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UK voters should make final Brexit decision if talks with EU collapse: poll


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21 hours ago, vogie said:

It is part of the divorce separation from the EU, so it is very relevant.

I read the Schengen visa handbook a few times when I registered a visa violation with SOLVIT, something I did for the benefit of expats. Brexit has proved that thinking of others is not in anyone's interest.


SOLVIT, another service that the leavers think UK business can do without.


Unfair rules or decisions and discriminatory red tape can make it hard for you to live, work or do business in another EU country.

So, if you as an EU citizen or business face extra obstacles in another country because a public authority isn't doing what is required under EU law...

...SOLVIT can help.

SOLVIT reminds the authorities in question what your EU rights are and works with them to solve your problem.


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Not quite cut and dried yet.


Negotiators have just 24 hours left to resolve outstanding issues with the Brexit deal if a summit on Sunday is to go ahead, Brussels has warned.

A senior EU official said on Wednesday that time was running out to produce a final text in time for the planned summit, with last-minute concerns around fishing rights and Gibraltar threatening to sink the plan.


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1 hour ago, rixalex said:


The thing is, had Farage lost and had he called for another vote, you know that the vast majority of the country would have ignored him and accepted the result, including those who voted leave. Farage hasn't been elected by leavers as an official spokesperson. So ok, call HIM a hypocrite if you like, but don't imply he speaks or spoke for other people. He certainly didn't when he spoke of another vote.

And on the subject of hypocrisy and the matter of another referendum, unless you are seriously telling me that remainers would have been supporting Farage his right to have another vote, supposing he lost the 2016 one, what does that make remainers? Are you seriously suggesting there were remainers sitting at home listening to Farage that night say that the fight would go on in the event of a narrow loss, thinking to themselves, the man has a good point. Of course not. They were thinking, what a imbecile who can't accept democracy. And now here they are, doing that exact same thing.

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I was one of those people watching him that night, and I had no problem with what he said. That is his life’s work. Same with the SNP after the Scottish referendum. Democracy is a process, not a stopped clock, where once the vote is in we are all locked in to a decision, with no right to change our mind or continue to campaign for what we think is right. Many leavers seem to think you just should fall in line and get behind it ... for a remainer that’s like joining a suicide pact. Remainers will go along with a Brexit that has a deal attached that minimises the economic damage, but nowhere on that ballot did it say we would crash out without one, all the prominent leave campaigners promised a great deal ... cake and eat it, they need us more than we need them, the EU will bend to our demands, German carmakers will put pressure on Merkel, the easiest deal in the world ... it turns out not to be. You might not like it, but to protest and overturn decisions is also democracy. You cannot overturn democracy with a universal vote. That is democracy.

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4 hours ago, BwindiBoy said:


Maybe you don't understand?


Right now our immigration system is out of control


We don't count people in, we don't count them out and we don't maintain records while they're here


So we don't know who has work and what they are being paid


We WILL reduce the numbers entering from the EU but increase the numbers coming from elsewhere


We already have the ability to throttle the flow from the EU generally and certain countries in particular but do not do so


As I say JFDI

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3 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Maybe you don't understand?


Right now our immigration system is out of control


We don't count people in, we don't count them out and we don't maintain records while they're here


So we don't know who has work and what they are being paid


We WILL reduce the numbers entering from the EU but increase the numbers coming from elsewhere


We already have the ability to throttle the flow from the EU generally and certain countries in particular but do not do so


As I say JFDI


maybe there is a job and biz opportunity for Big Joke in UK


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4 hours ago, vogie said:

Do you think you will have "its not the EUs fault" etched on your gravestone or will you be more truthfull and have 'the UK is to blame for everything'? Just wondering.


And as for speaking a foreign language, it is usually a case of 'needs must' I would suggest that because the world generally speaks english, there is less of an incentive for a Brit to learn a foreign language. That being said I know many Brits that indeed do speak a foreign language, infact the best Thai speakers (non Thai of course) I have come across are Brits. I personally speak French and German and I am struggling to learn Thai, so are you sure that this is just another attempt of yours to Brit bash.

Why do you so frequently misinterpret what I am saying?


My point was that if it's a Brit v Herr Schmidt (who is not a native English speaker) the Brit should get the job right?


The problem is that our "government" fails to keep proper computer records so do not know who is earning what and whether they have the right to work.


I blame the UK government mainly but we do have an increasing number of, er, twits in the population [frequently young people I note] I think this due to our underclass which accounts for an embarrassingly large percentage of our population.


I am not anti Brit I am anti moron though.


You will be please to note that my son, who is a captain with an airline not far from here, always signs off after "clear for take off" with "Cheerio" which is what all "Speedbird" (BA) pilots say! We're royalists also.


Did you see Slash in HK? Another first class Brit!

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50 minutes ago, rixalex said:


"Throttle the flow" is jargon speak that sounds good but we all know the truth of the matter is, if you're from the EU and you decide you fancy relocating to the UK, UK authorities can throttle away all they like, you'll still be able to waltz in freely.

Sent from my SM-G610F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


It truly is astonishing that Brexiteers know so little about the issue, the Eu do not force us to have open borders.  The Leave brigade put out the fake news that open borders is because of the EU, as if they dictated that we must open the borders, when in reality we chose to open our borders earlier than the EU even recommended.  When we signed up, Thatcher negotiated a clause to allow us to maintain control of our border, Blair chose to lift that and also allow the then recently ascended countries to come to the UK earlier than the EU had recommended, and so we saw a great deal of Polish and others head to the UK, which was great for the economy.  The decisions was made by the British government and could be changed back tomorrow should that be what they want, however they do not want that, they want open borders with Europe, so what do you think we need to leave for now?

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1 hour ago, rixalex said:


"Throttle the flow" is jargon speak that sounds good but we all know the truth of the matter is, if you're from the EU and you decide you fancy relocating to the UK, UK authorities can throttle away all they like, you'll still be able to waltz in freely.

Sent from my SM-G610F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

Its such a pity that you know so little


There are existing rules that can be used to reduce the flow rate


If we knew if people were working and what they were earning they could be kicked out


This is a UK problem NOT an EU problem


OFF with blinkers and get your reading specs on!

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43 minutes ago, BwindiBoy said:

Probably, but don't let the self proclaimed almighty Grouse's words be interpreted as anything other than his own opinion.


44 minutes ago, BwindiBoy said:

Probably, but don't let the self proclaimed almighty Grouse's words be interpreted as anything other than his own opinion.

Enough of the attacks.


I do not claim to be "almighty" or even particularly intelligent,


I have had an excellent education and I read widely. Thats all.

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48 minutes ago, BwindiBoy said:

It is you that does not understand.  And who the hell do you think you are, twice telling me to just <deleted> do it?!

JFDI was aimed at our "government"; don't be so paranoid


I would not expect you to do anything demanding


Sorry to say, that it is indeed you that does not understand the position. Are you British? Did you watch Border Force?

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16 minutes ago, melvinmelvin said:


I come from Muhamedania



this Muhamedania joke comes from Denmark,


in early 70s a new political party was formed, the former and leader, Mr Glistrup, quite a character,

lawyer by profession as far as I remember

this party's focus was primarily the reduction of taxes fees etc etc,

they were not particulary happy about muslims


Glistrup never used the term muslim

he always referred to them as Muhamedanians

and he wanted them out of Denmark and back to Muhamedania


terminology did create some fuss in the danish parliament



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