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Going where no president has gone before, Trump wants Space Force by 2020


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20 minutes ago, smotherb said:

I wonder what sort of immigration policies the Trump administration will mandate for  space--oh, wait, who would be the immigrants?


SpaceICE. (SpICE?)


Will separate alien babies from their parents. And round up all them damn 'ferners from other planets already here, what with their drugs and gangs (MS-OP-7) living off the dole, and stealing all our jobs.




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Yes, a ringing endorsement from Neil deGrasse Tyson...


"I don't have a strong opinion, one or the other."


"In that sense, this idea is not completely crazy."



And I'm shocked that the Fox channels are all in on the Space Force. Never would have seen that one coming.









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6 hours ago, heybruce said:

People oppose it because Trump, a man with no military or aerospace experience, spewed it out without any consultation with experts while he was having one of his diarrhea of the mouth events.  Now his administration is scrambling to provide some kind of rational.


A real President would have asked for recommendations from the Pentagon and aerospace community, with some kind draft organizational structure and cost benefit analysis before going public with the idea.  But thinking things through is not Trump's style.


I wonder how this compares with Kennedy's "We choose to go to the moon".

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6 minutes ago, Morch said:

I wonder how this compares with Kennedy's "We choose to go to the moon".


Not much comparison?


Space Force all the way.




Not sure what this comment is about, but you do realize that JFK served in WW2, right? He performed valiantly under fire.


tRUmp probably freaks out at a BBQ; his bone spurs start acting up.


Mueller served in Vietnam, in case you're wondering.






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3 hours ago, 55Jay said:


He opens with "I don't have a strong opinion" but considers the idea "not fundamentally odd".  Not exactly a ringing endorsement.


But I suppose "not fundamentally odd" is the best one can hope for when Trump gets involved in military matters.

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On 8/10/2018 at 8:08 AM, mtls2005 said:

and NASA

who cant even get into space anymore with astronauts, meanwhile Russia takes their astronauts up and China is landing stuff on the  moon already.

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4 hours ago, EVENKEEL said:

At some point, maybe not by 2020 and maybe not Space Force but at some point this will be very real. Anti-Trumpers can make all the jokes they want but it will eventually happen.

Yes, at some point it probably will.  However that point should be when it has genuine military advantages over the current approach, not when some egomaniac President thinks it makes him look good.

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