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UK voters should make final Brexit decision if talks with EU collapse: poll


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54 minutes ago, transam said:

What a load of rolox...More nonsense assumptions...As usual...????

I know several staunch Brexiters are former military men. Why deny that? I have nothing against the U.K. Armed forces; quite the reverse.


I was just interested in their opinion re Gib.

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2 hours ago, tebee said:

Brexit is not a big deal in Le monde. (or most of the rest of European press)


Mostly  is about the value of European Unity in face of British disunity - oh and how May caved in over Gibraltar.



The Danes think air tickets to U.K. Will cost more


Gib is the lastest snag for Brexit.

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7 hours ago, adammike said:

I voted to stay in 75,if I could have voted in the referendum in 16 I would have voted to stay.I didn't believe a word the Tory Ted Heath told me then and I didn't believe a word of the brexiteers this time.I think the EU is the best thing that ever happened to the European continent sure it makes mistakes the the throwing back of fish because the boats have reached the quotas is criminal,and what did the UK do they sent Ukippers as their representatives who just rode the gravy train.

So why didn't you vote in 2016?


According to you the UK MEP's, all 73 of them were/were supporting UKIP.


Yet according to the UKIP 




The UK Independence Party (UKIP /ˈjuːkɪp/) is a Eurosceptic and right-wing populist political party in the United Kingdom. It currently has three representatives in the House of Lords and sixteen Members of the European Parliament (MEPs), making it the third-largest UK party in the European Parliament. It has four Assembly Members (AMs) in the National Assembly for Wales and two members in the London Assembly.


16 from 73 is about 22%. So what did the other 57 MEP do?

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15 minutes ago, Grouse said:

I know several staunch Brexiters are former military men. Why deny that? I have nothing against the U.K. Armed forces; quite the reverse.

I was just interested in their opinion re Gib.

The agreement does not affect sovereignty.

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4 hours ago, rixalex said:


"Reunitingwith the EU and trying to reunite as a country could prove far more challenging than a no deal Brexit ever would have done. "


No you are making a gross misjudgment. EITHER way the country will be divided..... If Brexiteers win then the long legal democratic process reuniting with the EU will begin.

If the remainers win, then Brexit thugs will roam the streets picking on immigrants and anyone they think is a remainer.

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37 minutes ago, vogie said:

The British Armed Forces are probably organising a coup d'etat as we speak. A military junta has got to be better than anything on offer at the moment.


Re Gib, I liked Barry best.

the last one left,

got the nod 2 years after the referendum


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8 hours ago, vinny41 said:

This is based on government analysis of 3 hypothetical deals, which explicitly can’t be used as economic forecasts and are very uncertain. According to the analysis GDP will continue to grow over the next fifteen years in each case, but more slowly than on existing OBR projections. Fullfact

Basically FullFact is saying this is incorrect misleading and wrong



Kwilco you school report must have stated Must try harder and do you research before posting



Options for post-Brexit trade deals with the EU will lead to between 700,000 and 2,800,000 fewer jobs.

Conclusion There is no evidence for this in the report cited by the claimant, nor elsewhere.

GDP will grow for the next 15 years....i would bet everything i own that will not be the case,the next worldwide downturn has already started and the UK is one of the least prepared on the planet to cope.

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3 hours ago, vogie said:

The British Armed Forces are probably organising a coup d'etat as we speak. A military junta has got to be better than anything on offer at the moment.


Re Gib, I liked Barry best.

Not enough Armed forces left to think about it. Military bases are being sold off left right and centre to help pay for brexit.

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26 minutes ago, mogandave said:


Why do you say that?


one of the worst growth figures,a weak currency,brexit,Corbyn most likely the next PM,household debt,benefit scroungers,big companies leaving and even staying in the CU damage has been done and those staying they will most likely favour EU nations in the future and with JC the unions will destroy what is left,pretty bleak outlook all for the sake of a few thousand slovakian tattie pickers doing the work the benefit scroungers wont

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The brexiteers mocked when 2 years ago I said not every horse first past the post was a winner, there can be disqualifications from a stewards enquiry.

An enquiry on the referendum result is about to begin.


The High Court will rule as early as Christmas whether Brexit should be declared “void”, in a legal case given a turbo-boost by the criminal investigation into Leave funder Arron Banks.

Judges are poised to fast track the potentially explosive challenge, after Theresa May’s refusal to act on the growing evidence of illegality in the 2016 referendum campaign, The Independent can reveal.


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6 minutes ago, vinny41 said:

Staying in the EU would mean no British Army, No RAF and No  British Navy


That seems rather improbable. But we should be drawing in our horns. Huge air craft carriers for American F35s? Whose idea was that? Nuclear deterrent worth every penny though 

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13 minutes ago, vinny41 said:

Staying in the EU would mean no British Army, No RAF and No  British Navy


I take it the phrase "national responsibilities" went over your head.


“The path we have taken leads step by step to an ‘army of Europeans’. [That means] military forces that remain national responsibilities, but that are closely linked, uniformly equipped, and trained and ready for joint operations,” Ursula von der Leyen, the German defence minister, wrote in an opinion piece for the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung at the weekend. 


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6 minutes ago, sandyf said:

The brexiteers mocked when 2 years ago I said not every horse first past the post was a winner, there can be disqualifications from a stewards enquiry.

An enquiry on the referendum result is about to begin.


The High Court will rule as early as Christmas whether Brexit should be declared “void”, in a legal case given a turbo-boost by the criminal investigation into Leave funder Arron Banks.

Judges are poised to fast track the potentially explosive challenge, after Theresa May’s refusal to act on the growing evidence of illegality in the 2016 referendum campaign, The Independent can reveal.


Not sure what the response of the people would be to that.  Certainly would be justified on paper but it would be looked at as a cop out I would have thought.

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