understand you. However, I wonder if they would be more inclined to listen to Asian outsiders more than farang.


The Japanese will understand that in order to be successful, they will need to spend tremendous time and energy to convince the TH authorities that all the ideas were TH ideas this saving TH authorities face. 


Farang are not keen on such childish wastes of time. 

"Asian outsiders"?


Nope..not really..the Thai vanquished the mighty Imperial Army and merely put 'em up in guesthouses for four years.


Know your Thai history..?

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Measures, measures, measures. When the Thai cops get off their lazy asses and actually do their jobs things will improve. Putting up checkpoints to collect money does zero to improve road safety. I believe it may actually exacerbate it. Imagine the frustration of already impatient drivers who have had to wait to get through a checkpoint? Its a grand prix circuit on the other side. I've seen it. Thailand has enough laws. What it needs is law enforcement which is woefully inadequate.

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555555555... I don't wish to sound condescending or derogatory but the basics of road safety are so obvious it's not difficult to figure out.


Good on them though.


Education, starting at home and school is where road safety should be begin.

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2 hours ago, Zendo said:


Yes So easy... it makes me think about a song.. that sounds like this :


"Imagine there's no idiots
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people living life in peace, you
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope some day you'll join us
And the world will be as one"
that's funny but in real life, here, leaders and officials have no interest in making things right, because it's already ALL RIGHT for them, money is flowing, family is secure and they have a lot of FUN while dreaming others dreams than yours like maybe thainess will rule the world :
“What do you want to do tonight?” 
“The same thing we do every night, Pinky. Try to take over the world.


"harsh punishment for corrupt police".  and who is going to punish the corrupt police? These dudes with the fancy ranks which they paid for?

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3 hours ago, chivo said:

According to a source close to authorities, the crackdown will now even apply to drivers of BMW 3 series and 5 series. However, owners of 7 series will be wai-ed for their exemlplery financial success and of course be exempt from any wrongdoing. 

You make yet another critically important observation. What hope is there for a society in which the 95% have every intention of mimicking the disgusting habits of the 5% they so admire? 


In my experience, the more expensive the auto, the more aggressive and reckless the driving. Strong correlation. Maybe similar to driving I've seen in UAE and north Africa. 


In other words, "I am entitled to disregard the rules and the safety of other road users because I either have money or because I appear to have money. My life is more valuable than yours. I am bigger than you are."



Edited by Fex Bluse
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